Chapter 244

Seeing that the four ghosts of Xishan were a child, instead of being careless, they became even more nervous.

As we all know, there are several types of people who should not be provoked casually unless it is absolutely necessary.

Old people, children, handicapped, women.

Why not provoke.

Because they are weak in nature.

And a weak person who dares to enter the rivers and lakes alone must have a strange skill, that is, a master who has been famous for many years. When encountering such a person, he may be careless.

Fang Chang standing in front of the four ghosts at this moment is such a child.

"Who is my little friend? This is the grievance between us Xishan Four Ghosts and the Dragon and Tiger Gang. Please don't joke with us, little friend, and return the fairy statue to us."

The Great Ghost of Xishan said with a deliberate tone.


Lin Fu, who was going to do his best, was also stunned when he saw that the child who shocked the four ghosts of Xishan was actually his nephew who was going to adopt him as his son.

Is he dreaming, or the world is too crazy.

Fang Chang looked at the white jade statue in his hand, and suddenly exerted force, the jade statue seemed to be hit by a hammer, and white jade powder flew everywhere.

"do not want!"

The Four Ghosts of Xishan and Lin Fu were shocked.

The Four Ghosts of Xishan couldn't care less about Fang Chang's identity as a special child. Phantoms flashed in the air, and under the moonlight, they looked more like ghosts.

If ordinary people see it, they will be scared out of their wits.

But Fang Chang ignored them, and didn't even look at them more.

The four fearsome masters of the evil ways in the rivers and lakes are frozen in mid-air at this moment, as if mosquitoes have been sealed in amber. The astonished expressions and fearful eyes are clearly visible, but they just can't move.

Lin Fu felt a sudden chill in his heart.

This is by no means his nephew!

The statue quickly turned into powder in Fang Chang's hand, and the powder flowed from between the fingers, leaving only a jade chip the size of a thumb on the palm.

There are a few small characters written on the jade chip - holding it can enter Taixuan.

"It turns out that this is the so-called secret of longevity. Why does an entry certificate smell like a mortal?"

Fang Chang complained silently in his heart.

The rules of this world do not seem to allow practitioners to disturb ordinary people, and even for most people, cultivation is a legendary story.

So an entry certificate passed around has become a secret of longevity.

But is it too early to reveal the secret?

An idea came to Fang Chang's mind, and he casually threw the jade chip to Lin Fu.

"Take it, if you have a destiny in the future, you may be able to use it."

Lin Fu's evil spirit dissipated, and he regained his image as a member of the rich family. He stared blankly at the jade chip in his hand, and murmured:
"Can you enter Taixuan with it?"

"Hehe, it turns out that our brothers fought back and forth, resulting in countless deaths and injuries, all because of such a small jade chip!"

"What longevity is, it's all a scam!"

Lin Fu held the jade chip tightly, his expression twisted.

After a while, he recovered and faced Fang Chang calmly.

"Senior also came here for this longevity?"

"I don't know where my nephew is now?"

Although this person has the body and appearance of his nephew, he is definitely not his nephew.

He only thought that the person in front of him was probably the kind of expert who is proficient in disguise, and he also came for the statue in his hand.

Fang Chang smiled and said: "Oh, what if I said your nephew is gone."

Lin Fu's pupils shrank, and then his chest collapsed, as if he was bent a lot.

"Then I can only make up for my poor elder brother and sister-in-law, so that they don't miss my poor nephew too much."

"I thought you were going to fight me hard?"

"Senior regards the four ghosts of Xishan as nothing, my little trick is nothing in front of senior, and I don't want to die yet.

So many brothers died for me, and I have to live for them. "

Fang Chang gave a thumbs up and said: "I admire you who know the current affairs, but you are wrong.

Now standing in front of you is your nephew, and I am just a tenant who happens to live in his body.

As the rent for the past few years, I will leave these four people to you to drive. "

The power of Fang Chang's primordial spirit spread out, and the four ghosts of Xishan were instantly refined into puppets.

Although it is just a very ordinary puppet, it is considered a top expert in the common world. If any one is taken out, it can beat the previous four ghosts of Xishan.

"The common fate is over, I will go."

A ray of spiritual light bloomed from the child's celestial spirit cover, and a primordial spirit shrouded in light came out of his body and flew away to the moon.

The child fell limply to the ground.

Lin Fu waited for a long time, seeing that his nephew hadn't moved, he walked up carefully, helped his nephew up, and patted his face.

"Wake up."

"Second...second uncle."

The child woke up rubbing his eyes with a confused look on his face.

"I, why am I here, where is that fairy brother?"

"Brother fairy?"

Lin Fu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, as if he understood something, he couldn't help looking at the four ghosts of Xishan who were following behind the child like four shadows.

