Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 295 Fang Chang's First Experience of Fortune

Chapter 295 Fang Chang's First Experience of Fortune
Fang Chang soon saw the first wild puppet clan in his life, and understood why Tie Zhu wanted to come back.

I saw two puppets carrying a huge vine stretcher, and a stone man was lying on the stretcher.

Naturally, the stone man is in the shape of a human being, about ten feet tall, with soft facial lines and a pair of black jewel-like eyes. Overall, he has an old-fashioned feeling, as if he is very old.

And his body is made up of big off-white stones similar to granite, with a lot of dark green moss on it, which has a sense of time.

However, a hole the size of a human head was opened in his chest, and the vine stretcher under the stone man could be seen through the hole.

It stands to reason that such an injury is not serious for a stone man with a cultivation base.

But there is still a difficult force spreading around the hole, Fang Chang just looks at the past with a tingling sensation, as sharp as a knife.

"Hello City Master, I have a human name, Shi Lei."

The stone man greeted Fang Chang weakly.

Fang Chang nodded slightly: "Hello, since it is the guest brought back by Tiezhu, it is my friend, so don't be polite to me.

May I ask you a question, you are very powerful, can you tell me your current level of strength? "

Since it was the guest brought back by Tie Zhu, Fang Chang did not take the liberty of using the identification technique.

No matter who looks at this thing, it feels like being peeped at the underpants. It's not hidden at all, it's just mocking.

Even if he has the title of Master of the Puppet Clan and owns the prestige of the Puppet Clan, he may not be able to withstand it.

The stone man nodded and said: "There is nothing to hide. According to the realm of your human race, I used to have the strength of the peak of the transformation of the gods, but now I only have the strength of the early stage of the transformation of the gods.

However, due to the power of space destruction in me, I am just a useless person now. "

Facing Fang Chang, the stone man has a natural affinity.

It is obvious that Fang Chang is a human race, but the stone man feels that he is kinder than meeting his own kind, so he can't help but be honest with him.

At the same time, Fang Tiezhu's words that Fang Chang can save him have a little more confidence out of thin air.

"The power of space destruction?"

Fang Chang thought of the power in the stone man's chest that made his eyes sting.

This thing is a bit too high-end, and he still can't grasp it now.

He couldn't help asking Fang Tiezhu via voice transmission:
"What is this stone man? Where did you find it?"

It has only been a few years since the aura of heaven and earth has been revived, and he broke through to the realm of transforming gods while driving, and this stone man is the peak of transforming gods, obviously not an indigenous creature that dominates the world.

But in the current time period, the secret world connected to the main world, the highest energy level is the Nascent Soul Realm.

The small world where the power of transforming gods can exist is simply not going to survive now.

Fang Tiezhu also replied via sound transmission:
"He suddenly fell into my camp from the void, and was seriously injured at the time. I saw that he had a strange race, and thought he might be from the small world of the secret realm.

And brother, you told me that if you find clues to the secret realm, you must pay attention.

So I left him alone.

Later, he recovered from his injuries and recognized my identity. Only then did I know that he came from a small secret world in the puppet ancestor world.

He said that the puppet ancestral world is the first world created by the puppet clan exclusively for the puppet clan.

However, because the small world lost contact with the main world, the energy level kept dropping, and many ancestors of the puppet clan had to fall into a deep sleep in order to reduce the consumption of the world.

The human race that was once sheltered by the puppet clan took advantage of the momentum to rise up, seized the time when the power of the puppet clan was empty, attacked the ancestral land of the puppet clan, and captured the most important treasure of the puppet clan - the fire seed.

This stone man was one of the sleeping ancestors of the puppet clan. He woke up because he felt the breath of the main world, and was chased and killed by human monks.

Encountered a space vortex during the escape, and then ventured into it.

Because the space vortex couldn't bear his power, the space finally collapsed, and the result is what it is now.

I brought him back because I wanted my brother to heal his wounds. "

Fang Tiezhu briefly introduced the origin of the stone man to Fang Chang.

Fang Chang nodded again, looking at the stone man with the meaning of a strange commodity.

This explains his serious injury and why he came to the main world at this time.

But at the same time, it is also a reminder to him that even the cultivators of Transformation God from the small world can smuggle here in real body during this period of time.

The premise is to be able to withstand the power of space collapse.

Otherwise, you will end up like a stone man.

It can be seen from this that it was too wise for Xingzong Tai to go to Zhongshan to smuggle away in order to distract himself.

Otherwise, Fang Chang at the time would have met him who was seriously injured and killed him in minutes.

For him at that time, as long as such a monk is alive, he is a threat, and the suppression of the golden pagoda may not be feasible.

