Chapter 259 Please Die

under the blue sky.

Fang Chang's light was almost smoking, and he ran so fast.

The cicada senses before the autumn wind moves, and slips away first if something goes wrong.

Walking in the rivers and lakes, the most important thing is to put stability first.

Although Fang Chang decided not to hang on anymore and faced it bravely, running away is purely natural. When Fang Chang realized it, he had already fled thousands of miles away.


Fang Chang stopped suddenly, and the powerful shock wave caused a large white cloud behind him to shatter from cotton candy to cotton wool.

"Why should I run? Although there are traps, I'm a brave man with high skills, and it's not impossible to handle it."

"That's not right, the old woman has seen my methods before, since she dared to turn against me face to face, she must have some confidence in her methods.

If I stay any longer, won't I be tricked by her. "

"Fortunately, I am astute and not fall for her tricks."

"It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years."

"Her lady is such a high-ranking person. Who knows what kind of means will be left for them. It is reasonable for me to retreat strategically."

"It won't be too late to argue with her when I am successful in cultivation."

"What's more, the enemy is clear and we are dark, and the advantage lies with me."

Fang Chang muttered, finally suppressing his shame of fleeing without fighting.

The main thing was that things suddenly got out of control and frightened him all of a sudden.

After all, in this world he is not familiar with life and place, and he is a widow. He is not sure, so it is better not to fall into a trap easily.

Looking at his several shots in this world, which one is not bullying the small with the big.

Although he is now confident of meeting Huashen Daxiu relying on various hole cards, it is better not to touch if he can.

When a person is broken, who will feel sorry for him.

Fang Chang calmed down, and his mind sank into the sight of the Eye of the Demon.

It took him a month to raise the inner demon in the old woman's body, so how could he not be more careful and integrate the demon seed into his primordial spirit.

At this moment, as the eyes of the demon opened, he instantly gained the sight of the old woman.

I saw the old woman sitting cross-legged, with black air rising on her face. Obviously, after the detonation of the demon seeds, the inner demons in her body were born, forcing her into a state of pseudo-obsession.

If one fails to deal with it, I am afraid that the cultivation base will be greatly damaged.

And her junior sister was urging an alms bowl emitting Buddha's light to cover the old woman's head, and the golden Buddha's light sprinkled down, buying the old woman a lot of recovery time.

If no one disturbed her, she might be able to drive her away from the demon seed and recover from her injuries.

Of course, this premise is that Fang Chang does not intervene.

Fang Chang was annoyed in his heart that the old woman was not keeping her promise, so she couldn't help increasing the output secretly, and the light of the demon god shone through the air.

"You actually dare to plot against me?"

The old woman snorted immediately.

The mana calmed down in the body immediately went into a riot, and the stable primordial spirit also weakened under the washing of the heavenly demon light, unable to control the balance between the physical body and mana, and could only watch helplessly as he went to perish.

Only then did she know what Fang Chang had planned in her body.

But since she made such a choice, she was already prepared for life and death.

"You and I are not friends in the first place, each is his own master, so there is no plotting. The old man has failed the young lady's confession, but fortunately, it has not reached the point of no return.

Even if he is dead now, he is worthy of Miss's training and care for so many years.

Mr. Fang, you are one of the best geniuses I have ever seen, and I am afraid that you are not much worse than my young lady back then.

But you are too young after all, time is on my lady's side. "

"What do you mean by that?"

Seeing what the old woman said, Chang Fang suddenly realized that she didn't seem to want to escape from him, but wanted to take the opportunity to meet her junior sister in order to achieve some kind of opportunity.

And this matter is that she did not hesitate to complete it with her life.

Perhaps this is the real secret hidden in the depths of her memory, a defense that even the inner demons cannot break.

He inexplicably had a bad premonition.

The old woman did not explain, but sent a message through the air:
"Mr. Fang, Miss will look for you."

Hearing this, Chang Fang thought of the old woman's lady, the woman she remembered as the Sky Witch.

Although I haven't seen it in person, I know from the few words in the old woman's memory that she is not easy to mess with.

But when we got to this point, Fang Chang replied stiffly.

"Do you really think that the Sky Witch can scare me?"

However, he still cut off the output of the Heavenly Demon Divine Light, temporarily saving the old woman's life.

Of course, it wasn't that he was afraid of that witch, but the main reason was that the enmity between them didn't reach this point.

As we all know, Fang Chang is a kind villain.

Then, Fang Chang withdrew the vision of the demon, and the demon seed no longer erupted, but sneaked into the depths of the old woman's sea of ​​consciousness.

In the elm forest.