"Prince Zhao, Black Heart Tiger, all those who betrayed me, I will come back..."


Under the moonlight.

Fang Chang looked at the body falling from the sky under the moonlight, and knew that it was Jie Ling Yaoji who sent the body to him.

"Hey, you didn't do weird things with my body, did you?"

Fang Chang Yuanshen returned to his seat, raised his hands, and swung his legs. A faint coercion suddenly appeared in the sky, and even the moonlight was distorted by his aura.

From a distance, it seems that there is a huge void, devouring the light of the moon.

But this momentum was quickly restrained.

The air returned to calm.

Yaoji's exasperated voice rang in Fang Chang's ear.

"You are thinking about all kinds of messy things. This place is a restricted area for practice, and the aura is extinct. Since you have recovered now, then leave as soon as possible!"

Fang Chang curled his lips and complained:

"He also said that he is an older sister. Your younger sister is much more interesting than you."

But there was no sound, it seemed that Yao Ji had already left.

Fang Chang didn't care, first he reached out to touch his waist, and a delicate belt was pulled out.

If you look closely, you can find that it is sewn with more than a dozen palm-sized storage bags.

"The storage belt is fine."

Then he pulled on his neck, and saw a necklace pulled out of his arms.

This necklace is connected in series with fairy silk that is impenetrable by water and fire, and has indestructible magical powers. It is decorated with twenty or thirty storage rings. Although it does not look very pretty, it mainly highlights a boldness.

"Well, the storage necklace is fine."

After all, Fang Chang has already made sufficient logistical preparations for cultivating here for a hundred years or even longer.

He just came to practice, and fighting and killing has nothing to do with him.

Of course, karma must pay off.

He had borrowed Lin Zhen's body for three years, so he returned his four puppets of martial arts masters, and his soul had inadvertently transformed his body during the three years, which was enough for the rent.

In fact, if he wasn't reasonable, Lin Zhen and the whole Xiama Village would be queuing at Naihe Bridge right now.

After all, the landlord hangs up, so there is no need to think about who should pay the rent.

After tidying up his belongings, Fang Chang stopped where he was, muttering something from the corner of his mouth.

"Is the spiritual energy extinct?"

He silently sensed it, and found that the aura here was ten times worse than when he first crossed over, not even one percent of the standard aura environment.

Being able to refine qi here is considered a genius.

The mana in his body was being consumed at an extraordinary speed.

He looked for a direction, and swished away through the air.

Listen to people's advice and eat well.

Jing country and even the surrounding countries are completely ordinary world, without any trace of practice.

Because this is an area specially designated for Nascent Soul Transformation, even the aura has been artificially emptied, maybe his elder brother Li Hu is staying in a certain country right now, sealing his cultivation.

Of course, there must be other blind cultivators or cultivators with ulterior motives sneaking in.

However, in places where this kind of aura is extinct, once the mana in the body is exhausted, if you want to replenish it, you can only rely on external objects.

Moreover, not only can't the cultivation base improve, but it will be countered by the environment, feeding back the world with the mana in the body, and the cultivation base will decline.

After staying for a long time, it is possible to become a mortal.


half year later.


Pengze County, Cailian Lake, Cailian Manor.

This is a Jindan cultivation family.

Li Taishang, the supreme elder of the clan, is a majestic Jindan real person who suppressed the entire Cailian Lake. The clan's industry mainly focuses on breeding spiritual fish and growing elixir Cailian.

this day.

The Li family recruited a new priest.

In the living room, Li Yuanming, head of the Li family, looked at the elderly monk in front of him and asked:

"Is it that Fellow Daoist wants to be affiliated with our Li family?"

The old monk is a male cultivator. He looks over 50 years old, with gray temples and cloudy eyes. Hearing the patriarch's question, he replied neither humble nor overbearing:
"I was originally from Linze County. When I was young, I met my teacher and practiced with him for 50 years. I was lucky enough to build a foundation. However, the road to immortality was difficult. After 30 years of ups and downs, I just realized that the road has come to an end, so I wanted to return to my roots.

However, the relatives in the family had already passed away with the wind. Hearing that the Li family was recruiting talents, he wanted to try it. "

Li Yuanming was a little disappointed when he heard the words.

It seems that the old monk came to their Li family to take care of him, but if the family wants to grow, it is necessary to absorb new blood.

Moreover, their Li family said it was the Jindan family, but the Taishang Patriarch lived for more than four hundred years, and how many years could he protect the family from wind and rain.

Therefore, the reputation of the Li family is not as good as it used to be.

If the old monk was replaced by a talented young genius, he might have to hesitate for a while.

After all, he is self-aware, it is impossible for a genius to come to their Li family, he has already gone to those big sects.

