Chapter 239 Chang'an Experience ([-])

Knowing that this was Fang Chang's aggressive general, Cheng Kai was still very angry.

He really wanted Fang Chang to go to Chang'an City to pick something.

He knew that with Fang Chang's ability, it would not be too easy to provoke someone.

When Fang Chang can't solve it, he will make a grand appearance to clean up the mess for Fang Chang, and let him see what Jane is in the heart of the emperor!
But in the end Cheng Kai endured it.

Whether the relationship between him and Her Majesty is serious or not, after all, ten years of companionship can only be regarded as a short part of the long years of a practitioner.

It can be said that one point is one point less.

Especially when he had some guesses about Her Majesty's real identity, he didn't want to waste this kind of affection on fighting against Fang Chang.

Now he is the ancestor of the Cheng family and Dongdong's grandfather.

When Fang Chang is unlucky in the future, he still has to use this love to get him a hand.

As for why he fell from the position of real power to the current noble and scattered official with no rank, it was naturally that he voluntarily abdicated to let the virtuous.

Once Jindan was able to occupy the backbone of Chang'an, the Nascent Soul Realm is to hide the big boss and control the situation in the capital.

But since Her Majesty the Queen was born, another world has provided her with human resources.

Originally, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty wanted to use political means to restrain His Majesty. After all, the Tang Dynasty was vast and could not be ruled by one person.

The reason why the high-ranking people can always be high above without stepping on the dust is because of the multitude of beings driven by them below.

Therefore, those who stand on top occasionally need to consider the will of the bottom.

But the idea was only realized for a short time.

In the early days, he, the crown prince, was the only remnant of the party who killed a river of blood in Tiance Mansion, using violent and bloody means to clear up all discordant voices for His Majesty.

After the sky changes, His Majesty will open up a world and have the support of talents with a world of resources.

They are all human beings who have lived for hundreds of years or thousands of years. When it comes to government affairs and military force, they are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The princes of Gungun who can now stand on top of the court, started with the cultivation base of Yuanying. If the cultivation base is low, they may not even be able to bear a look from others.

How could such an official have the qualifications to stand in the hall and fight with others.

He is also included.

The Tiance Mansion was once a violent institution left by the founding king, but Her Majesty the Empress obviously had her own organizational structure, and the functions and powers of the two overlapped a lot.

Therefore, in order not to make it difficult for His Majesty, he asked himself to merge the Tiance Mansion and resigned from the position of Chang Shi.

Fortunately, His Majesty did not forget him, and specially sent him to the Splendid Embroidery Realm, where all kinds of resources were piled up like money.

But after all, his potential is limited, and after a thousand years, he can barely break through the realm of transforming gods.

He didn't want to waste time in the world of splendor, so he asked for orders to return.

After returning to the court, Her Majesty the Empress promoted him to Doctor Guanglu.

Everyone in the court knew that he and His Majesty had a relationship in their infancy, and now they often go to the palace to play chess and drink tea with His Majesty, most of them are willing to give him face.

But Cheng Kai didn't confide all these words to Fang Chang.

After all, the relationship between him and Fang Chang has not reached here yet.

If it weren't for the fact that Fang Chang was the only husband-in-law of his only granddaughter, he would have suppressed her in minutes.

So he picked out some unimportant words and said them.

"...All in all, this old man still has a bit of face in this big city of Chang'an, but don't make trouble for me, boy.

For Wanqing's sake, I'll help you settle the small things, and handle the big things yourself.

If you die, the old man will ask Your Majesty to send me to fetch Wanqing back.

With the old man's current status, it is not difficult to find a suitable husband's family, not to mention marrying Wanqing to a prince again. "

Now it was Fang Chang's turn to be speechless.

The emotional old man is looking forward to his death.

When he went to Beijing alone, he spoke so righteously and trusted him, as if he was an old man.

Now that his status has risen, he begins to dislike him again.

Sure enough, men are fickle.

The old man is no exception.

So Fang Chang quickly skipped the topic and gave up this lose-lose style of play.

"Ahem, that... grandpa, grandson-in-law still has a question."

Fang Chang's attitude became respectful.

Seeing Fang Chang's face change, Cheng Kai was very satisfied.

"Just ask."

"Grandpa, you just said that you have lived in the world of splendor for a thousand years. It stands to reason that a thousand years is enough for you to integrate into that world ten times or eight times. Why are you willing to come back?"

This is also what Fang Chang is worried about.

Time is the most unpredictable thing.

He and Li Hu are both under half a hundred years old, and they are considered new among practitioners. If they stay in another world for hundreds of years or even longer.

Then it is difficult for him to guarantee that he will remember the current people and things.

This remembering does not refer to memory, but a sense of identity.

It's like the intimate tablemate in primary school, who was short of beheading the chicken head and burning yellow paper to make a sworn relationship.

I haven't seen each other for ten years. See you again when you return from university. After exchanging names, there is only an awkward nod left.