"Senior sister, how are you doing?"

The woman looked at the old woman worriedly.

Feeling the tranquility of the primordial spirit, the old woman gradually faded the dark air on her face, sighed and said:
"It's fine for now."

"I didn't expect him to be so careful. I thought our sisters would be buried here today."

The old woman knew Fang Chang's abilities very well.

Aside from that, with those heavenly eyes and hundreds of puppets of third-order golden elixir, she and her junior sister are no match for each other.

But this person was too cautious, and he didn't want to take risks at all. No wonder she had never heard of such a genius before.

"Senior sister, who is that person?" the woman asked.

"An unlucky guy who was targeted by the lady."

The old woman stretched out her arm, and the torn skin on it had healed, but it was even thinner, like an old stick.

That talisman blended with her spirit, energy, and spirit, and usually nourished it with her own energy and blood, so it was almost integrated with her, even Fang Chang didn't notice it.

But it is also true, it takes a lot of energy and time to activate this talisman, and she has no way to do it under Fang Chang's supervision.

So she had no choice but to take the risk and let the woman accompany her to take the risk.

The technique of inducing fragrance is the secret code that these handmaidens have agreed with each other.

"The summoning talisman has been activated. Miss's distraction has awakened. I will go to the sect to be punished by myself. Junior sister, I have troubled you this time, and I almost got you involved."

The woman smiled and said, "Senior Sister, why do you need to be polite to me? Without your help, Senior Sister, I would have been a pile of bones long ago.

How can there be the prestige of the Nascent Soul Great Cultivator today.

Senior sister is going back to the sect, do you want me to see you off? "

The old woman didn't speak, just waved her hands, bent her body and walked away.


Fang Chang stopped under a hut in the forest.

This is the place where he placed Ruyan, guarded by several third-order puppets, and there will be no problems in a short time.

Fang Chang pushed the hut away, looked at Ru Yan who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and sighed silently.

"It's obviously a good thing to clear money and goods, how did it become like this?"

"I really want to lose you like this."

"But it just can't be done."

"Love, it's really the most difficult thing in the world. It's nothing more than that you Hongchen sects have to use it to overcome the catastrophe. How do you see through it?"

"Did you just keep falling asleep like this?"

Fang Chang muttered to himself, quite difficult to make a choice.

Perhaps he shouldn't have caused this trouble in the first place.

Suddenly, Ruyan on the bed opened his eyes and smiled at him.

Fang Chang was taken aback for a moment.

"you're awake."


"Fuck? You're awake!!!"

He stepped back sharply.

But Ruyan, or how could the Heavenly Witch let Fang Chang go so easily, she spoke lightly, still in Ruyan's voice, but with a domineering arrogance.

"If you dare to escape, the deity will kill you."

Fang Chang paused and smiled awkwardly.

"No, I just think you must be starving after sleeping for so long. I'll buy you something to eat."

"But now it seems that you are not too hungry, so I won't go."


Ruyan sat up, obviously just sitting on the edge of the bed, but it was like sitting on a throne, her red lips parted lightly: "Sit."

Fang Chang sat down in front of Ru Yan dejectedly, and asked:
"Are you Ruyan now, or a sky witch?"

Ruyan said: "The deity is her, she is not the deity."

"Understood, can she come back?" Fang Chang asked again.

Ruyan said: "Since the deity is awake, she has become a part of the deity. The red thread has been drawn, and the deity wants you to help me practice."

Fang Chang was inexplicably relieved, but also a little sad.

"So she's really gone?"

"The deity is her."

Ruyan repeated, frowning, feeling that something was wrong with Fang Chang's current state.

It's just a little Nascent Soul.

"No, you're not her, she's dead, just now."

"Originally, I was still struggling, because it was against my code of conduct to go against a Daxiu who was at the peak of the God Transformation for her.

But I don't want to abandon her, that's against my moral code.

When I knew that she was the reincarnation of your distraction, I knew that sooner or later she would not be her, she was just a mortal woman, how could she bear your strength.

But whether or not to change, when to change, should not be chosen by you, but by me.

Because I am her man. "

The Heavenly Witch looked at the evil spirit rising from Fang Chang's body, but instead had a smile of interest on her face.

"For a distracted reincarnation of the deity, you want to fight against the deity, do you know what the consequences will be?"

Fang Chang nodded: "To be honest, you made the choice for me, and I didn't need to be this villain. I really felt happy and grateful for a moment.

But in a way, you killed my woman again, so I am very angry.

In order to let me have an explanation to her in my heart.

So please go to hell with her. "

A drop of crocodile tears flowed from the corner of Fang Chang's eyes, with a somewhat relieved smile on his face.

