Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 271 The Road to God Transformation

Chapter 271 The Road to God Transformation
The land of the dead.

Jingguo, Ningling County, Sanyin County, Xiama Village.

After parting with Pao Pao, Fang Chang didn't delay, and returned here along the way he came back then.

He started here in Jinxiu Realm, and this is where he should end up.

Fang Chang stood under the hundred-year-old locust tree at the entrance of the village, his body drifted away from reality, and his mind drifted away for a moment.

At this moment, the mana in his body kept leaking out, like a small pond trying to fill a river beyond its control.

This is the power of the land of absolute spirits.

Compared with a piece of heaven and earth, Fang Chang's mana, which is as deep as the ocean, seems a bit meager.

After all, no matter how strong his mana is, without external supplements, it will be exhausted sooner or later.

"let's start."

Fang Chang pinched the Fa Jue with his hands, and there seemed to be the sound of gears turning around his body, that was invisible chains winding around his body.

Locked up his god, his god, his law, his power.

When the layers of chains fell, the secret method called the lock of the gods was almost completed.

He will become a thoroughly mortal.

His primordial spirit was locked, his powerful physical strength was sealed, and his dantian mana could not be used. Even this land of absolute spirits could no longer extract a trace of spiritual energy from him.

There are two ways to break through the realm of transformation.

One is the reincarnation of the primordial spirit, just like the distraction of the Heavenly Witch that Fang Chang encountered before, but that is the reincarnation of the Heavenly Witch with a higher level, but the form is not much different.

After the reincarnation, the primordial spirit took the initiative to suffer from the conundrum in the womb and slept deep in the body.

But as life gradually grows, the reincarnated body will gradually be influenced by the primordial spirit, forming a certain obsession.

Pursuing obsessions, seeing through obsessions, and forming one's own divine will is a correct and successful path to breakthrough.

The second is to enter the world of mortals, seal all your strength, and enter the world of mortals as a mortal.

The advantage is that you can feel the goal you want to pursue more directly than the first method, and the understanding of various power laws goes straight to your soul.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to lose control.

A person who once stood at a high place, the first time he encounters difficulties and setbacks is to use his strength to solve the problem.

So it often happens that you can't hold it, break through the seal, and regain your strength.

In this way, this practice will fail.

And this way generally only has one chance.

Because after getting used to using power to solve problems, even if you seal the power again, you want to get it back.

At this moment, Fang Chang chose the second method.

He felt a long-lost sense of weakness.

The world is vast, and it seems that a random gust of wind will shatter him to pieces.

Fear and anxiety welled up in his heart, and he hadn't felt this kind of insecurity for a long time.

But Fang Chang laughed.

"To transform into a god, to transform into a mortal, perhaps this is the meaning of morphing into a mortal."

Fang Chang has no shortage of mystical magic in his hands.

Her Majesty the Empress is very generous. The world of mountains and rivers possesses almost infinite magic and spiritual arts, from the lowest level of refining qi, to transforming spirits, and even involving the hole and the way after the hole.

This is also one of the reasons why Fang Chang felt that Her Majesty the Empress was the reincarnation or successor of the Nine Phoenix Empress.

In comparison, the inheritance of the Demon Eye Sect that he obtained from the Eye of the Demon Eye seems much petty.

Fang Chang once wondered, isn't the strength getting stronger and stronger, why should a special realm be designated to transform into mortals, it is very suspected of intentional abuse.

Falling high from the clouds and turning into a speck of dust on the ground, it is said to understand the rules of the bottom layer, see the subtleties, and conform to the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

But those who have already stood on the high ground, who would like to experience the hardships at the bottom again.

But at this moment, Fang Chang had another experience.

The power is strong enough to let him do whatever he wants.

Just like in Fufeng City, he is the sky of this city, everyone has to live by his breath, and they are scrambling to curry favor with him secretly.

He likes order, and he likes the smoke and fire of the world, so it is orderly, with a constant flow of people, and it is the county with the best law and order in the entire county.

Just because everyone is in awe of his strength and the power that power brings.

But he's also stuck in it.

His emotional mind is constantly being corroded by power, he is becoming more and more indifferent, and nothing in the world seems to be able to touch his heart anymore, because what he wants seems to be too easy to get.

Just have the power.

After parting with Bubble, Fang Chang felt this feeling more and more deeply.

Because he didn't have much sorrow.

There seemed to be a voice deep in his heart saying—the journey of cultivation is long, parting is normal, it is just an insignificant passer-by in your life, and in a hundred years, who will remember whom.

What he said to Bubble was not only to it, but also to himself.

