Chapter 297 Shennong Staff

Hundred Flowers World.

Hundred Flowers Palace.

The three palace lords stood in front of Fang Chang, they were more charming than Hua, with different temperaments, Fang Chang couldn't help being a little distracted.

He has traveled a lot and seen many people.

But I have to say that the female cultivators in the Hundred Flowers Realm may have a different environment in the world, and they are born with an arrogance and a unique temperament.

The master of the palace, Hua Qianyu, practiced the Hundred Flowers Secret Code, and was a virgin with a pure temperament, just like an orchid.

Yun Xi, the lord of the second palace, has a noble temperament and a cold expression, like a graceful and luxurious peony.

The lord of the third palace, Nangong Zhi, has a charming temperament, but a cold heart, like a rose with thorns.

Fang Chang also stayed in the Hundred Flowers Realm for more than half a year, got along with the three palace masters day and night, and was young and ignorant, greedy for beauty, and had in-depth exchanges with the second and third palace masters several times.

As we all know, he has always been soft-hearted, and he doesn't want a woman to beg him.

And men, always maintain a strong curiosity about new things.

However, he later found out that the two women were not easy to use, so he put on his pants and refused to recognize anyone.

It’s okay to walk the kidneys, but absolutely not to walk the heart.

Seeing the three palace lords now, the long gray memories in my mind gradually came alive, especially the appearance and smiles of the two palace lords were extraordinarily clear.

Only the Grand Palace Master, although he has lived for hundreds of years, is restricted by his cultivation methods and has always been pure-minded, ignoring the secular world, and devoting himself to meditation.

People who are hundreds of years old still have a bit of innocence in their bones.

If it weren't for this, she who was at the peak of Nascent Soul at the time and occupied the geographical advantage of the Hundred Flowers Realm, and fought steadily, might not be Fang Chang's opponent.

But for the sake of other people in Baihuashen Palace, he easily took risks and was threatened by Fang Chang at the time. Once he made a mistake, he could never look back.

She looked at Fang Chang, frowned, and her tone was hesitant.

"You... seem to be a little different?"

In the eyes of the Grand Palace Master, Fang Chang was out of tune with the world at this moment, as if he had forced a huge object into an inappropriate bag, bulging and ready to burst open at any time.

"Probably because I have become stronger."

Fang Chang explained casually, feeling the rejection of him from the Hundred Flowers Realm, he was trying his best to restrain the magic power in his body.

The upper limit of the Hundred Flowers Realm is actually not as good as the Taste Realm.

But this also has something to do with him being a male cultivator.

The rules of the Hundred Flowers Realm are too harsh on male cultivators. Not only do they have restrictions on the degree of aura affinity, but they also suppress the upper limit.

As a female cultivator, the Grand Palace Master has the strength of the peak Nascent Soul, but Fang Chang, as a male cultivator, can only display the strength of the mid-stage Nascent Soul.

If you want to use higher strength, you are fighting against the rules of this world.

It was this disharmony that made Fang Chang unable to get used to it for a while, as if he would be rejected by the Hundred Flowers Realm at any time.

Fang Chang was almost certain that as long as he dared to show a little bit of power at the level of a god, the rules of the Hundred Flowers Realm would expel him immediately.

As for where he will go after going out, Fang Chang thinks it is better not to try lightly.

"It's not time yet, what are you doing here?"

The Grand Palace Master didn't welcome Fang Chang's arrival very much. Back then, Fang Chang gave them three years, but now only half of the time has passed.

"But it's just right for you to come. I haven't been able to contact you before, and you have people guarding the space passage, so we don't have a chance to communicate with you at all.

We need more time.

Although the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church was caught off guard by us last time and caught Hua Yingqi, but after you left, she lost control and made many small moves with her subordinates.

We can't stop her without you.

Now the Hundred Flowers Immortal Valley is on guard again, we have no way to start.

Now that the three-party war has begun, even if we join forces with the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church, it may take three to fifty years to see the outcome. "

Fang Chang smiled, knowing in his heart that during the time he was away, the Grand Palace Master calmed down and started thinking about something else.

This is normal. The demon seeds in their bodies are more of a deterrent and surveillance, and it is impossible to transform them into another person.

That's not what he wanted either.

He has many puppets, not bad for these few.

As for Hua Yingqi, because he didn't want to expend too much energy, he only controlled her for a short period of time, thinking that he could deter her for a while.

I didn't expect this person to have such a strong personality.

"You can decide these things. What I have to do now is another thing."

Fang Chang looked at the stunned expression of the Grand Palace Master, and said:

"I heard that in the Hundred Flowers Realm, there was a fairy artifact called Shennong Staff, which could command the Hundred Flowers, control the world, and drive mountains and seas.

The Grand Palace Master didn't know why Fang Chang mentioned this, but he still nodded and said:

"Yes, there is indeed such a legend."

"It is said that the Shennong staff is also the spirit treasure of this world, and it is the symbol of our master of the Hundred Flowers Realm.

