Chapter 240 Chang'an Experience ([-])

Luoqin Xuan.

Li Hu gradually adapted to the environment here, imitating Fang Chang's movements and postures, and after a while he acquired some charm.

Men, it's not easy to learn to be bad.

At least for the girl who came to toast, he can let go of his hands and feet.

You love me, everyone, as long as you abide by your own heart, it might not be a kind of practice.

The charming girl beside her has turned into a pink skeleton, and the environment with faint fragrance has turned into a hell and Buddha.

He cultivated a heart of Dao, and did not move in all directions, and there was a sense of profound enlightenment on his face.

It's not that Li Hu has never met someone who practiced charm skills in the past, but for this way, he always punched him when he encountered it.

What kind of temptation, as long as he doesn't want to look at it, it's almost like a stone.

But at this moment, actively immersed in it, the feeling is different.

After a while, Li Hu realized that he still had a lot to work on.

Maybe that's why the second brother brought him here.

His state of mind seemed to be complete, but he almost couldn't control such a small scene, and he couldn't even talk about turning into a god.

Although he practiced fast, it was too fast after all.

This is the second brother's silent reminder to him.

"Second brother, I understand."

Li Hu picked up a glass of wine and respected Fang Chang.

Fang Chang drank a glass of wine with Li Hu in a daze, not knowing what this good brother was talking about.

Understand what?
But Li Hu acted like he knew everything, so he was really embarrassed to ask.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be saying that he was dumb.

So he pretended to be profound with a smile and said:

"It seems that the eldest brother knows."


Li Hu nodded, and very naturally turned away the girls on the left and right, and even drove off with Fang Chang's side.

Fang Chang watched helplessly as the girl left behind a burst of fragrance, then turned to look at Li Hu resentfully.

You don't want it yourself, don't touch me.

I paid for it all.

Li Hu said: "Second brother, you just want to tell me that although we are away from home, we are family members after all, so we need to abide by our hearts even more in the face of temptation.

If I want to transform into a god, I must first seal my primordial spirit mana and become a mortal. At that time, the seven emotions and six desires will be my way of catastrophe. If I still use the previous method to deal with it, I will definitely suffer catastrophe.

I'm not afraid of your second brother's jokes. Just now, I was warm and soft, and my fighting style was completely different from that of a strong enemy. I was really moved.

This is Chang'an City, Qingxiao City is tens of thousands of miles away, no matter what I do, no one knows who I am.

But I can't help but think that when I was the next hunter in Lingzhu Peak, if there was a gentle and beautiful lady by my side at that time, even if you talked to me, my second brother, I would definitely not practice with you , There will be no achievements today.

This is the obstacle of the road.

Fortunately, I woke up in time just now, and only then did I understand your good intentions, second brother.

I think this is the principle left by the predecessors that the avenue is ruthless, but people call themselves. "

Fang Chang: "..."

Abba Abba.

It took him a long time to hold back a sentence.

"Hehe, as long as you are happy, big brother."

Li Hu smiled faintly, thinking that Fang Chang was being modest.

He raised his glass again and respected: "I can't speak, it's all in the wine."

Fang Chang drank the wine expressionlessly, feeling rather bitter in the mouth, he coughed twice and said:

"Then let's go back."

Anyway, there is nothing to play, go home and play by yourself.

Li Hu was stunned and said: "Second brother, didn't you say that you still want to inquire about information?

I listened carefully just now, and it is indeed as my second brother said, although the people here are unrestrained, most of them are high-ranking officials and dignitaries in their families. Just a casual word, it is information that the lower-level people do not know, and I have also benefited a lot.

It turns out that the Tang Dynasty is already so vast.

In the past few years when we fought in Qingxiao City, I thought that we had laid down a huge land, and occasionally I thought about being satisfied.

But what I heard and heard today, I realized that I am sitting in a well and watching the sky, and I don't know the whole picture of the world.

This great Tang Dynasty is so powerful, above the court, there are noble officials with such advanced cultivation, and I don't know how powerful the empress is.

No wonder we only met a school captain before, which made me feel a little threatened.

If I don't come out for a trip, I'm afraid I will feel invincible in the world. "

Fang Chang let out a dry laugh, and said with some loss of interest: "It's not enough."

He was just looking for a reason to be tall.

In the final analysis, I want to understand the customs and customs of the best place in the next country, and learn advanced service techniques.

However, things did not go as planned.

so be it.

When he arrives in the new world, he can roam around casually.

Fang Chang has always had very low moral standards for himself.

Seeing what Fang Chang said, Li Hu didn't object, so he got up and was about to leave.

The two went downstairs together.

Then a beautiful woman with a dignified appearance and dressed like a noble lady came up to meet her.

"You two young masters, but the daughters are not treated well, the slave family must teach them a lesson."

"No, they entertained you very well, but we still have something important to do, so we'll leave first."

Fang Chang habitually gave praise.