But how could he not be sad?

Why not be sad?

That was his partner who had been with him for decades. He has only lived for more than a hundred years since he practiced. Most of the time, this little guy is by his side.

But he was not a bit sad.

The meaning of practice is absolutely not like this.

He once thought that the immortal is indifferent to everything, and the destruction of all things does not disturb his heart, the heart of heaven is the original heart, and he regards all things as dogs.

But as his cultivation level increased and his realm deepened, he felt that this was not the immortal he wanted to be.

He should be happy when he should be happy, angry when he should be angry, and sad when he should be sad, instead of turning himself into a stone for a higher level of cultivation.

At this moment, when he became a mortal again, Fang Chang suddenly understood.

The meaning of transformation is also the meaning of practice.

Returning to the mortal body and looking for the original touch will be the anchor for him to maintain his original heart and not be controlled by power in his future practice.

The so-called transformation of the gods is just the reward he got after regaining his original heart.

After all, if he doesn't even know what he is relying on, then why should he control the power that can destroy the world in the future.

"So, let me go through the beatings of society again."




As Fang Chang's last trace of power was sealed, his external phantom was lifted, and his real body revealed reality.

At the entrance of the village, he was holding a cattail fan, and was taken aback for a moment by the old man who was talking about ancient times with a few young children.

"You, how did you get here?"

He unconsciously looked at the hot sun hanging high in the sky, then at the shadow under Fang Chang's feet, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The sun is very big, and there are shadows, not ghosts.

Fang Chang cupped his fists and saluted, "A traveler from afar, passing by the precious land, wants to ask the old man for a glass of water."

The old man saw that Fang Chang was dressed in white, spotless, with extraordinary temperament, not an ordinary person.

So he didn't dare to show any impatient expression, instead he smiled and ordered a child to say:

"Shitou, go home and bring a bowl of water for this big brother to drink."

"Thank you."

Fang Chang randomly found a big rock and sat down.

The surface of this big stone is smooth, it should be frequented by people.

"Where did the little brother come from?"

The old man asked a little carelessly:
"It's not easy to live now, it must have been hard along the way."

He looked at Fang Chang's forehead that didn't even have a drop of sweat, and felt that he must be the legendary Jianghu master.

Fang Chang thought for a while, and made up a random location.

"I came from the east. After my family suffered a war disaster, I wandered all the way. I was surprised to see this village is quiet and peaceful, so I came to see it."

He flew all the way, and he did see another military disaster in Jingguo, and it was not young, probably it was time for a change of dynasty.

The cycle of feudal dynasties is like this.

Every few hundred years, when the land limit cannot bear the population, a war is needed to resolve the contradiction.

Hearing this, the old man couldn't help but stroked his sparse beard proudly, and said:
"That's right, our Xiama Village is also well-known in Shiliba Township. Other villages have to serve in the military and are tortured by those officials, but we don't.

Because there are important people in our village, they dare not mess around.

So our village is extraordinarily safe.

I think my little brother is also a wanderer, but have you heard of the name of the Qinglong Gang? "

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "Please forgive my ignorance."

The old man frowned secretly, did he miss it?

The young man in front of him is a silver pewter gun head, which is not useful, otherwise he has never even heard of the name of the Qinglong Gang.

But he didn't show anything unusual.

Maybe this young man really came from a far away place, and it's normal not to know.

So he explained: "This Azure Dragon Gang is a big deal, not to mention Sanyin County, but the entire Ningling County, it is well-known.

There are [-] gang members and [-] disciples. Even the county guards have to be polite to their gang leaders, and they even send people to give gifts to the gang leaders every year during the Chinese New Year.

Big cars and small cars make me envious. "

The old man smacked his lips and said with a smile:
"Brother, do you know who the leader of the Azure Dragon Gang is?"

Fang Chang was also happy to be a fan.

"Please also tell my husband."

The old man said: "The name of their gang leader is Lin Zhen, nicknamed Qinglong with Two Sleeves in Jianghu, invincible in Jianghu for sixty years, it is said that it is difficult to find an opponent in the entire Jing Kingdom.

And he was born in our Xiama village.

Lin Gangzhu and I are friends who wear crotch pants. "

Fang Chang: "..."

The little kid back then was already called invincible.

Then the old man in front of him...

Fang Chang actually vaguely saw a sense of familiarity, could it be the follower who had two strings of snot all the year round - the bastard?

Fang Chang took a deep breath and asked:

"The old man actually knows such an expert, so the relationship between the old man and the leader Lin must be very good?"

The old man waved his hand, deliberately pretending not to care much.