After all, their realms were too different at that time.

"Shi Lei, Tie Zhu told me about your situation just now."

Fang Chang looked at the weak stone man, a little confused:

"I can indeed save you, but my recovery ability is only useful to my own puppet, so if I want to save you, you must become my puppet.

Heck, would you like that? "

He looked at the stone man expectantly.

His mana attribute comes from his own spiritual body ability, and he has the ability to heal all spiritual puppets.

So in fact, even if the stone man does not recognize him as the master, he will not be delayed in being treated.

But how could Fang Chang do such a loss-making business.

If you don't recognize him as the master, you want to treat him for free, how is it possible.

Thinking that a fifth-order puppet at the peak of the god transformation would be reduced to his own thug in a few words, he certainly looked forward to it.

The stone man didn't doubt that some powerful healing abilities were indeed limited a lot.

Moreover, he had watched Fang Tiezhu's guards fighting, and those puppets did have the ability to resurrect from the dead.

These puppets were branded with Fang Chang without exception.

So he nodded and said: "Tie Zhu had already told me when I came here, originally I was unwilling, but I couldn't get in the way of Tie Zhu's good intentions.

But until I met you just now, I didn't understand why Tiezhu respected you so much.

Seeing Your Excellency, I actually have the feeling of looking up at the relics of distant ancestors.

Since you can regard Tiezhu as your sister and my puppet clan as your relatives, it is not a disgrace to me to be your subordinate.

It's just that I want to exchange a condition from Your Excellency with my feeble body. "

"What?" Fang Chang asked.

The stone man replied: "I only hope that if possible in the future, you can liberate the puppet ancestral world and let my poor people regain their freedom."

"Oh? What's going on here."

Fang Chang really didn't know that the group of rebellious human monks didn't kill all the puppet clan after hearing what the stone man meant.

So unprofessional, just do it thoroughly.

The stone man's black eyes showed sadness, and he explained.

It turns out that their puppet clan does not have the ability to reproduce on their own, and even two living puppet clans cannot produce offspring.

The only treasure that can make the puppet clan produce clansmen stably is the clan treasure called fire.

Fire can bestow spirituality on the dead.

When they never lost contact with the main world, their puppet clan would make many puppets according to their needs every once in a while.

These puppets are then placed under the light of the tinder.

Over time, some of the puppets will develop intelligence and become new puppet clan members.

Later, according to their research, they found that if these puppets were allowed to live with the human race for a period of time, the possibility of spirituality in the puppets was much higher than that of the puppets made directly.

So the human nanny came into being.

When a pair of puppet clansmen love each other and want offspring, they will pinch a puppet they like first and hand it over to the human race as their partner to cultivate.

Although the puppet ancestral world is a world ruled by the puppet clan, it is a small world of the human race as a whole, and most people take it as an honor to be a puppet master.

Those human monks would form a contract with a puppet when they were very young, grow up together, and compete for the glory of becoming a puppet master.

After all, the power of tinder is also limited.

And these puppet partners who once carried the hopes and ideals of the human monks will be a thousand times more likely than ordinary puppets to give birth to spirituality under the light of the fire, and become new members of the puppet clan.

For millions of years, the puppet ancestral world has been operating in this way.

The puppet race lives in it in the form of a human race, monitoring everything.

Until later, the puppet ancestral world lost the support of the main world, and the ancestors of the puppet clan fell into a deep sleep.

The human monks who had already sensed the truth of the world colluded with the traitors of the puppet clan and took away the fire together.

Those human monks also used fire to infuse puppets, but the newly born puppet clan did not regard themselves as puppet clan, but as a partner of the human race, a vassal of the human race.

From then on, the puppet clan of the older generation became a different kind, and they were regarded as traitors of the puppet clan.

Once the sleeping ancestors of the puppet clan are discovered, they will be wiped out with the power of the world, and the broken spirituality will be sucked into the fire.

So the human race became stronger and stronger, and the puppet race became weaker and weaker.

By the time the stone man wakes up, the world has been ruled by the human race, and the puppet race has also forgotten its former glory.

The stone man said with tears in his eyes:

"What kind of chance and coincidence did our ancestors turn from a dead body into a spirit, and what kind of hardships did they go through to leave the fire, the treasure of the town, for our puppet clan, so that our clan has the possibility of surviving.

We are born free, and should not be used as tools by those human races, as weapons of killing, to kill each other.

So I ask Your Excellency to free my enslaved people. "

Hearing this, Fang Chang was inexplicably guilty and coughed twice:

"Sorry to bring up your sadness."

"But I agree to your request."

Isn't that just liberation?


As for those puppet clans who will just transfer from one person to another at that time, it is normal.

