Chapter 258 The Sky Witch

A month later.

An unnamed hill, a wooden house in the mountain.

As the light in Fang Chang's eyes faded, the struggling face of the old woman sitting cross-legged in front of him finally calmed down completely.


The old woman said dully.

Fang Chang nodded slightly, not surprised.

Continuously stimulating the old woman's primordial spirit with the demonic method for a month, and then using the weakened version of the demon's eye to continuously amplify her inner emotional flaws, and finally awakened her demon today and took control of her body.

Of course, the heart demon is weak at birth, without his power to suppress the old woman's primordial spirit, it won't take long for the heart demon to be refined by him.

If you really want to replace your primordial spirit with a demon, you have to control it for a long time, and the energy consumed is not worth the candle.

An old woman in the Nascent Soul Realm is not worth his effort.

And he doesn't care about the strength of the demon, he only wants the memory of the demon.

The inner demon can be regarded as an alternative second soul, possessing most of the memory of the main body.

As for the magic method of soul searching, it generally only works on high-level monks and low-level monks.

And only monks who have a deep understanding of the soul can do it.

In other words, only Nascent Soul monks and above have the ability to search for souls, but it can only be used on monks whose realm is lower than their own.

Like the old woman, if Fang Chang used the soul search forcibly, he would only get extremely trivial memory fragments.

Fang Chang grabbed the old woman's forehead with his hand, and a phantom who looked like an old woman exuding black air was caught.

And this is the demon of the old woman.

He opened the eyes of the demon between his brows and melted the demons in his heart, and fragments of scattered and trivial memories began to emerge in his mind.

Regarding the Hongchen sect, the red thread leads, and the relationship between Ruyan and the old woman also emerged one by one.

"I see."

After a while, Fang Chang finally digested the old woman's memory, and a clear look appeared in his eyes.

"It seems that I have inadvertently provoked a big enemy."

He couldn't help but look at Ruyan who was sleeping soundly beside her, on her brows, there was a trace of lingering sorrow locked tightly.

At this moment, the old woman also woke up from her confusion, she only felt that she seemed to have lost something.

"what did you do to me?
Fang Chang said indifferently: "I just used some tricks to check your memory."

The old woman said incredulously: "Impossible, there is a restriction left by the young lady in my sea of ​​knowledge, even the Great Master of Transformation God can't search for my soul, you don't want to deceive me."

"I don't need your letter."

Fang Chang said, "There are still some things hidden deep in your memory that I haven't seen. If you can tell me, I will spare your life and let you go.

After all, we don't have any deep hatred.

Even if I don't kill you, if you can't speak out, then you can only be imprisoned here until I know what I want to know.

Of course, at that time, it is not certain whether we still have hatred. "

The old woman couldn't help thinking about her body, which had been beaten by the puppet and was covered in pain.

This is nothing to hate?

But she was silent for a moment and asked, "What else do you want to know?"

She felt that what Fang Chang said might be true.

As if to test her guess, Fang Chang readily showed his hole cards.

"How to release the red line?"

The red line is not as simple as forcing the marriage.

On the contrary, when the marriage is successful and the red line starts to play a role, it is equivalent to starting a long-term state of divine punishment.

Ordinary people simply cannot bear this kind of divine punishment.

Therefore, those who are selected by the red line are those with deep blessings.

But once you are selected by the red line, the high fortune will become low, and you don't know when bad luck will come.

If the red thread keeps pulling, this bad luck will not stop.

It's as if Ruyan and his red line have just been drawn, and the young master of the Xu family who has been waiting for two years and is not in a hurry is about to be the overlord.

If he is really a useless slob, he might just watch Ruyan being snatched away and be powerless, the red line will end before it even started.

If it weren't for such unpredictable consequences, Fang Chang would not mind the influence of multiple red threads on his body.

After all, it is not certain who will suffer.

Isn't it nice to have a woman who works hard to serve me?

The old woman shook her head and said, "This is the most advanced secret of the Red Thread. It involves the core inheritance of the Hongchen Sect. I don't know."

"But that's all I want to know."

Fang Chang sighed, as if he wanted to turn around and leave.

Seeing this, the old woman was anxious, and hurriedly said: "But I know who can solve it."


"My lady, she is the core sect member of the Hongchen Sect and knows all kinds of secrets about the Hongchen Sect. I am just an old maid under her command."

The old woman began to show weakness.

"I can take you to find her."

Fang Chang squatted down halfway, staring at the old woman's feigned nervous expression, and said with a sneer:

"It seems that you really don't believe what I said. After reading your memory, your young lady is a famous heavenly witch, a major repairer at the peak of transformation.