Cheng Kai has been with him for thousands of years, but in his eyes, it seems that his granddaughter, whom he has been with for more than ten years, is more important.

A thousand years is enough for one hundred and eight generations.

Hearing this, Cheng Kai showed satisfaction.

"It seems that you are not worthless, and you can still consider this issue."

Fang Chang: "..."

Forget it, don't bother with the old man.

Cheng Kai's eyes flashed with memories, he pondered for a moment and then said:
"Have you ever seen an illusion? The illusion that confuses the real with the fake."

Fang Chang made a listening statement.

Cheng Kai continued: "When you enter the Splendid Embroidery Realm, it's like going to the illusionary world, you are you, but you are not you, everything there is true but false.

There you will get another identity. After thousands of years in the world of splendor, sometimes I even forget my own identity.

Until I successfully broke through to the realm of transforming gods, the dusty memories flooded in like a tide. On the contrary, the years of practice for thousands of years seemed extremely thin in front of the real and heavy memories.

As the saying goes, whoever first wakes up from a big dream will know who I am today.

After realizing my identity, everything in the Fairview Realm is like floating clouds to me.

Thinking about it now, I can hardly remember what happened to me in the Splendid World, it was just like someone else's life.

However, the realm of cultivation is true.

and also……"

Cheng Kai seemed to think of something, and said:

"The time spent there will be clearly reflected in your lifespan. Those thousand years are blurred to me, but I am indeed over 1000 years old now."

Fang Chang seemed to think of something, and secretly swallowed.

Projecting the heavens or players descending?

They all come to the new world, they all have different time flows, and all of them are game experiences that cannot interfere with reality.

It's as if he is a sword fairy in the game, but he is still an otaku in reality.

It won't have much impact on his real character because of the highlight moments in the game.

So when he just crossed over, he didn't inherit the sword fairy's profession to kill decisively, but he was obscene and cautious as an otaku.

It's different.

So let's set up a doll with him here.

I'm playing a game in a game world?

Although the plane of immortals and demons is almost certainly a real world now.

It's not that he looks down on people, it's just that the plot planning of the game in reality can't build such a perfect world background without bugs.

So which game company released the game "Xianmo"?
Was it really researched by the programmers in the real world?
Or was it projected by some mighty power in the Immortal Demon Plane, deliberately attracting players?

Fang Chang felt that he had accidentally discovered the secret of the game "Fairy Demon".

So here comes the question, who is so bored to hook up a group of sand sculpture players, and what does he want to do.


Could it be him?
There is one thing to say, he is indeed a person who can do this kind of thing.

But in the future "Fairy Demon" game world, there will not be a powerful person named Fang Chang, and the few prestige names he thought of have not been circulated.

Fang Chang's thoughts turned, and a layer of blush from the high-speed operation of the brain appeared on his face.

It's too brain-burning, so let it be.

Maybe he was thinking too much.

Fang Chang put this question to the back of his mind, on the surface the situation was calm.

"In this way, I can feel relieved, after all, for someone as emotional as me, I might be reluctant to leave after staying for a long time.

A mere few hundred years of longevity is nothing to a young man like me. "

And in other words, in another world, can you just put on pants and deny recognition?

After all, if you don’t remember, it’s not considered a betrayal. Well, it’s probably the same as if you don’t give money, you don’t count as prostitution.


Cheng Kai looked at Fang Chang suspiciously.

Judging from Fang Chang's expression just now, this guy seems to be hiding something from him.

But he didn't want to delve into it, and warned a few words again.

Although he and Fang Chang didn't get along, but with Dongdong as a smoothing agent, apart from the unpleasantness when they first met, they were pretty good at other times.

Talk all the way.

The carriage moved slowly like the wind, and the [-]-mile journey arrived in a short time.



As soon as the carriage stopped, a porter stepped forward to greet him.

Fang Chang and Li Hu were in the front, and then Cheng Kai took over. The younger generation did a great job.


The concierge is a middle-aged man in his 30s with a strong face, with a slightly simple and honest smile on his face, he looks like an honest man.

"You are my son-in-law. The master has already told the villain. If you have anything to do, just tell the villain."

The concierge should have been confessed by Cheng Kai, so he immediately recognized who was his son-in-law at a glance.

As for Li Hu, he was flamboyantly ignored.

Fortunately, Li Hu didn't care, and followed Fang Chang like a guard.


Fang Chang nodded slightly, with a lukewarm attitude.

He could tell at a glance that the concierge was a cultivator who specialized in body cultivation, probably in the middle and late stages of Foundation Establishment.

The world has changed so much.

In the past, the cultivation level of the leader of a faction is now the role of a porter.

However, if the third-rank official in front of the prime minister's door can serve as a concierge for Cheng Kai, maybe Jindan Daoist will be tempted.

"His name is Liu Qing. Apart from being the concierge in the old man's mansion, he also works part-time as a housekeeper. In Beijing these few days, if you have anything to do, just ask him.

