Chapter 279 Returning to the Lord's World

After breaking through the transformation, Fang Chang waited on this barren mountain.

The reason why he chose to break through after seeing Bubble was not to pretend to be aggressive in front of this little guy, that would be boring.

It was to bring Bubbles out of the Splendid Realm.

According to the information that the world spirit told him when he came in, there are only two ways for these foreign monks to go out.

One is that the allotted practice time has come.

After all, the Splendid Embroidery Realm is the place where Her Majesty the Empress trains her private army, so it is impossible to let people in casually.

Therefore, the monks who entered are actually managed in a unified manner, using the speed of time to practice hard, and it is impossible to wander around like Fang Chang.

Therefore, the practice time of other people may range from a hundred to a few hundred years.

When the time is up, no matter whether you want to stay or not, you have to go out and work for Her Majesty the Empress.

Fang Chang paid a fee to enter the arena, so the treatment was naturally different from those of the monks in the army.

It doesn't matter how long he wants to stay.

So if he wants to go out, the second way is to break through to transform into a god.

Huashen is the pinnacle in Jinxiu Realm, and it is almost impossible to break through the void realm above Huashen, and the difficulty is many times more difficult than that of Lord Tiandi.

Fang Chang didn't know exactly what the situation was.

But cultivation at the bottom level is so difficult, needless to say at the higher level.

Therefore, once a cultivator breaks through to become a god, he will be noticed by the world spirits, and foreign monks like him will be sent out directly by the world spirits.

as predicted.

Fang Chang didn't wait long, when a bright moonlight fell, like a hazy and beautiful veil.

In the light, there is a beautiful and pure girl.

She is the world spirit of the Splendid Embroidery World——Yao Ji.

This is the second half time Fang Chang saw her. The first time was when he came in in a daze, he was kicked down, and Yuanshen entered Lin Zhen's body to sleep.

Then there is another half time when he wakes up after adapting to the rules of this world, and this world spirit will return his body.

But at that time, only his voice was heard, but no person was seen.

Now it's officially the second time.

"It is you."

Yaoji speaks carelessly, she doesn't look like a spirit who has lived for a long time, and compared to Yaoguang, whom she calls her younger sister, she is even smaller and cute.

She looked at Fang Chang, looked very familiar, and clicked her tongue.

"That's right, the practice is quite fast, are you going back?"

Fang Chang nodded, pointed at Bubble and said, "I want to take her back together."

Bubble, who was still eating melons, looked at the girl who fell from the sky, feeling ashamed.

She ate until her face turned black.

Hearing Fang Chang calling her at this moment, she hurriedly threw away the mushy sweet potatoes, and then looked at Yao Ji seriously, as if she was saying—yes, it was me.

Not only is it not very formal, but it is very funny.

Yao Ji covered her mouth and laughed, then shook her head resolutely:
"No, except for the realm of cultivation, you can't take away every plant and tree in this world."

Fang Chang frowned: "Why? What if I must take her away?"

Yao Ji's small face also wrinkled, looking troubled.

If it was someone else, how could Yao Ji explain anything?

She is the world spirit of the Splendid Embroidery Realm, covered by Her Lady Empress, let alone a deity transformation, she is not afraid even if she is a supernatural being.

But Fang Chang's identity is different after all, holding the Shanhe Token, he can barely be regarded as a registered disciple of Her Majesty the Empress.

This face still has to be given.

She couldn't help but knocked her head, and then saw a small puddle on the ground, her eyes lit up.

She cleared her throat and pointed to the puddle:
"If Fairview Realm is this small puddle, then you are now the little ant that accidentally fell into the puddle.

If the ants alone left, it would naturally not affect the puddle.

But if the ants took away the water in the puddle when they left, do you think this small puddle is still the original puddle? "

"If you take her out, let's not talk about whether she can bear the rules of the Lord's World, but after she leaves, what will be the loss of the Splendid Embroidery Realm?
Every plant and tree here contains the original power of the Splendid Brilliance Realm. If everyone is like you, a little less today, and a little less tomorrow, how can I be this family? "

Fang Chang was silent for a moment, and asked:
"But if I remember correctly, there are also a few native monks who have ascended from this world. According to your theory, aren't they cutting your flesh?"

Yao Ji nodded: "That's right, so it's getting more and more difficult to practice now.

I can't stop them, but the more people there are outside the Ascension Dao, the more difficult it is to practice in this world.And do you think they will not be responsible after they go out?

They all signed a contract to repay the debt. "

Fang Chang looked at Yao Ji suspiciously, and asked:
"I have been to a lot of small worlds in secret realms, why haven't I heard of this theory, are you lying to me?"

