Chapter 292 Law Crystal
So far, under Fang Chang's operation, the secret world created by the unknown power in the world of food and taste was successfully swallowed by the main world.

And Fang Chang's harvest is God's favor, plus two blessings, and seven law crystals.

Although Fang Chang didn't value Fuyuan a long time ago.

Ever since he was messed around by negative blessings again and again, he hardly took the initiative to attack with his appraisal technique, and only used appraisal technique after he got it.

There is a causal relationship between the two.

One is that I found a good treasure with appraisal technique, so I wanted to get it.

The other is that the good baby has already been obtained, but because they don't know each other, they use identification techniques to obtain information.

If the relationship between the two is reversed, it will have a completely different effect.

So Fang Chang didn't care about the level of fortune.

As long as he gets everything, it doesn't matter whether there are treasures in it or not, it's all his.

But he doesn't care, it doesn't mean he can't have it.

In short, Fang was generally satisfied with the sacrifice this time.

Mainly because it was so easy.

Originally, he wanted to know himself and the enemy, but in the end, he went all the way to the big boss behind the scenes. The whole process did not take more than half a month, so it was difficult for him to feel cherished.


Mountains and rivers.

Yao Guang is still acting like a house girl, holding her legs, eating small snacks, drinking the happy water specially provided by Fang Chang, watching the blockbuster movies that have been passed down from ancient times in the projection crystal, and I don’t know how many times I have watched them.

Fang Chang looked at it, and always felt a little discordant.

Suddenly a light flashed in his mind.

It's clothes!
Who still wears a palace dress when he is an otaku?

How is this different from wearing a suit and skirt and stepping on high heels to plant rice seedlings in the fields.

Fang Chang felt that it was necessary to spread the pajama culture of Zhaijia to her.

So Fang Chang walked over steadily while his mind was churning with incoherent thoughts.

Yao Guang didn't even look at it, twisted his buttocks, and naturally gave up his position.

"Fang Chang, why haven't you brought over the new movie you told me about?"

Yao Guang stared at the projection screen, complaining without looking back.

Since Fang Chang complained to her last time that the projection story in her hand was too old-fashioned and she had a better story, she has been waiting for Fang Chang to come up with a new story.

In the end, she waited and waited, she looked through the old movie in her hand again, but Fang Chang still didn't hand over the new story.

"We're shooting, we're shooting, a good story needs to be polished."

Fang Chang's tone was perfunctory.

"It's just perfunctory, don't try to take advantage of me in the future."

Yao Guang snorted, picked up the happy water and drank it down in one gulp, belching contentedly.

This will not work.

Fang Chang panicked.

Although Yaoguang, as the weapon spirit of the world of mountains and rivers, is also restricted by the rules, he cannot help him in the open, such as giving him a discount.

But as long as she can speak a few words of guidance, he can avoid a lot of detours.

In addition, as his doll encyclopedia, it also helped him a lot, and the fee was really cheap.

After all, the fee for answering questions is purely based on her personal mood.

The same problem, receiving a low-grade spirit stone and receiving a top-grade spirit stone, that is a million times difference.

"It's really not my fault, it's not like you don't know, I was practicing in the Fairy Embroidery Realm before, and I just came back recently.

Moreover, I specially set up a projection department for you, and now there are dozens of new films in production.

Well, three months, at most three months, I will bring you ten new films next time.

The artistic component is the kind that is three or four stories high. "

Fang Chang explained a few sentences, and then began to show his merits.

"Then I'll trust you again."

Only then did Yao Guang turn his head to look at Fang Chang, and asked angrily:

"If you don't have anything to go to the Three Treasures Hall, what is there to ask me this time?"

Fang Chang smiled embarrassedly, then took out a law crystal in his hand, and asked:

"I got a baby recently, so I come to ask you for advice."

Seeing the law crystal in Fang Chang's hand, Yao Guang's faint expression suddenly turned serious.

"Law crystal, where did you get it?"

Fang Chang didn't hide it. After all, the sacrifice to the small world of the secret realm is not something shameful, and he will have to do it often in the future.

So he recounted the things in the food industry.

Yao Guang nodded and said, "I see."

She resumed her lazy and casual look, and said:
"Law crystal is the essence of the power of law.

Generally speaking, only the power of Dongxu who has the ability to enter the sea of ​​law will form a law crystal when the power of law manifests by chance.

However, the number is generally very small, about one or two.

Well, it's probably the same as you find Lingshi mines in the real world.

If it is Hedao Tianzun, he can forcibly refine the power of the law and refine the law crystal.

But this method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the Celestial Venerates will only refine it in their free time, and most of the time it is used to reward disciples of the disciples, or to use it when trading with colleagues.

But in this period of time, it's hard to make a hole, and you can't get together. If you want to get the law crystal, you can only sacrifice a secret small world like you.

