Chapter 270 Farewell
In the huge county government.

The headless body of the county magistrate Gao Daqiang was lying on the ground, and the prisoners who were interrogated just now were trembling.

Fang Chang asked Bubble to sit beside him, and looked at the people in the audience.

"What did you do?"

Dressed in rich clothes, Mr. Liu, who was called by Gao Daqiang as an enthusiastic crowd, mustered up his courage and stepped forward to tell the case.

This is a very common murder case.

The murderer Li Erwen, the deceased Wang Qiangren and Liu Yong are all excellent students in the Lecture School in the city. They have cultivated Qi and possessed superficial magic power.

One day, Wang Qiangren's wife came to the school to visit her husband.

As a result, Li Erwen fell in love with Wang Qiangren's wife at first sight, and expressed his appreciation for Wang Qiangren's wife in front of his classmates many times.

Later, when Wang Qiangren invited his classmates to have a reunion with his own desires, he took the opportunity to drug Wang Qiangren in the wine and took Wang Qiangren's wife forcibly.

Liu Yong was also invited and was stunned on the spot.

However, Liu Yong said that he was not good at alcohol and drank less, and he had a special constitution and strong resistance to drugs, so he woke up early.

He quickly woke up Wang Qiangren, and saw Li Erwen's animal behavior.

Unexpectedly, when they broke through, instead of running away, Li Erwen wanted to commit murder. They were drugged and their mana was not working smoothly, so Li Erwen killed one of them on the spot.

And he also took the opportunity to escape and report to the official.

Logical and logical.

Fang Chang was noncommittal, and looked at the newly mourned person in the hall, the woman at the center of the whirlpool of the incident.

"Is what he said true?"

The woman said with a confused expression: "My wife, I don't know, my wife has been in a coma all this time, it was Mr. Liu who brought someone to wake me up.

When the woman woke up, her husband was already dead.

But the people in the yamen said that Li Erwen killed him. "

Fang Chang asked again: "Do you think Li Erwen killed it?"

The woman glanced at the young man on the ground who had already had less air intake and more outflow, and said hesitantly: "The women don't know."

Fang Chang shook his head: "Poor."

"You do have the breath of this young man. This young man has offended you."

In his eyes, even if there is only a ray of breath remaining, it is like a firefly in the dark night, it is difficult not to notice it.

After all, he used to be a man who studied Buyanglu deeply.

The woman's expression was startled, and her expression was stunned: "What?"

She was just powerless to resist, so she could only say nothing.

But in her heart, the young man who was beaten so badly was very likely to be wronged.

After all, the traces of blame are too heavy.

If not, why take out his tongue, cut off his hands, and destroy his dantian.

Fang Chang continued: "Of course, he is not the only one who offended you. In a month, at least three people have had sex with you."

This heterosexual smell generally does not remain for too long, and will dissipate within a month.

But this woman has three different auras of the opposite sex on her body.

Ordinary people must think that this seemingly innocent woman lives a chaotic life in private, but Fang Chang has a deep insight into people's hearts, but he knows that this woman is pure in spirit and is not an adulterer.

"My lord, women have always abided by women's morals. Except for being offended by others a few days ago, women have only their husbands from the beginning to the end. How did they come to be the second or third person?"

The woman was extremely ashamed and angry.

Fang Chang was unmoved, but said indifferently: "The third breath is Mr. Liu beside you."


Liu Yong knelt down on the ground, sweating all over his head, unable to hold on any longer.

"My lord, it is not I who forcibly occupied the Li family, but Wang Qiangren sold his wife to me, and I, I gave the money."

"tell me the story."

"Yes Yes."

Liu Yong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and told the truth.

It was Wang Qiangren who seemed serious, but let his beautiful wife look for him in the lecture hall every now and then, and even intentionally or unintentionally showed off how gentle and considerate his wife was in front of his classmates.

Its purpose is not to show off, but to arouse classmates' unruly feelings towards his wife.

He can take this opportunity to blackmail his classmates, commonly known as Immortal Jump.

Liu Yong was wealthy, so he easily fell into the trap. At first he was apprehensive, but later he gradually got used to it and enjoyed it.

But Li Erwen was involved in it unintentionally, he really had a love for the gentle and beautiful Li Shi.

Seeing this, Wang Qiangren wanted to repeat the same trick, inviting him to drink, but secretly gave him aphrodisiac drugs to make him have sex with his wife, and threatened him afterwards.

As a result, after Li Erwen came to his senses, he resisted death and had a conflict with Wang Qiangren. During the fight, he lost his hand and killed someone.

As for Liu Yong as an accomplice, how could Li Erwen be allowed to reveal himself in secret.

Otherwise, his reputation will be ruined.

As exciting as it is to play, it is as dangerous as it is exposed.

