Chapter 243 Splendid World

Two days later.

Fang Chang and Li Hu, who were recuperating in Cheng's mansion, were sent to the palace by Cheng Kai.

As for the matter of Yuwen's family, Cheng Kai has already set his sights on them.

Patriarch Yuwen is also a high official in the court, even if it is Cheng Kai, it is impossible to kill them for no reason.

This is the court system.

However, Cheng Kai also said that he would make Yuwen's family disappear in the city of Chang'an in a year or so at the earliest, or in two or three years at the slowest.

Similarly, this is also the self-confidence of a confidant of the emperor.

Fang Chang and the others entered the palace not to see the queen, but the passage to the Fairy World was inside the palace.

They were led to a corner hall.

There are about a hundred seats in the hall that are similar to lotus platforms, and there are a lot of people seated at this moment, all with solemn faces, and no one speaks out.

Fang Chang saw Luo Xuan, the captain of the Huangwei Army who he met in the last teleportation, was also there.

According to the foreigner Gong Cheng Kai, the arrival of him and Li Hu robbed two places of the Huangwei Army, so when he saw Fang Chang and the two, this man's attitude was so bad.

But Fang Chang didn't care.

Unlike these fellows who traveled across at public expense, they paid for it.

As for the quota, judging by Yaoguang's attitude of giving points, he doesn't believe there is any quota limit.

Most of them are hunger marketing routines.

Nine times out of ten these guys were cheated.

Fang Chang and Li Hu sat on the lotus platform, thinking enviously.

The material of the lotus platform is polished granite, which looks extremely smooth, with unidentified grains engraved on the side.

Judging from Fang Chang's unprofessional eyes, this thing is basically useless, and it cools his ass when sitting up.

As soon as the prescribed time came, an inexplicable suction appeared in the center of the hall, as if it wanted to suck people's souls away.

Fang Chang was just in a trance, and saw the stars twinkling in the sky, and then the galaxy was shining brightly and then went out.

The world was pitch black, a little bright color appeared, and a long silver river flowed in the space.

The cold and smooth touch enveloped him, and he was like a helpless fish, drifting with the current, being sent to an unknown destination by this galaxy.

He struggled to break free, trying to jump out of the river.

Suddenly, an inexplicable force surged in his body, he jumped with all his strength, and saw the light above the river.


Splendid world.

Jingguo, Ningling County, Sanyin County, Xiama Village.

It is said that when Jingguo was at war with neighboring Weiguo, a general of Jingguo came back triumphantly, so he dismounted here to ask for a sip of water.

The general said that when he was fleeing, he was fortunate to have a half bowl of porridge from a peasant woman in the village, so that he could achieve what he is today, and he came here to repay his kindness, so he left a hundred taels of gold.

So there was a legend about the general getting off his horse to repay his kindness.

The name of the village was changed to Xiama Village.

But Fang Chang felt that this was purely a matter of the villagers putting money on their faces, and getting off a horse obviously meant an inferior horse.

No one in the ten miles and eight villages knows that Xiama Village is the poorest.

The village has not found a foreign wife for three years, instead it has been marrying foreign daughters.

Only relying on intermarriage in the village, not only are there fewer and fewer women, but even second-married widows are sought after.

And sooner or later a brood of fools will be born.

"Brother Dog, your mother is calling you home for dinner."

A little kid with two strings of snot hanging from his nose, wearing crotch pants, and a bare butt yelled gloatingly.

"There are guests at your house, and your mother has been unable to find you, and even said that she will beat your ass to pieces."

Fang Chang, who was basking in the sun at the entrance of the village: "..."

"I'll smash your ass first!"

Fang Chang slapped the little kid's dirty buttocks with a crisp and clear sound.

Seeing that the little kid was about to cry when his mouth pouted, he pulled out a candied fruit like magic.

Tears rolled in the eyes of the little boy, and he suppressed them abruptly when he saw the candied fruit.


Fang Chang directly stuffed the candied fruit into the kid's mouth.

"Next time, remember to eat before asking."

Fang Chang held his small hands behind his back, dragging his ten-year-old thin body, leaving a back view of the little kid.

Thinking that he, a dignified Nascent Soul cultivator, was so bored that he pretended to be aggressive with a kid, it was a failure.

Fang Chang couldn't help but think of the culprit who turned him into a child—the girl with an innocent smile who claimed to be the Spirit of the Splendid World.

The girl called herself Yaoji, Yaoguang's sister.

Well, anyway, it doesn't look as big as Yaoguang, and this sister is open to discussion.

Yao Ji said that in order to prevent these outsiders from disturbing the rules of this world, and also to prevent the flow of time in this world from disturbing their spiritual perception, they cannot distinguish between the real and the imaginary in the two worlds.

So everyone who enters the Fairview Realm has to go through the calamity of reincarnation—that is, let them obtain a native status in the Fairview Realm.

So he became such a little kid in a daze.

Of course, this is not real reincarnation.

