Chapter 294 Goodbye Tiezhu
Time has nothing to say, and half a year has passed by in a hurry.

Under the Qingxiao tree, the aura is rich and foggy, and there is a faint fragrance in the air, which can refresh the mind and nourish the soul, and it is already a fairyland on earth.

Fang Chang opened his eyes suddenly, and the Law Crystal in his hand turned into tiny specks of light, slowly disappearing into the air.

He couldn't help but clenched his fist, feeling enough strength.

Although it took him a lot of time to refine and absorb the first law crystal, the rewards were huge.

The first is the experience value. A law crystal can bring him about 4000 billion experience points.

Now he has stood on the threshold of the early and middle stage of the transformation of the gods.

The improvement of mana is only the effect of the law crystal, and it is only the most insignificant function among them.

The real effect of the law crystal is to improve his own divine will.

Now, not only the effect of his divine will has been enhanced by about [-]%, but it has also become its own domain, and everything in the domain will be affected by his divine will.

It is roughly equivalent to a blue and blood recovery halo, which is a passive effect.

Just like before, he used the magic spell on the old wolf king to suppress the blood curse in his body, which is an active effect and needs to consume his own power of primordial spirit.

But now as long as he casts the divine will, then under the coverage of the domain, everyone will be affected by the divine will.

But now his Divine Mind Domain has just completed, and its range is not wide, only ten or twenty miles away, and it can't even cover the beasts, and it can't reach as far as the place where the Divine Consciousness has passed by, all of which are within the realm of the domain.

In addition, there were three mutated spirit flowers and spirit grasses and a stone placed in front of Fang Chang.

The spirit flower and spirit grass intercept the power of the law and turn it into its own medicinal power, all of which are Dao-level elixir.

The stone is inadvertently imprinted with a trace of the power of the law. Although it does not have the powerful effect of the spirit flower and the grass, it is more intuitive in the display of the power of the law.

For monks, the value of the latter is much higher than the former.

However, not every time the law crystal is refined, there will be a baby similar to the companion spirit. A law crystal can be used for nine times by Fang Chang, but only four companion spirits will appear, and the success rate is less than half.

But that's just the real gain.

There are also hidden gains, which in Fang Chang's view are also the biggest gains.

That is, he clarified the direction of his future transformation through the crystal law of law.

Every step you take is meaningful only when you know your own direction.

And the future of his divine will is from life to death, life and death, prosperity and reincarnation.

When he understands the meaning of death from business, and the two co-exist, that is when his divine will transforms into the power of law.

That is life and death, reincarnation, and the power of heaven and earth.

At that time, the realm of the hole is empty, but it can be broken by tentacle.

This is the biggest effect of the law crystal, acting, insight into the way forward, and everything else is incidental.

Only after experiencing it did Fang Chang understand how powerful a law crystal is.

Being able to obtain a law crystal in the realm of transforming gods is to step into the gate of the realm of the void with one foot. As for the other foot, it depends on chance.

But think about it, this is a treasure that he obtained by sacrificing a food world, and it is not an exaggeration for its value.

It's just that what he got was too simple, and he didn't consciously despise it in his heart.

In a sense, a law crystal is one-seventh of a food world.

Fang Chang rubbed the second law crystal in his hand, thinking that he was a little shallow before.

The accompanying law of spirits can certainly make the cultivator of the transformation god work for him, but the crystal of the law can make the monk of the transformation of the god directly serve him to death.

The law crystal is not only a precious practice resource, but also a way forward, a silent master, and their future path.

This is probably the benefit of the wasteland monsters.

In the future, there will be more and more high-ranking monks, and the ownership of a small world in a secret realm will require a lot of brains.

Not to mention the subsequent conquest of the secret realm and the sacrifice of the secret realm.

There is also one who judges others by himself. If he is the way of heaven, in this crazy state of involution, the rewards of the way of heaven will be greatly reduced in all likelihood.

After all, what can be done with one law crystal, why use two.

An inexplicable thought appeared in Fang Chang's mind, and he imagined the aloof Tiandao as a philistine businessman.

No, not businessmen, those are called evil capitalists.

"Unfortunately, there are still too few, Ma De, why did he have a brain twitch at that time, just give Li Hu a taste, why pretend to be a wolf with a big tail."

Fang Chang put away the law crystal, touched his chin, and found a reason for himself.

"...Maybe I don't want him to die."

After a pause, he started calculating like a small businessman.

"However, the remaining two can't be wasted casually until the next time the money is paid. If you encounter wild gods, this thing is a carrot hanging on them. I'm not afraid that they won't serve me."