There is incredible power in our Hundred Flowers Realm, whoever gets it will be the master of the Hundred Flowers Realm.

But after so many years, even I have only seen it in the gossip passed down in the palace.

Legend has it that Shennong's staff has ascended to the fairyland with Baihua Fairy, and is no longer here.

But there are also people who say that the Shennong stick was left somewhere in the Baihua world by Baihua Fairy, waiting for someone with a destiny. "

Fang Chang said, "It must still be there, but you haven't found it yet."

Since Fang Chang is interested in the Hundred Flowers Realm, he naturally needs to have a comprehensive understanding beforehand, it is impossible to listen to the three women in front of him for everything.

This Shennong Staff is the result of his investigation.

The boundary stone is the foundation of a realm, it is impossible to leave the world of creation, and it can be refined into a magic weapon that is close to a spiritual treasure.

Think about the Tongtian Lingbao in the hands of Her Majesty the Empress, it is almost the foundation of the Dao.

But this kind of spirit treasure has great limitations. One is that it has a single function and has geographical restrictions, so it cannot be taken away from the secret realm at all.

Like the golden spoon he got in the food world before, it is a spiritual treasure refined from the boundary stone of the food world.

Its function is to make the food super delicious and emit a golden light.

Well, I can only say that it is very suitable for food repair.

The Shennong staff in the Hundred Flowers Realm is more like a normal spiritual treasure, possessing great power. Obviously, Baihua Fairy has put a lot of thought into managing her own small secret world.

So once a monk achieves the realm of the void, creates his own small world of secret realm, and holds a spirit treasure, he will truly have the capital to live and live.

Even if the higher-level Hedao Tianzun wanted to deal with them, he would not dare to easily enter the small world of the secret realm of a monk in the cave realm.

Of course, if you offend Hedao Tianzun, even Dongxu might be imprisoned for the rest of your life, hiding in your own small world and unable to get out.

Don't talk about the incarnation, once the incarnation is captured, some spells implicate the main body.

However, the power of the spiritual treasure refined by the boundary stone is closely related to the secret realm itself. With the current environment of the Hundred Flowers Realm, even cultivators from the Transformation God Realm cannot accommodate it.

Even if the Shennong Staff is born, its power will not be too strong.

At most, it slightly exceeds the upper limit of power in this world, that is, the level of Huashen.

As soon as the Grand Palace Master heard Fang Chang's meaning, he knew that he was interested in Shennongzhang.

"You want the Shennong Staff?"

She shook her head and said with a bitter smile:
"For tens of thousands of years, we don't know how many sages and ambitious people of our three religions want to get the Shennong staff, command the whole world, and end the era of melee among the three religions.

But without exception, they all failed.

Do you think you, an outsider, can get it? "

Fang Chang said: "If you can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it."

"The Shennong Staff is the symbol of authority in the Hundred Flowers Realm. To find it, brute force is of course not enough, so we have to let it show itself."

The Grand Palace Master suddenly had a bad premonition.

"What do you want to do?"

Fang Chang seemed to be talking about a trivial matter that had nothing to do with him.

"Since it is said that the Shennong Staff is waiting for its predestined person, then we will create a predestined person.

You said that if half of the population of Baihua Realm died suddenly, or most of the world was turned into a jedi, would Shen Nongzhang come out to find someone destined to save the world? "

This is not a random aim, but a way to find the boundary stone.

The boundary stone is the foundation of a realm, so if the foundation of heaven and earth is damaged, it will definitely react.

As long as there is a response, you are not afraid of not being able to find it.

The Grand Palace Mistress immediately panicked, she felt that Fang Chang was not joking.

"Don't! There is still a way!"

Fang Chang seemed to have expected it, looked at the Grand Palace Master and asked:
"What did the Palace Master teach me?"

The memory of being threatened and dominated by Fang Chang with a smile in the mind of the Grand Palace Master suddenly came to mind.

It was the same before.

He seemed to be asking for his own opinion, but in fact he didn't give himself a chance to resist at all.

The first palace lord couldn't help but look at the two sisters on the left and right, trying to find some support, but the second and third palace lords both avoided the elder sister's gaze with some guilt.

"Sister, just listen to Mr. Fang."

"Second Sister is right, Mr. Fang will not treat us badly."


Only then did the Grand Palace Master realize that from the beginning to the end, she was the only outsider.

No wonder Fang Chang shook his hands and left with confidence. I am afraid that the second and third younger sisters have already become his own.

The Grand Palace Master took a deep breath and said:
"The reason why the Three Religions exist in the Hundred Flowers Realm is because our ancestors of the Three Religions were all disciples of Fairy Baihua back then.

There are very few records of the events in the palace today.

All I know is that since Fairy Baihua disappeared, the three disciples are afraid of each other, and they are also afraid that Fairy will return in the future, and they will argue with them.

So the three of them sealed their cave, changed the terrain, and covered it up with a large formation.