It's just that his primordial spirit is sleeping in the little kid's body, and he uses the little kid's body to adapt to the rules of this world.

When the time is up, his soul returns to his place, and he will be a hero again.

He woke up half a month ago.

Calculating the time, there will be about two more days. As soon as the little boy's tenth birthday arrives, he will sleep in the little boy's body for three years.

At that time, you can return your body to the little kid and start to enjoy yourself.

It's not that he hasn't tried to come out early, but every time he just came out of his body, he felt dizzy, stirring all his perception like a drum, distorting the three-dimensional world.

Influenced by the power of Fang Chang's primordial spirit, the little boy suddenly became enlightened three years ago. He is extremely intelligent and contains strength far beyond his peers.

But Fang Chang Yuanshen regained consciousness, and after taking over the little boy's body, he has always been ashamed of this name.


A dilapidated old mud-brick house with walls surrounded by clods and a door made of bamboo slices that creaked when the wind blew.

Fang Chang pushed open the bamboo door with a serious face, and saw a woman in a coarse linen skirt coming up with her hands wiping her apron around her waist.

The woman pinched Fang Chang's ears.

"I told you that your second uncle is here today and told you not to go wild. Why did you come back so late?"

Fang Chang broke his skills in a second, forced a smile on his face, tilted his head and stood on tiptoe flatteringly:

"Hey, mother, I forgot, I really forgot, take it easy, don't get angry. Am I not coming back?"

Do what you do and love what you do.

Since she took up the body of her son, Fang Chang didn't feel wronged, so he just acted with her for two days.

At this time, a rich middle-aged man wearing a hat came out of the inner room. Seeing the innocent Fang Chang, he smiled and said:

"God, do you still remember your second uncle?"

Fang Chang rolled his eyes silently in his heart, maintaining a childlike innocence on the outside, and said happily:
"Remember, second uncle, you gave me a lot of candies last time."

"Haha, you remember to eat candy."

The rich middle-aged man is named Lin Fu, and he is Fang Chang's second uncle who occupies the body.

According to him, when he was young, he went to the city to look for a job and worked in a restaurant. He was appreciated by his boss because he was serious about his work and studied with an open mind. Now he is the shopkeeper of a restaurant, and he is one of the few wealthy relatives in Xiama Village.

However, Lin Fu only went home to look for relatives after he became prosperous in the past two years.

Before, the Lin family thought that the second brother died outside.

at dinner time.

Lin's parents asked Fang Chang to kowtow to Lin Fu.

Fang Chang doesn't want to do this anymore.

Although it wasn't his body, but it lived in his soul, so he got into an argument with his parents, and his father almost slapped him with his shoes in anger.

Although Lin Fu was a little disappointed, he still smiled and said:
"It's okay, it's okay, if you don't knock it, you won't knock it, the child is still a little bit cynical, just wait a few more days to get along."

"Yes, second brother, you know that this kid is smart, and when he is smart, he has his own ideas, and sometimes we can't control him.

Following us will delay the child instead, it would be better for him to leave it to you to train him. "

Father Lin, who is the eldest brother, has a low attitude.

Because Lin Fu has no children, he went home and wanted to choose a smart child to adopt as his son. After careful selection, he chose Fang Chang.

You must know that there are many Lin family members in Xiama Village, and Lin Fu has more than one elder brother, as well as younger brothers and younger sisters.

He wants to adopt a child, and everyone else will squeeze his head.

And being able to follow Lin Fu is tantamount to changing one's destiny.

For the Lin family, it also benefited a lot.

Among other things, the 50 taels of silver brought back by Lin Fu alone is enough for the Lin family to live affluently.

There is no need to worry that the other children will not be able to marry a daughter-in-law in the future, or that the dowry will not be enough, and they will be bullied by their in-laws when they marry.

"Son, from now on I will call your second uncle your second daddy, and follow your second uncle to live well in the city."

When it comes to emotion, Lin's father and Lin's mother couldn't help but shed tears.

Fang Chang looked at Lin's father and Lin's mother, then at Lin Fu who was smiling, and couldn't help blinking.

Boy, this is sold.

Lin Fu laughed and said, "Son, from now on, if you follow Second Father, Second Father will treat you like his own son."

As he spoke, he lined up a row of snow-white silver coins on the table in front of Lin's father and Lin's mother.

"Brother and sister-in-law, my younger brother is a layman. If you are willing to give me your child, I can only give you this little compensation. Please accept it."

Lin's father and Lin's mother's complexion changed, and they quickly looked at Fang Chang.

Did they know that their children were smart since they were young, and if he saw this scene, if they don't understand now, they will understand when they grow up.

But Father Lin still took the money and confessed:
"Second brother, you must take good care of Goudan."

Lin Fu shook his head and said: "The name Goudan is okay when you are young, but not when you are older. Taking this opportunity, I will give the child a name.

I can be where I am today, and the foundation of my life lies in the word "seriousness", so my child will be called Lin Zhen in the future, "seriousness". "

"Okay, this name is good. Second brother, you are indeed a educated person. I think it is better than the name chosen by the gentleman in the village." Father Lin laughed.

