Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 280 The Stripped Fang Chang

Chapter 280 The Stripped Fang Chang

Chapter [-] Interrogation (Modified Version)
In the second year of Changsheng, it was October, the cold wind was bleak, and everything withered, but the palace of the Tang Dynasty was full of beautiful flowers, and Changchun was full of vitality.

in the Royal Garden.

The empress, Zhou Zhao, was dressed in a loose plain robe, her long hair was loose, and her dress was slightly neutral. No makeup was applied on her face, and her plain face was facing the sky, but it was hard to hide her stunning appearance.

She stands among the flowers, surrounded by strange flowers and different plants, competing for beauty, but none of them can take away her color.

On the contrary, as long as she is there, any beautiful color will be dull.

This is a perfect woman.

"Minister, Annan's pioneering envoy, Fang Chang pays his respects to His Majesty."

Standing in front of Her Majesty, Fang Chang bowed obediently, but he didn't kneel, and Datang didn't like to kneel.

Kneel down, that's feudal dross!
Now is the era of the Xian Dynasty, how can we turn back the wheel of history.

Fang Chang was full of inner drama.

Of course, if Her Majesty the Queen frowned, or if the female officer next to her came out to reprimand her boldly, maybe he would just kneel down.

A man can bend and stretch, not shabby.

Her Lady Queen still had a lazy look and a lazy tone.

"Fang Chang, raise your head so I can take a good look at you."

Fang Chang stood up stiffly, and forced a smile towards Her Majesty the Empress.

"Hello, Your Majesty."

What's the matter with the inexplicable feeling of being molested.

Her Lady Queen smiled faintly: "Don't be nervous, I just wanted to see you when I announced you to the palace, didn't you keep promoting that I am your sister-in-law outside.

Seeing my sister-in-law now, why are you so angry? "

Fang Chang smiled shyly, cleared his throat and said:
"Since Your Majesty doesn't treat the minister as an outsider, the minister will not be polite, my nephew Fang Chang has seen my sister-in-law.

My sister-in-law is so gorgeous, my nephew just stared blankly. "

Since Her Majesty the Empress gave the steps, he naturally went up with the stick unceremoniously.

This is Her Majesty Empress's golden words. If he says that he is Her Majesty's nephew in the future, he doesn't have to worry about not being exposed.

Seeing Fang Chang's shameless appearance, Her Majesty the Empress couldn't help but laugh.

"As Mr. Cheng said, you are really a wonderful person."

"Actually, I have always wanted to ask you a question. I wonder if Fang Aiqing would like to give me an answer?"

Fang Chang quickly expressed his loyalty. "The minister must know everything."

Her Lady Queen paused and asked:

"Once upon a time, I lived in prison, and all the people around me fled from me. Only Mr. Cheng, who joined the Prince's Mansion halfway, was always by my side.

I asked him why.

He said that he wanted to take a gamble, and he believed that if a kid who wanted to kill him lost the bet, he would give his life back to him.

He finally won the bet.

But I am still puzzled, how can you be sure that I will win? "

Fang Chang had already answered this question, and immediately replied solemnly:
"Naturally, it is because His Majesty is wise and powerful, and does not show his domineering aura. Those who don't know His Majesty's true face are blind people.

And although I have no honor to see His Majesty's true face, I can find His Majesty's head and horns with just a few words.

Although it has been dormant for ten years, it will definitely be trapped in the dragon and ascend to heaven, and it will hang high above the Tang Dynasty like the sun and the moon. "

Her Lady Queen looked at Fang Chang with a half-smile.

"Fang Aiqing, is bullying the king a capital offense, or do you think I can't kill you?"

Fang Chang smiled awkwardly: "The minister told the truth, when he heard that His Majesty was in trouble, and that his grandfather was going to die in the capital, the minister couldn't help but burn himself.

The minister knows that the grandfather is the only relative of the minister's wife. If the grandfather dies, the minister's wife will be in great pain. For the sake of the minister's wife, the minister has no choice but to provoke the grandfather into His Majesty's residence.

At that time, His Majesty's loss of power was a foregone conclusion. If Grandpa had thrown himself into His Majesty's residence, the worst consequence would be ruined future, but he would not be guilty of death.

It's a blessing to be able to save your life. "

Her Lady Queen still shook her head: "You still haven't told the truth?"

Fang Chang took a deep breath and said calmly:

"Well, I was beaten almost to death by Taoist Qing Niu at that time, and I was determined to take revenge, but I was unwilling to destroy the relationship between my minister and my wife, so I deliberately came up with a crooked idea, wanting to take revenge.

Who would have thought that he could climb up to the true dragon of His Majesty by playing the wrong trick. "

He didn't believe it anymore, he was standing on the fourth floor right now, if Her Majesty could still find out his true intentions, he would really be convinced.

For a moment, Her Majesty the Queen was not sure whether what Fang Chang said was true or not.

She waved her hands with some disinterest and said:

"Forget it, the past is the past, and it's meaningless to pursue it any longer. Just step back."

"My minister retire."

Fang Chang heaved a sigh of relief.

He has the eyes of the heavenly demon to suppress the sea of ​​consciousness, and he is proficient in the practice of mind and soul such as Bo Xun's meditation.

The control of emotions has reached the ultimate level, reaching the level of deceiving oneself, even if it is several levels higher than him, it is impossible to detect it, let alone pry into his thoughts.

But he knew that Her Lady Queen was still suspicious.

Fortunately, he will leave Chang'an City soon, and it will be tens of thousands of miles away, so even if Her Lady Empress still has any doubts, she will not be able to find him.

And when they saw each other next time, he hoped they were both sitting.

As a human being, there is no difference between having no dreams and salted fish.

Zhou Zhao ordered the female official to send Fang Chang out of the palace, while he was lost in thought.

Even if they met in person, she couldn't fully see Fang Chang's true and false. She could only see that Fang Chang's physique was not bad, and his potential was no less than those of the seeds she personally selected.

It is clear that he has only initially broken through the realm of transforming gods, but the primordial spirit already has the aura of law.

If it wasn't for Fang Chang's cultivation in the Splendid Brilliance Realm, which caused a riot in the Sea of ​​Law when he broke through to transform into a god, she would have almost forgotten about this young man who had aroused her interest.

Seeing it now, it really is a lot of secrets.

But as Her Majesty the Empress, she naturally has a mind that is open to all kinds of people. Fang Chang has a secret, and that is also a citizen of the Tang Dynasty, a minister under her command.

She still has this tolerance.

So she lightly let Fang Chang go.


After Fang Chang left the palace, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the strength is not enough, don't join the boss, it's too exciting.

Just now, he didn't even see the state of Her Majesty the Queen, and he didn't dare to use the identification technique, for fear of offending Her Lady Queen.

But it must be above Huashen.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and regardless of whether his cultivation had not been fully restored, he immediately found out the Shanhe Token, entered the Shanhe Realm and booked a ticket home at Yaoguang.

Although Chang'an City is big, it is not suitable for him.

It's better to be in Qingxiao City, where he is a landlord and a rich man, rich and powerful, and his spiritual cultivation is enough to suppress all parties, whoever dares to disobey, he will be served with a big stick.

Therefore, before the level is not enough, don't go to the high-level map, it is easy to damage your self-confidence.

Fang Chang returned to Cheng Mansion in a daze.

The old grandfather was in a good mood at the moment, and he seemed to be waiting for him. When he saw him coming back, he went up to meet him.

"Boy, I have good news for you."

(End of this chapter)

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