If I follow you to find her, do I still have a life? "

The old woman's expression tightened: "You actually read my memory, how is it possible?"

"Not only do I know that your young lady is a heavenly witch, I also know that Ruyan is her reincarnation from a distraction, coming here to experience the tribulation of love in the world.

And she seems to have more than one reincarnation, and you are only responsible for one of them. What does she want to do? "

Fang Chang asked abruptly.

"I, I don't know!"

The old woman broke out in a cold sweat, almost revealing her biggest secret.

At this moment, she has no doubts about what Fang Chang said just now, except that she doesn't know how much he has seen from her memory.

Fang Chang shook his head and said: "If you don't tell me, I can guess a little bit, no matter what she does, no matter what she does, it is not without a reason, and it is inseparable from a possibility.

That is a breakthrough to a higher realm.

I guess Ruyan's reincarnation is part of her enlightenment, right? "

The old woman didn't dare to speak anymore, but cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Fang Chang continued: "You said that if I secretly exposed her reincarnation identity... Well, for a big shot like her, there should be many enemies?"

There was more and more sweat on the old woman's forehead.

The dignified Nascent Soul cultivator couldn't even control his body at this moment.

"You, you wouldn't do that."

The old woman took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

"You love Ruyan, you will not put her in danger. Once her identity is revealed, she will die."

Fang Chang's face turned serious, and he suddenly laughed.

"I have to say, you old man is really accurate at seeing people, I really won't expose Ruyan."

"However, I don't care about spreading the news of your lady's breakthrough, so I will give you some hush money.

Otherwise, I can't control my big mouth. "

"Aren't you afraid that my lady will come to trouble you?" the old woman couldn't help asking.

If other people knew the identity of the young lady of her family, they would already be in fear, thinking about how to make amends so as not to implicate the Shimen family.

But Fang Chang didn't care about it, and he was still teasing.

Fang Changdao: "I'm afraid, but what's the use of being afraid? Will things not happen if I'm afraid? The Heavenly Witch, a senior expert, can run over me with one finger, so I have to jump hard first." step."

"So be quick, if you don't pay the hush money, then the storm will be more violent."

The old woman said: "Didn't you already read my memory, what else do you not know, the spirit stone treasure on my body is still up to you.

I have nothing left to give you. "

"Isn't there something I haven't seen? It's still the same problem. Since the Sky Witch can't be provoked, who else knows besides your lady, the Sky Witch?

Could it be that there is no second person in the Hongchen sect who knows? "

Fang Chang asked.

The old woman replied: "The red thread is the core inheritance of the Hongchen sect, and it is also a way to overcome the disaster of the world and break through the gods.

How to get rid of it, no one knows except Hongchen Sect's own experience of transforming gods.

It is true that my lady is not the only one who knows, but it is not easy to find other Huashen Daxiu. "

Fang Chang sighed and said: "It's useless to say, there is no one I can beat."

"It seems that I can only cause trouble for your young lady, otherwise, when she finds out that I have kidnapped her reincarnation, she will have to trouble me.

Don't blame me, I'm just protecting myself.

A little later to die is a little while.

By the way, will your lady blame you for not being able to do things well?
I heard that the bosses of your kind of demon sect have no conscience, and they are always ruthless. "

A look of fear really flashed in the old woman's eyes.

If she let the young lady's reincarnation fail, she might not see the sun the next day, and even the soul would have to be imprisoned and burned in a yin furnace for a hundred years, suffering all kinds of pain.

"There is another way!"

The old woman gritted her teeth and said:

"I know that recently there is a true inheritance of the Red Dust Sect who is going through the Red Dust Tribulation in order to break through, cultivating the Divine Will of the Transformation God. He must know how to untie the red thread."

"Tsk tsk, you really don't even know that you have such great potential if you don't force it."

Fang Chang let go of the restraint on the old woman, picked up Ruyan and walked out.

"Time is running out, talk as you go."


Xingning City.

This is a medium-sized city in Jingguo.

And Jingguo is also a subsidiary country of Shifang Jiange. Its geographical location is next to Qingguo and it has a population of tens of millions.

As for the big countries like Jingguo and Qingguo, there are four under Shifang Jiange's command, and there are six smaller vassal states.

These ten countries are collectively named Shifang Kingdom on the map of the entire Splendid World, bound to the Shifang Jiange, and it is also the basic board for the Shifang Jiange's long-term prosperity.

No matter which world you are in, talent is the most important thing.

There are talents.

Well, far away.

Fang Chang and the old woman flew for half a month and traveled tens of thousands of miles to arrive at this city.

If it weren't for Ji Ruyan's weak body, even with the protection of mana, she would not be able to withstand the extreme speed, and this speed would be even faster.

