Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 260 Winning and Losing

Chapter 260 Winning and Losing
Demon Dance!
One dance for the city, one dance for the soul, named after the demon, represents the murderous intent hidden in the bliss.

When the devil dances, all living beings will be crazy about it.

This is one of the few methods that witches can use today.

Although it is less than one-tenth of the power she exerted in person, it is more than enough to deal with a monk in the Nascent Soul realm.

With the Yuanshen cultivation base of the Nascent Soul cultivator, it is impossible to resist the temptation contained in the Demon Dance.

When she became famous in this world back then, even Huashen Daxiu was moved and fearful by the Heavenly Demon Dance, which also made her famous as a Heavenly Demoness.

She thought that as soon as this dance was performed, Fang Chang would definitely submit to him face to face, and the cruel words he said before would become a joke.

But she won't kill him.

It's rare for Hongxian to find a destined person. Even if her current distraction seal is lifted, Hongxian still has value.

And she is also very interested in the name of Nine Phoenix Empress that Fang Chang mentioned just now.

Although the Nine Phoenix Empress is the supreme being in the world, after thousands of years, the people who know her reputation are actually limited to the top group of people.

It stands to reason that Fang Chang, the Nascent Soul Xiaoxiu, couldn't possibly know about it.

It is very likely that Fang Chang has obtained part of the inheritance of the Nine Phoenix Empress, and the army array in his hand is a proof.

At this moment, the phantom of the demon dances in the void, and all sentient beings fall into it.

Some corpse puppets with a little more spirituality were attracted by it, and became walking corpses, and even the Heavenly Furnace formation had defects.

That's the bad thing about spirituality.

Spirituality is somehow wisdom.

Therefore, these corpse puppets are between living things and dead things. Since they are living things, they will be attracted by this extremely emotional dance of demons.

But Fang Chang was the only one missing from these figures.

The power of the demon girl's primordial spirit swept all directions, only to find that Fang Chang seemed to have disappeared.

However, the many puppets who were still forcibly gathering around proved that Fang Chang hadn't gone far, otherwise these corpse puppets would have already fallen into chaos.

Once the Heavenly Demon Dance comes out, it doesn't mean that you won't be affected if you don't watch it.

As long as it is within the influence range of the Heavenly Demon Dance, unless the five senses are closed, or the legendary heart of a child is free of distracting thoughts, it will not be able to escape the temptation of the Heavenly Demon, and the demons will flourish.

Fang Chang was naturally also affected.

But his style of painting is a little different from what the Sky Witch thought.

In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Heart Demon Fang Chang greeted Fang Chang awkwardly.

"Well, hello my lord, ahem, I'm here again."

Fang Chang frowned, and said with disgust: "Why are you here, I didn't call you."

The head of Xinmo Fang said indignantly: "But the girl outside called me, and I don't want to come out of this deity, so you should be gentle this time."

Fang Chang waved his hand: "Close your eyes, let me act quickly."

The heart magic square leader closed his eyes in aggrieved way.

Then bang.

The head of the heart magic square shattered to the ground with a crash, and Fang Zhang couldn't help but groaned, his soul was slightly damaged.

In the final analysis, the inner demon is not rootless, but also a part of him, born by his strength.

So dispelling the demons will also hurt part of your spirit.

Of course, there are benefits as well as disadvantages.

Once the demons are gone, his soul will become more pure.

In the next period of time, the comprehension of the exercises became more concentrated, and the practice became smoother, as if the acceleration was turned on.

This is what the Buddhists say to wipe frequently, so as not to stir up dust.

The human heart is a mirror, if it is not wiped frequently, it will be stained with dust and become no longer bright.

The dust on the mirror is the distracting thoughts of the human mind, and the culmination of distracting thoughts is the demon of the heart.

Fortunately, Fang Chang is very familiar with this aspect and minimized the loss.

After the Heavenly Furnace Army Formation.

Fang Chang suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time the eyes of the demon opened between his eyebrows, all the temptations of the demon dance were blocked from the divine light.

"If it's other means, maybe I have to spend some effort, but when it comes to playing with demons, I'm your father!"

"Heavenly Demon Divine Light!"

A pitch-black beam of light shot out from between his eyebrows, and all the corpse puppets under the Tianlu Army's formation regained consciousness instantly, and the faintly disintegrated formation took shape again.

"Sky Furnace!"

The auras of many corpse puppets are connected in a line, faintly gathering on a corpse puppet as the main formation.

Then the corpse puppet's aura swelled, and it turned into an oven, possessing the power of a fourth-order puppet for a short time.

As the fire filled the air, the corpse puppet, which had swelled several times in size, was radiating fire all over its body, and rushed towards the sky witch.

The Heavenly Witch's five fingers shook, as if a wind chime sounded, and the phantom of the Heavenly Demon danced more violently when she stretched out her hand.

