Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 289 Why Did Big Brother Descend First?

Chapter 289 Why Did Big Brother Descend First?

Fang Chang put away all the pots and pans that filled the hall, and after the excitement, it became a little dull.

This is the first time he has experienced the opening of the cave, and it is normal to be excited.

But in fact, these things are actually useless to him now.

Moreover, although these magical treasures are of good quality, they are special kitchen utensils after all, and their functions are somewhat unsatisfactory.

No wonder Wolf Ancestor didn't take away these instruments.

One is out of awe of the original owner, and the other is because these things are really useless to him.

Fang Chang felt that he didn't need these things himself, but that didn't prevent him from putting these treasures in Qingxiao City's treasury exchange list.

In the future, there will always be people who will be taken advantage of, bah, those who know the goods will fall in love with them.

After leaving the main hall, the old wolf king waited respectfully outside, without the order of Fang Zhang, he did not act without authorization.

Even if he is suffering from the blood curse at this moment, even if there is a treasure in the temple that can relieve him of his nightmare.

Fang Chang was very satisfied with this.

Although the old wolf king is cruel and forbearing, it does not prevent him from being a qualified subordinate.

"open to take a look."

Standing at the door of the side hall, Fang Chang gave an order.

The ban on the side hall was arranged by the wolf ancestor back then, and it was a method left by the wolf ancestor in its heyday. Fang Chang felt that he had to be cautious

So it is reasonable to let the old wolf king explore the way.

After all, this is a major matter related to his life and death, and he should be responsible for it.

The old wolf king didn't hesitate much, and rushed forward.

Following the old wolf king's trespass, a layer of silver-white grids appeared around the side hall, and then a huge phantom of a wolf's head appeared amidst the flashes of lightning.

Fang Chang looks a bit like Erha, a bit silly and handsome.

Before being blackened, the wolf ancestor was really capable of fighting in terms of appearance.

When the old wolf king saw this wolf head, his eyes flashed, and he was about to force his way in.

The wolf's head opened its mouth wide, and the rays of light gathered inside, it was the supernatural power of the Sirian blood that the old wolf king had displayed not long ago - Sirius Xiaoyue.

The more and more energy gathered, even Fang Chang felt a trace of threat, which has exceeded the limit of power that the food world can bear, and it is the power of transforming gods.

There was horror in the old wolf king's eyes.

But life was right in front of him, how could he give up, regardless of the injuries on his body, his aura rose again.

At this moment, the wolf's head began to flash, as if the signal was interrupted.

The originally menacing bloodline supernatural powers were also muted. With a click, the wolf's head shattered and disappeared, and the restriction left by the wolf ancestor also broke by itself.

The old wolf king, who was still alive after the catastrophe, couldn't help looking at Fang Chang, expressing his gratitude.

"Thank you, God, for saving me."

He thought Fang Chang secretly helped him.

Fang Chang understood now.

The disappearance of the wolf head is limited by the environment of this world.

The method left by the wolf ancestor was too powerful and exceeded the limit of this world, so there was no follow-up, and he directly misfired.

To use an inappropriate explanation, it is probably the story of Gatlin, who was originally blazing blue, turned into a pile of scrap iron because of the loss of ammunition.

But Fang Chang didn't explain, just nodded lightly.

"go in."

One person and one wolf entered the side hall.

The side hall is slightly smaller than the main hall. Compared with the kitchen of the main hall, where the fireworks are directly bursting, the layout of the side hall is simpler and warmer.

Well, this was originally the kennel of Wolf Ancestor, where he had been with his master for thousands of years.

But at the moment it is quite deserted, only three clusters of spiritual light are suspended in the room, as if it has not changed since ancient times.

But as the gate of the side hall opened, the aura began to slowly dissipate, and the prohibition left by the wolf ancestor also had the effect of accumulating treasures.

Fang Chang made a random move, and three clusters of spiritual light fell.

All he saw was a black and white dog collar, a cyan slender soft whip, and a fist-sized drop of golden blood.

With the glint in Fang Chang's eyes, the three treasures all gave the identification information he wanted.

The dog collar is the natal magic weapon of the wolf ancestor.

The soft whip is an important magic weapon used by the wolf ancestors to graze the food world. It contains the power of the law of the food world. All fierce beasts born in the food world must be restrained by this whip.

However, after leaving the world of food and taste, the effect of the soft whip on restraining fierce beasts will disappear, and it can only be regarded as an ordinary magic weapon with geographical restrictions.

As for the golden blood, it was naturally the original blood essence left by the wolf ancestor, which was originally left for him to retreat.

If one day, he has a chance to get rid of the curse, he can use this blood to reshape his body.

It's a pity that it's all cheap to him now.

With a flick of Fang Chang's finger, the original essence and blood reached the old wolf king's mouth.

Of course, along with the blood essence, there was also a elixir transformed from a demon seed that came to the mouth of the old wolf king.

"This is a necessary means, otherwise I won't believe you."