Although I didn't enjoy specific services, I still have to give good reviews. This is the basic quality of a guest.

"That's fine, that's fine."

The beautiful woman smiled and nodded.

"The servant's family is waiting here for the two young masters to visit next time."

Just now.

There was an exclamation from upstairs.

A red dress was thrown from the railing and fell heavily to the ground with a muffled sound.

When the man raised his head, he found that it was a charming young girl with red palm marks on her face. She was covering her face, with tears in her eyes, and she was looking upstairs stubbornly.

"Young Master Yuwen, the slave family sells art, not the body. If you want someone to accompany you, the slave family can find a sister who is both talented and beautiful for you. But the slave family will not obey."

"This is?"

Fang Chang suddenly didn't want to leave, so he had a bite of melon first.

This is not a proper bully son and beauty.

Of course, he didn't think about any plot of a hero saving the beauty.

Please, what is this place?
Don't talk about being lofty when you sell it. This is professional ethics.

On the contrary, Li Hu's eyes were strange, he had a dream of being a hero.

Although this dream was ruined by Fang Chang to the point of shame.

"Second brother?"

But Li Hu finally knew the seriousness, Chang'an City Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, he didn't want to cause trouble for Fang Chang.

"Don't be impatient."

Fang Chang glanced at the beautiful woman, seemingly unintentionally said:

"Why don't you be in a hurry when you don't see other people's mothers? Why are we two outsiders so enthusiastic?"

Swept by Fang Chang's eyes, the beautiful woman only felt her hairs stand on end, only then did she realize that the person in front of her had such a cultivation level.

She was favored by the master behind her, who helped her build a foundation and kept her youthful appearance.

But even the offering from the master never gave her such a dangerous feeling.

Originally, she just wanted to win over Fang Chang as a regular customer and came here to see him off as a regular customer.

Otherwise, not everyone can ask her to greet her personally.

The beautiful woman smiled wryly and said:

"It's inconvenient for the slave family to say more about the specific situation. The two young masters will find out after reading on."

Seeing that the plot in the field has come to the point where the woman would rather die than submit, she heard her angrily say:
"Even if I go to accompany the beggar, I won't accompany you."

"Okay, then I will let you accompany the beggar."

The young master upstairs sitting behind the scenes said coldly:

"Come here, find ten beggars, and I will see how you serve them."

Someone took orders and left in a hurry.

The woman looked desperate, and she looked expectantly at the full house of high-rollers.

"Little girl Hongmei, if any hero can save the little girl, from now on, the little girl is willing to be a slave and a handmaiden, and she will never regret it."

But no one responded, I don't know if it was because of the powerful young master Yuwen or other reasons.

The woman bowed her head in frustration.

The beautiful woman sighed, stepped forward, and said with a coquettish smile:

"Mr. Yuwen, calm down, Hongmei is young and ignorant, your lord has a lot, so don't bother with her if you give my slave a face.

The slave family came to persuade her well, and she will definitely change her mind and serve you well. "

Mr. Yuwen upstairs snorted coldly:

"Now my son is very upset, do you think I really like her!"

The beautiful woman sighed again and backed away silently.

The air became quiet, and the surrounding lights dimmed. Only a beam of light fell on the woman's surroundings, revealing her weak and helpless temperament.

Fang Chang sat down, enjoyed the free melons and fruits on the table, and commented negatively while watching.

"Who wrote this script, it's still too rough."

Li Hu's eyes showed surprise.

"Second brother, do you think this is fake?"

"Obviously isn't it?"

Fang Chang commented: "Just now we said that Luoqinxuan is one of the best high-end clubs in Chang'an.

If any guest could force a girl like this.

So how else do they open their doors for business?

After all, there are so many people you can choose from, why do you have to come to a place where you can't even protect your own girls.

Although we are here, ahem, that, but if they can't even keep this bit of force, then it's meaningless to play and lose their dignity.

And if you look at other people, most of them go to the theater like me.

So what does it mean?
It means they already knew what happened.

That being the case, why is there such a clumsy play?

My guess is that nine out of ten it was intended to be played for someone.

As for who this object is, it is not my guess.

So let's watch the show with peace of mind and make trouble later. "

Li Hu was puzzled and said, "Since you know it's acting, second brother, why are you making trouble?"

Fang Chang rolled his eyes and said, "Because I have an enmity with Yuwen."

Back then, he was also a son of Yuwen, but he dared to rob his wife, and even borrowed his grandfather's golden core magic power, which almost killed him.

He has always remembered this hatred.

The sound of Mr. Yuwen really brought back his ancient memories.

About half an hour or so.

Throughout the building, the songs continued to be sung, the dances continued to be danced, and the sound of silk and bamboo music echoed in the air.

Only the woman in red was lying on the ground in despair, pitiful and helpless.

Occasionally someone would look at him with pity, but they seemed to be concerned about the young man upstairs, but they didn't say anything.

