Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 238 To Chang'an

Chapter 238 To Chang'an

A month later.

On Qingwang Mountain.

The radiance of the spirit net formation was so strong that the aura of the entire Qingwang Mountain was stirred by it.

Li Hu will leave through this teleportation array.

Of course, Qingwang Mountain's spirit net teleportation array only has four levels, and the teleportation distance is only a million miles, but it is different with the Shanhe Token in Fang Chang's hand.

It was only today that Fang Chang found out that with the help of the Shanhe Token, the spiritual network teleportation array can also achieve ultra-long-distance teleportation.

Before, he wondered how Yaoguang would pick up Li Hu.

The relationship has been messed up for a long time, and he not only paid the travel expenses, but also had to cheer himself up.

What a black letter.

But these words he also slandered a few words.

"Second brother, you don't have to send it away."

Li Hu had already dealt with his private affairs, and his official affairs were all settled within a month, so he no longer had any worries.

Fang Chang's robe fluttered, and he stood in front of the teleportation formation with his hands behind his back. Hearing this, he said in doubt:
"Brother, I didn't see you off."

"I'm going with you."

Li Hu: "???"

It took him a while to react, and he stammered:
"Are you with me...?"

Fang Chang nodded seriously: "That's right, time flows so fast in that small world, wouldn't it be a big loss for me not to go there.

If I had known that there was such a world, I would have passed by long ago. "

One hundred to one time flow rate.

The worst thing about him now is time.

If he can stay there for 100 years, no matter how bad he is, he must have reached the peak of the Nascent Soul.

Then if you work hard, maybe when you come back, you will be in the same state of transformation as Li Hu.

Of course, he knew it before, and he couldn't afford the travel expenses.

Now I know just right.

"But you and I are gone, what about Qingxiao City?"

Li Hu looked worried and said:
"How about I stay and wait for you to come back, I will go there again, it will only take about a year and a half."

Fang Chang said with a smile: "Since the eldest brother also knows that it will be a year and a half, then there is no need to worry.

If something can happen in such a short period of time, then the others are too useless.

Just take this opportunity to clear a batch of waste. "

"Brother, you don't need to say any more, we're here to pick us up."

Fang Chang thought suddenly, and with a flick of his palm, the Shanhe Token landed in the center of the formation, and then a burst of intense light burst out from the Shanhe Token.

As a result, the spiritual energy of the entire Qingwang Mountain flowed wildly, and a giant spiritual energy vortex was absorbed by the spiritual network array.

A click.

Cracks appeared on the base of the spirit net formation.

The influx of spiritual energy was too turbulent, and even the large formation of the spiritual net could not bear it.

Li Hu didn't hesitate anymore, and entered the teleportation array with Fang Chang.

After the intense bright light flickered, the base of the formation was in a mess, and for a while, the signal of an unknown number of people's Datang Cards was interrupted.

Obviously, even with the load of this ultra-long-distance teleportation, the large formation has become a one-time victim.

Not long after Fang Chang left, Dongdong, Qin Qing and other family members came over.

Looking at the teleportation array, Dongdong waved to the array mage who had already prepared behind him:

"According to my husband's instructions, fix it as quickly as possible."

"Yes, ma'am."

The formation masters quickly took out materials to replace.

Qingwangshan's spiritual network formation has been upgraded several times along with the spiritual veins, and these formation masters are already familiar with it, and they will be able to get started soon.

"Sister Dongdong, will my husband come back safely?"

Years later, Li Hu's wife, Qin Qing, also successfully broke through the foundation establishment realm.

Therefore, in her 40s, not only does she not look old, but her once-vibrant body now has a mature charm, which is simply a copy of Mrs. Qin.

After so many years, Qin Qing is still not pregnant with Li Hu's child.

She seemed to understand something.

Even Mrs. Qin never urged her again.

There was worry in Dongdong's eyes, but his expression was still very calm.

"No matter where my husband is, everything will go well."

"As for Brother Li Hu, with your husband around, there should be no problem."

Thinking of Li Hu's attitude of confessing the funeral, Qin Qing didn't relax, but just sighed quietly.

I don't know when it started, her gentle and honest husband has created an additional layer of estrangement from her.

It probably started when she had a big fight with Li Hu because she definitely wanted a child.

Although Li Hu's attitude towards her remained the same, she knew that there were many secrets hidden between the two of them.

But for a couple, the people who share the same bed each hide their secrets, how can this day be the same as usual.

Sometimes, Qin Qing would feel annoyed about her cleverness.

If she was a little more stupid and didn't ask the bottom line, then would she not have the troubles she has now.

Ignorant happiness is also happiness.

But everything is too late.


The light of the teleportation array obscured his vision, and Fang Chang only felt a strong squeezing force trying to tear his body apart.