So he bribed Gao Daqiang, cut off Li Erwen's tongue, broke his hands, and abolished his dantian, just to make him shut up.

"My lord, Xiaomin confessed everything. I didn't kill the person. Xiaomin just committed adultery. The crime does not deserve death."

Liu Yong actually wanted to speak hard, but Fang Chang's eyes glanced at him, and his psychological defense was directly breached, so he resorted to everything.

Hearing the truth of the matter, the woman's face was pale and lost all color, and her eyes were full of despair.

"Husband, he... in the past, he respected each other like a guest, and the harp and harp were all fake?"

Fang Chang crushed a healing elixir, and cast the spirit of spring wind and rain, and the power of the medicine fell on the young man who didn't know his life or death on the ground.

His severed hands, severed tongue, and even broken dantian were all growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's just a small practice of refining Qi, and Fang Chang's one pill combined with spiritual skills is enough to live and die.

After a while, the young man got up from the ground and looked at his hands in disbelief.


He held a resentment in his heart, even in the situation just now, he didn't faint, so he knew everything about what happened.

For the moment he had nothing but surprise and gratitude.

"Thank you sir!"

"If you can get the truth, the villain is worth dying for."

But Fang Chang waved his hand and said, "Die, you don't have to die, I forgive you for your innocence."

The young man said in astonishment, "But my lord, did I kill someone?"

Fang Chang nodded: "Oh, that's right, you must be punished if you kill someone, and I will punish you to take good care of Mrs. Li in the future, and don't treat him badly.

If you killed someone's husband, you should take care of her. "

The young man glanced at the woman with a sluggish expression, kowtowed to Fang Chang and said:
"My lord, it's better for the villain to die."

"Then die somewhere else."

Fang Chang waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew away, dragging the young man and the woman out of the county office.

At the gate of the county government.

The strong wind dissipated, but the young man and the woman hugged each other because of their panic.

"Husband... ma'am, I'm sorry."

The young man quickly let go of the woman, his face flushed.

The woman didn't respond.

The young man originally wanted to swear and swear that he would pay for her husband's life, but seeing this situation, courage surged up inexplicably, and he grabbed the woman's hand.

"Ma'am, I will definitely take responsibility for you."

"I don't want you to be responsible, and I don't want you to pay for your life, and I don't want to see you."

The woman glanced at the young man, but shook her head and walked away.

The young man hurried to catch up.


"People are unpredictable, Bubble, have you seen it, don't trust the wrong person casually in the future."

Fang Chang let the young man go, but he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Hearing this, Bubble seems to understand but not understand.

She doesn't understand love and love, and she doesn't understand the good and evil of people's hearts.

All she knew was to listen to the old man.

Just hearing what the old man said, Bubble had a bad feeling in his heart.

The old master never said such things to her.

There was unconscious tension on her small face, and she firmly grasped Fang Chang's skirt.

"Bubble only believes in the Grand Master."

Seeing this, Fang Chang knew that the little guy probably understood something.

He sighed silently, and said to Liu Yong:
"I'm in a bad mood right now, so I won't say anything about the son of a bitch, the reason for the unforgivable crime, I can only ask you to die, so that I can feel at ease."

As soon as he pointed out, the anxious Mr. Liu shouted for mercy, but he could only accompany Gao County Magistrate and both fell to the ground as headless corpses.

During the interval between Chief Fang's trial, people from the county government came in one after another.

Among them were many acquaintances Fang Chang knew.

Such as Meng Bantou Qian Shiye and others.

When these people saw the corpse wearing the county magistrate's uniform on the ground, they all remained silent, and some even showed pleasure in their eyes.

The reason why these old people left the county government office was not because they were pushed out by the current county magistrate.

Now that Fang Chang is out of the customs, they have a backer, so they don't care about any county magistrate.

Facing these people, Fang Chang had only one sentence.

"I'm out of customs. I'm not in a good mood. I'll inform the whole city and give them three days to self-examine. After three days, they will be at their own risk."

"As for you and so on, the official will be restored to his original position for the time being."


Everyone bowed their heads and obeyed.


three days later.

The color of blood enveloped Fufeng City and never retreated for a long time.

The people closed their houses and did not dare to go out at will, and the strong smell of blood permeated the whole city.

There are not a few people who are lucky and ignorant of their interests.

A county lieutenant who hasn't appeared in 35 years wants them to obey the rules honestly, and everyone thinks it's a bit too much.

Thus, Fufeng City, which has been quiet for 35 years, and Fufeng City, which has been in chaos for 35 years, ushered in a long-lost cleaning.

Only those family gangs who have experienced Fang Xianwei's era have kept a low profile these years, and even if their own industrial power is squeezed and occupied by newly rising forces, they dare not break half of the rules.

Although it caused a lot of dissatisfaction in the hearts of young people, but at the moment they can only rejoice that Jiang is still old and hot.