But at this moment, with the blessing of Fang Changtian Demon's divine light, the corpse puppet will not be affected anymore.

With the power of the demon girl's primordial spirit resisting the pressure of the army formation, she snorted coldly, and her white hands clenched into fists.

"A small puppet dares to offend this deity!"


The fist was punched through the air, and the corpse puppet, which already possessed the power of a fourth-order puppet, exploded in the air, shattered into pieces, and shattered all over the ground.

But Fang Chang's voice came from the formation.

"It seems that I guessed right, your strength is getting weaker and weaker, and you can't even break puppets."

"How much strength can you borrow from a mortal body? Enjoy the farewell battle I prepared for you."

In the midst of mana, the corpse puppets that were shattered just now were pulled together by an invisible force, and rejoined again, returning to the formation.

The next moment, another corpse puppet was instilled with the power of its companions, broke through the shackles of the same level, and came in front of the sky witch.

The sky witch's expression finally changed.

Fang Chang is right, what she is relying on now is the distraction in her body, but the power of distraction is not infinite.

If she is consumed like this, she will be dragged to death sooner or later.

"You want to kill me?"

"I am Ruyan now, Ruyan is me, if you kill me, Ruyan will never come back."

In order to keep her distracted, the Heavenly Witch had no choice but to give in orally.

Fang Chang laughed.

"Haven't I made it clear enough?"

"Ruyan is dead, you chose it, Senior Sky Witch."

At this moment, the sky witch's eyes lit up, and she sneered:
"Got you!"

A mysterious aura rose from her body, revealing for the first time the unique divine intent of a cultivator who transforms spirits.

"Heavenly Demon Bliss!"

The distraction of the sky witch broke free from the shackles of the physical body, revealing the reality with the body of the primordial spirit, that is a very beautiful woman.

Words can no longer describe her beauty, all I can say is that seeing her is like seeing the incarnation of beauty, stunning at first glance and obsessed at first glance.

After realizing that she was unable to win after a long battle, she used words to deceive Fang Chang's position, and the Heavenly Witch did not hesitate to choose a unique move.

Fang Chang seemed to see the goddess running towards him, and he couldn't help but let go of all his defenses, wanting to embrace her.

This is Huashenshenyi, a power that is similar to law.

And the spirit of the Sky Witch is bliss, representing a kind of ultimate charm.

In order to realize this divine will, she has observed the world from the perspective of a dancing girl for thirty years in the common world.

At the beginning, the brothel tycoons were jealous of her and fought violently;
When she became famous and was welcomed into the court, the monarch of a country would not hesitate to go to war for her to make her smile, just to find the most beautiful treasure in the world to match her.

For this reason, the country fought for years and went to perish.

She is known as the enchantress of subjugation in the history books of later generations.

But all those who know her name have to admit her beauty, and yearn for what kind of beauty can destroy a country, but history books can't describe what happened.

They spurned her name, but yearned for her beauty.

From this came her bliss.

To see her beauty is to bear the price of death.

Fang Chang's real body finally appeared.

The primordial spirit of the Sky Witch showed a cold smile on her face.

"Maybe someone can escape the demon bliss of this deity, but it will never be you. The game is over, kid."

"Yeah, it's over."

Fang Chang, who was flying obsessively towards the sky witch, looked clear, and the eyes of the sky demon burst into divine light.

"Heavenly Demon Divine Light!"

The Heavenly Witch was shot head-on by the Heavenly Demon Divine Light, and her primordial spirit began to melt away bit by bit.

This is the power to wipe out the soul of the gods. With the physical body blocking it, it can also reduce the power by a little bit, but now her soul is facing the light of the demon god, and the damage is directly doubled.

"This is?!!"

The Heavenly Witch is not in the pain of death at this moment, but instead shows ecstasy.

"The real power of heavenly demon!"

"It turns out that you are the chance of this deity! The power of the demon, no wonder you can not be affected by the dance of the demon, hahaha..."

She no longer resisted, the primordial spirit was burning in the air like a torch, instead she looked at Fang Chang with a murderous look in her eyes, and liked it no matter how she looked.

"You must protect yourself well, and don't die before the deity finds you."

Fang Chang's face was annoyed.

He also didn't want to expose the demon's eyes.

But if you want to kill a distraction who is at the peak of transformation, even in her weak state, if you don't use ancient treasures such as the Eye of Heavenly Demon, it is impossible for him to be an opponent.

The big difference between Huashen and Nascent Soul cannot be overcome by simply accumulating numbers.

He was confident in fighting against Huashen before, and he was also confident that the Eye of Heavenly Demon could eliminate the suppression of Huashen's divine will on him, and with the aid of the immortal puppet army, he was able to fight.

"You talk so much nonsense!"

"Suppressing Prison Qi!"

