Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 278 Breakthrough into God

Chapter 278 Breakthrough into God

A nameless barren mountain.

A bonfire was lit on the top of the mountain, and Bubble was fiddled with a branch in the fire, his concentrated appearance seemed to be going through an important duel.

After a while, a scorched black lump was pulled out.

Seeing this situation, Bubble directly stretched out his hand to grab it, and then bluffed and rolled it left and right on his hand, as if it was very hot.

In fact, even if she was roasted on the fire, it would not hurt a single hair of her.

But there must be a sense of ritual.

This is devotion to food.

It wasn't until she peeled off the outer skin of the lump, revealing the golden color inside, that she realized it was actually a sweet potato.

Well, just a sweet potato.

But for Pao Pao, who has been sleeping for 20 years and hasn't eaten anything, this hot sweet potato is an elixir in exchange for her, and she... probably will think about it carefully.

Fang Chang stood with his hands behind his back, not caring about the many bubbles in the small theater in his mind, but looking up at the moon in the night sky.

The bright moon is now covered with a layer of hazy luster, which is more mysterious.

"Shenhua, it's today."

When Fang Chang realized his true heart before, he could have taken advantage of the victory and chased to break through the transformation god in one fell swoop, but when the environment of the land of the ultimate spirit was limited, he was afraid that his successor would be weak and the breakthrough would be affected.

The second is that the state is not very good.

At that time, he was in a state of emotional turmoil, his mood was unstable, and he was afraid that he would not be able to survive the catastrophe when he transformed into a god.

After all, even breaking through the Nascent Soul has to be struck by lightning, and the God Transformation Tribulation is no exception.

According to what he learned from the secret treasury of the Demon Eye Sect, when breaking through to the realm of transforming gods, although he would not encounter thunder calamity, he would encounter the calamity of transforming gods.

No one can specifically describe the situation of the God Transformation Tribulation, because everyone has a different version.

Even those monks who have broken through the realm of transforming gods can only vaguely express that the catastrophe of transforming gods is somewhat similar to the transformation of mortals into mortals.

If one can comprehend the divine will of transformation in this catastrophe, one will be able to break through the realm, if not, then one can only continue to hone in the world of mortals and wait for a good opportunity.

But the success rate of the second breakthrough is far less than that of the first.

This is why Nascent Soul cultivators will have a transformation experience before they break through to transform into gods.

It is not only to understand the original heart, but also to prepare for the disaster of transforming into a god.

These are the experiences of predecessors. If there is no such inheritance, the success rate of becoming a god is extremely low.

This is the meaning of passing on thousands of volumes of books and passing on the truth in one sentence.

Fang Chang's eyes were closed, and the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows shone brightly.

A small primordial spirit, identical to Fang Chang, emerged from behind him, and then the primordial spirit gradually grew up, standing behind Fang Chang, like his shadow.

Then, Yuanshen overlapped with his body, and a mysterious force rose from Fang Chang's body.

Bubble, who was holding the second sweet potato until his fingers were gnawed and his lips were black, looked up in a daze, glanced at Fang Chang, and then took a big bite, even biting down the burnt yellow skin of the sweet potato.

"good to eat."

A satisfied smile appeared on Bubble's face.

Although I don't know what the old man is doing, she must be right to eat melons quietly and not disturb her.

"The God Transformation Tribulation has begun?"

Fang Chang only felt that he had touched a mysterious mechanism between heaven and earth, he seemed to have become a ray of light and was being pulled into a mysterious sea of ​​stars.

In it, countless stars twinkle brightly or darkly, and at the same time exude a greater or lesser attraction to him.

In the sky above these stars, there are many meteor-like Changhong falling into one of the stars.

He is just a tiny ray of light in it.

Fang Chang wanted to move, but he couldn't move. He could only be pulled away by one of the stars that attracted him the most.

At this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, facing the stars and the ocean, he muttered silently in his heart.


