Chapter 242

Seeing the guards of the Xuntian Division arrive at the scene, Yuwen Chengjun, who had been trampled under his feet, knew that his savior had arrived.

At this moment, I don't care about the pride of the Yuwen family.

After all, it was death not to pay attention to it before, and it was death to pay attention to it.

It is natural to choose carefully.

If the savior comes to the scene, if he still wants to be proud of the family, he will die and whoever will die.

So he quickly complained sadly:

"Lord Baihu, I am Yuwen Chengjun from the Yuwen family, and my grandfather is Yuwen Wuji, the right servant of the Court of Rites.

I'm here to drink and relax. They don't know where they came from. They not only snatched my woman, but also beat me up.

My arm was broken, my leg was broken, and he was trying to break my third leg. "

"Hey, you don't pay attention, you kid, just now we finished the deal happily, and then you want to slander me.

I have never suffered such grievances in my life. "

Fang Chang broke Yuwen Chengjun's other leg with one kick.


Seeing that Fang Chang dared to do anything, the guards of the Sky Survey Department were furious.

"You dare to be presumptuous in front of me, something happened to you!"

Of course, Yuwen Chengjun's background is also one of the reasons why he is so furious.

Yuwen Wuji, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, is a senior official from the fourth rank, an official who can hear about things.

Although their Sky Surveyor is directly under Her Majesty the Empress, in the face of such high officials, unless they have a decree, they will give a little face to them no matter what.

At least if Yuwen Wuji participated in the last one, his immediate superiors might be reprimanded, and he would definitely have no good fruit to eat.

But the guard knew that his cultivation base was inferior to others, and he was not an opponent, so he only dared to play tricks and prestige, but secretly, he hurriedly passed the information to Shangguan through Thangka.

All the territories under Fang Chang's command can have thangka communications, and Chang'an City is no exception.

Fang Chang frowned.

The 20 years of Yuwen Chenghuai's time is not in vain. He has learned a lot, and he even knows how to borrow strength.

But it was not his original intention to bring Xun Tiansi into it.

Xuntiansi is a huge monster, even if he pulls the old Qingniu in, he may not be able to handle it.

Why should he trouble himself.

Faced with the rudeness of the guards of the Sky Survey Division, Fang Chang temporarily suppressed the urge to punch him, and said lightly:
"This is a grievance between me and a junior in Yuwen's family, don't be a fool like him."

The guard of the Sky Survey Division sneered and said: "Is it possible that the whole world is the king's land, our Sky Survey Division patrols the sky on behalf of the sky, and has insight into injustice. The imperial power franchise, kill first and then play.

Do you want to rely on your cultivation to deceive others, thinking that this is still the chaotic era of the past?
Since you were bumped into by this official today, you don't want to leave safely.

This is Chang'an City, not some small country place where you came from.

But after all, you are masters with cultivation bases. According to the management regulations for cultivators, I will not embarrass you and hand over the Thangka.

I will write down your names, and you will be released after you have done enough hard labor as usual. "

Even if the Tang Dynasty has Her Majesty the Empress to suppress all dissatisfaction, it is impossible to force monks to be equal to mortals, which is undoubtedly shaking the foundation of one's own rule.

It's just that mortals are valuable, so the laws of the Tang Dynasty will guarantee their safety to the greatest extent, and prevent them from easily losing their lives because of the momentary joy and anger of monks.

But monks are different from mortals.

The higher the cultivation base, the more so.

Therefore, great Nascent Soul cultivators like Fang Chang and Li Hu, even if they committed a crime, would not sanction them immediately.

Instead, be forewarned, informed.

If he refuses to be disciplined again, then someone from the Sky Survey Division will take action and use it as a target for killing chickens and monkeys.

Just now, the guards of the Sky Survey Division took the lead and wanted to use the name of the Sky Survey Division to suppress Fang Chang and the other two.

But seeing that Fang Chang didn't like this, his tone and attitude softened.

Of course, he may not have the idea of ​​delaying time.

Fang Chang said in a cold voice: "Don't talk to me like a wild farmer, my Thangka is for you, do you dare to catch it?"

The guard of the Sky Survey Division responded with a sneer and said, "Why don't you dare?"

Fang Chang flipped his palm, and an orange-red thangka appeared.

The pupils of the guards of the Sky Survey Division suddenly shrank, and their voices were a bit sharp.

"Orange card?!"

The court dress of officials in the Tang Dynasty is dominated by red and purple, which is a symbol of wealth and power. The same is true for thangkas. The five colors of white, blue, purple, orange and gold represent the five classes.

As a member of the Sky Survey Department, the guard of the Sky Survey Department has a superior status, and now he is only a blue card.

But the thangka in Fang Chang's hand was two levels higher than his, which was a level that he would never be able to climb in his life.

As far as he knows, the chief of their Sky Survey Department is only an orange card, and he is already the highest rank among officials.

It is said that the gold card is only available in the royal blood of the direct line.

