Chapter 284

three days later.

Taste world.

This is a savage and primitive world, living in a cluster of monster tribes, and at the same time, the Xiaoyue Sirius clan is the royal family, and there are copper-skinned bull tribes, bighorn sheep tribes and other disadvantaged tribes.

Of course, there are more ignorant and dull beasts.

They have been herded by the Sirius tribe for generations. They were originally a specialty of the food world, but now they have become war beasts of the Sirius tribe. Because of their rough skin and thick flesh, the best of them can compete with the Jindan realm with only their physical strength.

The first thing Yue Sanbing, the third demon king of the Sirius tribe, returned to the food world was to declare an emergency state of war.

They are already ready for battle.

Near the space channel.

Countless huge ferocious beasts were dormant, and various unpleasant smells filled the air.

The ferocious beasts didn't care that this was a camp, and when they got interested, they pulled a pile of feces the size of a small mountain.

These are excellent fertilizers, fertile land, and good grass for growth, which is the main food for the war beasts.

Usually there will be a special group to deal with.

But now because there are too many to deal with, they can only be piled together first, like a towering mountain piled up of feces, how spectacular it is.

in the camp.

Many demon kings in human form gathered together.

Yue Sanbing said in a cold voice: "This king left with sincerity, but the group of people deliberately ignored me, and no one came to entertain me for two full months.

The human cultivator known as Qingxiao City Lord was even more rude. He didn't give me a chance to speak at all, and directly let our noble Sirius clan become their human mounts, and asked us to migrate out of the food world where we lived for generations.

With all these things in mind, we should no longer have illusions, and we must act first.

The king proposed to attack quickly to defeat the human monks defending near the space passage, and then use this as a bridgehead to occupy the entire Liuyun Mountain Range.

In exchange for a place in the new world in the future of our food industry. "

As soon as the words fell, an old wolf with white beard and hair retorted:
"Third brother, are you being too arbitrary in what you said, the envoy of the human race is still here, why did the declaration of war start over there.

And why didn't Yuelun come back with you, where did he go? "

"Boss, don't mention that shame, it has already regarded itself as a dog, and the Sirius clan has no such waste!"

Yue Sanbing said coldly.

"This is the declaration of war by City Lord Qingxiao himself. Although I want to fight the human race, I will not deceive you."

But the old wolf said slowly: "Third brother, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just that there is only your testimony now.

I also know that you are the main battle, so I'll wait until I send some children to investigate the situation. "

If the third demon king is the main battle, then the boss of the Sirius clan is the main battle.

This is true of any ethnic group, even the wisest and mightiest leader can't put an end to the different voices of his subordinates.

In fact, it can be seen that the main combat faction has the advantage by letting the third child of the main combat faction go to negotiate.

So even if the old wolf king stopped him, Yue Sanbing still insisted:

"Boss, don't miss this opportunity!"

He said to the many demon kings:
"This king is willing to be a pioneer. Whoever is willing to fight with this king will be able to share the most fertile land at that time. The resources of the food industry are limited, but the outside world is inexhaustible."

After all, without looking at the other demon kings, he turned around and turned into a giant wolf with wings [-] meters long, flying into the sky.

"Children, go out with me!"

The third monster king, a wolf, was in front of him, and all the monster clans below were boiling, and all kinds of beast roars came and went.

The ground began to tremble, it was the sound of ferocious beasts moving.

The space door looks only a few meters high, but with the touch, the space channel expands rapidly, swallowing all the charging monsters and beasts.

Seeing the third demon king come out, many demon kings couldn't hold back.

"Three wolf kings, this king is here to help you!"

A bull demon with a bronzed body and two horns on its head turned into a huge bronze bull with a low sound.

"The king is here too!"

The thinking of the main battle faction is not a minority. Seeing that the third demon king has become the leading wolf, they are not far behind.

A group of cow demons, sheep demons, and snake demons all turned into their original forms.

For a time, the space was filled with evil spirit.