Yao Ji snorted: "What's the benefit of me lying to you? And can those broken caves and secret realms compare with my Splendid Realm?
The Splendid Brilliance Realm is independent, even if the main world is destroyed, it won't hurt me in the slightest.

After the destruction of the main world, those secret worlds lost the support of the main world, so they could only wander in the void world and gradually go into extinction.

It's not a matter of turning their left and right hands in and out of their place.

The Splendid Embroidery Realm is different, if there is less aura, it is really less. "

Fang Chang was silent again, and then said:

"Since someone can ascend, it means that there is no absolute.

Please give me a price, how can I take her away, and besides, what are the rules of the master world you mentioned? "

Yao Ji laughed immediately, squinting her eyes like a little fox.

"It would have been nice if you had said so earlier, there is no reason to want to snatch someone from me with empty teeth."

She looked at Bubbles and said:

"A golden core monster, I'll give you a 800% discount, only [-] yuan for a standard top-quality spirit stone, isn't it very cheap.

By the way, it can't be the spirit stone from the Fairview Realm, it has to be from the outside world. "

800 yuan, the best spirit stone!

Even if he is rich and powerful, he has to take a breath.

Fang Chang gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you go grab it?"

Yao Ji crossed her arms with her chest, but her innocent face was full of a philistine look of money, with a bit of confidence.

"What you said is wrong. I have always been innocent in my business."

"Do you know what the price of Ascension is now?"

"One hundred thousand spirit stones, one million holes, all must be top-quality spirit stones, and there is no discount.

If it weren't for your face, a golden core demon wouldn't even have the qualifications to hand in spirit stones, she would have walked through the passage of ascension. "

Fang Chang thought suddenly, and asked: "Is it true that the higher the cultivation level, the more spirit stones you hand in?"

Yao Ji nodded: "Yes, the higher the cultivation base, the more mana in the body, the greater the loss to the world, and the compensation must be different."

Fang Chang looked at Bubble, who was still in a daze, and wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Pao Pao, it turns out that you are the one who is wise and foolish. The Elder Master shouldn't force you to practice. I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Come on, isn't it eight hundred spirit stones?"

"It's eight hundred top grade spirit stones."

"You don't need to remind me, I have money!"

Fang Chang took out the last few storage rings on his body, tapped out the spirit stones, and handed them to Yao Ji.

Now he was really gone.

He now has great rivers and mountains, and there are a lot of secret worlds waiting for him to develop. Personally, he has no shortage of spirit stones.

But it just feels like a loss.

He suddenly understood a little bit how he felt when he heard that someone spent millions to buy a pet when he was a little bastard.

Yao Ji caught the ring and smiled like a little fox who stole the chicken.

"This little fish is really lucky to have such a master as you."

"when are we leaving?"

Fang Chang didn't want to bring up this sad topic again.

"Just now, I'm usually very busy."

Yao Ji's face straightened suddenly, she looked up at the moon, and saw a beam of light descending from the sky, covering Fang Chang and Bubble.

Then the space changed rapidly.

Fang Chang only saw thousands of miles of mountains and rivers passing by under his feet, and the speed was far faster than when he used Xuansha to escape light.

When he regained his senses again, he found that he and Bubble had arrived at a huge mountain peak like a divine bird, surrounded by clouds and mist.

There is a huge palace at the place of the god bird and beast.

They are now standing in front of the palace.

"This is the Nine Phoenix Emperor Mountain, and the Ascension Passage is inside."

Yao Ji introduced.

Fang Chang is not Xiaobai who knew nothing when he first came to Jinxiu Realm. He knows that Jiuhuang Emperor Mountain is the holy land of Jiuhuang Emperor Dynasty.

At the beginning, his old grandfather Qingniu Taoist Cheng Kai was said to have entered Jiuhuang Emperor Mountain and followed Her Lady Queen through the Gate of Heaven and Earth.

Now it seems that the gate of heaven and earth is the passage of ascension.

Well, the soaring charge.

Fang Chang felt that his three views were shattered, but not completely shattered.

Jiuhuang Emperor Mountain is guarded by experts from the royal family of Jiuhuang Emperor, but even the guards cannot enter without Yao Ji's permission, so it has always been mysterious.

Fang Chang looked curiously.

"Don't look at them, they are all stones, nothing interesting."

Yao Ji beckoned Fang Chang to enter the palace, and as soon as he entered, he saw a huge light door that was tens of meters high.

"I have to remind you again, this little fish was born in the Fairview Realm, and has already been branded with the Fairview Realm.