As for the effect, just like its name, it can help you understand the power of the law, and it is the best treasure for cultivating in the void realm.

A law crystal is almost equivalent to the power of the hole, the primordial spirit coming out of the body, practicing for a hundred years in the sea of ​​law.

Although you don't have this realm, but the power of law is the embryonic form of the power of law. It is also beneficial to use the law crystal in advance, and the effect on improving the will is very significant.

But it's kind of wasted.

The power of law in the law crystal is very pure. With your current ability, nine out of ten of the power of law in it will automatically collapse and will not be absorbed by your comprehension.

But refining a law crystal is equivalent to three to five hundred years of practice for ordinary Huashen to comprehend the law. "

Fang Chang couldn't hide his excitement when he heard the effect.

He now has a total of seven law crystals in his hand. Even if the lowest value is taken, after refining the seven crystals, he can cultivate the divine will to Dzogchen.

You must know that the cultivation of the realm of transforming gods is not just a simple increase in mana, but also the transformation of transforming gods and divine will.

If the will of the gods cannot be transformed into the power of law, then it is impossible to talk about the transformation of the gods through the hole, but it is this difficulty that makes [-]% of the monks of the transformation of the gods.

Although it is said that the power of the law builds everything in the world, but it is difficult to deduce the power of the law from the power of the world.

Therefore, more cultivators who transform gods cultivate mana first, and then come to comprehend the way of the unity of man and nature when they reach the peak of transforming gods.

Then the primordial spirit came out of the body and entered the sea of ​​laws to comprehend the power of laws.

However, without the protection of secret methods and treasures, it is difficult for the soul of the cultivator to survive in the sea of ​​laws for a long time. Once lost, his life will be in danger.

Therefore, cultivators who transform gods into the sea of ​​laws are cautious, and even if they enter, they will not stay for too long.

Such efficiency can be imagined.

It is also true that those treasures that contain the power of law are especially sought after by cultivators who transform themselves into gods.

Although the power of law on the treasure is not as clear, comprehensive and pure as the sea of ​​law, it is better than safety. With the lifespan of a cultivator who transforms spirits, it is a trivial matter to waste thousands of years.

Regarding this point, you can refer to a certain distracted man who is happily imprisoned in the Golden Pagoda of Qingxiao City.

If it wasn't for this benefit, how could he be so peaceful.

The seven law crystals in Fang Chang's hands can be said to have cleared away the biggest obstacle for him to break through the realm of the void.

And this is only a small food world.

Fang Chang immediately had a premonition that the small world of the secret realm in the future might become a battleground for military strategists.

It is not uncommon for the indigenous monks in the secret realm to sacrifice the entire world in order to go one step further.

Of course, the premise is to let them know that there is such a benefit.

It is no wonder that in the future, the Tang Dynasty will prepare troops to fight in all worlds, even if the gains are not worth the loss in many cases, because the military expenditure of the army may far exceed the resources harvested from the secret world.

Before, Fang Chang thought it was the golden book of the Tang Dynasty, plundering the population, and increasing the heritage of the Tang Dynasty.

Now it seems that this secret world itself is the best treasure.

"Thank you, next time we meet, I will give you new clothes."

Fang Chang thought of something, said hello, and hurried off the assembly line.


Qingxiao City.

In the south of the city, a golden pagoda stands.

Disha Town Prison Golden Pagoda has already become a scene in Qingxiao City and a holy place for practice.

As long as you have enough contribution points, you can enter the golden pagoda to practice.

Especially for physical training, the speed of practice exceeds any blessed place.

After so many years of existence, the people of Qingxiao City have long been accustomed to the existence of the Golden Pagoda. When they raise their heads every day, they can see the quietly standing Golden Pagoda, and feel inexplicably more at ease.

But today.

The bronze door of the golden pagoda was opened, and the monks who were practicing in it were spit out one by one.

"what happened?"

"I'm about to break through, who kicked me out!"

"I paid the money!"

"Is there something wrong?"

"Is there anyone out there to take care of it? Is there any justice?"

The monks who were kicked out shouted and were very dissatisfied.

Many people have accumulated spirit stones or contribution points for a long time to enter the Golden Pagoda to practice once, just to use the Golden Pagoda to break through.

Being interrupted suddenly, one can imagine the anger in my heart.

But then, the monks who were yelling did not dare to move.

I saw the golden pagoda slowly rising, a vortex appeared under the base, and then puff puff...

The embarrassing figures were spat out by Jinta.

Although they are embarrassed, they all have a ferocious temperament, not like a kind person.



"Come out, finally come out!"

"Woooooo, I was wrong, I will never dare to offend Lord City Lord again."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and recover, everyone escape together!"