Fang Chang said frankly that he didn't mean to threaten at all.

The old wolf king felt the continuous attraction to him in the essence and blood, swallowed hard, and spit out words.

"Since the little demon has taken refuge in Shangxian, he dare not have two hearts."

He stretched out his sharp claws, ruthlessly inserted into the chest cavity, took out a beating bright red heart, and then squeezed it suddenly, the heart burst open like a watermelon.

The old wolf king groaned in pain.

The technique of exchanging blood was not so brutal, but he didn't dare to delay for too long.

The old wolf king knew very well that Fang Chang was willing to accept him, not only because of his knowledge, but also because of his idea of ​​subduing many monster races in the food and taste world.

If he changed his blood for another one or half a year, he would lose more than half of his value as the Great Demon King of the Sirius Clan.

Therefore, he had to complete the exchange of blood in the shortest possible time to lift the curse of the wolf ancestor on his blood.

Then he held the blood of the wolf ancestor, and stuffed it into the chest cavity together with the elixir given by Fang Chang.

After entering the chest cavity, the golden blood essence quickly deformed and turned into a golden heart, which quickly connected with the surrounding blood vessels and started beating again.

With the beating of the golden heart, every drop of blood passing through his atrium was stained with a trace of gold.

And the old wolf king obviously felt that the power of the blood curse on his body had weakened a little.

The technique of exchanging blood really worked!

The old wolf king suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, being controlled by the wolf ancestor for a thousand years, he finally saw the hope of liberation.

As for the pill Fang Chang gave him, it disappeared after entering the body.

The old wolf king didn't care too much.

This is his necessary price.

"Thank you, Shangxian, for fulfilling it."

Although the essence and blood hadn't been fully refined, and he was still enduring the torment of the blood curse, but with Fang Chang's spirit of catalyzing vitality left in his body, the old wolf king felt that he could persevere.

Heart-to-heart exchange, but in the blink of an eye.

Fang Chang had to say admiration.

This old wolf king is a ruthless wolf.

But he didn't care, since the old wolf king was sensible and didn't want to waste his time, he wouldn't pretend to say that it didn't matter and he could wait.

He walked out of the Crystal Palace, looked at the huge water-proof bead inlaid on the top of the Crystal Palace, thought for a while, and took it off.

Anyway, he will dedicate the food world to the Lord's world immediately, and this place will be destroyed, so it's fine for him to take some souvenirs.

As the water-repelling beads were put away by Fang Chang, the heavy pressure on the bottom of the sea fell instantly, and the Crystal Palace was directly destroyed.

At the same time, the sleeping monster on the seabed woke up again.


This time the cry was full of sadness.

It can feel that what it has guarded all its life is broken.

A blazing light emerged from the giant beast, like a sun shining from the depths of the seabed, and the powerful energy made the sea water begin to boil.

The guardian object is destroyed, it just wants to destroy at this moment.

At this moment, a chuckle came.

"You bastard, it seems that you are still in love with the master, but from today on, you are mine."

I saw Fang Chang holding a soft whip and slapping it into the sea water.

The undersea behemoth, which was still aggressive just now, wanted to destroy everything, like a mouse meeting a cat, the fluctuating energy on its body quickly calmed down.

It looked at the villain in front of it ignorantly, not understanding why it had the master's whip.

But the will from the blood makes it unconsciously want to submit to the owner of the whip.

However, its long lifespan has given it the ability to think simply, and it struggles a bit.

But as Fang Chang slammed the soft whip again, it finally surrendered.


The giant beast lowered its head at Fang Chang's feet.

After a while.

I saw huge waves on the sea level, and an island gradually emerged from the water.

However, as the island gradually flowed on the water surface, it was discovered that this was not an island. It was clearly a monster shaped like a giant whale, and a small figure was standing on top of the monster's head.

"Beast, transform!"

Following Fang Chang, he slammed the soft whip.

Because giant beasts always scream, Fang Chang, who has no talent for naming, directly put the name of the beast on it.

The ferocious beast that was still on the surface of the water let out a humming sound just now, and its body changed drastically. It actually sprouted two wings on its sides, and its body rose up boldly, turning into a ferocious roc.

There is a fish in Darknorth, and its name is Kun.The Kun is so big, it's unknown how many thousands of miles away it is.It turns into a bird, its name is Peng, and the back of Peng does not know how many thousands of miles away it is.

A mythical creature named Kun appeared in Fang Chang's mind.

Although the humming beast here is not as huge as the Kun, it should be a close relative of the Kun.

Just because of the characteristics of entering the water as a fish and exiting as a rook, if you say that it has nothing to do with the Kun, you are just playing hooligans.

I don't know where the master of the food world was found.

The key is that the legendary mythical creature, who has lived for 10,000+ years, is actually not as intelligent as a three-year-old child, and will succumb to physical instinct.

I don't know if it was originally like this, or if the master of the food world has done something to it.