The mighty geniuses who were talking and laughing yesterday, were beheaded in the vegetable market today, and the blood on the floor could not be washed away.

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and schemes are extremely powerless.

Fang Chang didn't even show up, just the appearance of the puppet Ada was enough to suppress everything.

A month later.

The cleansing of Fufeng City finally attracted the attention of the county.

There are really too many people who died, and they were all local tyrants, who were inextricably linked with the county.

But the newly promoted tyrants who worked hard and struggled to connect with the upper echelons did not know that their predecessors had also experienced this situation once.

The Supervision Department came again, and it was their boss who came.

The mountain pavilion outside the city.

Cheng Qianhu's eyes were complicated, looking at Fang Chang who was holding a little girl, he said helplessly:

"You've made it too big, I can't hold it anymore."

Fang Chang said indifferently: "If you can't suppress it, then don't suppress it, after such a murder, Fufeng City can at least be safe and happy for another 20 years.

This is my last gift to this city.

Well, although we belong to different systems, I killed the boss in the city, so I leave this resignation letter to you. "

Fang Chang threw out a letter very solemnly.

Cheng Qianhu took the resignation letter and asked, "What are you doing for?"

Fang Chang smiled and said: "Of course it's for my own pleasure. This realm is too high, at least as high as three or four floors, and it's normal if you don't understand it."

"Anyway, you can say that I ran away when you go back, or you can kill me. I won't appear here again in the future."

"Well, in view of your care for so many years, I will take away the things on your body.

Don't thank me, I'm actually quite gentle, but it's a pity that you don't understand me, and I can't help you if you don't cooperate with me. "

Fang Chang stretched out his hand, and Cheng Qianhu staggered. The demon seed that had been sleeping in his sea of ​​consciousness for decades was taken away, and he suddenly felt quite empty.

After so many years, he was almost used to having such a foreign object in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Now that the means of restraining him were removed, he unconsciously had a flash of light, but was suppressed in an instant.

Just do it like nothing happened.

Fang Chang waved goodbye to Cheng Qianhu: "If you want to seek revenge on me for killing your son in the future, I am very welcome.

now, bye. "

He hugged Bubbles, turned into Xuan Sha Escape Light, and had gone hundreds of miles away in an instant.

"What a freak."

Cheng Qianhu watched Fang Chang's light go away, did not make any movements, but made a silent evaluation in his heart.


Three months later.

Qingguo, Cailian Lake.

The former Li family has long gone, and now Cailian Lake is the territory of the Qixia Demon King, filled with demonic aura.

Obviously, in the contest between Shifang Jiange and Wan Yao Palace, Wan Yao Palace has temporarily gained the upper hand.

Bubble hugged Fang Chang's neck, fear in his voice.

"Is the old man going to drop the bubble?"

Although he had expected it in his heart, when it came to parting, Bubble's eyes still couldn't help but filled with tears.

But Fang Chang shook his head and said: "There is no banquet in the world that never ends, and the same is true for you and me."

"Don't cry, you know I don't like it when you cry."

Bubbles suppressed the tears again, but there was still a cry in his voice.

"Master, don't leave Bubble behind, okay? Wherever you go, Bubble will go, and Bubble will listen to you in the future.

Pao Pao is not fat at all now, and Pao Pao is also working hard in cultivation, and he is not lazy at all.

And Pao Pao swears to you that he will never eat so much again, so don't dislike Pao Pao. "

Seeing Bubble's aggrieved eyes, Fang Chang was silent for a moment, and said slowly:
"I'm not from this world. If you want to find me, just work hard... No, I shouldn't give you any goals. Liveliness and innocence are your nature. There is nothing wrong with living a happy life."

"We met here, so let's part here."

But Pao Pao said: "But without Elder Master, Pao Pao would not be happy."

Fang Chang smiled and said: "How long have you been with me? You will meet many interesting people, interesting things, and many things you like to eat in the future.

Don't make a life-long regret decision just because of the impulsiveness when you were young.

But after a hundred years, if you still insist on it, ask Ah Da for a storage bag, which contains the words I left for you. "

The puppet Ada has developed a normal spirituality. Although he is still a little dull, his mind is no different from that of ordinary people.

Fang Chang left her behind, not only to take care of Bubble, but also to keep her company.

Fang Chang put down the bubble, squatted down and gave him a hug.

"Goodbye, Bubbles, thank you for your company for so many years."

Bubble wanted to catch it, but only caught a phantom, and Fang Chang had already disappeared.



In the sky above Cailian Lake, dark clouds gathered, and amidst thunder and lightning, a long snake-like monster crashed into the water of the lake, causing heavy rain on the surrounding islands that lasted for three days.

Along with it sinking in the lake was a dull figure.

(End of this chapter)

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