Only the old wolf king sighed slightly, and said to the demon kings who hadn't moved:
"How powerful is the human race? Even our ancestors can only be their servants and shepherd a world for them. Even if the human race is weak now, how do you know that there is no backup?"

He walked towards the distance with old strides.

"The big wolf king is old, and has lost the domineering arrogance of the past. We might as well go with the three wolf kings. If the outsiders are really weak, why should we fight on such a small territory?"

For a moment, all the monsters were moved.

As long as there is good news from the third demon king ahead, they will follow immediately.


The old wolf king walked slowly through the group of monsters, but his speed was extremely fast. He soon came to the ancestral mountain of the Sirius tribe, and knelt down towards one of the peaks that looked like a wolf's head.

"Wolf ancestor!"

The stone on the mountain peak seemed to come alive at this moment, revealing a sharp and sinister face.

"My child."

Seeing the excited expression on his face, the old wolf king said in a passionate tone:
"The third child has already started a war with the human race, and it won't take long to get enough blood to eat. At that time, you, the wolf ancestor, can be resurrected and lead our sky wolf clan to stand tall in the forest with the monster clan!"

Wolf Ancestor let out a strange laugh, and said in an appreciative tone:

"Very good, when the deity is resurrected, I will definitely give you the blood of the Sirius royal family to help you return to your ancestors and achieve the realm of the demon lord."

The old wolf king was so excited that he knelt down and kowtowed.

"I only hope that the wolf ancestor can be resurrected, and the younger generation dare not ask for more."

"This is the blood food for this month. Now our clan is preparing for the battle, and the portion is not enough for the past. Please forgive the sin of the wolf ancestor."

The old wolf king touched the storage belt in his arms, and respectfully presented a huge Sirius to Wolf Shoufeng.

This wolf ancestor actually feeds on the blood of his own clan.

Seeing this, the Wolf Ancestor was a little disappointed, without enough Sirius blood food, its remnant soul would become weak.

But thinking of the continuous blood food of the human race in the future, it couldn't help getting excited.

3 years!
It was sealed by the master's blood curse for 3 years.

In the past 3 years, its flesh and blood have been consumed by the curse, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul attached to the Langshou Mountain.

It was not awakened inadvertently by the old wolf king in front of him until thousands of years ago.

It's just that the old wolf king was still a frustrated little wolf at that time, and with its help, he rose step by step and became the wolf king of the Sirius clan.

Originally, it was just surviving with the help of the blood of the same race.

Until more than ten years ago, the space vortex appeared frequently in the food and taste world, and a space channel was stabilized a few years ago, and it finally saw the hope of getting out of trouble.

The seal on it was cursed by the blood of its human master. After tens of thousands of years of pondering, it finally figured out a way out.

As long as there are enough human blood, the seal on the body can be worn away little by little.

It's just that in the world of food and taste, there are either monsters or beasts, where do people come from.

It has no plans to get out of trouble, but no chance.

Now that the two worlds are connected, it finally sees the light.


The wolf ancestor who couldn't get away from Langshou mountain would never have imagined that the old wolf king who was kneeling below and respecting it now was actually a peacemaker through and through.

The old wolf king snorted coldly in his heart.

This wolf ancestor has oppressed him more and more deeply in recent decades, and once the blood and food are insufficient, he will take away his blood.

The arrogance of the heavenly wolf tribe that made it majestic back then is now old in less than a thousand years and no longer has the prestige of the past.

So it had long intended to use the hands of human monks to remove the wolf ancestors for it.

It's just that whether the human monks are strong enough is still a question mark.

The third child is an excellent temptation.

If the human race is weak and can't even deal with the third child, it will naturally kneel down obediently at the feet of the wolf ancestor and do its best for the resurrection of the wolf ancestor.

If the third child is easily defeated, he doesn't mind continuing the duties of his ancestors and becoming a powerful dog of the human race.

ps: Chapters [-] to [-] have been revised. If you haven't read it, you can refresh and read it again, otherwise the plot may not be connected.The next chapter comes later.

(End of this chapter)

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