Behind him, puppets with gloomy faces stepped out one by one, forming a mysterious formation - the Tianlu Army Formation.

"My ability is not great, and now I can only kill a distraction and send her off. As for your subject, if you and I meet again, you are not dead yet.

I decided to send it off with my own hands, just as a memorial to the love you and I once had. "

The hut in the forest exploded suddenly, a sky furnace phantom suppressed the void in all directions, Fang Chang retreated behind the scenes, and a corpse puppet stepped forward, turning into clusters of illusory flames.

The sky witch looked at the army formation that surrounded her, and a flash of memory flashed in her eyes.

"Using puppets as soldiers to evolve into an army formation, this is the formation of Dao soldiers, no, it's not all the way of Dao soldiers, and there are traces of the military evil of the practice dynasty.

What is your relationship with Zhongzhou Jiuhuang Emperor Dynasty? This is their secret. "

This army formation is very rare, he bought it with Lingshi.

Fang Chang's heart skipped a beat.

Nine Phoenix Emperor Dynasty?

Empress Nine Phoenix?

When the spirit of the first magic weapon of the Eye of the Heavenly Demon was suppressed by the Mountain and River Realm, it also clamored for the name of the Nine Phoenix Empress.

Now Her Majesty the Empress even takes the title of Nine Phoenixes.

Could it be that, as he guessed, Her Majesty the Empress is the reincarnation or descendant of the former Nine Phoenix Empress.


Fang Chang became more confident.

"Have you ever heard of the name Nine Phoenix Empress?"

The sky witch's complexion changed slightly: "The revived empress, the Nine Phoenix Empress who opened the gate of heaven and earth?"

How does she not know.

Thousands of years ago, inherited for millions of years, Emperor Jiuhuang, who occupied the most fertile land and resources in Zhongzhou, was fading away and entering his twilight years.

For the first time, the empire's military power, which had been dominated by the empire for millions of years, fell to his family for the first time.

All the monks stared at each other, trying to find out from the Nine Phoenix Emperor the reason why the heavens and the earth were disqualified, and the human world could no longer break through to the realm above the god of transformation.

Just when the Nine Phoenix Emperor's dynasty was on the verge of collapse, a little girl born in the collateral blood of the royal family was born.

With God's help, she made a breakthrough all the way in just a hundred years.

From an ordinary mortal to a supernatural power above the transformation of the gods, he once again supported the Nine Phoenix Emperor Dynasty to its peak state, oppressing the world.

Some families with a long history were surprised to find that this woman looks exactly like the Nine Phoenix Empress.

Later, in front of all living beings, this girl who was suspected to be the revived Nine Phoenix Empress opened the gate of heaven and earth, leading many monks out of this world.

It is said that behind the door is another world full of infinite possibilities, and there is even a chance to become a fairy.

The Heavenly Witch only hated herself for being born thousands of years late, for not being able to see the true face of the empress, and yearning for the world where it was said that she could become a fairy.

It's a pity that since the empress led the crowd to fly away, the gate of heaven and earth was blocked, and only those who had broken through the hole above the gods could have the opportunity to pass through this gate and follow in the footsteps of the empress.

But thousands of years have passed, and there are only two monks who can pass through this door.

The main reason is that people walked too fast back then, and the masters who had a chance to break through all had faults.

A peak deity transformation like her already belongs to the new generation.

Fang Chang didn't explain, just nodded and said: "It's good to know, then you can die without regret."

While the puppet was speaking, it had already completed the encirclement.

At this moment, many puppets attacked together, as if the sky furnace opened the cauldron cover, enveloping the sky witch, and filled it with firewood along the way.

The Heavenly Witch came back to her senses and smiled coldly.

"Just relying on these rags?"

With a wave of her hand, although she didn't have any magic weapon to help her, she mobilized the aura of heaven and earth suppressed by the heavenly furnace with only the power of the primordial spirit, turned it into a big net, and engulfed the puppet in turn.

The two collided together and made a loud bang.

Many puppets were blown up and exploded.

And the sky witch also shook her figure.

After all, she was just distracted, and she was relying on a mortal body, which was extremely weak, and the counterattack force of the collision was enough for her to feel better.

She looked annoyed.

"The mouse that hides its head and shows its tail, come out to this deity!"

She didn't move, but the air behind her seemed to be distorted, and a hazy shadow appeared, which could be seen as a woman.

The picture became clearer and clearer, and it turned out to be the back of a woman.

Although it is just a glimpse of the back, it is inexplicably touching.

"Heavenly Demon Dance!"

(End of this chapter)

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