But as we all know, Her Majesty the Queen is still unmarried and has no children, so no one has seen what Jinka looks like so far.

As for the other royal bloodlines of the same clan as Her Majesty the Empress, they now receive at most a daily subsidy from the Clan Mansion.

It is almost impossible to get a gold card.

He has checked many thangkas of royal blood, but they are only blue and white cards, and there are very few people who have purple cards.

It can be said that this is the first time he has seen Cheng Ka with his own eyes.

Fang Chang handed over the Thangka with a condescending manner.

"I'll give it to you now, do you dare to take it?"

Although his cultivation base is not high, but in terms of status, he has never lost to anyone.

After all, Her Majesty the Empress preached to them once a month. Who else could have such an honor other than the twelve Lords of Mountains and Rivers.

They are all equivalent to half of Her Ladyship's disciples.

Therefore, their identity cards have already been upgraded to orange, and even the twelve Lords of Mountains and Rivers have the authority to upgrade their blue cards by themselves.

The guard of the Sky Survey Department really wanted to go ahead and test the authenticity, but in the end he swallowed, and smiled apologetically:
"It turned out that the adults were face to face, and the humble officials had no eyesight, and apologized to the adults."

As he spoke, he bowed deeply.

The orange card is at the same level as his top boss. Even if Fang Chang has no identity, this card already represents many things.

This person cannot be moved by him, at least his boss's boss must do it.

Fang Chang put away the thangka, and asked lightly again:
"It is impossible for the Xuntian Division to intervene immediately. Who told you to come?"

The guard of the Sky Survey Division hesitated, but said:

"It's a nephew of the humble officer. He said that there are big monks making trouble in Luoqinxuan, and the humble officer is greedy for credit, so he came here."

"You don't know Yuwen Chenghuai?" Fang Chang asked again.

The guard of the Xuntian Division shook his head and said, "Today is the first time I have seen a child of the Yuwen family."

It seems that the idea of ​​taking time out for revenge today has failed, and Fang Chang said to Yuwen Chengjun who started to pretend to be dead:
"Young Master Yuwen, it seems that your cousin doesn't care about your life and doesn't want to come to see me at all.

Please pass on a message, um, just ask him if he still remembers Dong Bao whose blood was drained by him?
By the way, remember to say it together in front of your grandpa, the effect will be better. "

Yuwen Chengjun nodded hurriedly and said:

"The junior remembers."

Even the members of the Xuntian Division were discouraged, so how dare he talk about the pride of the Yuwen family.

At the same time, he felt very wronged.

If you had revealed your identity a long time ago, he would have followed suit.

"Brother, let's go." Fang Chang said with some loss of interest, "And this Hongmei girl, I have heard your story and I will give you a place to go."

"Wait a moment."

The guard of the Sky Survey Department hurriedly called Fang Chang to stop.

Fang Chang turned his head to look: "Huh?"

The guard of the Sky Survey Department smiled and said: "I wonder if my lord can leave your name, and you can report to the superior if you have a humble position."

Fang Chang thought for a while and said, "Chengfu on Tianmen Street."

This pot is nothing but Lao Qingniu.

At the beginning, Yuwen Chenghuai wanted to bully Dongdong, and it was unreasonable that he did not do anything to avenge Lao Qingniu.


After Fang Chang and the others left, the guards of the Sky Survey Division looked at the mess in Luoqinxuan, and scolded the informant half to death in their hearts.

The Sky Survey Division also needs merit.

Where does the merit come from? Isn't it the monks who made trouble.

But they couldn't monitor the entire Chang'an city all the time, so they needed the help of informants at this time.

As a result, this time, not only did he not get the credit, but he also had to suffer in front of the chief.

Orange card nobleman, what the hell!

I don't know whether to say my luck is good or bad.

The point is that he still doesn't know whether the card is real or not.

"Big... lord."

Yuwen Chengjun squeezed out a smile with difficulty, meaning what should he do.

The guard looked at Yuwen Chengjun with disgust, and two people said:
"Clean him up, heal the wounds that should be healed, and take care of him."

Soon, the boss who received his information rushed over.

"Di Baihu, where are you?"

The guard's name is Dida, and he is also a member of the Tian Xun Division.

"Lord Qianhu, he's gone."

Dida smiled wryly.

Without waiting for his boss to get angry, he quickly described what happened just now.

"Cheng Mansion on Tianmen Street?"

The boss is worthy of being a boss. He knows the nobles in Chang'an City well, but he can be regarded as familiar with them.

"Tianmen Street leads directly to the gate of the imperial palace, and it is the place where nobles in the court live.

In the past, Cheng's mansion referred to Lu Guogong's mansion, but since His Majesty ascended to the throne and abolished all the nobles, now he can still live in Tianmen Street, and there is only one big family surnamed Cheng left.

That is His Majesty's staff in the mansion when he was young, and now the second-rank Guanglu doctor Cheng Kaicheng in the court.

Even the director should give him three points, and it is not surprising to have an orange card.

