Chapter 290
Facing the main combat faction headed by the third child, the old wolf king might have to be afraid before.

It's not that I'm afraid of them, but that I'm worried that they will be subdued at once, and no one will dare to fight against him in the future.

After all, he was restrained by the wolf ancestor before, and he had to be offered blood food every once in a while. Once the blood food was insufficient, he had to draw his blood, which was a pain to the skin.

So these wolf cubs that he and he didn't deal with were blood food that he sacrificed to the wolf ancestors.

If you don't find some opponents for yourself, how can you find a chance to kill them and supply the wolf ancestors.

And it's also a show for the wolf ancestor.

For the wolf ancestor, an old wolf who restrains his elbows everywhere is far more reassuring than a king who speaks for himself in the whole clan.

But not anymore.

The old wolf king regained his arrogance as the number one demon king of the Sirius clan.

I saw the old wolf king's old figure suddenly stand upright, and his face with white beard and hair became younger and more powerful. He suddenly changed from an old man in his 70s to a middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s.

Compared with the third demon king with a vicious temperament, the old wolf king looks more like a king.

"Third, I know exactly what I'm talking about, but do you understand what I'm talking about?"

The old wolf king's face was as sinking as water, and his tone was as cold as ice.

Hearing this, Yue Sanbing couldn't help but cast a shadow over his heart.

In his impression, the boss has not been so courageous for a long time, and most of the time he is more like a good man, balancing the relationship between the ten Sirius kings.

But the inherent impression cannot be changed in a short while.

Even though the old wolf king's arrogance is leaking now, in Yue Sanbing's heart, the old wolf king is deliberately trying to oppose him.

He didn't say it when he was going to fight before, and he didn't say it when he started the fight. Now the demon kings of other clans are tempted to act with him.

The old wolf king jumped out suddenly, obviously because he was afraid of him.

I'm afraid that his prestige will rise, that he will take away his position as the number one wolf king in the future, and that he will become the king of monsters in the food world in the future.

Yue Sanbing, who fell into a misunderstanding of thinking, couldn't help being angry for a while.

"Boss, do you have to be right with me?"

There was a fierce light in his eyes, and he wanted to see it.

"My Sirius tribe has been the royal family among the many monster tribes in the food world for generations, but now you want our great Sirius tribe to be the subordinates of the human race.

It is you who have betrayed our pride of being a Sirian clan!
You are not worthy to be the king of our Sirius clan! "

The old wolf king smiled coldly: "Third brother, it seems that you have already prepared. Yes, our monster race does not have as many rules as the human race, and the strongest is king.

If you can defeat me today, the Sirius Clan will be in your hands.

But if you can't, you should be obedient and join Qingxiao City with me. "

It wasn't that the old wolf king felt sorry for the youngest who was from the same clan, but Fang Chang asked him to keep the lives of all the monsters as much as possible.

After all, in Fang Chang's eyes, these big demons and demon kings are excellent migrant workers.

Like the bus he envisioned.

Now Qingxiao Road has already built the road of Qingxiao City, with a mileage of several million kilometers, but the traffic is still not convenient because the distance is too far.

For high-ranking monks, a journey of thousands of miles is just a matter of leisure, and even further away can be reached in an instant with the help of the spiritual network teleportation array that spreads throughout Qingxiaodao.

But for ordinary people and even low-level monks, once the journey is too long, it will not only take too much time, but also cannot guarantee safety.

It is for various reasons that restrict their travel flow.

So these big monsters are useful.

Since he is unwilling to surrender and go to fight for Qingxiao City, then destroy his mind and keep his body to pull the cart for Qingxiao City.

With the footsteps of the big monsters, the journey of thousands of miles, even if it is considered as the time to stop and go up and down all the way, it only takes a few days, which greatly facilitates the travel of ordinary people.

Moreover, the work of pulling a cart only needs to be familiar with the route and stop at different places at the specified time, which does not require much wisdom at all.

There is no difference between a big monster without sanity and a fierce beast, and because of the existence of wisdom, it is more docile.

In the future, even if he regenerates his intelligence, he will probably accept the setting of the bus demon.

If you can't accept it, that's easy, just start over.

The old wolf king naturally didn't know Fang Chang's plan, but this was the first task Fang Chang gave him, so he naturally had to do it perfectly.

As long as Lao San, the backbone of the main combat faction, is conquered, coupled with his usual prestige, and a big cake is made, the other demon kings will naturally obey.