The three of them each hold a part of the formation map for follow-up.

Later they founded the Three Religions, but Baihua Fairy's cave has never been opened.

After so many years, the reason why our three religions have been persistently looking for the Shennong Staff is because we have the remnants of the formation in our hands where the cave where the Baihua Fairy is located.

If you can unite the inheritance of the three religions, you will be able to find the cave where Fairy Baihua once lived.

And that Shennong stick, if it is impossible to leave the Hundred Flowers Realm as you said, it must be in that cave. "

Fang Chang laughed and said: "It would be great if the Grand Palace Master cooperated like this earlier, and it would also save me from doing that unreasonable seduction.

I have already prepared high positions for the three Palace Masters in the outside world.

If the three palace lords don't like to live under others, they can choose a spiritual land and then inherit the inheritance of the Hundred Flowers Palace.

In addition, I promised that the opportunity to become a god that the Grand Palace Master will find for you will not break my promise. "

As he spoke, Fang Chang shot a flash of light from his hand.

The Grand Palace Mistress caught it, and when the light dissipated, he realized it was a jade slip.

"Here are the Mystic Transformation Technique "Primitive Spirit Emancipation Method" and "Transformation Mortal Locking Divine Technique".

The Great Palace Master's consciousness quickly swept over, and he frowned.

"Why only half?"

Fang Changdao: "Cash on delivery, now we still need a lot of help from the Grand Palace Master."

"This is the inheritance of my teaching, and the array is on it."

The Grand Mistress finally felt better, and gave a pink jade petal.

She also read the secret method just now, and it is indeed very subtle, and it is not in vain when compared with the inheritance of this sect.

However, since Baihua Fairy disappeared from Baihua Temple, the cultivators in the God Transformation Realm have never appeared again, and the remaining ones died of old age.

Their inheritance was fine until the Yuanying stage, but it began to be incomplete when they reached the realm of transforming gods.

Even if they are the direct descendants of the Baihua Fairy, they are very taboo about how to transform into a god. There have been incidents where a dignified Nascent Soul Dzogchen monk transformed into a god before and died of old age.

"This flower is in the hands of both Xiangu and Shengjiao. After you get all of them, you can open the complete array and find the Baihua Fairy's cave that has been dusty for tens of thousands of years."

The Grand Palace Master explained.

Fang Chang folded his hands to put away the petals, and said with a smile, "I believe the words of the Palace Master."

"Even if you can't make up the formation map, it's just a waste of time to go left and right."

The Grand Palace Master looked at Fang Chang with beautiful eyes, but he didn't expect that he hadn't given up on his previous thoughts, so he couldn't help but ask:
"Destroying a world of living beings, even the legendary Hedao Tianzun will also suffer great karma, aren't you afraid?"

Fang Chang said: "I just want to find a new home for them."

"The space channel has been opened. The three palace masters can organize the disciples to transfer them out in advance. I am not a bloodthirsty demon monk. How dare I make such a huge killing?"

The Grand Palace Master couldn't grasp Fang Chang's rhythm at all.

"You were on guard against us before, but now you are willing to let us go?"

Fang Chang said with a smile: "Today is different, and I always want to show you a little sincerity.

In addition, it's not you, it's your disciples, and the vassal monks under your rule.

Don't worry, I won't play tricks this time. After you leave the passage, you can go and stay freely, and I won't stop those who don't want to stay.

It's just that life and death depend on fate, if you encounter bad luck in the future, don't remember their lives on me.

As for the three of you, sorry, I really can't bear you to leave. "

Hearing this, the Grand Palace Master couldn't help but blush.

The eyes of the other two Palace Mistresses were even more flickering, as if some old feelings were revived.

But women are all actors, and only they know what they think.

And Fang Chang's mind is even simpler.

How could he be willing to let go of these three excellent tool men, apart from anything else, just standing there would make him look good.

"By the way, you can take away as many resources as you can. The Hundred Flowers Realm doesn't have much time."

Fang Chang thought for a while and reminded them.

Those are their living expenses in the future. It's not easy to live in Qingxiao.

Especially the kind that is dragged down by the gatekeepers.

After all, everything on Qingxiao Road, whether it is in the sky or underground, is owned by Qingxiao City.

"What do you mean?"

The Grand Palace Master's expression changed again.

Fang Chang smiled and said: "It literally means, Great Palace Master, hurry up. Two Palace Masters, I don't know who will lead me the way. I'm going to trouble Master Hua."

"I come."

The lord of the third palace, Nangong Zhi, climbed onto Fang Chang's arm directly, her soft body was almost half leaning on Fang Chang's body, and said delicately:
"Mr. Fang, you don't know how disobedient that bitch Hua Yingqi has been since you left, and doesn't take you seriously at all.

You must teach her a lesson this time. "

"Saucy hoof."

The second palace lord saw the third younger sister taking the lead, and let out a cold snort in his heart.

As for robbing a man face to face, she still can't do it.

(End of this chapter)

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