Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 304 Double Happiness

Chapter 304 Double Happiness
It was June, and the sun was starting to get hotter.

But this is also the time when the grass and trees are most vibrant. The entire Qingwang Mountain is filled with clouds every morning, and the aura sweeps thousands of miles, and a vortex of aura can be faintly seen.

In Qingwang Mountain, the aura environment is far better than the outside world, and the blessed land has taken shape.

Fang Chang worked all night, and when he came out of the room stretching his waist, Dongdong was still sleeping soundly, but he was exhausted last night.

He had to use actual actions to prove that he didn't steal food outside, and the effect was obviously not so good.

Fang Chang patted his back somewhat proudly, there is no way, young man, the firepower is fully charged, enough is enough.

He glanced left and right, and suddenly felt that something was wrong today, and he always felt that he had overlooked something.

There is a small pool in the backyard, which is not large in size, only about ten feet long and wide, and no more than seven feet deep.

Most of the time, it is used as a bathing pool, and the water inside is not ordinary water, but spiritual liquid, and the mist rises, like a fairyland.

Ordinary people take a bath inside, they can cut the meridian and wash the marrow, and all the meridians can be connected, and they can become the seeds of cultivation.

But this is just a place where Dongdong takes a bath on weekdays, because the spiritual liquid gathers the aura of heaven and earth, and showers frequently, which can moisturize the skin and beautify the skin.

It's just that this spirit pond was used by Dongdong a long time ago to house a fish egg that Fang Chang brought back from Chang'an City.

Previously, the fish eggs were placed in the center of the spirit pool, and the spirit liquid washed them day and night, and the originally dusty eggshells became as translucent as pearls.

But now...

"Where's the egg? Where's an egg as big as mine?"

Fang Chang suddenly panicked, there was his lovely bubble inside.

The most important thing is that he spent [-] top-grade spirit stones to redeem it.

If he lost it like this, he would feel so bad.

"No, no, care will cause chaos, this is the City Lord's Mansion, without my order, no one can step in, so the eggs must not be lost.

Unless it ran on its own long legs. "

With this in mind, Fang Chang called softly: "Bubble?"

"Are you there, Bubble?"

Amidst the clouds and mist, a pair of big eyes flickered like light bulbs.


After a long silence, the sound came again.

"I'm here."

A large transparent bubble emerged from the water surface. Inside the bubble was a large golden carp with a slender body and fine scales like gold leaf. It was really beautiful.

Well, bubbles are still bubbles inside.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Fang Chang would have overlooked such a big bubble.

When his divine sense swept across it just now, it clearly showed that there was nothing here.

Ok?Is this the evolution of Bubble's innate skills?

He was able to hide it from his consciousness.

Although he didn't use his full strength, he was quite extraordinary.

Seeing the flick of Bubble's tail, the big bubble burst open suddenly.

Then she turned into a pink and jade carving in the air, a little girl with bulging cheeks, using both hands and feet, hugged Fang Chang's head like an octopus.

"Master, woo woo, Pao Pao can't find you when he wakes up, Pao Pao is so scared."

Bubble complained with an aggrieved face.

"Bubble thought he was captured by fish mongers."

As a fish, she was caught by Fang Chang in the first place, so she has a natural fear of fishmongers.

Fang Chang pulled Pao Pao off his body vigorously, held it in his hand, and said speechlessly:

"Which fishmonger is so arrogant and can give you such a good cultivation environment?"

"When did you wake up?"

"What was the big bubble just now? It even fooled me."

Bubble looked ignorant, but still answered honestly:

"Bubble woke up last night and called for a long time to be the master, but it's so quiet here, no one promised me.

Bubbles was afraid, so he hid himself.

That is the big bubble of the bubble, which can make others invisible to me, and suddenly it will. "

Elder Fang couldn't help but blushed. He was working on errands last night, and he wouldn't care if the sky fell. How could he hear the call of a poor little guy.

And with his understanding of Bubbles.

She yelled this for a long time, probably poking her head out secretly. After opening her mouth, she yelled quietly, seeing that no one answered, she immediately retracted her head, and the rest was yelling in her heart for a long time.

He can only hear ghosts.

"This is the home of the old man. You will live here from now on. I will let you meet your wife and recognize people later."

Fang Chang put down the bubble and introduced her.

Bubble's expression was a little confused and a little scared.

"The house of the great master? Where is Ah Da?"

The unfamiliar environment made Bubble instinctively want to meet familiar people.

Fang Chang touched Pao Pao's head and said with a smile:
"Ah Da is working, if you want to see him, I will transfer him to accompany you after a while, this is the territory of the Da Lord, don't be afraid.

No one can hurt you except the Grand Master.

