Chapter 298


This is the holy land of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church, the place where the leaders of generations lived.

However, since two years ago, the leader Hua Yinghagi dispersed all the people in Yashan and monopolized Baihuaya by himself, causing many people to slander.

Reminiscent of Hua Yingqi's arbitrariness in the name of the leader in the past two years, the war of the three religions has caused heavy losses to the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church. There have been rumors in the church that the elders of the church intend to invite the reclusive elders to return and discuss the position of the leader again.

this day.

Once thousands of congregants bowed down and worshiped, on the bustling Baihuatai, Hua Yingqi wore a red dress and was ready to dress up, like a blooming azalea, looking up at Fang Chang and Baihua walking from the void Nangong Zhi, the Lord of the Three Palaces of the Shrine.

"You came."

Her voice was calm, and she seemed to have expected Fang Chang's arrival.

Fang Chang saw that Hua Yinghagi had death in his eyes, and his joking thoughts faded away.

"You think this can stop me?"

"You should understand that even if it's your own life, you can't die if you want to. If I am willing, you will only be a puppet for the rest of your life."

Hua Yingqi sneered and said, "Do you think everyone is greedy for life and afraid of death? Although I, Hua Yingqi, is weak and defeated by you and others, I am not as good as a lackey of a man like Baihua Temple. .”

The Lord of the Three Palaces laughed at Yan Yan, "..."

Ma De, lie down and shoot if you don't speak.

Do you know what it means to be a hero who knows current affairs.

Nangong Zhi complained wildly in her heart.

Fang Chang was silent for a moment, and asked involuntarily:
"So it's been a long time, just because I'm a man?"

Hua Yingqiu said: "That's right, since ancient times, there is a difference in respect between women and men.

I, Huayinghagi, am incompetent and controlled by you, but I, a girl from the Hundred Flowers Realm, is favored by God. One day, I will inherit the will of my ancestors and kill you, a traitor who disturbs Gangchang. "

Fang Chang chuckled: "I didn't expect you to be so old-fashioned."

He shook his head and said inadvertently, a black light flashed in his eyes, black air rose on Hua Yingqiu's face, and the demon seed gradually began to replace her personality.

Although he is currently limited by the rules of the Hundred Flowers Realm and cannot fully display his strength, Hua Yingqi has long been parasitized by his demon seed.

Now it takes almost no amount of strength to arouse the power in her body.

Hua Yingqi smiled and said: "Since I'm waiting for you here, I never thought of leaving alive, and I didn't waste these two years in vain.

Although I can't undo the tricks you put on me, but everything is nothing but death! "

The divine light in her eyes bloomed, a ball of red light lit up on her chest, and an explosive momentum rose from her body.

Fang Chang only felt that his demon seed was being impacted by waves, and he couldn't have any influence on Hua Yinghagi for a while.

But the demon seed has already merged with Hua Yinghagi's soul, this kind of obstacle can only be delayed for a while, and sooner or later it will be replaced by the demon seed.

But this is what Huayinghagi wants.

She could have died a long time ago, but she wanted to die in front of Fang Chang, telling him that not all women in the Hundred Flowers Realm were as miserable as the Hundred Flowers Palace.

If it was Fang Chang two years ago, maybe he really couldn't stop her.

But at this moment and at that moment, he is no longer who he was yesterday.

"I said, in front of me, your life and death are not up to you."

He opened the eyes of the demon between his brows, and the demon seed that was hit just now grew from a seed into a towering tree in an instant, as if he had taken the Shiquan Dabu pill.

Compared with the actual power, Yuanshen and magic weapons are much less affected in the Hundred Flowers Realm.

After all, there is no distinction between men and women in magic weapons.

The sneer on Hua Yingqiu's face stopped, and turned into a look of struggle and bewilderment.

In the end, the struggle dissipated, leaving only a heart-pounding calm.

That calm made Nangong Zhi, who had been on the sidelines, feel awe in his heart, and became more determined in his decision to join Fang Chang.

She didn't want to be like Huayinghagi even if she was killed.

If a person can't even choose to die, it would be too terrible.

"Give me what I want."

Hua Yingqi replied calmly: "My teaching inheritance Huayu has been handed over to Baihua Fairy Valley, and Hua Wuyan has already set off on the road, looking for Shennong Zhang."

Coincidentally, everyone wanted to go together.

Fang Chang was speechless: "Why do you suddenly want to cooperate with something that you haven't found for tens of thousands of years?"

Hua Yingqiu said: "Because I don't want the Hundred Flowers Realm to be controlled by a man."

"So it's my fault."

Fang Chang rubbed his chin and asked, "Do you think Hua Wuyan can find Fairy Baihua's cave?"

Hua Yingqi said: "The Baihua Fairy Valley and Baihua Shengjiao have been studied for tens of thousands of years, and now the two religions are integrated into one. Although there is no certainty, there is a high probability.