You did a good job by not touching him. "

"Otherwise Master Cheng will file a complaint against our Sky Survey Division, and even the Director may be reprimanded by His Majesty.

At that time, even the official will not be able to protect you. "

Master Qianhu agrees with Dida's handling.

Although the Xuntian Division is mighty and majestic, it is a knife in His Majesty's hands after all, and His Majesty's will is their greatest pursuit.

All people who have a relationship with His Majesty are people they cannot touch.

"As for the Yuwen family, it is only supported by Yuwen Wuji and some previous affection. Compared with Mr. Cheng, it is a waste of time yesterday. Now that I offend the Cheng family, I am afraid it will not be far away."

Lord Qianhu made an analysis and decided to turn the big thing into a small one.

"Are there any casualties in this matter?"

Dida was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook his head: "No."

Only a few beggars died, so in his eyes, they were not considered human beings at all.

As for Yuwen Chengjun, who had lost his arms and legs, he had already been connected, and naturally he was not considered injured.

Lord Qianhu punched the palm of his hand, showing his face and saying:

"That's enough. Since there are no casualties and some property losses, our own merchants care about it, and our Sky Survey Division is short of manpower, how can we waste it on such trivial matters.

It's all gone, let the local yamen handle it by themselves. "

"Good regards, my lord."

Dida looked like he was being educated humbly.

So a turmoil subsided before it even started.



Cheng Kai already knew what Fang Chang was doing, so he frowned.

"If you don't find something for the old man to do, don't you feel uncomfortable all over?"

Fang Changman said indifferently:
"Isn't that the right time for me? Yu Wencheng is pregnant with that bastard bullying my wife, so I'll ask his cousin to collect some interest first.

It's a pity that this kid didn't come out, otherwise I would definitely kill him. "

It was the first time Cheng Kai knew about Yuwen Chenghuai's grievances with his granddaughter, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression darkened.

"Bullying Dongdong, what's going on?"

Fang Chang said indifferently: "No bullying, with me here, who dares to touch my wife.

Isn't it because you left at the beginning and fell into the big pit of the female prince, so some people thought it could do it and set their sights on Qingniufang City. "

Fang Chang talked about what happened back then.

"...This matter, Dongdong is afraid that it will affect your mood. After all, you were in the business of beheading, and you didn't want to give you any trouble, so you didn't talk about it.

Later, we couldn't get in touch, let alone talk about it.

It happened this time too, otherwise I would have almost forgotten about it.

But now that we've met it, it's not over.

I've already alarmed the enemy, and I'll follow the vine tonight and kill that bastard. "

Cheng Kai's face was serious: "Nonsense!"

"Below the Son of Heaven, in the city of Chang'an, you can mess around casually. There is really no one in Beijing."

Fang Chang curled his lips and said, "Anyway, I can't stay for two days. If you don't let me make trouble, I won't make trouble."

Fang Chang made a mess on the spot.

Anyway, the name of the Cheng family has already been announced.

But Cheng Kai said: "Now that you are in His Majesty's eyes, you must learn to be cautious in your words and deeds, and don't ruin your future because of a small matter, this is not Qingniufang City anymore.

Don't worry about this matter, just leave it to me. "

"Although the old man is useless, he is still somewhat sure of dealing with a Yuwen family.

Wanqing is the only remaining blood of the old man, they dare to bully Wanqing, how can the old man spare them. "

Fang Chang pretended to be speechless and said, "I just want to find a mastermind. Grandpa, you are going to uproot him."

Cheng Kai sneered and said: "Isn't this what you want, kid, otherwise you'd be bullying Wanqing by opening your mouth and keeping your mouth shut.

But even if you don't provoke me, the old man will not let them go.

Cut the grass to root out!
Yuwen Wuji is an old fox, back then even I could only be counted as one of his soldiers.If we killed his grandson, how could he not remember it.

So once you do it, even he can't live, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

I'll arrange this matter, and you don't have to worry about it. "

Fang Chang gave a thumbs up and said: "Jiang is still old and spicy, grandpa is awesome."

"Don't flatter me, treat Wanqing well, and the old man will be satisfied."

Cheng Kai ignored the matter and frowned.

"I heard you brought back a woman."

Fang Chang was about to explain when he heard Cheng Kai say with an expressionless face:

"It doesn't matter if a man is a bit flirtatious, but the most important thing is Gu's family. Playing with women is playing with women. You can't leave blood outside, and you can't take it home. Wanqing will lose face."

Fang Chang paused, swallowed again, and said dryly:
"Grandpa, you are really my grandfather. Now we really have no enmity."

"But you really misunderstood, I just saw that your house is deserted, so I brought you someone who can sing to add some atmosphere.

That is a scheming, ruthless one. After some training, he might not be able to be a good pawn.

If you don't like it, just find a place to send it away. "



"Then stay. Besides, don't go out for a few days, the old man will solve the outside affairs."

"Grandpa is domineering."

(End of this chapter)

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