Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 287 Refining the Wolf Ancestor

Chapter 287 Refining the Wolf Ancestor
The majesty of the old wolf king didn't last long, and soon he fell down from the bone of the wolf ancestor, groaning in pain.

After killing Wolf Ancestor, the blood curse on him completely broke out.

The red and white hair turned scarlet completely, and drops of blood oozed from the tips of the hair, gathering into puddles of blood under his body.

At the same time, the originally shiny fur became dry and wrinkled, and the huge body shrank instantly, becoming the size of a normal wild wolf, but the body seemed to have lost moisture and was withering little by little.

"Junior, the taste of the blood curse of this deity is not good. Now that the blood curse has completely broken out, the gods are hard to save. This is the price of betraying this deity!"

A wisp of black air rises from the bone of the wolf ancestor, it is the remnant soul of the wolf ancestor, who is sneering again and again.

As expected of an old ghost who has lingered on for tens of thousands of years, even so he was not killed.

But the energy accumulated for many years was consumed by the battle, and his body was torn into pieces. The wolf ancestor was already a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and he had no power to resist.

But even though he was having a hard time, he still felt happy seeing the miserable state of the old wolf king who had betrayed him.

His blood curse was comprehended from the curse on his body, with blood as the source, as long as the old wolf king still has the blood of the Sirian tribe, it is impossible to get rid of the blood curse.

The stand-in blood jade that the old wolf king had previously refined with his blood relatives was only a temporary transfer of the blood curse to the blood jade.

But the source of blood is still the old wolf king.

The old wolf king glanced at the wolf ancestor, and snorted coldly with great backbone.

"Wolf ancestor, although you are the ancestor of my clan, you have devoured so many members of our clan over the years, just to live longer for yourself.

If you are allowed to live again, I don't know how many people in the clan will suffer.

This king is just pretending to be a snake with you. Today, with the help of the gods, I finally eradicated you, the confidant of the Sirius clan, for our clan.

This king dies without regret!
I just ask the gods to take pity on my people's chaos and ignorance, and don't care too much about them. "

At the last sentence, the old wolf king looked at Fang Chang eagerly.

Fang Chang looked at the old wolf king, saw the sincerity in his eyes, and nodded in agreement.

"Well, then you can rest assured."

"By the way, do you have any last words for future generations? I will give them as a gift."

"Also, you old ghost over there who is dying, tell me where the boundary stone is, how about I give you a good time?"

The wolf ancestor also snorted coldly.

He had been a dog all his life, and before he died, he suddenly wanted to be tough.

The main reason is that he was disgusted by the old wolf king, who usually yelled at his ancestors, but it turned out that there were all calculations behind it.

Not to mention the blood relationship between the two wolves, in a thousand years, even a dog has been bred.

Although they were originally dogs.

Anyway, it's hard for him, and he won't make it easy for the old wolf king.

"The boundary stone is in a place where no one can find it. Even if I die, I won't let you find it."

"Why bother."

Fang Chang shook his head, and the eyes of the demon flew out between his brows, covering the remnant soul of the wolf ancestor.

The remnant soul of Huashen contains a lot of energy of the primordial spirit, which can supplement a lot of power of the eye of the demon.

Speaking of which, apart from Fang Chang's rapid accumulation of cultivation, the one in the Splendid Embroidery World got the most benefits from the silent Eye of the Demon.

It obediently stayed in Fang Chang's sea of ​​consciousness, always using Fang Chang's primordial spirit to cultivate magic weapons.

Originally, Fang Chang killed the newborn magic weapon spirit in order to refine the demon eye, but now Mo Sansheng is the second newborn magic weapon spirit, and his condition is very weak.

But after a hundred years of cultivation in the Splendid Embroidery World, it finally has the demeanor of an ancient treasure.

Today's Eye of the Demon, even without Fang Chang's control, with Mo Sansheng's strength, is enough to compete with the monks in the early stage of transformation.

As an ancient treasure, the heyday of the Eye of the Heavenly Demon is enough to be compared with the power of the Hollow Realm.

Today's Eye of the Demon is still far behind.

Calculated according to the normal situation, even if there is Fang Chang, the master, who is always nourished by the energy of the primordial spirit, it will not take tens of thousands of years for the Eye of the Demon to return to its full state.

But eating such a spirit-transforming remnant soul can save at least a hundred years of time. Coupled with the improvement of Fang Chang's cultivation level in the future, this time will be greatly shortened.


The remnant soul of the wolf ancestor screamed.

Fang Chang also tried the experience of devouring the human soul with the eyes of the demon.

At that time, he was still a little Mengxin who had just practiced Bo Xunguan's thoughts, because of the delicious spirit in his body, he attracted the coveted eyes of the demon.

Fortunately, the Eye of Heavenly Demon was also very weak at that time, and he took advantage of it as a heart demon and pretended to be of the same kind, so that he was saved from being devoured.