"That's, other than me, tell me who else can call Lord Lin a dog brother and know his nickname."

That's right, it's you, bastard.

No wonder you are doing so badly now, you can only brag with a bunch of brats.

Just relying on this "Brother Dog", thanks to the fact that Lin Zhen doesn't care about it, otherwise your little life will still be there.

Fang Chang secretly slandered, but his heart suddenly moved.

He didn't know how to go about his path of becoming a mortal, so he might as well just stay here and make plans.

At this moment, the child named Shi Shi walked over carefully carrying a gray and white porcelain bowl.

When the old man saw it, he couldn't help laughing and scolding:
"Stone, you are really a stone. I asked you to bring a bowl of water, and you really brought a full bowl. I don't know if there is less."

It was the boy named Shishi who was carrying a bowl of water that overflowed to the side of the bowl. Because he was afraid of spilling it, he walked very carefully.

When Fang Chang saw it, he also smiled.

"This son is pure in heart, and I have a destiny with me. Old man, does this son have a teacher?"

He just didn't know what reason to stay, it was simply a reason delivered to his door.

The old man was taken aback: "You want to take Shitou as your apprentice?"

Fang Chang said: "Is there any taboo?"

The old man shook his head and said: "That's not true, it's just that some promising children in our village have joined the sub-helm of the Qinglong Gang.

If you want to take Shitou as an apprentice, his family members may not agree. "

The implication is that you can't see the superior.

The Qinglong Gang is a big gang founded by fellow villagers.

Who doesn't know that a person from Xiama Village who joined the Qinglong Gang is a dog, and that is also a dog of the Qinglong Gang, and the other dogs dare not bully him.

Fang Chang said: "It doesn't matter, as long as Shi Shi agrees."

"Stone, come here."

Fang Chang beckoned the stone to come over, then made an eagle claw with his hand, and thrust into the stone next to him, three big holes appeared.

"Would you like to worship me as your teacher?"


The old man took a deep breath and stared at him: "Brother is good at it!"

As a land of absolute spirits, light kung fu phantom, internal power released externally, and hard work to open a monument are almost the limit of ordinary people.

Fang Chang's kung fu is already top-notch in Jianghu.

The old man is also knowledgeable, knowing that Fang Chang can get a place in the Qinglong Gang just by using this kung fu of inserting bluestones.

"Stone, don't hurry up and come to apprentice!"

The old man knew that this usually dull boy had an opportunity, so he hurriedly seized it.

With a ignorant expression on his face, Shito knelt down and bowed to his master under the half-press and half-press of the old man.


Stone is only five or six years old, and his voice is soft.

Fang Chang accepted his apprentice and took out a small golden leaf from his bosom.

Even if he turned into a mortal, he would not treat himself badly, and he had already carried dozens of taels of gold with him for daily expenses.

"Old man, I have traveled thousands of miles, and I don't know why I stopped here today on a whim. It turns out that I have a predestined relationship with my apprentice.

I troubled the old man to find a shabby house in the village, and I wanted to live here for a few years and teach apprentices. "

"This this……"

Seeing the gold, the old man felt a little short of breath.

Although he called Lord Lin a "dog brother", his family was not a wealthy family, and this golden leaf was enough to earn more than a year's income for his entire family.

But he still suppressed the greed in his heart.

"Shitou is lucky to be able to worship my brother as a teacher. It stands to reason that my brother taught him Kung Fu, so his parents should be responsible for your food and lodging, and you have to train on it.

But Shitou is a hard-working man, since he lost his father, he only has one mother, and he needs neighbors to take care of him, so I'm afraid he can't afford it.

How about this, I have an old house in the village, if my brother doesn't dislike it, he can live there temporarily. "

Fang Chang shook his head, stuffed the gold leaf to the old man and said:

"Let's take it as my rent. I really like this little apprentice. I give you this money, old man, in the hope that you can take care of me and my little apprentice more in the future.

After all, I saw that you, old man, are highly respected in this village, and many people must listen to your words. "

The old man refused again and again, and finally put away the gold leaf reluctantly. Hearing Fang Chang's flattery, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"Naturally, I have lived for more than eighty years, and I dare not say that I am the oldest in Xiama Village, but there is no one who is taller than me.

Just rest assured, little brother, whoever dares to gossip, I will smash his mouth. "

Fang Chang cupped his hands in thanks and said, "Thank you, old man."

Looking at the envious eyes of his companions, Shitou couldn't help but glance carefully at Fang Chang, who looks like a god-man, inexplicably looking forward to the future.

(End of this chapter)

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