Fortunately, he has a tyrannical body of more than 40 levels, and a mana body protection of the Nascent Soul realm, so the squeezing force did not have much impact on him.

If it is a Jindan cultivator, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured even if he teleports just once.

This is completely different from the feeling of the third-order and fourth-order teleportation arrays before.

If one is swimming at sea level and the other is diving 300 meters underwater, the pressure of the two is completely different.

But the uncomfortable feeling didn't last long.

When he woke up, Li Hu on the side had a serious face, ready to fight, his posture was like a beast in the mountains encountering a predator of the same kind.

Fang Chang's consciousness came out of his body and looked at the surrounding environment.

This is a big school field.

Under the school grounds was the brilliance of the teleportation array. With their arrival, the light dissipated and the teleportation array was also hidden underground.

Tracer flags hung on the fence of the school grounds, embroidered with a big golden bird in the shape of a phoenix.

The big bird has the shape and spirit, lifelike, it seems that it can be born from the ashes at any time, and every big flag here is actually a spiritual weapon.

Moreover, Fang Chang recognized that this was the symbol of Her Majesty the Empress, the divine beast of the Tang Dynasty, a divine bird named Huang.

The divine bird is actually used as the emblem here, which is obviously an important force under Her Majesty the Empress.

On the opposite side of them, there was a group of sergeants watching coldly with their chests folded, headed by a young general, about a dozen of them.

They seemed to have expected the arrival of Fang Chang and Li Hu, and they still held an unwelcome attitude.

"The leader is a master!"

Li Hu whispered in Fang Chang's ear.

To be called a master by Li Hu obviously made him feel a little threatened.

You must know that Li Hu is now at the peak of the Nascent Soul, with the divine body of the giant spirit, and the blood of the Zijiao controls the thunder, and he is invincible all over Qingxiao Dao.

I didn't expect to meet such a master just after leaving the teleportation formation.

"who are you?"

Fang Chang asked a little carelessly.

He doesn't care who is a master or not, he is covered by Her Majesty the Empress.

At first glance, these people are the soldiers under Her Ladyship, how can he be afraid?

In terms of official position, he, the Annan Development Envoy personally appointed by the empress, must be equal to the Jiedu Envoy.

What grade is Jiedushi?
Positive second product!
The leading general said coldly: "Luo Xuan, Lieutenant of Huangwei Army Huben, in the name of Guanglu doctor Cheng Kaicheng, I am waiting here for Your Excellency."

Old Qingniu?
Then this place is... Chang'an!
Fang Chang was shocked.

On the map of the world of mountains and rivers, Qingxiao City where he lives and Chang'an City are separated by three roads of the Tang Dynasty, tens of thousands of miles away.

He didn't expect a teleportation array to be sent over to him just like that.

But since it was Old Qingniu's order, why was he so rude to them? Does this look like a welcome?

Could it be that this old boy held a grudge and was blocked by someone to teach him a lesson?

Fang Chang treats the belly of a villain with the heart of a villain.

I feel that if I know that Old Qingniu has come to my territory, I am afraid that I should entertain him well.

After all, no matter what, the two of them have a "life and death enmity".

Although this big enmity belongs to him unilaterally.

"What do you want to do?" Fang Chang's face was serious, "Do you know the identity of the official?"

Luo Xuan was taken aback by Fang Chang.

"What's your status?"

Fang Chang snorted coldly, cupped his hands towards the sky and said:

"This official is the Annan Development Envoy personally appointed by Her Majesty the Empress, Mr. Ma of Datang County, how dare you, a little captain, dare to act presumptuously in front of me?
Since Dr. Guanglu asked you to wait for me here, why not lead the way ahead. "

Luo Xuan couldn't help being bluffed when he saw that Fang Chang actually took out the title of empress.

After all, not everyone dares to use the title of empress indiscriminately.

Originally, he was still very upset about Fang Chang and Li Hu occupying their training places in the Huangwei Army, but now that he heard Fang Chang's identity, he couldn't help being stunned.

People with connections are so arrogant.

It is said that he was able to join the Huangwei Army, and his current cultivation strength was also due to his Luo family name at the beginning.

Thinking about it this way, the eldest brother doesn't laugh at the second brother.

Luo Xuan's attitude immediately improved a lot, and his original idea of ​​trying Fang Chang and the two of them faded away.

"The captain of the school will verify your identity personally. If you dare to deceive me, don't blame the captain for not giving Mr. Cheng face."

"Master Cheng is not far ahead, Your Excellency will follow me."


out of the school grounds.

From a distance, Fang Chang saw an old boy standing tall and straight, with an aloof temperament and a feeling of being independent from the world.

He walked over with Li Hu, smiling on the skin but not on the flesh.

"Old...cough, grandpa, long time no see, grandson-in-law misses you so much."