Hearing that the always gentle boss took the initiative to ask for a fight, Yue Sanbing smiled instead of being surprised.

"Boss, I have been looking forward to this battle for a long time."

He laughed loudly, and his voice shook the mountains and forests.

"Get out of the way!"

With a howl of a wolf, Yue Sanbing turned into his original body, a huge wolf with wings of over 300 meters, but the old wolf king did not rush, and also showed his original shape - a giant silver wolf nearly [-] meters long.

Compared with the wolf ancestor war, only a few days have passed, the old wolf king's figure is even bigger, and there is a little more golden color in the silver hair.

Apparently, the blood essence of the wolf ancestors had achieved initial results in the evolution of his bloodline.

Seeing this, Yue Sanbing was startled.

Although it is not true that the bigger the body, the stronger the strength in the Sirius clan, but the size often represents the strength.

His original body in front of the boss is like a wolf cub compared to a wolf.

But Yue Sanbing was not afraid, but took the initiative to meet him.

He is a alien species of Sirius, a genius among demons, born with wings since childhood, proficient in extreme speed, has experienced countless battles, became king in hundreds of battles, and defeated the strong with the weak many times.

Although the boss is a small realm higher than him, but the boss is old and frail, and he is only a small realm, so there is nothing to fear.


The wolf howled in the sky, and the light blue rays of light sprinkled down, it was the pure aura of wind driven by the third demon king.

All the monsters could only faintly see a shadow.

In the back, the sky was filled with ghostly shadows of Sirius, and no one could see where his real body was hidden.

"The Endless Wind Blade!"

A series of wind blades turned into tornadoes and surrounded the old wolf king, killing intent immediately filled the void.

But the old wolf king just responded with a howl of wolves, and the Sirius tribe present immediately fell into panic. This was the suppression of the blood.

The tornado wind blade in mid-air shattered without attacking, the real body of the third demon king was revealed in the void, and the phantoms slowly dissipated.

"Boss, you!?"

The third demon king froze, frightened and angry.

The hair on the old wolf king's body danced, and the golden heart inside his body couldn't stop beating, and the blood pressure surpassed all innate magical powers.

The monster clan cultivating bloodlines will naturally be shackled by the bloodlines. When encountering bloodlines that are more advanced than themselves, their combat effectiveness will drop from [-]% to [-]%.

Of course, this is mainly due to the blood of the same race.

If it is of foreign blood, even if the blood is advanced, it will be suppressed by at most [-] to [-]%.

The old wolf king was able to fight the wolf ancestor before, mainly because the wolf ancestor only had bones left. In addition, the blood of the old wolf king was only inferior to the wolf ancestor, so the coercion of the blood of the monster race seemed dispensable.

"Get down!"

The old wolf king's sharp claws split the air, and he saw a huge phantom of wolf claws flying across the air. The third demon king who was at a loss was caught by the old wolf king when he couldn't cope.

The huge figure of the old wolf king pressed the third demon king under his claws like a peak, and his huge wolf kiss was lowered.

"Third, are you convinced?"

Compared with the old wolf king in close quarters, Yue Sanbing's figure is even thinner.

But even though his head was suppressed, his tone was still dissatisfied.

But it was not the old wolf king who was dissatisfied, but the old wolf king's decision.

"Boss, you have such abilities, why don't you lead us to destroy that Qingxiao City, this great mountain and river should be the hunting ground of our Sirius Clan, it's too aggrieved to be a subordinate of the Human Clan.

Not only am I dissatisfied, but everyone is also dissatisfied! "

The old wolf king snorted coldly in his heart.

How do these little brats understand his foresight?

If it weren't for his quick kneeling, the Sirius clan would be rich by now.

"Since you have accepted it, then this king's decision is the decision of the Skywolf Clan. From now on, all the monster clans will obey this king's order.

You have half a month to leave all the monster races from the food world. "

The old wolf king's eyes swept over the demon kings of other tribes.

"Which one of you is for and who is against?"

"Don't dare!"

All the demon kings shook their heads, even if they wanted to object, they didn't dare to speak out at this time.

"Don't go soon."

The old wolf king snorted coldly, still pressing the head of the third child and not letting go.

If it wasn't for the cooperation of these old three monsters, and the fact that he might have to blame the wolf in the future, he would have directly crushed the third child to death right now.

(End of this chapter)

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