Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 277 Heavy Chapter Cailian Lake

Chapter 277 Returning to Cailian Lake

Qingguo, Cailian Lake.

Standing above the lake, Fang Chang seemed to see a big golden carp sleeping at the bottom of the lake through the hundreds of feet of water.

Its original golden scales were covered with slippery green algae, and there was a layer of dusty shell that lost its original color, like an ancient sculpture.

It probably hasn't moved for many years, and even the bottom of the lake has sunk into a deep pit, and half of its body has sunk into it.

Beside this big golden carp, there is also a humanoid sculpture with closed eyes, which is also covered with aquatic plants. Fish and shrimps are constantly shuttled and frolicking around him, as if they regard him as a dead thing.

If it weren't for Fang Chang's spiritual connection with this puppet Ada, I'm not sure that this big carp statue is the lively and innocent Bubble that used to be.

Look at the thickness of the shell on its body. He has been transformed into a mortal for more than 20 years, and it is very likely that Bubble has also slept for more than 20 years.

Seeing this situation, Fang Chang didn't know what to think of, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help curling up, revealing a faint smile.

He came here to find Bubbles this time, and to take it out of the Fairview Realm together.

He used to think that on the road of practice, one should be ruthless and ungrateful, in order to be free from worries, to be brave and diligent, and to forget about longevity.

This is of course true.

Cultivation is not about treating guests to dinner, it is about swords and swords, and it is the front line of life and death. If you are indecisive, you will die on the road sooner or later.

So he dropped the bubble.

Because he found that he has feelings for Bubbles, which is very likely to become his weakness in the future.

In the storage bag kept by Ada the puppet, there is actually nothing.

After 100 years, even if Bubble has not forgotten him, it is impossible to find him.

But this time, although Fang Chang didn't really break through the realm of transforming into a mortal, he really realized what his original heart was.

Keep what you like, and destroy what you hate.

His heart never stops beating, it just should be more pure.

He likes the mortal world full of fireworks, likes the joy of the whole family, and likes the excitement of being alone.

But this liking will never be his bondage.

To give a very simple example, he has feelings for Bubbles, and if his opponent catches Bubbles in the future, he will threaten him.

At that time, he may hesitate and compromise.

That's what he was worried about before.

So in order to prevent this from happening, he dropped the bubble.

It looks ruthless, but in fact it is because of affection.

But now, if he encountered the same situation, he might just destroy his opponent without hesitation.

As for Bubble's life, it didn't matter the moment it was caught.

He likes bubbles, but liking is not his weakness.

This is the most essential selfishness and ruthlessness, and he is the truest self, freed from the shackles of all social and moral thoughts, which can also be called Tao!

Dao is invisible, but after being realized by people, it can be divided into immortals and demons.

Great love for the world, justice and selflessness, is the fairy in people's eyes; cruel, tyrannical, insidious and evil, is the devil in the eyes of people.

But there is no essential difference between the two.

Whether it is transforming into a god or transforming into a mortal, what one pursues is to understand one's own way.

And to follow the heart and be unrestrained is his long way.

He saved Little Stone at the last moment, erased their past memories, and gave them a memory of ordinary people.

For no significant reason.

Just because he thought he might be a little bit sad if they died then they survived.

As for betrayal, right or wrong, that is not important anymore.


Fang Chang sank to the bottom of the lake, and the surrounding lake water was repelled by invisible forces, leaving a large vacuum.

Water Avoidance Art, a simple spiritual art.

However, if Fang Chang, a monk of the Nascent Soul Dzogchen, performed it, the simple Water Avoidance Art would become the Water Control Art.

With him as the center, a radius of tens of meters has become a waterless zone.

Seen from above, Cailian Lake looks like a big cake, a piece of which has been dug out with a spoon.

The fish and shrimps at the bottom of the lake that have not yet had time to swim are lying on the bottom of the lake and jumping around. They didn't realize it for a while, where is the water?
bang bang.