He decided to give his wife a face, not because of Qingniu Taoist's unfathomable and unfathomable power.

It seems that the day of revenge is still waiting.

Li Hu also cupped his hands respectfully: "The junior has met the senior."

"Thank you, Captain Luo."

Qingniu Taoist Cheng Kai ignored Fang Chang, but cupped his hands at Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan replied very politely: "It's all orders from above, and the lower officials are also acting according to orders. You don't have to be polite, Mr. Cheng."

Cheng Kai laughed and said: "Then please ask Captain Luo to wait for me to say hello to General Li, and treat him to a drink another day."

Luo Xuan nodded slightly, and bowed to leave.

Cheng Kai then looked at Fang Chang and said:
"Come with me, it will take a few more days for the Splendid Embroidery Realm to open, these days you and Li Hu live in my residence.

any questions? "

Fang Chang nodded quickly and said, "It's my son-in-law's blessing to have a long talk with grandpa."

As the saying goes, a man can bend and stretch.

Fang Chang felt that if he bent occasionally, it would help his muscles move.

Cheng Kai also had a half-smile.

"That's not what you said when I left."

Fang Chang laughed and said: "It's not that you are young and ignorant, although your old man is old, he didn't expect to have such a good memory.

But where did you get your cultivation, Grandpa? "

Fang Chang was very puzzled.

Taoist Qingniu's aptitude is not very good, he was able to break through the golden core realm, all thanks to the blood of the bull demon back then.

But the potential is also exhausted with the breakthrough golden core.

Otherwise, Fang Chang would not think about revenge.

After all, he is usually very good at self-resolving things that he can't beat.

For example, we are all a family, so there is no such thing as an overnight feud.

But it's different if you can beat it.

But the Cheng Kai standing in front of him at this moment is a real Huashen Daxiu.

For Fang Chang, who had personally imprisoned a god-turning distraction, he could say without hesitation that Cheng Kai was a real god-turning overhaul.

Cheng Kai shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten what you are here for?"

Fang Chang was awakened by a word.

"Grandpa, have you ever entered that splendid world?"

In this case, it can be explained.

Although only a few decades have passed since the main world, for Cheng Kai, that may be thousands of years.

Cheng Kai nodded, and said in a sentimental tone: "It's been a dream for thousands of years, and I just woke up from the dream. Without Your Majesty's help, I would not be where I am today.

However, my potential has been exhausted, and if I stay any longer, it will only waste my life.

Let's go, go back to my house, and talk while walking. "

With a wave of Cheng Kai's big sleeve, a pocket carriage flew out from the sleeve, rising against the wind.

The originally stiff jade pony also seemed to come to life, and fell on the floor, making the sound of hooves.

The frame opens and steps fall down.

The three get in the car together.

Fang Chang got into the car only to realize that this seemingly small car was as big as a large conference room.

Not to mention three people, even three hundred people can accommodate them.

After the three of them sat down, Cheng Kai sat down safely and asked:
"If you want to ask anything, just ask. For Wanqing's sake, I won't trouble you."

Fang Chang shrank his head and said with a dry smile:
"Look at what you said, grandpa, we are a family. If you don't help me, who will help me?"

"But since you asked me to ask, then I will."

"Is this place Chang'an?"

Cheng Kai replied: "It's Chang'an. We are now in the Huangwei army camp outside Chang'an City, Qihuang Mountain, and we are still eight hundred miles away from Chang'an."

For practitioners like them, eight hundred miles is not far away.

"Then what is the arrangement for us? Does Your Majesty want to see me?"

Fang Chang originally thought that coming out of the teleportation array would be a small world, who would have thought that he would come to Chang'an.

It wasn't in his plan.

In his expectation, when he stepped into Chang'an City for the first time, he should be greeted by the empress in person, the heavens celebrated together, and the Tang Dynasty became king.

Who would have thought that there would be no movement at all, it was too shameless.


Cheng Kai thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty is busy with affairs, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to see him, you can make arrangements for yourself these few days."

Fang Chang: "..."

It's just free-range.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Kai added another sentence.

"Chang'an is big, it's not easy to live in, you must remember not to be too high-profile."


Fang Chang was immediately dissatisfied.

"Grandpa, you are the only Conglong hero, who doesn't give you some face, I almost forgot to ask just now.

Grandpa, aren't you the chief minister of Tiance Prefecture? When did you become Doctor Guanglu?

I remember that this official position has no real power. "

Cheng Kai smiled bitterly: "Then it's a long story."

"Oh, then stop talking."

Fang Chang said with regret: "I thought you were doing well, but I didn't expect it to be so miserable. After I go back, I can't tell Dongdong that I met you, lest she be sad."

Cheng Kai: "..."

What should I do if I can no longer raise my Qi suddenly?
This forced him to pretend today!

(End of this chapter)

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