We also contacted Hua Qianyu, but she did not agree. "

But she didn't betray you either.

Fang Chang thought.

Fang Chang didn't care about this, it would be a ghost if Hua Qianyu was really obedient and loyal.

He said again: "If I let you take the inheritance of the Hundred Flowers Palace, do you think Hua Wuyan will believe you?"

Hua Yingqi was expressionless, while Nangong Zhi showed hesitation.

It was the tomb of his own ancestor. If he dug it up, he would be familiar with the way, and he could be the first to scout the way. He just picked the one that was ready.

The main reason is that his strength is limited, and he may not be able to get cheap in a real fight.

That Hua Wuyan didn't have his demon seed parasitic on him.

The ghosts know how much Fairy Baihua hated men back then to create such a deformed world. In the mid-Yuanying period, he was doomed to be unable to stand up in the Baihua world for the rest of his life.


Luoxia Mountain.

Hua Wuyan opened her palm, on which were two jade petals, one blue and one purple, projecting an incomplete topographical map at this moment.

"The sea has changed, so many years have passed, the terrain has long changed, and the map is incomplete, so we can only confirm that the Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion is nearby.

But without the three inheritance petals, how could they break through the cover of the Mitian formation, let alone enter the secret mansion. "

She muttered to herself, her brows and eyes were full of exhaustion.

Ever since she knew that there was a black hand behind the Hundred Flowers Palace and the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church, she even gave up male sex.

In order to face this formidable enemy, she had to work hard, rummaged through the classics in the valley, and finally found the record of Shennong's stick.

If you can get this spirit treasure, you will not be afraid of any powerful enemy.

It's a pity that even with the support of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church, she personally went out to search for Nian Xu, but in the end she only determined the location near Luoxia Mountain.

But within five hundred miles around Luoxia Mountain, she searched all over the sky and the earth, but she couldn't find any trace of the Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion.

Now there are only two possibilities left.

One is that she found it wrong, and the other is that the entrance to the Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion is not in reality.

Hua Wuyan is more inclined to the latter.

But the more the latter, the more desperate she was, and she already had the idea of ​​going back home and plotting the inheritance petal of the Hundred Flowers Palace first.

In the past, this kind of thinking would be unnecessary.

If someone could make up the inheritance of the three religions before they were destroyed, then someone would have done it tens of thousands of years ago.

But now it is different.

The black hand behind the scenes came from outside the sky, which was a change that had not happened in tens of thousands of years. Otherwise, Hua Yinghagi would not have taken the initiative to send the petals of her own inheritance.

Could it be that Hua Yingqi didn't know that in this way, even if a strong enemy was repelled in the future, Baihua Xiangu would always overwhelm Baihua Shengjiao.

It's just a last resort.

Although the Hundred Flowers Palace intends to block it, the space vortex that appeared before cannot be sealed, and the news of the space channel is known to many people, and there are always rumors about it.

Just when Hua Wuyan was hesitating, she flicked her sleeves, and a sound transmission talisman of thousands of miles floated out, and the voice of a deputy valley owner in the valley came from it.

"Master Gu, the leader of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church is here to visit, and I will definitely meet you. I really can't refuse. Do you have time now?"

"Hua Yingqi, why did she come to see me, didn't she say, could it be..."

Hua Wuyan's eyes moved, revealing a bit of sorrow for the death of a rabbit, but this emotion quickly disappeared, and she replied:
"Just say that I don't have time, and you find a reason to stop her. If she insists on not leaving, then activate the formation and send her on her way."


From the other end came the stunned voice of the deputy valley owner.

The war of the Three Religions is a big war, but a default unspoken rule is that the top leaders of the Three Religions can not be killed if they are not killed. After the defeat, they only need to pay a large amount of ransom as a captive.

A person of the level of the leader of the Three Religions has never had a record of dying outside.

The deputy valley owner did not expect that today the valley owner would actually want to break this rule.

It is conceivable that if the leader of the Hundred Flowers Sacred Cult really dies in the Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley, their Fairy Valley will immediately become the target of public criticism, and even their own family members may have complaints.

"Now that the Three Religions are fighting, it's no surprise that she, as the leader of the Hundred Flowers Sect, dared to go deep into the enemy's camp and leave her life behind."

Hua Wuyan said coldly.

"No need, no need."

At this moment, the Deputy Valley Master breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"The flower leader can't wait for the valley owner, and has already left, saying that he will come to visit next time."

Hua Wuyan could even imagine the deputy valley owner wiping his sweat, she hummed lightly, and put away the Wanli Sound Transmission Talisman.

"Hua Yingqiu said that she has that person's means in her body, so she will not come to see me in person. Once she appears, it means that she is no longer herself."