Accompanied by two clear beatings, the gray shell had several cracks, and then the aquatic plants peeled off, revealing the golden scales inside.

The puppet Ah Da on the side also opened his eyes, and all the aquatic plants wrapped around his body were shattered and fell off, half kneeling in front of Fang Chang.


His voice was hoarse, like a saw cutting through wood.

Fang Chang nodded slightly, but didn't care.

In his eyes, although the puppet Ada has a bit more spirituality and sanity than ordinary puppets, he is still a puppet.

In other words, in his eyes, except for his own sister, all the puppets, no matter whether they are intelligent or not, are just his puppets.

But Bubble's big tail knocked the ground a few times unconsciously, his eyes trembled slightly, and slowly opened.

"Ha... Ah Da, has it been 100 years?"

Bubble asked sleepily.

It's hard to imagine how a big carp yawns.

"Hurry up, haven't I slept enough yet?"

She turned around and turned into the little girl who was wearing a golden tutu skirt and a ball head. Her cheeks were bulging, as if two dates were stuffed.

She rubbed her eyes, and then saw Fang Chang's appearance.


"Ah? So it was a dream again."

Bubble looked at Fang Chang, and then sighed like a little adult.

"Master, Pao Pao misses you so much."

"Bubble is so cute, why are you willing to lose Bubble? But when Bubble sleeps for 100 years, Bubble will definitely find you."

Fang Chang looked at Bubble amusedly, and said:
"You just sleep like this for 100 years, and you will still be a big useless fish by then, how can you find me?"

Bubble Qi snorted and said, "But you can't see me practicing hard, so what's the point of me practicing?
If you can't find it by then, you can't find it...

If you can't find it, you can't find it!
I'll change to another master, I'll piss you off. "

"Well, it seems that I came back to find you and found the wrong one, so I'm leaving."

Fang Chang made a gesture to leave.

Pao Pao quickly grabbed Fang Chang, not allowing him to leave.

"This is my dream. If I don't allow you to go, you can't go!"


Bubble grabbed Fang Chang's clothes, and then jumped onto Fang Chang's body, embracing him with both hands, his two short legs fluttered, almost missing.

Her nose moved, she sniffed left and right, and said doubtfully:
"Is this dream really real?"

She tugged on Fang Chang's face, but found that she couldn't do it at all.


She directly bit Fang Chang's face with her mouth.


Bubbles covered his mouth, tears flowed from his eyes in pain.

How the mere golden core demon could bite the face of big monk Fang, and almost broke his teeth.

"It hurts, it's true! It's true!"

"Wow, wow, wow...you are really back, my lord!"

Bubble hugged Fang Chang's head tightly, crying loudly.

But this time Fang Chang has experience.

He picked up Bubbles, straightened his arms, grabbed her and hung her in the air, allowing her limbs to flop around in the air like a flipping bastard.

Bubble flopped around for a while, but suddenly he didn't want to cry anymore, thinking it was so boring.

The old man didn't cooperate with her at all.

She turned around, her buttocks and head changed directions in the air, then she looked up at Fang Chang pitifully and said:
"Master, please let me down, Bubble promises not to throw snot on your head this time."

Fang Chang: "..."

Sure enough, she did it on purpose last time.

Fang Chang put the bubble down.

But as soon as Bubble landed, he moved nimbly and hugged Fang Chang's thigh relentlessly, just like a koala.

"What are you doing?"

"I will hug the Grand Master tightly so that the Grand Master can never abandon me again."

At this moment, Pao Pao is like a little hooligan who flirts with a nice man from a good family.

Hearing this, Fang Chang lifted her hands to make bubbles, couldn't help but rubbed her hair, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I won't leave you behind."

 Obviously, I got stuck again, my knowledge is superficial, and I can't solve this philosophical problem, so I immediately left the Fairy World, and continued the long road of fighting monsters, upgrading and pretending to be aggressive.There is one chapter left in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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