In a tea house in the city.

Sitting by the window, Fang Chang looked at the pedestrians on the street like running water, and asked:

"The true biography of the Hongchen sect you mentioned is in this city?"

There was a flattering smile on the old woman's face, as if she had resigned herself to her fate.

"Mr. Fang, it is this city, but at that time, the old man just listened to it and didn't pay much attention to it.

The exact identity of that true biography is unknown, and Mr. Fang will have to spend some time to figure it out.

If Mr. Fang can trust Lao Shen, Lao Shen can act as an envoy to contact this place.

If Mr. Fang can take down that person, then the True Inheritance of the Hongchen Sect will not be able to escape. "

Fang Chang couldn't help frowning.

He didn't answer immediately, but secretly opened the eye of the demon, and a mysterious line of sight probed into the void.

There is no ambush here, and there was indeed such a thing in the old woman's memory.

"Okay then, let him come and see you."

"However, what rituals are needed, what spells to use, I can do it for you."

Fang Chang did not give the old woman a chance to contact her privately.

The old woman also accepted it naturally, which made Fang Chang secretly wonder if he had stayed too long and became nervous.

Soon the old woman was handed over to Fang Chang for a decision.

Fang Chang cast it in accordance with the law, attracting a mysterious energy to pervade the teahouse, there is nothing unusual, even ordinary people can hardly detect it.

After about a cup of tea, a woman who looked like an old lady next door walked up to the tea house, but the guests in the tea house didn't seem to see it, and some people walked straight towards the woman, but turned inexplicably halfway , avoided the woman.

The woman looked around and fixed on the place where Fang Chang was sitting before.

"Who are you, and why do you know my sect's technique of inducing fragrance?"

The woman stared at the dull-looking middle-aged man in front of her and asked.

"No, you are not human!"

As she said that, she was about to violently attack someone, but a slightly old female voice came from the man's mouth.

"Junior Sister Zhou, it's me, Qiao Yu."

"Joe... senior sister?"

Listening to this familiar voice, the woman said with a puzzled look on her face:

"How did you become like this?"

The man continued to speak: "Don't worry about this for now, you go to the elm forest outside the city now, and I will wait for you there."

"Senior Sister Qiao, Senior Sister Qiao."

The woman continued to cry.

But the man had already recovered his dull expression, got up and walked out, but the woman's face changed when she reached out to grab it.


She put down the puppet, jumped out of the window, and flew out of the city.

But no one noticed her such a big movement, as if everything was normal.


Twenty miles west of the city, there is a dense elm forest.

Fang Chang nodded slightly towards the old woman.

"Forget it, you didn't play any tricks."

The old woman smiled wryly and said: "Junior Sister Zhou, like me, was once a servant girl under Miss, and thanks to Miss' kindness, she is what she is today.

Mr. Fang, please be merciful when the time comes, and if she confesses honestly, please don't make things difficult for her. "

Fang Chang nodded: "This is natural."

But there was still something wrong in his heart, and things went smoothly unexpectedly.

But the woman and the old woman are under his surveillance at the moment, so what small tricks can they do?

If we directly take her down later, will there still be problems?
Soon, the woman fell into the elm grove, and the old woman was waiting in front of her.

There was a smile on her face.

"Sister Qiao."

The old woman smiled back: "Junior Sister Zhou."

"It's now!"

The old woman suddenly yelled.

The woman immediately flipped her palm, and a pure black talisman was thrown out, like a black hole, it swallowed up all the light in an instant and blocked all sight.

Fang Chang, who was hiding in the dark, changed his face drastically.

Sure enough, there are traps.

But even he couldn't see what happened in the black hole for the first time.

"court death!"

The seed of the magic eye that was melted into the old woman's sea of ​​consciousness exploded instantly.

Then he ran away without looking back.

In the dark.

The old woman vomited blood, and layers of black air appeared on her face.

"Junior Sister Zhou, hurry up, time is running out, the summoning talisman is on my arm, to wake up the young lady's consciousness, and the red thread must not be in vain."

Hearing this, the woman immediately tore off the old woman's clothes, and then pinched the spell with her hands, and saw a golden talisman on the wrinkled skin, like a tattoo.

"Hold it."

The woman pressed her arm and stretched out her hand to tear it apart. The old woman grunted in pain, and her energy dropped several percent in an instant. The injury was actually much more serious than the injury she suffered from being besieged by puppets before.

The woman didn't have time to take care of the old woman, so her mana was pushed inward as if she didn't want money, and soon the talisman ignited spontaneously without fire, turning into a ray of spiritual light in the air and fleeing away.

(End of this chapter)

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