Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 293 Sending Off and Training

Chapter 293 Sending Off and Training

After dealing with the prisoners in the Golden Pagoda, Fang Chang ordered someone to compensate the cultivator who was kicked out of the Golden Pagoda and interrupted his cultivation just now.

The riot gradually dissipated.

It's just that many people are still staying in place, looking at the direction where the golden pagoda is leaving, not knowing what to think.

The Golden Pagoda has stood here since the establishment of Qingxiao City, such as the first batch of aborigines in the city have long been accustomed to the existence of the Golden Pagoda.

More than ten years is enough for the youth of a generation.

above the cloud.

Li Hu supported the golden pagoda with his palms to keep it from moving.

It was the Golden Pagoda that responded to Beidou Daozi's call and kicked out all the monks in the Golden Pagoda, and now they are temporarily suppressed by Li Hu.

"Second brother, it doesn't have to be like this."

Li Hu's temperament has become more and more mature, his tall body is like a mountain, and he has a full sense of security.

"The Flame Demon and others are still in the Nascent Soul realm, which is a lot of help for you. Such a hasty execution will not only destroy your faith, but also deplete your strength."

Fang Chang said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm used to being a bad person, they will only fear me more in the future and fear that I will subdue me.

Believe me or not, I never cared.

It was I who wanted to save their lives back then, and it was their luck to let them live for so many years.

If they really entered the death camp and survived by chance, how can I let my elder brother have the face to face those former disciples? "

Li Hu smiled and did not continue to entangle in this matter.

He looked at the restless golden pagoda in his hand, and his always firm eyes showed a bit of self-mockery at this moment.

"Second brother, there is nothing to delay this time."

"Back then, I was moved by anger and ignorance, and wanted to rush to repay your kindness, and wanted us brothers to be equal, and even truly take on the title of big brother.

So when faced with Jinta signing the contract with me, I agreed without hesitation.

I thought we were equal.

But thinking about it now, I was really naive at the time.

Since you and I are brothers, why should we care who owes whom. "

Without waiting for Fang Chang to say anything, Li Hu waved his hands and said:
"These days I've been warm with my family, but I've become much weaker. Second brother don't need to worry about it, just think I said some nonsense just now."

"After I leave, my wife and family will depend on you to take care of them."

Fang Chang nodded and promised: "Brother, don't worry, I dare not say that I regard your parents as my parents and treat them filially, but I will never let them be bullied."

Hearing this, Li Hu smiled openly and said:
"With what you say, I believe it."

"Then I'm leaving."

Li Hu let go of the suppression on the golden tower, a mysterious force rose from the golden tower, and a laser shot out.

A portal slowly emerged in the void.

"Wait a moment."

Fang Chang hesitated for a while, and called Li Hu who was about to leave.


Li Hu looked at Fang Chang, waiting for his next words.

"this is for you."

Fang Chang threw four law crystals, a bit of pain appeared on his face.

"what is this?"

Li Hu caught the law crystal and immediately felt the mysterious power contained in it.

Fang Chang repeated what Yao Guang had said to him again.

"...With these law crystals, brother, you should be more confident."

After all, he was not willing to give all the seven law crystals to Li Hu.

Seeing Fang Chang's appearance, Li Hu was inexplicably happy with a heavy heart, and even thought of teasing:

"Second brother, you have to think clearly, this treasure is given to me, if I fall on that battlefield, you will lose everything."

After Fang Chang gave it, there was no such entanglement, and he said very calmly:
"Then brother, don't let me do a loss-making business."

Li Hu laughed loudly, grabbed the golden pagoda and strode towards the completely opened space portal.

"Okay, I won't let you lose money."

Fang Chang glanced sideways, and saw that the flashing scenery in the portal was a beautiful landscape, with cranes soaring into the sky, and auspicious clouds lingering around. It didn't look like a so-called battlefield, but a famous mountain for vacation.

But it was too late to take a closer look, the space portal has been closed.

"It seems that this so-called Daozi battlefield is also a small secret world, oops, I forgot to tell my brother the method of sacrifice in the small world of the secret.

Otherwise, if he could sacrifice a part of the world, maybe... Well, it would be considered deceiving the master and exterminating the ancestors. "

The incoherent thoughts in Fang Chang's mind flashed away.

Since this small world can accommodate a cultivator like Li Hu, it shows that the energy level is higher than that of the small worlds of secret realms like the Food and Blossom Realm and the Hundred Flowers Realm.

According to the growth law of the main world, such a secret world should gradually open in the next ten years.

So far, Fang Chang has only seen Her Lady Queen's Splendid World.

But Her Majesty the Empress is almost certainly the reincarnation of the peerless and mighty Nine Phoenix Empress from a broken world of comprehension. The Fairview Realm is her private world, not restricted by heaven and earth.