"And I have to leave one for Tie Zhu, this thing may help her directly break through the Nascent Soul and Huashen's moat."

As a puppet family, Fang Tiezhu, although its normal form is the same as that of a human, its internal structure is different from that of a human, and its practice method is not that of a human race.

The most important thing is that she also has an external spiritual source, which is probably equivalent to the second dantian of the human race.

If the law crystal is used as her spiritual source, can she directly refine the power of law?

Fang Chang did as soon as he thought of it, and immediately took out his name card, and ordered the third army to return to the city to report on his duties.

As for why not send a letter directly to Fang Tiezhu.

Naturally, this girl was too vigorous, leading the third legion to push forward without stopping, planting the banner of Qingxiao City all over the distant land.

The consequence of this is that the logistics team often cannot keep up with the army in front, and it takes time to locate the spiritual veins and build a large spiritual network array.

Without the large spirit network array, the real-time communication of the name card will become a decoration.

Therefore, the vanguard of the entire Third Army is often out of contact, and can only be contacted occasionally when returning to repair.

This also rests on Tie Zhu.

To be replaced by other people, Fang Chang would rather slow down and fight steadily than let the legion out of his sight for a long time.

Of course, there was another Li Hu who had this kind of trust before.

Otherwise, you will lose contact at every turn, and you won't know if you take someone away.

Even if he didn't run away, and carried the banner of Qingxiao City, and secretly did some bad things casually, the blame would be entirely on him.

It has always been someone else who takes the blame for him, so there is no reason for him to take the blame for others.


On the third day after Fang Chang's message passed, Qingxiao City's spiritual network teleportation array lit up, and Fang Tiezhu brought people back with astonishing momentum, attracting everyone's attention.

City Lord's Mansion.

Fang Chang was chatting with two newborn puppets under his command.

Speaking of which, since the two puppet clansmen were newly born, Fang Chang threw the two of them into the city casually, letting them explore and grow by themselves, and hadn't had a serious communication with anyone for more than half a year.

However, this kind of puppet clan that gave birth to spiritual fire from dead puppets is somewhat different from Fang Tiezhu, a puppet clan that was completely bestowed with spiritual fire by Fang Chang.

Although they are ignorant, they are not as ignorant as babies, and they are born with their own habits and personalities.

They're more of an alternative rebirth.

So even though Fang Chang left him in the city to grow wildly, nothing unexpected happened.

"...Speaking of which, you still retain some memories of your original body, which is similar to the rebirth of a zombie.

Combat habits have also begun to lean towards spiritual skills. Is it convenient to perform spiritual skills? "

Fang Chang sat at the main seat, and the two puppet clansmen stood, looking at Fang Chang with reverence in their eyes, as if seeing their own beliefs.

But it's just belief, after all, Fang Chang created them, gave them spiritual wisdom, and gave them a new life.

Well, although there was a high probability that they were killed by Fang Chang before, even if they were not Fang Chang, they were killed by Fang Chang's subordinates.

The two nodded and said, "Yes, my lord, these spiritual arts seem to be engraved in our bodies. They are very natural to perform, and consume much less mana than other spiritual arts."

Probably this is their own racial talent - they are proficient in spiritual arts, and there are restrictions, only limited to a small number of spiritual arts, and there is a high probability that they are the spiritual arts that puppets have learned before they were alive.

After all, these puppets were at least foundation-building monks, and many of them were Jindan real people.

Fang Chang nodded slightly, and asked again:

"You really can't remember the past, such as how did you die?"

"Can not remember."

The two puppet clansmen shook their heads, looking confused.

Fang Chang didn't ask any more questions, he just thought that he should do less of making puppets out of the corpses of his enemies in the future.

Now it's not that there is no money, the more expensive the material cost, the more expensive it is.

If one day the awakened puppet clan could think of their former enemies, wouldn't he be making fun of himself.

After all, he can only control the spiritual birth and death of the puppet people, but he cannot control their thoughts.

If they really want to die together, that's all. If they can't get in front of him, they will be extinguished and become puppets again.

I'm afraid that they will bear the humiliation, climb up to a high position in the future, and stab him in the back.

In his power blueprint, the future of the puppet clan is an important part.

Fang Chang was about to say something more, when the name card in his arms suddenly moved, seeing the news on it, Fang Chang laughed.

"Okay, you go down for now, someone will come to pick you up soon."

Now that the puppet clan was born with spiritual intelligence, it would be a bit overkill to fight under his hands.

All he wants is a puppet that is tireless and unafraid of life and death.

The puppet clan that really gave birth to wisdom will become a different kind because of the existence of wisdom under his hands.

