Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 286 Evolution of the Puppet Clan

Chapter 286 Evolution of the Puppet Clan

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Being able to cultivate outstanding monster talents like Wangcai and the old wolf king, the inheritance of the Sirius clan can be imagined, and the character of the wolf ancestor is self-evident.

He is as cruel as an evil god to his fellow clansmen, and looks forward and backward in the face of foreign enemies.

It is really too difficult for the once bent spine to straighten again.

Now that you have already knelt once, you don't care about kneeling again in the face of an unstoppable enemy.

But Fang Chang didn't care what the wolf ancestor and the old wolf king thought.

Now that he is bullying the trumpet with a big account, he didn't come here to negotiate terms with them.

Not to mention helping the wolf ancestor out of trouble, but also offering blood sacrifices to the human race.

Those are all his cute little leeks, and he has to be anxious to anyone except himself who dares to cut a crop.

Fang Chang looked at the old wolf king and said with a smile:

"This is your own ancestor. It's better for you to handle it. I, an outsider, don't have to do it for me."

The old wolf king's complexion changed.

This is already the second time Fang Chang has let him make a move.

If it still doesn't follow, it doesn't know if it has a third chance.

The old wolf king looked at the wolf ancestor, and then the hair on his body swelled. In the blink of an eye, he changed from an old man with white beard and hair to a giant silver-white wolf.

"The wolf ancestor, the younger generation has no choice but to ask the wolf ancestor to help future generations."

Wolf Ancestor snorted coldly.

"evil creature!"

With a low snort, the silver-white giant wolf fell to the ground in pain, the silver-white hair was covered with blood, and a little bit of blood oozed out.

"Don't forget that you still have the blood curse of the deity on your body. If you want to betray the deity, you are not qualified!"

"I'm giving you a chance."

"The world of food and taste is limited, even if the real Huashen Venerable enters it, it is impossible to display the strength beyond the limit of Nascent Soul.

You and I join forces and take him down together.

His blood sacrifice alone is enough to help the deity out of trouble.

At that time, the conditions given to you by the deity will still be valid. "

But even though the old wolf king was writhing in pain, he had no intention of betraying Fang Chang.

"I beg the gods to save the little demon!"

Fang Chang shook his head and said to the wolf ancestor:

"You remnants of the old era, why bother to stay in the new era, now is the era of our young people."

The demon eyes between his brows opened, and a divine light shot out.

For this kind of remnant soul that doesn't even have a body, the Eye of Heavenly Demon, which can directly attack the soul of a person, is simply a natural nemesis.

As the Heavenly Demon God's light brushed down, the faces on the Langshou Peak revealed a painful expression.


With a terrifying howl.

The wolf ancestor's painful voice resounded in the air.

"In that case, we will die together!"

Seeing the rocks rolling down from the Langshou Peak and the sand gushing, the true face buried under the Langshou Peak was revealed to the world, it was actually a huge white bone wolf head.

The rough Wolf's Head Peak suddenly rises from the ground, like a giant wolf buried deep in the ground raising its head.

The earth roared and a big crack opened.

The ancestral land of the Sirius Clan rises at this moment with a gigantic monster, which is tens of thousands of meters long and stretches for dozens of miles.

If someone looks from a high altitude, they can find that it is a huge skeleton.

A skeleton of a Sirius, which is the body of the ancestor of the wolf, was buried here in the world, and it is also the birthplace of the Sirius clan.

Fang Chang stood under the skeleton of the wolf ancestor, like an ant at the foot of a giant, insignificant.


The wolf ancestor raised his wolf paw and patted it down.

Its flesh and blood have long been worn away by the curse on its body, leaving only a white bone, whose power is far inferior to the original body.

But relying on this huge power alone, it is difficult for ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators to deal with it.

This wolf claw is a mountain of bones, and its pure power is enough to destroy the world.

Fang Chang laughed.

"Originally, I could only feed my magic weapon with your remnant soul, but I didn't expect to buy one and get one free now.

Don't worry, I won't treat your bones badly, it will become my first fourth-order puppet. "

He passed through the Nascent Soul stage quickly in the Splendid Realm, so the puppet in his hand didn't have time to change.

Although the undead puppet army can evolve by itself, it needs non-stop fighting, which is too unfriendly to a monk like him who is not good at fighting.

So he was fostered by Sister Tiezhu, and only the high-intensity battles during the development of the legion could promote the rapid evolution of the puppet legion.

Now that the body and bones of the wolf ancestors are obtained, the materials for refining the fourth-order puppets are also available.

Fang Chang waved out hundreds of third-order puppets.

But the puppet army that once formed an formation capable of completely suppressing the Nascent Soul cultivator, now under the claws of the wolf ancestors, has no power to resist.


All puppets turned into pieces.

Wolf Ancestor thought Fang Chang would use some tricks, but he didn't expect it to be a bunch of weak puppets.