If someone dares to bully you, you can report my name, it works. "

As for Pao Pao, he used to be his pet to relieve boredom, but as his relationship deepened, he almost raised him as a daughter.

Bringing her back, I didn't expect her to be of any help.

Bubble nodded ignorantly, approached Fang Chang unconsciously, and looked around cautiously.

At this moment, Dongdong's lazy voice came from the bedroom not far away.

"Sir, who are you talking to?"

Bubble looked up at Fang Chang and asked:
"My lord, she calls you husband, isn't it the same as sister Ruyan?"

Hearing this, Fang Chang's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

How he almost forgot about it.

Bubble and him have spent decades in Splendid World alone, eating and living with him, and many of his secrets are only used by Bubble as a daily routine.

"Remember, if she asks you later, you will say that you don't know, and just say that you broke your head when you were an ass."

Fang Chang patted Pao Pao's head with a serious expression on his face.

"As a premature fish, it's reasonable to have some accidents."

"It's time for you to make a contribution to the harmony of the Grand Master's family."

Bubble was puzzled: "Huh?"

"Don't ask so many questions, do you still listen to the elder?"

Fang Chang held Pao Pao's little hand and spoke earnestly.

"I listen."

Bubble quickly expressed his loyalty.

One man, one fish immediately reached a consensus.

At this time, Dongdong also came over wearing a coat. Her hair was still a little messy when she just woke up, and her eyes were a little confused.

When he saw the little girl beside Fang Chang, Dongdong's confused eyes immediately became serious, and he looked at Bubble with a little more hostility.

"Master, who is she?"

She and Fang Chang have been in love for many years, and they have not left a son and a half daughter.

In the end, a little girl popped out of nowhere to be so close to her husband. Could it be that she was an illegitimate daughter?

When Fang Chang saw Dongdong's eyes, he knew she had misunderstood.

But he wasn't panicking at all.

"Who else could it be? You have forgotten about the eggs you put in the spirit pool yourself? This is Bubble, the spirit beast I tamed in the Splendid Realm. Bubble is called people."

"Hello Ma'am, I'm Bubble, and I'm really good at spitting bubbles."

Although Pao Pao is a bit unfamiliar with Dong Dong, since she is the wife of the Grand Master, he is her friend.

"is her?"

Dongdong glanced at the Lingchi, and sure enough, a certain fish egg had disappeared.

There was a smile on her face, and she said very intimately:
"I didn't expect it to hatch so soon. I thought it would take a while. Bubbles, right? Come here and let me have a good look."

She lowered her head, squeezed Bubble's little face, and said with a smile: "It's so cute, I will definitely be a great beauty when I grow up."

Simple Bubbles are the most sensitive to people's hearts. She was a little dissatisfied that Dongdong pinched her face, turned her head, and said in disbelief:

"Bubbles don't want to grow up, Bubbles should always be with the Grand Master."

"Is there anyone who won't grow up?"

Dong Dong rubbed Pao Pao's head again, and said with a smile:

"It's really a child."

Fang Chang saw the appearance of one big and one small, hiding their edge when meeting each other, so he couldn't help but help his forehead.

"Alright, alright, now that we know each other, Dongdong, I will leave it to you to arrange Paopao's future life.

Pao Pao and I suffered a lot, so take good care of her.

I'm going to see how Tiezhu is doing in cultivation. "

He wasn't worried that Dongdong would bully Bubble.

Even if she has some small opinions on him in her heart, Dongdong has always been a woman who takes care of the overall situation and understands the general situation, and will not bully anyone just because of her personal emotions.

Otherwise, after so many years, she would not be able to stay safely by her side.

At the beginning, he was excited by seeing the sex, and his heart was pounding, and it had already quietly dissipated as they became more familiar with each other. Now he prefers the quality of Dongdong's good wife and mother.

Moreover, he believes that as they get acquainted with each other, they will definitely become friends.

After all, who doesn't like a Bubble who has a simple personality, looks cute, likes to eat, and likes to spit bubbles.

The most important thing is that they are innocent.


Dongdong looked at Bubble, picked him up, and put his big face against his small face.

"I will take good care of her."

"Bubble, it's the first time we meet, we will be friends from now on."

At this time, Dongdong also saw that Fang Chang's feelings for Pao Pao were completely different from his sister's, and his sense of threat was greatly weakened.

Bubble looked at Dongdong puzzledly, and she could feel the change of Dongdong's attitude towards her because she was sensitive.

Why does this woman look different all the time?

Sure enough, the human world is so complicated.

Bubbles thought of the snacks in his storage ring, and thought with some worry that after such a long time, he didn't know if the contents inside were broken.