If the wave of people just now was angry, then these prisoners who were suppressed on the basement floor of the Golden Tower were ecstatic.

They were almost desperate at first, but their mana was forcibly drawn every day, and the two hundred catties of fat people turned into eighty catties of dried beans, what a miserable word.

As a result, Jinta suddenly let them go.

Among the prisoners, there was only one old man who seemed out of place.

He was neatly dressed, even his beard was carefully trimmed, not like a prisoner, but like a vacation.

Seeing a group of noisy prisoners, he looked annoyed.


The old man waved his sleeves, and the spiritual energy gathered, and the heavy pressure fell down like a mountain, and the prisoners who were shouting just now groaned in pain.


"Old man, what are you doing?"

"Senior, please forgive me."

"Senior, we are all in the same group."

The old man snorted coldly: "Are you worthy of being compared with the old man?"

He suddenly raised his head, looked at the figure flying in the air, and asked:

"City Master Fang, what's going on? Are you willing to let the old man go?"

Fang Chang fell down, cupped his hands towards the old man, and said with a smile:

"Senior Zhong, I have offended you for so many years, and now the Golden Pagoda is traveling with my elder brother, I am afraid that this prison will not be able to imprison you.

Moreover, Senior Zhong has trained many good players for me in Qingxiao City over the years, so this sentence is considered complete.

Starting today, there will be no enmity between Qingxiao City and seniors. "

This old man is naturally the Xingzong Taishang Zhongshan who came across the world more than ten years ago and came from the world of stargazers.

Zhong Shan looked at the golden pagoda that was gradually shrinking in the sky, reluctance and greed flashed in his eyes.

Although he was a prisoner in the Golden Pagoda these years, Fang Chang was very polite to him. Except that he was not allowed to go out, it was no different from the usual retreat, let alone the rules in the Golden Pagoda for him Enlightenment.

These ten years alone are equivalent to his hundred years of cultivation in Xingzong.

But he looked at Fang Chang, and put away his greed again.

Who would have thought that the young junior who had only been able to suppress him with the help of the golden pagoda for more than ten years was already the Huashen Venerable on an equal footing with him.

You must know that if you can be promoted from an inner disciple to a true disciple in Xingzong in more than ten years, you will be an amazingly talented and brilliant person, the future seed of transforming gods.

This main world is indeed a place full of miracles.

"Where are the younger disciples of the old man?"

Neither can be desired, and Zhong Shan will not seek boredom.

He was just a man who had transformed himself into a distracted mind. He still had some advantages against monks in the Nascent Soul Realm, but facing monks in the same realm and having treasures like the Golden Pagoda, he was not enough to look at at all.

Fang Chang said with a smile: "The disciples of the seniors are now practicing in the Department of Artifacts in the city. Speaking of which, the inheritance of the Star Sect is really extraordinary. These seniors and senior disciples have all contributed to the construction of my Qingxiao City.

If the senior wants to take them away, the junior can only reluctantly give up. "

However, Zhong Shan shook his head and said, "The old man is used to the current life. Now that the old man's disciples have joined your instrument department, I wonder if the old man can go in and get a job."

The main purpose of his distraction coming across the border was to investigate the situation in the main world, but he was arrested and suppressed as soon as he came.

Although there is no golden pagoda now, Qingxiao City is developing so fast, he is also curious, and he might not be able to use the power of Qingxiao City to obtain information for himself.

When the stargazing world borders the main world in the future, they won't lose sight of it.

Hearing this, Fang Chang nodded.

"It is an honor for this city to have seniors join us."

In the past, he might have looked forward and backward, fearing that Zhong Shan would overwhelm him, but now he already has the confidence to suppress everything.

Even if Zhong Shan's body came, he would not be afraid.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the terrified prisoners and monks, and with a wave of his sleeves, all the demon seeds entered their bodies.

"Come here, organize them into death camps, and those who survive a hundred battles can redeem their sins."

"in addition……"

Fang Chang looked at several monks headed by Yan Mozi in the Flame Demon Realm, and said:

"You are the exception."

He snapped his fingers.

The demon seeds that were integrated into their bodies just now grew rapidly, took root and sprouted, and all their energy and energy were plundered.

Even the Nascent Soul cultivator Yan Mozi was like this, without the slightest resistance.

For the current Fang Chang, the Flame Demon, who once wanted to join hands with Li Hu, was nothing more than an ant.

"You, you are not trustworthy!"

Flame Demon watched desperately as his vitality was passing away, and he was unwilling to roar.

Fang Chang shook his head lightly: "You just misheard."

These people killed too many disciples of the Spirit Sword Sect, and their blood feud was unsolvable, and their lives could be spared for the time being by using waste.

But now that the golden pagoda is going away with his eldest brother, he has no choice but to keep it. This can be regarded as a gift from him before his departure.

(End of this chapter)

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