"Is this your method?"

The spirit of the wolf ancestor shook the void.

"If the deity of the human race in the outside world is only this far, it will be too disappointing to the deity."

The old wolf king who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead was even more emotional.

If Fang Chang, the immortal of the human race, only had this ability, he might as well be a filial son and grandson of the wolf ancestor.

Anyway, there is no one available to the wolf ancestor now, if he is willing to take refuge, he will be forgiven in all likelihood.

But the next moment, in his horrified eyes, he saw that the broken puppets were all glued together under the mysterious force.

Even stronger than before.

They gathered together, like an awl, and hit the wolf ancestor's leg bone hard.

The huge body of the wolf ancestor staggered.

"Nasty bug."

The wolf ancestor's wolf head was downward, and he spit out a breath full of filth. It was the breath of death brought from Jiuyou, and it was the unwilling sigh of the dead in the world.

This kind of breath is enough to pollute the magic weapon, dust its aura, and even destroy the magic weapon in severe cases.

Ordinary monks are infected, and their cultivation base will be greatly reduced, and they will die on the spot.

The puppets couldn't dodge in time, half of them were covered by this filthy atmosphere, they were like snowmen under the scorching sun, corroded little by little from skin to flesh, from flesh to bone.

Wolf Ancestor laughed out loud.

"Junior of the human race, this deity will give you one last chance, and the conditions of this deity are still valid."

Fang Chang's eyes just flashed.

As Lang Zu said, the ceiling of the food and taste world is the Nascent Soul Realm, and it is impossible to exert power beyond the Nascent Soul's limit.

However, compared with the Nascent Soul in the realm of transforming gods, it is never just a difference in strength.

Transforming the gods into the gods - endless life.

This is not only the endless life of his vitality, but also the endless life of mana in his body. As long as his spirit is not extinguished, the power in his body will not stop.

Originally, he was troubled by his lack of mana and the problem that the puppet army could not be resurrected without limit. After he realized the will of transforming gods, it was no longer a limitation.

With the flow of divine will, Fang Chang's mana spread out from the void.

The puppets who had been corroded beyond appearance began to recover quickly, wiping away the power of death and filth on their bodies.

And in the constant corrosion and rebirth, there are actually a few puppets making painful sounds at this moment.

Fang Chang's eyes couldn't help but move.

That is the first cry of life.

In the constant flow of death and vitality, in the contest between the two transformation gods, they suffered injuries that they should not have suffered in this realm.

Some puppets who were already at the spiritual critical point felt the pain for the first time at this moment.

Pain is an important sign of their stepping into a deeper spirituality.

He seems to have found another evolutionary direction for his puppet.

"Identification technique."


【Puppet No. [-]】

[Race: Puppet Race (evolving)]

[Introduction: In countless death evolutions, the once spiritual fire was ignited, and since then it is no longer a dead thing.

It has a fresh life. 】

[ps: This is a new race, they will follow your instructions and fight for you. 】


Fang Chang took a closer look, and among the one hundred and eight third-order puppets, only three puppets showed signs of spiritual evolution.

Speaking of which, he also has a puppet Ada who is far more spiritual than ordinary puppets.

But that's because Pao Pao is too boring, chatting with people all day long, and the spirituality that comes out of the live chat is a special case.

So Fang Chang didn't pay too much attention to it after a little understanding.

Unexpectedly, taking it out to fight against the wolf ancestors to upgrade today would inadvertently open the door to the evolution of the puppet clan.

This kind of evolution is not like Fang Tiezhu, which requires him to expend his own inspiration to endow him with complete spirituality.

All you need is a hint of spirituality as an introduction, and then through continuous fighting, you are not only evolving your physical body, but also your spirituality.

When the time is right, that trace of spirituality will blossom and bear fruit, and there will be a puppet clan.

It's a form of evolution that can be replicated.

It's pretty miserable to think about these puppets.

They were originally monks who fought against Fang Chang and were killed, but because Fang Chang was too poor before, they could only make up their corpses.

All of them would not be able to survive after death, so they were forced to refine them into the most unpretentious corpse puppets to fight for Fang Chang.

This time, he had enough spirituality, which is equivalent to living out a second life, but he still had to be controlled by Fang Chang.

Fang Chang silently said sorry to these newborn puppet clans.

Then he decided to keep the whole body of the enemy he killed in the future. This kind of profitable business is too easy to do.

It could be said that decades later, the name of his puppet ancestor has really become real.

Now, Fang Chang is not in a hurry to kill Wolf Ancestor.

Where can I find such a good sparring partner?

"Lang Zu, let me see where your limit is?!"

The puppets reborn from the ashes rushed out of the filthy atmosphere and surrounded them. Two of the puppets evolved successfully, and spiritual fire ignited in their bodies.