But he experienced the pain of being gnawed at the soul in the dark once, and it was an indescribable pain.

Soon the wolf ancestor couldn't hold on.

If the curse on him was tormenting his body, then the Eye of the Heavenly Demon aroused the deepest nightmare in his primordial spirit, devouring his primordial spirit bit by bit when he was in the most pain and fear.

"Give me a good time!"

The Wolf Ancestor roared, maintaining what little sense he had.

Fang Chang just shook his head: "Compared with what you told me, I believe that I got it myself."

As he increased the input of mana, the Eye of the Heavenly Demon completely refined the wolf ancestor.

A series of memory fragments appeared in his mind.

That was the life of the wolf ancestor.

Helpless when he opened his eyes when he was young, he struggled to survive in the wilderness, transformed into demons, until he met his master.

The wolf ancestor who was supposed to be a food item in his master's mouth, became his master's lackey because of his cute appearance and good looks.

Later, his master broke through the realm of cave and void, opened up the world of food and taste, and ordered him to shepherd a herd of beasts and provide them with rich food.

Until one day, the sky collapsed and the entire food world was in turmoil, and he lost contact with his master.

Only then did he realize that he had been planted with a curse by his master at some point, and because he had been out of his master's control for too long, the curse had occurred automatically.

In the painful torment, the wolf ancestor began to resent his master, and in the end he could only reduce the influence of the curse on him by sleeping.

This is the origin of the two different thoughts of the Sirius tribe.

Being loyal to a dog is the first half of the wolf ancestor's life, and being free to be a wolf is the second half of his life, both are him.

Until a thousand years ago, the old wolf king inadvertently awakened his sleeping remnant soul.

Langzu's life flashed through Fang Chang's mind like a fleeting moment.

Because they were all fragments, most of the details of the experience were unclear, but fortunately, Fang Chang was able to capture the location of the boundary stone that Fang Chang wanted to know.

After sorting out the memories in his mind, Fang Chang looked at the huge corpse left by Wolf Ancestor. Although there was only a pile of bones and scum left, the corpse of Huashen that had been wrapped in resentment and death for tens of thousands of years was itself a An excellent material.

However, he doesn't have such a large storage equipment, and if he doesn't refine it first, it's not easy to take it away.

As soon as Fang Chang's mind moved, bursts of fire came from the sky, covering tens of miles around with flames.

In the interweaving of light and fire, the wolf ancestor's mountain-like corpse gradually shrunk, and faint blue cold fire burst out from the white bones from time to time.

But no matter what, it is still the corpse of a transformed god monster, and there is still some force, and it will not be able to refine all of them in a short while.

Then it's up to time.

Fang Chang arranged the refining methods, and ordered the two puppet clan younger brothers who had just given birth to spiritual fire to take other puppets to guard.

Then he was about to look for the boundary stone first, when he heard a groan from under his feet.

Fang Chang lowered his head and frowned, looking at the half-dead old wolf king.

"Why aren't you dead yet?"

The old wolf king, who had died heroically just now, blushed. Fortunately, he was now in the body of a wolf, and with the outbreak of the blood curse, his whole body was red, and he couldn't tell.

He said weakly: "Shangxian, Xiaoyao thinks he can save him a little bit."

"I beg God to be merciful and save the little demon once."

He originally thought that he would be able to move Fang Chang if he behaved bravely, was more selfless, and showed a glorious image of sacrificing one's salary and courage for the clansman regardless of honor or disgrace.

As a result, he wailed on the ground for a long time, and Fang Chang didn't even look at him.

He couldn't stand it any longer.

The pain from the outbreak of the blood curse was not fake.

Fang Chang looked like he had just realized it.

"Oh, you didn't want to die. I thought you wanted to set a good example for your kind with your own death.

Originally, I wanted to save you, but when you made such a fuss, I didn't dare to make a move.

Fortunately, it is not too late. "

While teasing, Fang Chang's body transformed into a divine spirit, and the endless divine spirit blessed the old wolf king. The old wolf king, who was still dying just now, seemed to be revived and revived.

But this is only an illusion.

Fang Chang just used his divine will to forcibly increase the vitality of the old wolf king, offsetting the blood curse.

Once he loses his power supply, the old wolf king will still be bound by the blood curse.

Fang Chang couldn't break the blood curse.

Because he is not familiar with the curse, he used to be able to reduce the dimensionality of the forbidden spell attached to the soul by virtue of his attainments in the soul.

But this kind of curse that started from the blood, he was a little bit blind.

But this is just the situation just now.

After refining the memory fragments of the wolf ancestor's remnant soul, Fang Chang also obtained the method to break the blood curse.

The principle is very simple. Since the blood curse is attached to the blood of the old wolf king, it only needs to be replaced with a higher-level blood to make the blood curse heal without medicine.