The sea of ​​stars, which is running in an orderly manner, suddenly rioted as if encountering an eruption of a submarine volcano.

It was like having a sleeping giant that was disturbed, and Fang Chang could feel the entire space being angry.

A string of garbled characters appeared on the information panel in front of Fang Chang's eyes, and finally stabilized, and the identification information was revealed.

[Sea of ​​Law (Elementary)]

【introduce:? ? ? 】

Fang Chang: "???"

Although there is only one name, this thing sounds very cheating, okay?

Breaking through the void realm requires the laws of clear comprehension, especially the laws of space.

After another six or nine days of calamity, a small cave can be created, that is, the secret realms that are now merging with the main world.

Those are all small worlds created by powerful people one by one, but after losing their masters, they become the nourishment of the Lord's world.

But is that something he can think about now?

God Transformation Tribulation actually wanted to enter the Sea of ​​Laws, no, he seemed to be just passing by, and what he was going to was just a certain star in it.

It's just that now the Sea of ​​Laws seems to be disturbed by his identification technique, all the stars are trembling, angry, and the power that originally responded to him has also become intermittent.

Fang Chang suddenly found that he could move.

He is a ray of light at the moment, but if someone can see Fang Chang's form at this moment, he will find that this ray of light that looks like a broom star suddenly grows a tentacle, gently touching the world beyond the rainbow light.

What kind of feeling is that?
Fang Chang couldn't describe it, but he seemed to see the evolution of the world, the rebirth of the world, and endless information surging in his mind.

This is something he can't understand at the moment.

He felt as if his mind was about to be torn apart, he quickly retracted the tentacles, returned to the rainbow light, obediently followed the supporting force and fell into the stars.

Then he saw a tree.

It was a sapling growing on the cliff. Some wicked bird made a poop in the sky, and it happened to land in a crevice of the rock, and there happened to be a tree seed inside.

With the nourishment of guano, young trees struggle to germinate, and their roots take root in the densely rocky cliffs.

In order to be able to absorb more nutrients.

The root system of the small tree is extremely developed, the tree is only over one meter high, and the roots spread out to a length of four or five meters.

It does not let off a little rain, and strives to grow leaves outward, enjoying more sunshine.

As time passed, the small tree grew into a big tree, and its branches and leaves became extremely lush.

It began to yearn for what the outside world was like, and then it was struck by lightning.

The big tree was broken in the middle, and the body of the tree was scorched black.

It's probably dead.

But not long after, the broken trunk was replaced by new shoots, and the tree came back to life.

Because it still has roots, and if the roots are not broken, the tree will not die.

It grows into a big tree again.

Then, he was struck by lightning again.

This time it was even worse, even the stone was split open, and the roots in the cracks of the stone were burned.

But a few years later, a new tree struggled to grow again.

Then there was lightning strike again.

Another rebirth...

It's like a cycle that repeats itself.

Until one day, heavy rain poured down and thunder rang out. Several thunderbolts struck the cliff, but they couldn't hurt the tree any more.

At some point, the tree covered the entire mountain like a canopy, and endless power circulated on it.

Fang Chang wanted to take a closer look, but found that he was actually that tree!
He woke up suddenly.

At this moment, his mind gradually separated from the tree body, he continued to climb higher and higher, and returned along the way he had just come.

He once again saw the bright law of the sea.

in reality.

Fang Chang opened his eyes at the same time, and the exercises in his body began to operate automatically, and the mana that had reached the limit of Nascent Soul Dzogchen surged again.

He hasn't figured out what's going on yet, why the agreed-upon God Transformation Tribulation turned into a tree being struck by lightning.

But he can be sure of one thing, he broke through.

and also……

Fang Chang grasped the palm of his hand, and the power full of vitality spread in his body, healed the wound he suffered from observing the sea of ​​law rashly.

That's his divine will - endless life, derived from a belief in the ultimate survival, referred to as "no matter how hard you can't die."

(End of this chapter)

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