But no matter what, it's cheaper for him now.

Fang Chang decided that this thing would be his future mount.

This is no more majestic than riding a dragon.

Suddenly, the roc bird uttered a cry. Compared with the giant whale form, the crow of the roc bird form was more dull, like thunder.

Fang Chang sensed a little, and his face turned dark.

"You've only flown so far that you're hungry?"

"Okay, I know you're hungry, so let's fly down and have a meal first."

This car is good, but it consumes too much gas.

The roc plunged into the sea level, turned into the form of a giant whale again, and began to eat.

Its eating mode is also very interesting, just opened its mouth wide, and suddenly a small vortex appeared on the sea level.

Then the vortex grew bigger and deeper.

One hundred meters, one thousand meters, ten kilometers, one hundred kilometers...

The sea beasts with a radius of thousands of miles are all pulled by the suction of this vortex, and some powerful sea beasts still have a chance to escape the pull of the vortex.

But the small fish and shrimps couldn't help themselves. They rushed into the mouth of the beast in groups, as if they were swimming and racing.

No wonder the old wolf king introduced this guy to harm the small half of the ocean.

The diameter of the sea in the world of food and taste is less than five thousand miles. Once the beast eats it, the ecology of the entire sea will be affected.

Shallow water cannot support real dragons.

With the size of the beast, probably only a world like the main world is the most suitable place for it.

Fang Chang waited for a long time. Seeing that the beast could not fill his stomach for a while, he put down his majestic thoughts on riding it, and led the old wolf king to the space passage.

He has been delayed for several days because of matters in the food and taste world, and he has to go back to catch up on sleep.


Flowing Cloud Mountains.

In the space channel, Yue Sanbing, the third demon king of the Sirius tribe, kept having bad premonitions in his heart, but he couldn't find out where.

Because of his perfect packaging, the news of his victory in the first battle spread internally, and several demon kings who came out with him worked hard to promote it.

Now more and more local demon kings are following him to fight.

There are already more than a dozen demon kings outside the space passage, including three demon kings from the Sirius clan. With himself, four of the top ten demon kings from the Sirius clan came.

Counting those who are neutral and regardless of things, he has now surpassed the boss in the Sirius Clan.

But Yue Sanbing was still uneasy.

"Third brother, more and more demon kings are coming, you can take us to fight first, otherwise, we won't see any benefit, I'm afraid they won't accept it."

The person who spoke was the eighth demon king of the Sirius clan, named Yue Baxin.

Speaking of which, the names of the demon kings of the Sirius clan belong to the inheritance system. The top ten demon kings are from one to ten, and the names end with A, B, C, D, W, J, G, Xin, Rengui, which is said to be an ancestral system.

Yue Sanbing pondered for a moment, then said:

"It is indeed a fight, and they don't let them see the wealth of the human race, they will always only focus on the petty profits of the territory.

I have already inquired about it, and now the biggest forces in this mountain range are Biyun and Huolong sects, the masters in the sect, and the monks with the highest cultivation level are only at the peak of Jindan.

We can destroy any demon king at will.

But this is our first fight and we need a good start, so..."

At this moment, there was a noise from the passage.

Yue Sanbing turned his head to look, and saw his boss appearing from the exit of the passage, and then those soft-hearted demon kings who usually followed the boss.

Although Yue Sanbing had slandered several times in his heart for the loss of the boss's previous ambitions, but in the end it was his own boss, who had been the number one demon king of the Sirian clan for hundreds of years, and had never had a lot of prestige.

He hasn't really taken the other demon kings to get the benefits, so he is not as good as the boss for the time being.

Yue Sanbing forced a smile on his face, and went up to him.

"Boss, you have finally figured it out. With you taking the lead, and all of us brothers working together, there must be a place for our Sirius Clan in this world!"

The old wolf king looked at the third child, nodded seriously and said:

"Yes, I am here to take the lead this time, and I want to announce an important news."

"Listen to the boss."

Although Yue Sanbing was very displeased with the behavior of the boss picking peaches, but the boss is the boss, so he endured it first.

When the battle results come out in the future, the monsters will know who is the real leader of the Sirius clan and even the food world.

I heard the old wolf king say loudly:
"After careful consideration by this king, this king has decided that the entire clan of the Sirius clan will join Qingxiao City.

The king has already inquired about it. Over the years, many monster tribes have surrendered to Qingxiao City, and they have all received good treatment, and many of them have served as officials in the three major legions of Qingxiao City.

This is enough to show that Qingxiao City treats us and other monster races equally, and we cannot live up to Qingxiao City's goodwill.

Forced confrontation is not advisable, it will only increase casualties. "

Yue Sanbing was taken aback immediately, and a sentence suddenly appeared in his mind-we are about to fight to the death, why did the boss surrender first?

"Boss, do you know what you're talking about?!"

The faces of Yue Sanbing and many demon kings of the main battle faction were filled with anger.

(End of this chapter)

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