Because after having life, one naturally fears death and feels pain.

Once or twice is enough, if you really want to die thousands of times in one battle, even if you can be resurrected, it will be an indescribable torture, and it is possible to defect.

So in the future, once wisdom is born in the puppet, it will be removed from his battle sequence.

Fang Chang intends to form them into a new puppet army to give full play to his subjective initiative and the advantages of the puppet clan.

But for the time being, they have to learn from the big sister Fang Tiezhu first.

After all, the number of people is too small.

Just as he was thinking, Fang Tiezhu had already walked over from outside the hall with a faint smile on his face.

It's just that compared to more than a year ago, Fang Tiezhu's temperament is more indifferent, even if he smiles, it is difficult for people to feel the warmth.

She was wearing a plain white long dress, just like her ignorant appearance back then.

But after she walked in, the smell of iron and blood filled the air, making her white dress seem to be stained with blood.

But Fang Chang didn't care, he just opened his hands towards her and gave her a big hug.

"Tie Zhu, long time no see."

"elder brother."

With just a simple hug, all the coldness on Fang Tiezhu's body was removed.

Her indifferent and sharp eyebrows and eyes unconsciously bent down, turning into a gentle look, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, lying on Fang Chang's chest, her eyes narrowed unconsciously, like a kitten who was greedy for the owner's embrace, all the past The killing is now at rest.

After a while, Fang Chang hugged the girl's delicate body and nodded secretly, the girl has changed eighteen times, and Tie Zhu has grown up too.

Then, he pushed Fang Tiezhu.

"Have you hugged enough? I still have something to tell you."

But Fang Tiezhu clasped his hands tightly against Fang Chang's chest, and murmured:
"Not enough, not enough at all."

"Brother, I miss you."

The corner of Fang Chang's mouth was about to turn up, and all the teasing that came out turned into speechless silence. He hugged Fang Tiezhu and said softly:
"Don't do this, it's not good for your sister-in-law to see."

Fang Tiezhu: "..."

She let go of Fang Chang, took two steps back, stared at Fang Chang, and said aggrievedly:

"Doesn't brother miss me at all?"

Fang Chang nodded, very honestly: "I think so."

"Then why does my brother refuse to hug me for a while? Is he really afraid that my sister-in-law will see it? Did my sister-in-law tell you something? I have given her so much, why don't you give me even a little bit?"

There was a murderous look in Fang Tiezhu's eyes.

"Is it because sister-in-law is gone, brother, you are not afraid?"

Fang Chang's heart skipped a beat, he almost forgot that his sister was still a hidden sick girl.

Although this feeling of being cared about is very cool, it will be very uncomfortable if it gets out of control.

He hurriedly said: "Why didn't you see me in such a short time, you can't even hear my jokes.

In this family, it's not like you don't know who is in charge.

Cough cough, then what, let's get down to business. "

Hearing this, Fang Tiezhu replied with a smile: "I was just joking with my brother."

"Besides, I also have something I want to tell my brother."

"Haha, I can hear it."

Fang Chang laughed dryly, feeling a little sweaty.

"Then let's talk about mine first, this matter is very important."

He flipped his palm, and the small law crystal shone with colorful light in his palm.

"... I recently studied the refining method of high-level puppets, and found that since the fifth-level puppets, the core materials have begun to involve the power of law.

I don't know what your practice is like, but this thing should work for you.

I have asked the puppet building to prepare a hundred third-order five-element puppets for you, as well as some five-element spiritual objects, which should be enough for you to accumulate to the peak of Yuanying, plus this law crystal, if you still can’t break through, I’ll give it to you To find ways to. "

Fang Chang told Fang Tiezhu about the law crystal.

Fang Tiezhu took over the law crystal without any doubt, a ray of light bloomed in his chest, as if a small window had been opened.

She first took out a top-grade spirit stone, and then put the law crystal in it.

After finishing all this, she smiled and said, "Brother, your puppet is probably prepared for me in vain. I have reached the peak of the fourth order now."

"You were only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, how could you be so fast?"

Fang Chang was stunned for a moment, he had turned on the time switch to break through the transformation in such a short period of time.

But Tie Zhu has been fighting for him.

"This is what I want to tell my brother, I met a fellow clansman, and he taught me the way of cultivation that belongs to the puppet clan.

Now I have been able to directly absorb the power of the five elements from the aura of heaven and earth, and I can also directly use spiritual stones to practice, and with the previous accumulation, I have reached the peak of the fourth order all at once. "

Fang Tiezhu said truthfully.

She never hides anything from Fang Chang.

"And even if my brother doesn't call me back this time, I will come back."

(End of this chapter)

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