And don't look at the old monk's life-threatening appearance, but he is still a foundation-building monk, and it will not be a problem to live another three to forty years.

So Li Yuanming thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"It is an honor for the Li family to be able to see our Li family as a fellow daoist. It happens that there is a fish farm that is lacking in guards. How about having a fellow daoist go there?

Thirty percent of the fishing ground's annual profit is the annual salary of fellow Taoists. "

The old monk looked indifferent.

"Use money to do things, please do as the owner tells you."

Li Yuanming called his subordinates to take care of the matter via voice transmission.

"This fellow Daoist Liu Qi Liu is a new enshrined member of our Li family. He is now in charge of guarding Xiaohudao Fishing Ground. You can lead him there."


The small lake island is indeed very small, with a length and width of only about ten miles. Around the small lake island, there is a kind of spiritual fish called white sand fish, which is one of the Li family's fishing grounds.

However, this fishing ground is not big, with more than [-] catties of fish being fished every year, so even if the annual profit is [-]%, it is only a thousand or eight hundred spirit stones.

During the introduction, the stewards were a little embarrassed.

For a foundation-building cultivator, such a few spirit stones are really not too much.

On the contrary, the old monk looked calm and calm.

After all, he is a new priest who has just joined, it is impossible to hand over important properties to him as soon as he arrives, he must take his time.

And it's just anchored.

If the Li family needs him to contribute additional efforts in the future, the remuneration will have to be calculated separately.

The two are more of a cooperative relationship. He needs the reputation and services of the Li family, and the Li family needs his force.

"Xiao Gang, Da Qiang, this is the new Priest Liu. From now on, he will be the guardian priest of Xiaohudao Fishing Ground. Please take care of him."

As soon as they arrived at Xiaohu Island, the steward brought in two fishermen in common clothes and jackets, with big white teeth, both of them were strong, with their bronze skin exposed, they looked very healthy.

The steward introduced it to the two parties, and then led the old monk to the residence on the island.

The house is not bad, it is a yard with two entrances and two exits.

The steward also said that he would arrange for a few maids to serve him in a few days, but the old monk refused, saying that he likes to be quiet.

The steward didn't force it, and chatted for a while, seeing that the old monk didn't have any demands, and he felt relieved, so he left and returned to the Patriarch.

"I have seen the priest."

After the steward left, Xiao Gang and Da Qiang saluted the old monk in awe.

Normally, there is only a fishing ground manager in the middle and late stages of Qi refining on their island, but I didn't expect this to be enshrined by the clan.

You must know that the worshipers of the Li family are all legendary foundation-building monks.

There is still a small amount of mana in them, but at most it can be regarded as a first or second level of qi refining, and the exercises are still incomplete.

Apparently the Li family raised fish with them, but had no intention of actually cultivating them.

"Well, from now on, the old man will be guarding this place. You can just follow the old routine, and come to the old man if you have something to do."

The old monk's attitude was lukewarm.

"The villain knows."

But the two of them breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that the old monk's personality would be weird, but they still didn't dare to refuse.

Now that the old monk says he doesn't care, they are naturally happy.

Soon, the two were sent away by the old monk, and the room became quiet.

For a while.

The old monk wiped his face with his palm, revealing a delicate and handsome face, which was indeed Fang Chang.

"I've been here for three and a half years, and I can finally calm down and practice. It's really not easy to find a safe place these days."

Fang Chang sighed.

He found that the Splendid Brilliance Realm seemed similar to the Lord's Heaven and Earth, but in fact the rules were completely different. Taking the monk realm as an example, the breakthrough of the big realm here can be called hell.

In the main world, Qi Refining Cultivator breaks through the foundation-building realm, three foundation-building pills build the foundation three times, and the success rate is about [-]%.

This is still for monks with low qualifications.

For a genius like Li Hu, he didn't even need Jidan.

But in the world of splendor, not only is there only one chance to build a foundation, even people with medium aptitude have a high chance of failure, and failure means death.

Foundation establishment is like this, let alone Jindan.

Therefore, for a Jindan family like the Li family, the Supreme Elder has broken through the Jindan realm for almost 200 years, yet even the second Jindan real person has not appeared.

The underlying involution is getting worse.

Fang Chang found several places with beautiful mountains and rivers, but was disturbed by people looking for secrets.

As for the place where the bird doesn't shit, he doesn't like it.

So he learned from the pain and decided to hide in the city, so he found a comprehension family like the Li family to be a bastard.

This Liu Qi is indeed a real person, an old monk living in a foreign land that he met before.

He helped to collect the corpse, and replaced his identity by the way. After all, acting is a full set, and the identity has to stand up to scrutiny.

(End of this chapter)

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