From the sand table of the Immortal Demon Continent in the Mountain and River Realm, and the division of future forces, we can know that there are several super bosses in this world who are at the same level as the Nine Phoenix Empress.

Then the problem is coming.

The existence of Beidou Daozong who controls the Beidou Pagoda, the Tongtian Lingbao, may also be reincarnated, and now he is hiding behind the scenes as an old ghost.

Of course, that old Yinbi is definitely not as good as Her Majesty the Queen.

After all, Her Majesty's Tongtian Lingbao was intact and played steadily, while the Beidou Pagoda was broken into one hundred and eight pieces.

So the idea of ​​sacrificing the world is not reliable at all, but if Li Hu wins, he will become the Taoist of Beidou Daozong.

Can he inherit the legacy of Beidou Daozong, and even become the heir of that old Yinbi?

At that time, someone from the other party will have another layer of background.

In case of falling out with Her Majesty the Empress in the future, there are still multiple options for running away.

No, why do you always think about running away?

Fang Chang was out of tune, and the sadness of Li Hu's departure suddenly dissipated a lot.

And everyone in Qingxiao City didn't know that they had made great military exploits for the development of Qingxiao City. The former head of the First Army Corps, and the No. return date.


A month later.

Under the Qingxiao tree, a grass ball wrapped in spiritual mist split from it, and Fang Chang woke up stretched.

Under the sun, the morning glory is full of blue and white flowers, and the green lacrimal fruit hangs down, dazzling like jewel tears.

Fang Chang picked one off and put it in his mouth, his mouth was filled with saliva, and an electric current flashed through his mind, and he suddenly woke up.

It turned out that he had been sleeping for a month.

"It was a good night's sleep."

Fang Chang ate the fruit in a few mouthfuls, but did not refine it carefully, allowing the power of the green tear fruit to nourish the soul to spread slowly in his body.

Various thoughts came to mind.

After Li Hu left, he went back to the green tree and fell asleep.

This was a plan he had made before offering sacrifices to the food world, but it was delayed for a few days to send Li Hu off.

Although practitioners no longer need to sleep, they can replace it with practice.

But Fang Chang was too tired, not physically exhausted, but mentally exhausted.

Since going to Chang'an City more than a year ago, reentering the Splendid Embroidery Realm, and then returning, in the ordinary time, he has actually experienced a hundred years, and his mood has changed several times.

As soon as he fell asleep, he had no thoughts or thoughts, and was completely pure, washing away the dust from his soul.

"That's why people can't help but sleep."

Fang Chang talked to himself, put a gentle smile on his face again, and became the rumored Lord Qingxiao again.

Then he flipped his palm, and a colored crystal appeared, which was the law crystal.

"Just show me your potential."

He held the law crystal tightly, the mana in his body circulated, and began to refine, a mysterious aura emerged from him.

As the degree of refining deepens.

Visions gradually appeared around Fang Chang.

First, there was a flash of thunder, and countless electric snakes cruising in the void around Fang Chang's body, and it rained heavily, and then the flat grass began to grow wildly, reaching a height of several meters in a short while.

Then the vegetation withered, the spiritual grass that was still vigorous just now withered, and the straight grass leaves also withered and yellowed, gradually returning to the earth.

Then snow began to fall in a small area, the vegetation became dead, and Fang Chang was also wrapped in snowflakes, turning into a snowman.

In a short while, Fang Chang experienced the cycle of the four seasons, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, rain, snow and ice surrounded him.

Fang Chang, on the other hand, seemed to have lost his senses, allowing the scenery to change, and he remained motionless.

It's just that with the cycle of the four seasons, the winter and summer seasons gradually appear less and less.

There are only two scenes of Spring and Autumn around Fang Chang.

The vegetation on the ground grows wildly and withers quickly, and the cycle of four seasons turns into an alternation of life and death.

As time went by, the dead breath around Fang Chang became less and less, and finally only the strong vitality was left to completely wrap it.

Among the many grass roots that have gone through thousands of reincarnations just now, a small grass took advantage of the momentum to grow.

Gradually, the vitality of other grasses was plundered by this one grass.

It grows bigger and bigger, longer and longer...

I don't know how long has passed.

When Fang Chang woke up again, his eyes lit up, and he saw a crystal-like grass shining brightly in front of him.

The grass is only twenty or thirty centimeters long, but every inch of its veins contains infinite vitality.

Fang Chang felt that even if this grass was eaten raw, it would be enough to kill human flesh and bones.

If it is used for alchemy, it might not be possible to use it as the main material to refine a healing holy medicine similar to Sheng Sheng Hua Dan.


[Unnamed Spiritual Grass (low-grade Taoist)]

[Introduction: The spiritual grass that has been mutated by the law of life contains exuberant vitality.

