Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 281 Your Majesty is accurate in seeing people

Chapter 281 Your Majesty is accurate in seeing people
Chapter [-] Going Back (Modified Version)
"What? Are you willing to fight with me again?"

Hearing this, Fang Chang was taken aback for a moment, and asked back.

Cheng Kai, who was walking with a smile on his face, suddenly stopped in his tracks with a look of displeasure.

"The old man has been cultivating himself recently, and he doesn't bother to compete with you."

It turned out that Fang Chang consciously recovered a lot of strength two days ago, so he took the initiative to invite the old man to fight.

One is to test his own strength, and the other is to test the strength of the old man.

If the fist is afraid of being young, then there will be enmity and revenge, and there will be resentment and resentment.

If Jiang is still old and spicy, he will recover again.

Cheng Kai also wanted to take this opportunity to teach Fang Chang a lesson, after all, after some time, Fang Chang might surpass him in strength.

And unexpectedly it was Cheng Kai, the majestic master of transformation, who hadn't even beaten half of Fang Chang's strength.

Of course, Fang Chang didn't win the battle, but he didn't lose anyway by relying on his endless spirit.

But Fang Chang was in a weak state at the time.

At this moment, the boss suddenly gained confidence, the revenge of the year, from Jin Danyue to Huashen, can finally be avenged.

But Cheng Kai didn't want to fight anymore, he put on a posture that if you can hit me, I won't fight back anyway.

This makes Fang Chang how can he do it, beating the old man unilaterally is no fun at all.

Cheng Kai admitted his cowardice without changing his face, and then quickly changed the subject:

"Yesterday, because Yuwen Wuji was suspected of colluding with the old king's forces, he was removed from the position of Minister of Rites."

"Yuwen Wuji? Who is it?"

Fang Chang has not remembered the identity of this person.

After all, he has spent a hundred years in the Splendid Embroidery Realm, and even though he spent most of his time practicing, he still has a lot of memories.

Cheng Kai snorted coldly: "The patriarch and leader of the Yuwen family is also the banner of the Yuwen family in the court hall. Do you know how many favors the old man used to make him lose this position?"

Fang Chang patted his head, suddenly said:
"It was him."

Suddenly old hatred welled up in my heart.

The golden elixir that this old guy put in his grandson's body back then almost killed his good girl Tiezhu.

But on the surface, he mocked:

"Grandpa, you can't do this, it's been so long before you lost his official position, when will you get rid of the entire Yuwen family.

Do you want me to help you? "

Cheng Kai's face darkened: "Do you think that a servant of the Ministry of Rites is easy to deal with, if it weren't for his son and grandson because of a woman, the whole city would know about it, this old man would not have found a chance.

But don't worry, in half a year at most, I will send all the members of the Yuwen family to the pioneer army, and they will have no choice but to live or die.

If you dare to bully my granddaughter, you will die! "

The Pioneering Army is Datang's army to open up territories in all directions. It is similar in nature to Fang Chang's three major legions, but its organization is larger and it is its own line.

Even Fang Chang, the Annan pioneer, can be regarded as a member of the pioneer army system.

The world was born, and there are many secret realms merging, all kinds of dangers are countless, and the loss rate of the pioneering army is always high.

Therefore, even those who commit capital crimes will not be executed directly, but will be dispatched to the pioneer army to replenish soldiers, and there will be a special criminal battalion in charge.

Fang Chang let out an oh. "Then work harder, I'll cheer you up behind."

"There is also good news for you."


Cheng Kai stroked his beard under his jaw, feeling a little complacent.

Speaking of his various plans this year, he finally seized the opportunity to bring down Yuwen Wuji, and he himself was quite satisfied.

In fact, revenge is secondary, the main thing is to find something to do.

Now he has a casual job as a Guanglu doctor, and he has nothing to do all day long, and he doesn't even think about his cultivation level or anything.

The political struggle allowed him to find his long-lost passion.

Fang Chang said: "I'm leaving, without me bothering you, I'm sure your days will be happier in the future."

But Cheng Kai was not happy.

With a smile on his face, he asked, "Why so fast?"

Fang Chang replied: "I haven't seen my daughter-in-law for almost 100 years, I miss her. Would you like to ask His Majesty for a leave of absence? For Dongdong's sake, I will pay the fare for you."

Cheng Kai showed emotion, but after thinking about it, he still shook his head.

"I won't leave, leave someone in Chang'an City, if something happens, someone will always notify you.

Furthermore, I am still an official of Datang, so how could I leave my post without authorization. "

The main reason is that he is already used to the life in Chang'an City, and if he goes back, he is afraid that he will not adapt and embarrass the old people.

The other really wanted to leave a way out for Fang Chang and the others.

"If you have a chance, remember to bring Dongdong to see me next time."

Cheng Kai left the house expressionlessly.

He is a little unhappy now, so he decided to find trouble with Yuwen's family.


"Brother, we will go home at Qichen tomorrow, please wait for me for so long."

In the inner courtyard of Cheng Mansion, Fang Chang said to Li Hu.

Li Hu stayed in the world of splendor for about 50 years, and he successfully transformed into a mortal and enlightened the Tao, comprehended the unyielding divine will, and broke through the realm of transforming gods.

It seems that the breakthrough time is much longer than Fang Chang, and it seems not as good as Fang Chang.

But in fact, Fang Chang's practice for nearly a hundred years is not a kind of transformation, and there is such an accident as the red thread.

It is because of this kind of accumulation that we can understand our minds and make a breakthrough in about 20 years.

So in theory, Fang Chang is about 50 years older than Li Hu.

And Li Hu broke through the realm of transforming gods before he was a hundred years old, and he is already a first-class genius.

His old grandfather who held Long Aotian's script in Jinxiu Realm, and God gave it to him, also broke through to become a god at the age of [-].

Li Hu's appearance has not changed, only his eyes are a little more determined, shining like gems.

He smiled generously: "Since our brothers came together, we naturally have to leave together."

"Besides, this may be the last time our brothers will meet."

Breaking through the realm of transforming gods means that he has formally joined the battle of Daozi in Beidou Daozong.

He has been mentally prepared since he got the Disha Town Prison Pagoda.

It was a never-ending moral struggle.

Fang Chang hesitated to speak, wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

With Li Hu's character to compete with those top geniuses, Fang Chang really doesn't think he has much chance of winning.

"Things are not at their worst yet."

At this time, Li Hu was more open-minded than Fang Chang.

"I haven't fought before. It's still unknown who will win the battle. If I can win the position of Taoist, I will definitely come back and become your army commander."

Fang Chang smiled heartily: "Okay, then I'll wait for the elder brother to return from victory."


the next day.

With the ground trembling violently.

The large array was activated, and the light flickered. The teleportation circle guarded by the Huangwei Army fell into silence, and the two people and one egg wrapped in the light quickly disappeared.

In the distance, Cheng Kai turned and left with his hands behind his back.

This time, with Fang Chang's character, I don't know when I will bring Dongdong over here.

Fortunately, he has a long lifespan, and the fortune of the Tang Dynasty is prosperous. Sooner or later, he will rule the world, and it will be convenient for him to meet at that time.

But, later became a person again.

(End of this chapter)

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