A palm made of white jade descended from the sky.

The sky witch went to die calmly.

Only at this last moment, the image of the primordial spirit of the Sky Witch suddenly changed to Ruyan.

Fang Chang's palm suddenly stopped.

"Like smoke?!"

"Fang Lang, I'm sorry."

There were tears in Ruyan's eyes, and the moment the Heavenly Witch's primordial spirit woke up, she couldn't help herself.

At the same time she understood everything.

Fang Lang has always been Fang Lang, but she is no longer her.

As the awakening time of the demon girl's soul prolongs, she finds that she is gradually merging into the soul of the demon girl.

"Kill me."

Fang Chang said angrily: "Heavenly witch, you still want to destroy my Dao heart before dying!"

The image of Ruyan dissipated, and the appearance of the Sky Witch reappeared.

There is no fear of death in her eyes, only longing for the future and joy overflowing the corners of her eyes, which is the joy of seeing the way ahead.

It was as if she was the winner this time.

"This is my reward for you, let you see each other for the last time, but it seems that you have never understood the kindness of this deity."

"Ruyan is dead, you killed him!"

Fang Chang gritted his teeth.

"Is Ruyan really dead? Then why is the red thread between you and her still not broken?"

The Heavenly Witch smiled and said:
"How about letting the deity tell you the only way to get rid of the red thread?"

Before Fang Chang could speak, she said to herself:
"It's actually very simple, as long as you kill the person you love with your own hands. This is the ultimate meaning of the red thread. Only by killing the one you love can you forget your love."

"If you want to break my Dao heart, don't think about it!"

He pressed down with one palm.

The primordial spirit of the Heavenly Witch is divided into two at the moment, one is her, with a smile on her face, and the other is Ruyan, who is much more hazy and illusory.

Ruyan opened her mouth to say something.

But under this unstoppable palm force, she could only be wiped out along with the demon girl's primordial spirit, and in the end there was only an inaudible sigh.

And the red thread that had been connecting him with Ruyan really broke at this moment.

And the backlash led by the red line has never come.

On the contrary, a powerful force injected into his body from somewhere.

He could feel that his mana was constantly soaring, and in just a moment, he had reached the critical point of the late Nascent Soul.

He only needs a slight push to break through to the late stage of Nascent Soul.

At least it saved him ten years of practice time.

This is one of the reasons why Hongxianqian chooses people with deep blessings.

Only this kind of person has enough growth potential to get enough gifts at the moment when the red line is released, and it is possible for another person to go further.

The Heavenly Witch did not lie to him.



Fang Chang raised his head to the sky and screamed, endless mana poured out violently, disturbing the sky.

In an instant, the wind was strong and the rain was pouring.

It seems that someone is crying.

He won and he lost.

Knowing that this is the provocation of the demon girl against him, to force him to seek revenge on her, he took the initiative to send the eye of the demon to his door.

But Fang Chang still couldn't help the fury in his heart.

"Heavenly Witch, I will definitely go find you!"

He can't say that he loves Ruyan so much, it's more about the long-term love, and part of the influence of the red thread.

What made him even more angry was this feeling of powerlessness to protect.

The feeling that something you care about has to leave you.

An insecurity that loathes and dreads him most.

On the one hand, he rationally knows that Ruyan is illusory.

From the very beginning, she was a celestial witch.

Ruyan's identity is like the protagonist in a movie, and the Sky Witch is the actor of this role.

When the plot ends, the actor will still return to reality, no matter what he does, movie or movie, reality or reality, will disappear like smoke.

So the Sky Witch woke up and let Ru Yan's identity end early, but he was relieved.

On the other hand, he did not dare to face Ruyan.

Because he was afraid that the more emotion he invested, the greater the disappointment he would get in the end.

This is a very contradictory mood.

And this kind of mood reached an emotional climax when Tian Witch deliberately let Ruyan appear in front of him.

He chose to cut the mess quickly, but he had to face the pain of personally killing a woman who loved him.

At this moment, he is rational and emotional.

Heavy rain.

Fang Chang walked in the mud, hugging Ruyan's fleshy body.

The primordial spirit of the Sky Witch has disappeared, and now there is only a cold body left, which will decay with the passage of time and eventually turn into a pile of dust.

Fang Chang gently stroked Ru Yan's face, and fed her a piece of cold jade that could seal the vitality of the physical body.

"I will keep your physical body, and if I have the chance, I will also retrieve your memory and let you live again.

But then you'll forget about me, just an ordinary mortal. "

His mana was activated, and the rainwater in the sky suddenly solidified into ice, turning into an ice coffin and filling Ruyan into it.

At this moment, Fang Chang was drenched in water and extremely embarrassed.

 In order to show respect for the limited and free recommendation, there will be more in the evening, about [-] to [-] words.


(End of this chapter)

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