Ordinary people eat it to strengthen the original source, and the injured eat it to heal the injury of the primordial spirit. 】

"Is this what Yao Guang said about the dissipation of the power of law? As expected of the power of law, a Dao-level spirit grass was created casually."

Fang Chang thought to himself.

Yao Guang told him that although refining law crystals in his realm has infinite uses, but because of insufficient realm, most of the power of laws contained in law crystals will escape.

He looked at the law crystal in his hand, the brilliance was a bit dim compared to the beginning, but it would not be a problem to refine it eight or nine times.

In other words, one law crystal is enough to support him about ten times of practice.

And in one practice, besides entering the realm, there are also harvests such as Dao-level spiritual grass, which is really a big profit.


Fang Chang looked at the spirit grass and thought of its correct usage.

This spirit grass is a treasure that has been forcibly catalyzed by the power of law, and it is more or less contaminated with a little power of law. If it is only used for alchemy, it will be a waste.

If it is used to attract cultivators who transform spirits to use for him, that is the correct usage of this spirit herb.

After all, in the realm of transforming gods, all of them are old monsters who see through the world, and it is difficult for ordinary interests to impress them.

It's like Xing Zong Tai went to Zhongshan.

In order to comprehend the law of the golden pagoda, he didn't even care about being imprisoned, and he was very unwilling to let him out, and he didn't care about the hatred of being trapped.

If he used this spirit grass as a reward, it wouldn't be a problem for him to make a shot once or twice.

If he can supply the mutated spirit grass stably, can Zhong Shan make an offering in Qingxiao City, or even join his army to make a contribution to the development of Qingxiao City.

However, the isolated evidence is not to be cited. Whether the birth of the mutated spirit grass is accidental or normal depends on the results of his subsequent practice.

Once the appearance of mutated spirit grass became normal, he would have the capital to recruit the cultivators who transformed themselves into gods.

Fang Chang stared at the spirit grass in front of him, and his thoughts were cleared up.

Temporarily pressing down on the idea of ​​practicing the experiment again, Fang Chang began to turn his attention to his own gains.

After all, he has just practiced once, and his cultivation base has not been fully consolidated. If he cultivates rashly, he will only waste the effectiveness of the law crystal.



Name: Fang Chang

Race: Terran

Level: 61 (555e/1000e)

Realm: Huashen

Occupation: Overlord Body LV58, Puppet Master LV60...

Physique: Royal puppet spirit body - share puppet attributes, enhance puppet affinity, endow puppets with spirituality

Root bone: 90
Fortune: 9 (God's Will +2)

Karma: 0
Shouyuan: 121/2048
Health: 2260w/2260w
Physical value: 1130w/1130w
Attributes: strength 15.3, constitution 15.2, agility 14.8, spirit 16.5↑

Mana: 2111w/2111w+2
God's will: endless life ↑
Cultivation method: Nine Nether Xuansha Magic Code (Dao-level low-grade)——Expert↑
Thoughts of Bo Xunguan (Tao-level low-grade)——Master↑
Disha Suppressing Prison Avatar (Middle Grade Dao Rank)——Expert↑
Spiritual Art: Heart Demon Dafa (Spiritual Top Grade)——Grandmaster↑
Xuan Sha Escaping Light (Spiritual Top Grade)——Grandmaster↑
Suppressing Prison Qi (Middle Grade Spiritual Rank)——Grandmaster↑

Equipment: Omen's Eye (Ancient Treasure)

Faction: Datang Dynasty, Qingxiao City
Title: Lord of Qingwang Mountain - within the coverage of Qingwang Mountain, you can control the heaven and earth aura of Qingwang Mountain, your own strength will be greatly increased, and the enemy's strength will be slightly weakened

The teacher of the puppet family - you who can create the puppet family, your reputation in the puppet family will be permanently fixed as worship, and the success rate of recruiting the puppet family will be doubled.


Seeing the data on the panel, Fang Chang nodded with satisfaction.

Using the law crystal to cultivate, the experience value alone is tens of billions, and this is only the most insignificant function of the law crystal.

All his skills and spiritual skills have been improved at different levels.

In addition, the improvement of divine will and spiritual attributes is the most important thing.

The former is related to his future realm breakthrough, while the latter is the strengthening of his current combat power. The higher the spiritual attribute, the stronger his strength with the eye of the demon.

Not to mention that the higher the spiritual attribute, the faster the comprehension of the power of the law.

The two complement each other in a positive cycle.

And there is also the title of Master of the Puppet Clan.

Probably because he inadvertently studied the birth model of the puppet clan.

But he is only the master, not the ancestor. Obviously, he is not the creator of the puppet race. This race existed between heaven and earth a long time ago.

But it can increase the success rate of recruiting the puppet clan, and the effect is better than nothing.

He prefers the puppet family he created.

Wild, he worried.

(End of this chapter)

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