The old wolf king is already the highest bloodline of the Sirius clan, and the only one who is higher than him is the wolf ancestor.

This is also the reason why the wolf ancestor is confident that he can hold the old wolf king.

Who knew that the old wolf king was a ruthless wolf, and with a blow of filial piety, he directly sent the wolf ancestor to meet a more advanced ancestor.

Fang Chang told the old wolf king how to break the blood curse.

The old wolf king couldn't help looking back at the corpse of the wolf ancestor that had been calcined by the raging fire, wondering if he could rescue two bones and exchange blood for himself by rushing in now.

"Shangxian, the little demon will be loyal to him from now on. The Heavenly Wolf Clan will only follow him, and only ask him to show him a way out."

Now the old wolf king can only grasp Fang Chang's life-saving straw.

Fang Chang smiled: "You did well just now, if you hide behind to watch the show and want to stay out of it, then I can only send you to reunite with your ancestors.

Good thing you proved your worth.

I have never been stingy with people of worth.

Before the wolf ancestor fell asleep, he kept a copy of his own blood essence in the cave where the boundary stone was located. Using it is enough to successfully exchange blood for you and lift the blood curse.

Maybe even go one step further and have a chance to break through the realm of transforming gods. "

The old wolf king's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked the other party to kowtow and worship.

But Fang Chang shook his head and said: "I am no different from the wolf ancestor, and you will not be able to escape my control from now on, so don't be too anxious to thank me."

But the old wolf king said: "The little demon heard a saying in the human race before, that one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

The little demon can become a running dog by the side of the celestial being, and when the celestial being attains the Tao, the little demon can ascend to heaven with him.

This is far better than being by the wolf ancestor's side.

The wolf ancestor was tyrannical and fed on his own clan. With the little demon by his side, he did not know when it became the blood food in his mouth. No god could compare with it. "

"I now believe that Wangcai was taught by you, and it still has a lot to learn."

Fang Chang felt very comfortable listening to it for a while.

Fang Chang took the old wolf king to the cave where the boundary stone was hidden in the memory of the wolf ancestor.

The Food and Taste Realm is actually not that big, it is a sphere as a whole, wrapped by an invisible film, even the demon king of Nascent Soul Realm cannot fly out of the boundary of the Food and Taste Realm.

However, the diameter of the food and taste world is less than ten thousand miles, so the internal resources can be imagined, and it is already the limit to support more than thirty demon kings.

In fact, if it weren't for the appearance of the space gate, in order to resolve the dispute over resources, it wouldn't take long for these demon kings to start fighting among themselves.

This is also one of the important reasons why the main combat faction headed by the third demon king overwhelmed the old wolf king.

With Fang Chang's current escape speed, he can almost reach any place in the food world in a short time.

Soon, Fang Chang brought the old wolf king to a deep sea trench.

It is better to say that it is a super large lake than the sea.

Because this ocean is surrounded by land, seventy to eighty percent of the entire food world is land.

This is also intentional by the creator of the food world. Without a large enough land, how can he shepherd enough ferocious beasts.

If it wasn't for raising more aquatic products, even this sea would not have appeared.

In this sea lives a super fierce beast that looks like a giant whale. It is tens of thousands of meters long, with rough skin and thick flesh.

It is said that this ferocious beast has survived for more than 10,000 years, and its age is about the same age as that of the food world. Even the original wolf ancestor is a child in front of it.

However, since this ferocious beast does not have much sanity and will not take the initiative to go ashore, the ocean has become its private land.

Under normal circumstances, there would be no monsters on land to provoke them.

Fang Chang listened to the old wolf king's introduction all the way, and soon reached the depths of the trench, but unfortunately he didn't meet the legendary beast.

According to the old wolf king, this ferocious beast usually sleeps deep in the bottom of the sea, only waking up once in decades, and needs to eat to replenish its strength.

The feeding process will last for about three years, and almost half of the creatures in the entire ocean will become the rations of this ferocious beast.

Now the ocean is calm, obviously the fierce beast is still sleeping.

"Well, is it the beast you are talking about?"

The depth of the seabed is [-] meters, and Fang Chang's water-avoiding formula requires about a hundred times more mana than normal.

Of course, the small Water Avoidance Art, even if it consumes a hundred times, is still not as fast as Chang Chang's passive mana recovery.

Fang Chang stretched out his hand, and saw light appearing on the dark seabed for the first time.

Under the light, a giant whale shaped like a giant whale, gray-white in color, and [-] to [-] meters long, like a mountain range under the sea, quietly fell asleep on the trench.

As the light came on, it seemed to be disturbed, its body trembled slightly, and it was about to wake up at any moment.

As the bottom of the sea trembled, there were bursts of undercurrents surging, like an earthquake.

 There will be more updates at night.

(End of this chapter)

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