Chapter 285 Wolf Ancestor
Liuyun Mountains, the space passage of the food world.

Ever since Wangcai reported this space channel, it has been jointly guarded by the Jade Cloud Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect. Although it is only a group of Golden Core monks, it is enough to warn.

In the past, the food and taste world was full of jealousy towards the main world, so they have been cautiously probing.

But through the communication between the two parties, with the understanding of the Liuyun Mountain Range, a group of demon kings headed by the third demon king gradually began to belittle the main world.

The Liuyun Mountains are so vast, and the land so rich in supplies is actually only occupied by a small number of Jindan monks.

If you don't take the gift from heaven, you will be blamed instead.

It was based on this judgment that the third demon king dared to speak boldly about the world of food.

Although he is aggressive, he is not a fool.

As the third demon king rushed out from the food world, he found that the human monks guarding here had evacuated at some point.

This gave the third demon king a bad feeling.

"What's going on, what about the monks of the human race?"

The giant winged wolf roared upwards, causing the clouds in the sky to disperse.

The many demon kings who followed it out of the food world felt the abundant aura of the main world for the first time, and instantly fell into a state of ecstasy.

"Three Wolf Kings, you are right. With the aura of this world, my bloodline can evolve again!"

"Is this the Liuyun Mountain Range? I don't want to go back."

"Three wolf kings, those human monks must be afraid of us.

It’s just right for them to leave, we can occupy this place, according to what you said, from now on, this place will be our territory.

With such a large piece of land, it is enough for our temporary development. "

Looking at these guys who were satisfied with the status quo, the giant wolf crushed several thick trees, and there was a loud noise in the mountains.

"Have you thought about being satisfied before the fight?"

'Those human monks will not retreat without a fight, there must be a conspiracy. '

The giant wolf thought to himself.

Obviously when it came back, it saw human monks stationed there.

Some unidentified human monks even greeted him. Obviously, the news that Qingxiao City will start a war with the food world has not yet come.

The third demon king just wanted to use this to catch him off guard, and then use it as a promotional achievement to attract more demon kings from the food world to join its camp.

It stared at the demon kings with a pair of green eyes, and said:
"Human monks fled without a fight, obviously they are strong outsiders, and they are afraid of the power of many demon kings in our food world.

Now we should take advantage of the victory and pursue it. Now go back and gather the team, we need to have more territories.

This king guarantees that as long as you follow this king, every monster can have a pasture belonging to its own group! "


Encouraged by the third demon king, many demon kings returned to the food world, panting heavily, calling for friends.

The third demon king ordered the sons and grandsons of the wolves to disperse and investigate the surrounding five hundred li territory.

And it is guarding at the space gate.

What was originally thought to be a tough battle turned out to be so easy.


at the same time.

The ancestral land of the Sirius Clan, Wolfshou Peak.

After listening to the teaching of the wolf ancestor, the old wolf king was about to leave when he found a young man in white appeared in front of him at some point.

"who are you?"

The old wolf king's hair stood on end, and he kept warning in his heart that the person in front of him actually gave him a feeling of facing the ancestor of the wolf.

Looking back again, the wolf ancestor had disappeared without knowing when.

You must know that this is still the boundary of Langshou Mountain, and the wolf ancestors are almost unlimited.

The former wolf king of the wolf tribe was led here by it at the beginning, and then it shared the flesh and blood of the wolf king with the wolf ancestor, and it was only then that he became what he is today.

So, it enlightened.

"The Immortal is above, little wolf Lang Yijia pays homage to the Immortal."

The old wolf king knelt down, not caring at all whether his peak strength of the demon king could beat the opponent.

There will be opportunities to test in the future, and it chooses to trust its intuition.

After all, if you can't beat it, you may be slaughtered.

If it can fight, there are many opportunities for revenge. As long as the insiders are killed, who would know that it has knelt down.

Seeing this, Fang Chang couldn't help being taken aback.

Vaguely, he seemed to have seen this situation before.

When he first met Wangcai, the rebellious Wangcai was beaten up by Tie Zhu. He also called him a god, knelt down righteously, and rose to the height of reshaping the glory of his ancestors.

"Wangcai, no, what does Yuelun have to do with you?"

He remembered that Wangcai was called by this name in the Sirius clan.

The old wolf king smiled shyly: "Unfortunately, it is the grandson of the little wolf clan."

It already has guesses about the identity of the person in front of it.

Yue Lun, a wolf, seemed to have been fooled by reading the history of the family before. He was determined to restore the glory of his ancestors, and proposed to it several times to change the Xiaoyue Tianwolf clan back to the Moon Swallowing Dog.

Because he was too radical, he was dispatched to the wilderness by his tribe.

This time the Hui people have changed their name to Wangcai, and their image and habits are all close to the dog monster.

The person in front of him calls him Wangcai, and since he is so powerful, there are nine out of ten that he is the master who is talking about Wangcai.

But it still scolded Wangcai to death.

This is Wangcai's master who won't lose to the demon king and is as strong as himself?

Obviously much more powerful than it.

"Sure enough, it's passed down in one line. Yes, I am the Lord of Qingxiao City."

Fang Chang smiled and asked, "Do you know my request?"

As a sleazy and sinister old man, Fang Chang would not stick to a one-month deadline.

Telling the third demon king that it is a month is also to let it take it lightly, and to have enough time to gather the top combat power in the food world.

Then he can catch everything in one go, so as not to have to go back and forth.

However, the lion fights the rabbit and does his best. Since he aims at the food world, he must find out the real strength of the food world in advance, so as not to overturn the car in time.

So he has long been mixed into the food world with the third demon king.

Although according to the information given by Yaoguang, the secret realm fused with the main world has a combat power limit according to the time period.

The secret realm that can be merged with the main world in this time period is at most the Nascent Soul realm, and it will not exceed Huashen.

With his current ability to transform into a god, he would just open a large account and go to Xinshou Village to abuse the vegetables.

But there is nothing wrong with being careful.

No, I saw an old antique.

Maybe it's because there are only remnant souls left, so they are not limited by the limits of this world.

The old wolf king squeezed out a smile, nodded repeatedly and said:
"Little wolf knows that from today onwards, our Heavenly Wolf Clan will be the mounts under Shangxian's command. We will bite whoever Shangxian tells us to bite!"

Fang Chang nodded slightly, then pointed to the silent Langshou Peak and said:
"Then, as a testimonial, why don't you bite an ancestor and show me?"

The old wolf king had a bitter look on his face.

On the Langshou Peak, the face of the ancestor of the wolf is revealed on the mountain wall.

"Junior of the human race, why are you aggressive?"

Fang Chang smiled and shivered.

"You are not a human being."

The wolf ancestor choked, and said: "If you are willing to give up and help me resurrect, I am willing to make an oath to serve you for a hundred years, and even dedicate the food world to you.

No one knows where this boundary stone is except me? "

The boundary stone is the control hub of a secret realm, and it is also an important prop for Fang Chang to sacrifice to this secret realm.

The Wolf Ancestor is worthy of being an old monster for many years, and he immediately took out the treasure that made Fang Chang's heart beat, which is far better than the old wolf king's allegiance that can be repented at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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