Woke up last night so scared I forgot to check my backup rations.


Under the blue sky tree.

Fang Tiezhu's aura had already calmed down.

According to the stone man, the first condition for being promoted to the fifth-order puppet has been fulfilled, and now it is the second, leaving the mark of law in the body.

However, there is a law crystal, and there is an external spiritual source to help her refine, this second condition is also a matter of course.

Her breakthrough is even simpler than that of the human race.

Fang Chang had a premonition that Fang Tiezhu's breakthrough would be in the near future.

After all, there are law crystals that wash over the body from time to time, and the breath of law pervades, and there is always the power of law that suits you to be attracted.

Sure enough, it seemed that Fang Tiezhu felt something.

The moment Fang Chang stepped into the range covered by the Qingxiao tree, her aura changed drastically.

I saw Fang Tie Zhuhu, who was originally sitting cross-legged in practice, floating up into the air, and behind him the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth circulated and merged to form a colorful divine light.

The cyan color is long and full of vitality, which is for wood;

Wood makes fire, red bursts, and the flames soar, it is for fire;

Fire gives birth to earth, thick and yellow in color, carrying virtues and carrying things, it is for the earth;

Native gold, golden sharp, full of murderous intent, is for gold;

Gold produces water, black is introverted, hardness and softness are combined, it is for water;

Water gives birth to wood, the five elements grow together, the cycle of reincarnation continues, and finally it turns into a five-element divine light.

Fang Tiezhu was born as a puppet of the Five Elements, her essence is the power of the Five Elements, and the Five Elements are her most fundamental power.

She was born from the energy of the five elements, and now it is even more logical to understand the laws of the five elements.

Of course, with her current foundation, wanting to master the power of laws is wishful thinking.

What she can do is to let the power of the Five Elements Law leave an imprint in her body, so that she can mobilize a little bit of the power of the Five Elements Law in the future, and even use this imprint to lay the foundation for advancing to the sixth level in the future.

As the laws of the five elements unfolded one by one, Fang Chang finally understood why the puppet clan called the prototype of the fifth-order law a brand.

Because as the power of the law is gradually revealed, a mysterious imprint is also formed.

Fang Chang was inexplicably familiar.

He thought about it carefully for a long time, only to realize that this imprint was very similar to the guy who was suspected to be the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao when he sacrificed to the secret realm.

It's just that the power of law in the incarnation of Heaven's Dao is too strong.

Under the comparison of the two, Fang Chang felt that the intensity of his spiritual transformation was also rising.

Endless life represents infinite vitality.

It could be the law of wood, or the law of life, or both.

However, Fang Chang has already determined through the law crystal that he will follow the path of the law of life and death in the future, so this time his insights are more for reference, and the improvement is not great.

As the imprint of the Five Elements Law was formed, Fang Tiezhu's brows lit up, and behind him there was a wheel of light that was constantly rotating, which was the divine light of the Five Elements Wheel condensed by the power of the Five Elements Law.

This was originally a natal skill of Fang Tiezhu.

It used to help her absorb the power of the five elements and increase her cultivation base, but now she has integrated the power of the five elements, and it has become a magical power of the five elements that makes Fang Chang look at her.

With the birth of this five-element supernatural power, Fang Tiezhu's aura gradually calmed down, and her breakthrough came to an end.

An unpretentious breakthrough.

Fang Chang commented on this.

After all, it used a law crystal.

This is the treasure of enlightenment that makes all monks of Huashen want to fight over their heads. Bamboo's own aptitude, it's strange that it doesn't go well.

Fang Chang couldn't help touching his pocket, there were six law crystals in it, and he immediately felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

I don't know when I will find the third secret world.

Fang Tiezhu's divine light converged, and he slowly landed in front of Fang Chang, calling softly.

"Brother, thank you."

Without the law crystal that Fang Chang gave her, she would not have been so successful, at least she would have to hone her skills for a hundred years before she could have a glimpse of the fifth-order chance.

Fang Chang laughed and said:

"If one family doesn't speak two different languages, I will have to rely on you from now on."

Since Li Hu left, Fang Tiezhu has been the number one general under his command, who else will he train if he doesn't train her?

Moreover, the investment invested in her today will be recovered thousands of times in the future.

Fang Tiezhu has already proved this law of making money without losing money.

Fang Tiezhu nodded his head heavily, saying everything without saying a word.

Her life has long belonged to her brother.

Fang Chang didn't think anything was wrong. Today's Bubble broke its shell and Tiezhu broke through. It was a double blessing, and he was in a good mood.

"Come on, I'll ask your sister-in-law to prepare some food for you. Today, our family will have a good get-together. In addition, I will introduce a child to you."

(End of this chapter)

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