He didn't enslave others, he just let those unemployed puppets continue to work for him.

But on this point, there is no need to talk to this old stone, it must leave some good imagination for people.

The stone man nodded: "If I can get your promise, so what if I give my life to you."

He took the initiative to let go of the guardianship of the heart god, and saw a spiritual fire rising from him.

This is equivalent to the primordial spirit of the puppet clan.

Fang Chang was also polite, and his mind moved.

There was pain on the face of the stone man, and a smaller flame separated from his body, and then penetrated into the square long sea of ​​consciousness, turning into a small spot of light.


Fang Chang suddenly closed his eyes, his long hair was windless, and the momentum was vigorous, the air became sticky, and the two puppets carrying the stretcher were staggered by this momentum, as if they were drunk.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the breath of the local head is stronger than before.

For a while.

Fang Changcai opened his eyes unsatisfied, looked at the eyes of the stone man, and was rejoiced, but thought in his heart:

'Almost forgot that I refined the puppet's spiritual ability to increase the experience attribute.

The puppet family is also a puppet.

A fifth-order puppet can at least add tens of billions of experience, and now I am really only a step away from the middle stage of Huashen.

There is also an increase in the four-dimensional attribute, although it is not revealed in the data, but at least it has increased me by about half.

If there are ten or eight more, I will be able to lie down all the way to the cultivation of the realm of transformation. '

Fang Chang couldn't help but smacked his lips, feeling something was wrong.

Why does he feel that his practice in the realm of transforming gods is easier than when he was in the realm of Yuanying?

How long has he been back, and he is about to break through the middle stage of transformation.

But when he saw the data of his fortune nine, he was immediately relieved, so this is the treatment of God's favor, the favored son of heaven.

The seemingly ordinary life actually hides opportunities.

When people sit at home, they come from the sky.

In the past, if he wanted to find a stronger subordinate, he had to rely on stealth, abduction, and various threats to coerce him.

Well now, the thugs at the peak of Huashen will be delivered directly to the door, and a blind box gift package of an entire small world will also be given as a gift.

If I refined all the high-level puppets in that small world, would I be able to quickly complete the accumulation in the realm of transforming gods?
"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Tiezhu looked at Fang Chang with a sudden smirk, very worried.

Could it be that the strength of the stone man is so powerful that his brother was also implicated and hurt his brain?
Thinking of this, she looked at the stone man with a little more danger in her eyes.

Although this stone taught her a lot, if she dared to harm her brother, it would be a dead end.

Fang Chang waved his hands again and again, and said with a smile:
"It's okay, I suddenly thought of something happy."

"Well, let's start treating your injuries now."

Fang Chang's mana was activated, completely enveloping the stone man.

After this treatment, Fang Chang felt the intractability of the destructive power of the space, almost annihilated his mana almost the moment his mana touched it.

Fortunately, his mana was already almost inexhaustible, and it was the stone man who mainly fought against the destructive power of space.

The stone man is worthy of being a puppet of the fifth-order peak, who almost comprehended the existence of the power of law.

Originally, he was in a stalemate with the power of space destruction, but now with the help of Fang Chang's mana, he immediately had the confidence to fight.

The stone man immediately understood why Fang Chang wanted him to recognize the master, and Fang Chang's mana could be perfectly integrated with him.

Moreover, Fang Chang's mana also contained a vitality that was particularly friendly to puppets.

With the flow of Fang Chang's mana in his body, all the injuries caused by the destructive power of space healed without medicine.

You must know that the physique of their puppet race is different from that of the human race. Some healing medicines for the human race may not work at all for them.

Now the stone man has confidence.

With the support of Fang Chang's unlimited mana, he didn't care about the damage to his body at all, and went all out to wear down the space destruction power on his chest little by little.

The sun rises and the moon sets.

This healing process lasted for a whole month.

It is also thanks to Fang Chang's inexhaustible spiritual transformation that he can supply such a huge amount of consumption.

But even so, Fang Chang still felt an unspeakable exhaustion.

Only then did he know that his divine will is called endless life, but it also has a limit.

If it continues for another month or two, maybe he will die.

As the mana flowed, the big hole in the stone man's chest gradually filled up until the last gap was filled.


He made an excited sound, and his body grew dramatically.

Originally, Zhang Xu's height rose again and again, and finally he was as tall as a thousand feet, and even clouds surrounded his chest.Under his feet, Qingxiao City is like a toy.

Then he knelt down on one knee and swore to Fang Chang in the city:

"Great City Master, under the witness of heaven and earth, I will be your eternal servant."

The sound was as loud as thunder and spread for hundreds of miles, causing everyone to be astonished.

(End of this chapter)

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