"Then it's settled. I'll take Zhen'er back to the city tomorrow." Lin Fu said.


At this time, Mother Lin hesitated.

Lin Fu asked, "Sister-in-law, do you have any questions?"

Mother Lin asked cautiously: "The child will be his tenth birthday in two days. Can you let the child return to the city with your second brother after his birthday?"

Lin Fu thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Alright, let Zhen'er stay with the eldest brother and sister-in-law for another two days."

"Okay, when the time comes, give it to Goudan, no, no, give Lin Zhen a big one."

Father Lin picked up the chipped ceramic bowl, which contained slightly yellowed rice wine.

"Come on, second brother, elder brother toasts you, our old Lin family counts you as the most promising right now."

Under the dim light, push the cup and change the cup.

The night is getting darker.


Two days later, it coincided with the night of the full moon.

Fang Chang, who celebrated his birthday lively, leaned against the window and couldn't fall asleep.

He felt his heaven and earth's recognition of him, and now his soul can leave Lin Zhen's body at any time.

Now that Yuanshen is probing outside, there is no sense of distortion.

Even without counting the time, he could somehow feel the traces of time on his soul.

In this way, he can clearly feel how much time has passed now.

And his lifespan also began to pass with the time in this world.

But what about his body?
Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the moon. In the moonlight, there seemed to be a black shadow falling.

There are people outside.

The rich second uncle was standing in the courtyard, and someone floated in from outside the wall. There were four men in black, whose feet did not touch the ground, like ghosts, just happened to surround the second uncle.

"Who would have thought that Crossing the River Dragon, the Three Dragons and Four Tigers of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, was born in such a small village, Lin Longtou, you are so easy for us to find.

Hand it over. "

The man in black said.

Lin Fu had his hands behind his back, and his small belly made him look like a master.

"Four Ghosts of Xishan, how did you find me?"

"If you want people not to know, you have to do nothing yourself, Lin Longtou, although you act secretly, you still mistrust villains.

We bought your itinerary for 1 taels of silver.

Now Jingguo's rivers and lakes are all in turmoil, you can't escape.Hand over the things, and our master can save your life. "

Said the head of the man in black.

Lin Fu snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that even the Four Ghosts of Xishan became other people's lackeys, but Lin is used to standing and can't kneel down.

This is what you want, come get it. "

Lin Fu took out a statue made of white jade from his bosom, about the size of a palm. It was a lady playing flute, with a delicate face, and it was so lifelike under the moonlight, as if she had come to life.

The four ghosts of Xishan's eyes lit up.

"The statue of the Dongxiao fairy, the legend contains the secret of longevity, it is really as beautiful as the legend."

Taking advantage of the Xishan four ghosts being attracted by the god statue, Lin Fu threw the god statue high.

"do not!"

Fearing that the statue would be broken, all the four ghosts of Xishan stepped forward to catch the statue, but Lin Fu's temperament changed instantly.

If he was a rich man just now, now he is a violent ape in human form.

I saw his body swell, and his loose uniform turned into tights, and he could see his big tendons protruding, knotted like the roots of an old tree.


Lin Fu's sleeves exploded, and a palm as big as a millstone slapped a ghost.

This palm is like lightning, even the air is backlogged into a ball, distracted by the god statue, the ghost is terrified and reacts conditionally.

He backed away sharply.

But Lin Fu was so powerful that he stomped on his foot and made a small hole. Then he came first and landed heavily on his chest with his palm.


A ball of laundry exploded.

Lin Fu's complexion changed: "Phantom Magic!"

"Lin Longtou's Blood Fiend Palm is also well-deserved of its reputation. If the second brother is a step slower, I'm afraid you will smash him into pieces."

The boss of the four ghosts held the statue in his hand and sighed.

"It's a pity that there are only one dragon and two tigers left among the three dragons and four tigers. Those two tigers are not by your side. Lin Longtou, you missed your last chance."

Beside him was a thin masked man with his shirt popped open, with a light blood-colored handprint on his chest.

Lin Fu's face changed, and he said: "The rules of the world, the family is not as good as the disaster, let them go."

The boss of the four ghosts shook his head: "Cut the grass and roots, Lin Longtou, you don't even understand this."

"Then the fish will die!"

Lin Fu's face flushed with blood, his eyes turned red, and he was desperate.

"It seems that only one corpse can be brought back for the master."

The boss of the four ghosts said regretfully.

"Hey, hey, why are you talking so much nonsense during the fight, disturbing me to watch the moon."

The faces of the four ghosts all changed greatly: "Who?!"

Someone was approaching, but they didn't notice it. They glanced left and right, but they didn't see a figure, as if there was a ghost talking in their ears.

Even though they were known as the Four Ghosts, cold sweat still broke out behind their backs.

"Look down, what the hell!"

The four ghosts lowered their heads and saw a child rolling his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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