If there is nothing important, don't bother the old man. "

Cheng Kai and Fang Chang began to hate each other after reminiscing about the old days, and now they clearly disliked each other.

"Just right, I didn't want to bother you."

Fang Chang is not used to him either.

Now that he has obtained all the information from the old man's mouth, he doesn't care whether he gets offended or not.

Anyway, as long as his wife is still around, this old grandfather Cheng Kai can't escape.

The loved one is always confident.

Although he is loved and hated, it also means the same thing.

Cheng Kai snorted coldly, threw his sleeves and entered the house.

Upon seeing this, Liu Qing, the concierge, whispered to the other party:
"Uncle, Master knew that you were coming, so he ordered the villain to prepare it early on. Knowing that Uncle likes spicy food, he even hired a cook."

Fang Chang was taken aback for a moment, then touched his chin.

"This old man... is quite cute. For Dongdong's sake, let's reduce the enmity between me and him by three points."

Liu Qing looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, but he didn't hear anything.

"Well, your name is Liu Qing?"

"Yes uncle."

"Do you have a younger sister named Liu Hong?"

"Ah, how did my uncle know that the villain has a younger sister, and her name is Liu Hong. Does my uncle know the villain's sister?"


Fang Chang almost wanted to ask if there was any Jinsuo little swallow.

Fortunately, he held back and changed the subject.

"Why are you still the housekeeper?"

"My lord is a poor official, and he has nothing to do. Apart from the villain, there is only one cook and one groom in the house."

Liu Qing was very sorry, if her younger sister really knew my uncle, it would be a step up to the sky.

"Speaking of which, he is quite lonely?" Fang Chang muttered.

Liu Qing didn't dare to answer, and talked about the master's family, but it was a big taboo.

Of course, compliments are not in this category.

When the master hears this, he will only secretly give you a promotion and salary increase.

Fang Chang continued: "I didn't know that I would come to Chang'an this time, but next time I come, I have to bring the letter from his granddaughter to let him relieve the pain of lovesickness.

In addition, Dongdong has to persuade him to enjoy more while there are still thousands of years to live.

A 20-year-old self can't do it all over again, but a 20-year-old girl has it every year.

As long as no one is killed to divide my daughter-in-law's inheritance, everything will be fine.

I'm actually quite open-minded. "

Cheng Kai had been in the mansion for a long time, but Cheng Kai, whose spiritual consciousness was all over the void, crushed the armrest of the seat.

"This bastard!"

After all, he withdrew his divine consciousness, deaf to his ears and pure in his heart.


Chang'an City maintains the specifications before the change of heaven, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles, and the city is ten feet high. It was originally a first-class majestic city.
But now it is still not as good as the several big cities under the commander's command.

If you don't look at the majestic acropolis surrounding Chang'an, you would never have imagined that such a small city would be the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

On the day when the sky change comes, everything will be destroyed, except Chang'an City, which will not move, not a single brick or stone will be damaged. People say that the capital of the Tang Dynasty is suppressed by dragon spirit.

Good fighters have no illustrious feats.

Chang'an City is such an ancient and vicissitudes of life city, I am afraid that it is already the only one in Datang.

"Chang'an, Chang'an..."

Fang Chang and Li Hu were seated in a fragrant pavilion, and several beautiful girls with dexterous hands and eyes sat beside them, pouring wine and vegetables for them.

Well, this is an elegant club for cultivating sentiments, named Luoqinxuan.

Now that you have come to Chang'an City, how can you not have a good understanding of the customs and customs of this place.

On the second day after Fang Chang arrived at Cheng's mansion, he brought his elder brother to drink flower wine.

Of course, the drink is very vegetarian.

"Second brother, are you?"

Li Hu smiled wryly again and again.

It is more difficult for two girls to be side by side than to fight with others.

Fang Chang held the wine and said with a smile: "Brother, if there is no investigation, there is no right to speak, and we are also collecting intelligence.

And this place is no more comfortable than restaurants and teahouses, so relax, with your cultivation level, big brother, no one dares to harm you. "

This Luoqin Pavilion is indeed a high-end place in Liu Qing's mouth. The girls in it are all well-cultivated. Although they are not tall, they have aura quenching their bodies, and their bodies are clear and very clean.

Therefore, it is very popular among the dignitaries in the city.

And in front of girls, men are hard to change their nature, bragging and not paying taxes.

Fang Chang only sat upstairs for a while, and heard a lot of interesting news, which gave him a rough understanding of the current situation.

Qingxiao City is in a safe corner, although there are mountains and rivers to communicate with each other, but the lords of the twelve mountains and rivers are on guard against each other, and Yaoguang is a dead house girl who doesn't care about the outside world.

So compared to the entire Tang Dynasty, his eyes and ears are very closed.

Now a moment, let him have a kind of eye-opening feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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