Hua Wuyan took a deep breath and dismissed the idea of ​​going back.

She took out two petals again, looked at the red glow in the sky, and murmured: "Fairy Baihua, if you still care about the world you created, please give me some enlightenment."

But obviously praying doesn't work.

Because Fairy Baihua might be so dead right now that there is not even a scum left.

She sighed dejectedly.

At this moment, the Wanli Sound Transmission Talisman in the cuff trembled again, Hua Wuyan took out the Talisman impatiently, and her voice became a little more angry.

"What's going on? Is there anything you don't know to finish at once?"

A charming voice came from the other end.

"Master Huagu, you are so angry, do you not welcome me?"

"Nangong Zhi? don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, why contact me all of a sudden?"

Hua Wuyan's heart moved.

Nangong Zhi at the other end smiled and said:
"Did Master Huagu forget the promise he made to others at the beginning? If I help you get the inherited flower jade of our Hundred Flowers Palace, you help me ascend to the position of Grand Palace Master of the Hundred Flowers Palace."

Hua Wuyan said: "That's right, did you really do it?"

Nangong Zhi said: "In the past, I would not be able to do it even if I had three heads and six arms, but now our eldest sister has a better inheritance, so I don't like the inheritance Huayu of our shrine.

Even I had the opportunity to contact.

However, the previous conditions have changed. "

Hua Wuyan never wanted to see another village, but she suppressed her excitement and asked, "What do you want?"

Nangong Zhi said: "I know what you want to inherit Huayu, so I also want to share.

If I find the Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion, I don't want anything else, but the Shennong Staff will be mine. "

"It's yours, no!"

Hua Wuyan directly refused.

At this time, nothing can compare to the Shennong stick.

However, Nangong Zhi's lion mouth made her a lot less wary. The third palace master of the Hundred Flowers Palace has always been a very ambitious woman.

If not, she would not have contacted Nangong Zhi before.

But Nangong Zhi at the other end was confident.

"Don't give it to me, that's fine, I can tell you that the strongman from the outside world has now gone to the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church.

It won't be long, under his command, the Hundred Flowers Sacred Church and the Hundred Flowers Palace will attack your Hundred Flowers Fairy Valley with all their strength, and all the treasures will be theirs.

If you give me the Shennong stick, even if I become the Lord of Hundred Flowers, I am still a member of our Hundred Flowers Realm, and my flesh will rot in the pot.

But if I really let that person get it, I'm fine, but I just continue to be subordinate to others, but I don't know if you, Master Huagu, can adapt to the life of being low-key and small. "

Hua Wuyan sneered and said: "Don't worry, when the time comes, it will be a big deal, and the fish will die and the net will be broken. Even if I ruin it, I won't let that person succeed.

But there is some truth to what you say.

You will pass on the flower jade to me. If you really find the Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion, I will compete fairly with you. Whoever finds it first will get it. "

Nangong Zhi was silent for a moment, and then came a charming voice.

"Master Hua Gu has a good plan, but you have to promise me that only you and I know about this matter.

In addition, where did you get the flower jade inherited from the Hundred Flowers Sacred Sect? Can I ask Ben Gong for help? "

Hua Wuyan said: "I don't need to worry about this, Palace Master Nangong. In short, after you get the inherited flower jade, come to Luoxia Mountain in Languo to find me."

"it is good."

Nangong Zhi's voice fell down.

Hua Wuyan put away the Wanli Sound Transmission Talisman, and said to herself:

"Even Hua Yingqi's strength can't escape that person's control, Nangong Zhi, how can you be an exception? I'm afraid you have been controlled by someone without knowing it.

If you really let you get the Shennong Staff, it will be the disaster of my Hundred Flowers Realm.

But now, he can only do what he can, and get the inheritance flower jade first.

And you all forgot that my Patriarch of Baihua Fairy Valley is Baihua Fairy's eldest disciple, who happens to know a little more than your Patriarch.

The Hundred Flowers Secret Mansion is restricted by Fairy Baihua, even if there are people behind the scenes plotting this matter, it is enough to stop him for a moment for me.

As long as the Shennong Staff is as powerful as the legend says, I can turn the situation around in an instant.

If the legend is wrong, then our Hundred Flowers Realm should be doomed.

My ancestors, although I, Hua Wuyan, have been absurd since I became the owner of the Immortal Valley, what I have done today is worthy of my status as the owner of the valley. "

Hua Wuyan immediately sat down cross-legged, and adjusted her breath to recover from the fatigue of the past few days.

three days later.

In the distance, a brilliant stream of light flashed across and landed on Luoxia Mountain.

It was a beautiful young woman in a sky-blue palace dress, alone, with a look of excitement and urgency.

"Master Huagu, I'm here, please show up and see me."

Hua Wuyan opened her eyes, calm as water.


(End of this chapter)

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