"Why is it so slow? How does the sixth child do things?"

There was the sound of wine glasses being smashed upstairs.

The next moment, the door slammed open.

A tall figure held a rope in his hand, tied more than a dozen beggars and threw them in, and a stench filled the air.

The woman in red was frightened and panicked.

Upstairs, Mr. Yuwen's voice was abnormal and he laughed wildly.

"Alright, since you don't like me, I'll let you accompany the ugliest and most stinky man in the world."

"Listen up, my lord, take good care of this girl, and use any means, she can bear it."

When the panicked beggars heard that someone gave them a girl to play with, their fearful faces now showed wolf-like expressions.

When peony flowers die, it is also romantic to be a ghost.

No matter what the people upstairs want to do, if they can play with such a beautiful girl for a while, it is worth dying.

"do not come!"

The woman in red kept shouting.

"Hey hey hey..."

The beggar's black palm grabbed at him.

"Second brother!"

Li Hu couldn't bear it. With his eyesight, he couldn't see that the girl in red was a virgin who was a showman but not a virgin.

If he doesn't know, it's okay if he hasn't seen it, but if he is ruined like this right in front of his eyes, he feels that it is against his way of being a human being.

He has always had a heroic plot in his heart.

Obviously, he can save people just by raising his hand.

"Wait a moment."

Fang Chang raised his hand to stop him, frowning slightly.

At this point, the targeted person still refuses to show up.

Did he guess wrong.

still is……

Eat melon and eat yourself?
The news of his coming to Chang'an should be known to no one, and he doesn't have any enemies.

Besides, this kind of trick is not painful or itchy to him.

Fortunately, soon he will not have to think about it.

Because someone stood up.


A cold drink came.

But the beggars are beautiful, and at this time, even the king of heaven, Lao Tzu, can't stop them from having a good time.


A ray of light rushed into the building, and there was a whistling sound.

The beggars who wanted to rape the woman in red were all smashed to pieces like chopping melons and vegetables.

A young man with a resolute face in a Confucian gown walked in. Liu Guang turned his hand, but it turned out to be a flying sword with a cold light.

He looked at the lovely and pitiful woman on the ground, and said softly:

"Miss Hongmei, Xiaosheng is late."

Hong Mei lowered her head, a trace of guilt flashed in her eyes.

Seeing that Hongmei didn't answer, the man thought she was frightened and looked up upstairs.

"Yuwen Chengjun, why do you and I have to involve an innocent woman in your grievances? Come at me if you have the ability!"

The people upstairs laughed loudly and said:
"I really have no skills, I can't beat you.

So, my son was depressed, so he wanted to find a woman to play with.

Her deed of prostitution is now in my hands, and I can play as I want, even if the dean comes, he can't control me.

But if the teachers of the academy know that the student they have high hopes for is getting entangled with a brothel girl, I don't know what they will think. "


The man was furious when he heard the scoundrel speak.

But for the sake of the woman's safety, he had to bow his head to this classmate who usually looked down on him.

"Why are you willing to let Hongmei go?"

Mr. Yuwen upstairs had a cat-playing tone.

"It's very simple. You kneel down and kowtow ten times to me. Maybe I'm in a good mood, so I won't bother your good sister."

The man gritted his teeth and said, "Don't bully others too much."

"Then you snatch her away, isn't your Zhizhi sword very powerful, no one present can beat you.

If you want to take her away, no one can stop you.

But do you dare? "

Mr. Yuwen is sure to win.

After planning for a long time, he was completely convinced by this academy genius who was always ahead of him, and became his dog.

Qualification, cultivation base?
How to compare with his family power.

As long as the Great Tang Dynasty suppresses everything, everyone must follow the rules, and they are no exception.

But they, a group of powerful people, are also the interpreters of the rules.

The man's eyes were about to burst, he raised his hand several times to make a gesture, but he couldn't put it down again.

He knew that his cultivation was not bad among the younger generation, but he was just a small shrimp in the entire Chang'an City.

If he dared to snatch the woman away in court, the academy would not tolerate him, and the government would issue a wanted document.

But the women on the ground are so helpless.

His eyes were red, and he said, "Did I kowtow and you let us go?"

Young Master Yuwen laughed and said, "How would you know if you don't try?"

"Okay, I'll knock."

The man bends his knees.

"Knock you paralyzed!"

Seeing Fang Chang nodding, Li Hu couldn't hold it any longer. As soon as he raised his hand, his mana surged, and he grabbed a young young master who was thumping in the air from upstairs.

The young son fell heavily to the ground.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the building rose, and Luoqinxuan's consecratory master appeared on the stage, revealing the cultivation base of the golden core level.

As a spectator, it is not bad to have such a level of cultivation.

But Fang Chang didn't care, he looked down at the young master who fell under his feet, and said with a smile:

"Your name is Yuwen Chengjun, what is the relationship between Yuwen Chenghuai and you?"

(End of this chapter)

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