Fang Chang clearly felt that there were two more dots in his sea of ​​consciousness, which were connected to the two puppet families that had successfully evolved.

This is the pull between spirituality.

As their creator, Fang Chang has mastered the source of their spirituality, and can kill their spirituality at any time, which is more direct than any means of control.

When Fang Tiezhu was first born, he thought about using this method to control his sister.

In the end, there was no need for him to threaten at all, and my good sister was more obedient than anyone else.

On the other hand, the other two puppet clans that he had assigned to break into the Jade Cloud Sect and the Fire Dragon Sect had suffered a lot when they were born, otherwise they would have lost control if they hadn't seen him for decades.

Now there are five small dots in his sea of ​​consciousness, that is to say, five puppet clans were created because of him.

With this successful experience, Fang Chang believes that more puppet clans will appear in the future.

On the other side, the wolf ancestor saw that he had tempered the breath of death for tens of thousands of years, but he couldn't help being a few low-level puppets, so he couldn't help but feel withdrawn.

The opponent didn't show any hole cards, so he made a big move.

How can this be beaten.

But retreat, where can he retreat.

If he could leave, he would have left Langshou Peak long ago.

It's just that controlling its physical body now has consumed a lot of his accumulated strength, and if he continues to fight, he can only be slaughtered.


The wolf ancestor's scarlet eyes stared at the old wolf king who was pretending to be dead on the ground.

"Stop him, this deity will undo the blood curse in your body afterwards, otherwise this deity will detonate it now!"

The wolf ancestor is also a ruthless wolf, so he made a decisive decision to abandon his body and escape with his remnant soul.

Although this kind of situation can't survive for a long time outside, he can't care so much at this time.

The old wolf king's silver-white hair was completely scarlet at this time, obviously the wolf ancestor did not lie to him, if he didn't make a move, he would completely detonate the blood curse in his body.

But the old wolf king has objections, so he won't prepare in advance.

I saw a piece of blood jade spit out from his mouth, and it exploded directly, and most of the original bright red blood color on his body faded away.

"This is a substitute blood jade refined by the king with my own son. Although it can't completely transfer the blood curse on me, it is enough to resist it for a while.

Wolf Ancestor, you have lived too long and tortured me for too long.

Now, let me personally send you a ride! "

Seeing that the winner is obvious, the old wolf king will not help the loser.

He used the Blood Jade as a stand-in to temporarily stop the blood curse from erupting, and then saw his body swell again, and some snow-white brilliance shone on his silver-white hair.

"Sirius Howling Moon!"

Guanghua gathered together and spat out from the roaring mouth of the old wolf king.

A continuous beam of energy pierced through the huge body of the wolf ancestor, and the tens of thousands of meters of bone wolf body was completely enveloped by the force of the explosion at this moment.

Seen from a distance, dozens of miles around are shrouded in a huge halo, and the brilliance of destruction is raging inside.

Fang Chang's eyelids twitched when he saw it.

This old wolf king who is blowing on both sides unexpectedly has such strength.

The Qixia demon dragon he saw at the beginning was so arrogant, but if he met the old wolf king, he would become Mrs. Yazhai in all likelihood.

Sure enough, a wolf cannot be judged by its appearance.

"Junior, you have been deceiving this deity, and this deity will die with you!"

The wolf ancestor was severely beaten by the old wolf king Xiaoxin, and howled in pain. Circles of black air continued to gather in the wolf's head, and the black mist spread out.

It was the breath of death that he had tempered for tens of thousands of years, and he had no reservations at this moment.

Although his body decayed and lost most of his bloodline abilities, the power bred from the death of the nether world should not be underestimated.

It couldn't do anything to Fang Chang's puppet, which was blessed by Fang Chang's endless life-transforming spirit.

But although the old wolf king was strong, his realm was not as good. He was soon entangled in the breath of death, and also triggered the suppressed blood curse in his body.

But at this moment, instead of calling for mercy, it became more fierce.

As the wolf king who once rose from the weak, he also came from fighting, and he never lacked the courage to fight for his life.

And if you don't try your best at this moment, how can you prove your worth and strength in front of Qingxiao City Lord, the human god.

Now that you have made your choice, you must go straight forward without hesitation, otherwise you want to be a dog, and it is not a dog that pleases its owner.


The old wolf king's several hundred meters long body is considered small compared to the wolf ancestor.

But it was this little guy who tore off the wolf ancestor's bones one by one, endured the torture of death breath and blood curse, and his blood supernatural power exploded to the extreme.


"You bastard!"

"Honorable Human Race, spare my life, I am willing to be a slave!"

Amidst the wolf ancestor's wailing, the explosive breath gradually disappeared, and the huge body collapsed.

The old wolf king was out of breath, his eyes were full of fierceness, he was covered in blood, he stood on the body of the wolf ancestor, and roared to the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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