If you want to bring her back to the main world, then just a hundred times the difference in the speed of time can make her grow old and die in an instant.

For you, a year in the Lord's world is a year, and for her, a year is a hundred years. "

Fang Chang waved his hand and said, "Don't say there are some, just talk about how to solve it."

It's tough to pay.

Yaoji was not annoyed either, she laughed and said:

"So when you go out later, I will add a layer of protection to her, just like when you entered the Splendid Embroidery Realm, so you don't have to panic if anything happens."


"Then I wish you all the best."

"Wait a moment."


"I haven't asked my elder brother yet, how is he doing?"

"Oh, your elder brother realized the unyielding will of the gods 50 years ago, and he has already left."

"I'm ready."

"Then move."

"I'm brewing."

Standing in front of Guangmen, Fang Chang had mixed feelings in his heart. He wanted to recite a few lines of poetry, but found that he was not talented enough.

But Yao Ji got impatient with waiting, she kicked Fang Chang's ass who was holding Bubble.

"Have a nice trip!"

Behind her came her vibrant voice.


The world was spinning, as if being stuffed into a front-loading washing machine, the surroundings were pitch black, only the occasional light of stars flashing outside told him that he was still moving forward.

Fang Chang was holding an egg, helpless, weak and pitiful.

The majestic cultivator who transforms spirits is no different from ordinary people in the face of this void passage that connects the two worlds.

Where did the eggs come from?
Where is my hot bubble?

Fang Chang stared at the golden and white striped egg in his hand in astonishment. It was about [-] to [-] centimeters in size, and he didn't know where to spit it out.

His bubble is a fish.

Egg-born, not egg-born!
But thinking that this was Yao Ji's protection of Pao Pao, he forgave it.

I hope that after emerging from the egg, Bubble will not have any doubts about his racial attributes.

I don't know how long it took.

When Fang Chang woke up holding an egg, he had already stood in the palace where he had been away for a hundred years, his body was a little weak, as if he had been hollowed out.

Yao Ji didn't tell him one thing.

The magic power cultivated in Jinxiu Realm also had to be returned.

The palace was empty, and the seats that were originally full were empty now.

Apparently, everyone entered the Splendid Realm with physical bodies, and the time of return was different.

"Dong dong..."

Fang Chang lightly tapped the egg in his hand twice, and shook it along the way.

"Hey, can Bubble hear you?"

There was no movement in the egg.

Probably dizzy, or fell asleep.

As for the possibility of being a dead egg, Fang Chang felt that Yao Ji would not shake him just for such a few spirit stones.

Remembering that he had been asleep for three years before adapting to the hundred-fold flow rate of the Splendid Embroidery Realm, Fang Chang felt much more at ease, and walked out of the palace with the egg in his arms.

Outside the palace, it was cloudy and the wind was bleak.

Seeing someone walking out of the palace, the palace guard who had been guarding outside brought a person to meet him.

Fang Chang recognized this person as someone from the old man's house, and seemed to be a distant relative of the old man.

Although the old grandfather's family was wiped out, the Cheng family was not, so there are still a lot of words about the relationship.

"The villain Cheng Yuan has seen my uncle."

"Well, how long have I been in the temple?"

"If you go back to my uncle, it's eleven months and twenty-one days."

"My lord, if you want to reminisce about the past, you can talk about it after you leave the palace."

The palace guard on the side reminded.

Cheng Yuan nodded quickly and said, "That's right, uncle, the master has been waiting for you."

Fang Chang nodded indifferently.

"Then go back."

Unlike the old grandfather, he has experienced a hundred years in the world of splendor without losing his memory, so the gap between one year and one hundred years makes him feel as if he has passed away.

Of course, it could also be that the old man was not telling the truth.

After all, he looked at the novel based on the old man. Although it was very exciting and enviable, it was actually quite shameful for him.

The old man's external image has always been serious and abstinent. If people know that he is so troubled in the world of splendor, it will probably be similar to social death.

Walking out of the palace, Fang Chang's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly looked back.

He seemed to see the void, and suddenly a pair of indifferent and deep eyes appeared, looked down at him, and then a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

He suddenly became agitated, and quickly left with the egg in his arms.

Those are the eyes of Her Majesty the Empress!
Why does she look at herself, why does she laugh at herself?

When things go wrong, they are demons.

Fang Chang suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Facts have proved that his hunch was right.

On the third day after returning to the Cheng Mansion, Fang Chang, who was still recovering from his cultivation, received the Queen's oral order from the depths of the palace—enter the palace for an audience.

(End of this chapter)

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