Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 305 Plotting a New World

Chapter 305 Plotting a New World

In the fourth year of Changsheng, on the sixth day of the eighth month, autumn is gradually growing on the earth.

The sapling tree is still green and growing well.

Thanks to the growing spiritual veins of Qingwang Mountain, the Qingxiao tree grows almost one meter a day, and a hundred feet a year.

Fortunately, Fang Chang left enough space for the growth environment of the Qingxiao tree from the beginning, but now the Qingxiao tree, which is nearly three hundred feet long, is already a giant.

A radius of five or six miles is covered by the shade of the albacore tree.

If it weren't for the suppression of the petunias, maybe a hundred or eighty years later, a tree demon grandma would be born out of nowhere.

Simply, the albatross grows very sensible, with a dense canopy and scattered branches and leaves, breaking the sunlight into fine spots of light.

It doesn't look gloomy under the shade, but it looks cool.

At this moment, a large pool was dug under the tree, a few spiritual lotuses were planted, the rich aura became mist, the pink lotus was in bud, the green lotus leaves were spread on the water surface, and a big golden carp was carefree. Flicking the little tail.

From time to time, a few small pale flowers would float down from the tree, and the big carp would jump out of the water and swallow the flowers in one gulp.

The faint sweetness spread in the mouth, and the belly of the big carp turned up in happiness - the backstroke carp achieved.

Fang Chang looked at the appearance of Bubbles in the water, as if he had returned to the days of Splendid Embroidery, although he had nothing to recall, he was still young.

It's just that he's so boring.

It has been more than a year since Tiezhu broke through to the fifth-order God Transformation, and Qingxiao City's promotion strategy is progressing steadily.

Especially after adding the two crushing combat powers of Stone Man and Fang Tiezhu, the flag of Qingxiao City has been pushed east to west for a total of one million miles in one year.

For Jindan monks, it is not difficult to travel thousands of miles a day.

The Great Cultivator Nascent Soul flies with all his strength, and one hundred thousand miles a day is just a matter of leisure. For the Cultivator Nascent Soul who focuses on speed, it is not impossible to travel a million miles a day.

It sounds fast, well, it is fast.

After all, at double the speed of sound, it is only [-] miles to catch up with one day and one night without sleep.

But in the realm of transforming gods, the slowest can reach a speed of a million miles a day.

All the forces encountered along the way were almost resigned, nominally becoming vassals of Qingxiao City.

The power of transforming gods can be seen.

Those cultivators who defied the law by themselves, even the Great Nascent Soul cultivator, were not an all-in-one enemy.

When refining Qi and building a foundation, you can challenge at higher levels, but the higher the level, the greater the gap, and the worst cultivator of Huashen is not comparable to the cultivator of Nascent Soul.

The power controlled by the two is no longer of the same magnitude.

The reason why it is in name is because Fang Chang does not want quality but only quantity of action.

Don't care if you are obedient or not, just label it as Qingxiao City, anyway, this is the inherent territory of Qingxiao City from now on.

When Qingxiao City's spiritual net formation is built in the future, whoever dares to be disobedient will not even be able to escape the chickens at the mountain gate for an hour at most.

Therefore, the Fifth Army has begun to restructure, from a half-combat and half-logistics regiment to a complete logistics regiment.

Not doing anything else, but responsible for finishing up the first and third legions. Wherever they fight, the fifth legion's spiritual net formation will follow.

For this speed, Fang Chang can only say that he is barely satisfied.

It is still in the initial stage of the growth of the main world, but the entire Nansan Dao has a width of one million miles and a length of tens of millions of miles.

Even at the current speed of one million miles a year, it would take decades to subdue one in name.

But the world will grow, and the speed of millions of miles is actually not as fast as the growth speed of the world.

But his own background is too poor, Qingxiao City is self-made, the initial team is a Jindan level Fangshi force, and half of the Jindan sect.

The personnel limit is there, and the growth rate is also there.

After all, not everyone can open and hang, 90.00% of people can't keep up with the pace of the leader.

In fact, among the mid-level and high-level forces in Qingxiao City, there are fewer and fewer former veterans, and almost all of them are monks who have joined in the past ten years.

Even with Fang Tiezhu and Stone Man already possessing the two top-level battle powers of transforming gods, they have brought the reputation of Qingxiao City thousands of miles away, but now it is really regarded as the territory of Qingxiao City, with a radius of only 30 miles .

Extending out to a million miles, it is nominally obeying the forces of Qingxiao City, and further away, one can only know that there is a force named Qingxiao City that is expanding wildly.

On the heaven and earth sand table in the world of mountains and rivers, among the twelve masters of mountains and rivers, Fang Chang ranked among the top five for the first time.

"There are still too few trustworthy people. It seems that we can only delegate power."

Fang Chang stared at the water, and a thought came to his mind.

The reason why Qingxiao City's expansion is too slow is due to the shortage of manpower. Another aspect is Fang Chang's small peasant thinking.

He wanted to ensure that every piece of land he laid was under his control, and he wished that every grain of soil and every blade of grass on the ground would be stamped with his Fang Chang's name.

The resulting situation is that the effort spent on each piece of land is far beyond ordinary, and it is also the reason why Tsing Yi Wei develops so rapidly.

But now this situation forces him to let go of most of his rights.

Otherwise, the larger the follow-up territory, the speed of his expansion will have to slow down again.

"Grab the big and let go of the small."

Fang Chang thought to himself.

"For me, the most important thing is my own cultivation realm, the third is the power of my subordinates, and the least important thing is the territory.

Anyway, I've already done this, as long as the site belongs to me in name.

Even Her Majesty the Queen, as long as the three provinces of Gyeonggi are acquired, the rest of the territory is willing to be divided.

Am I still comparable to Her Majesty the Queen?
I have always used the complete Tang Empire to demand myself, but I have stepped into the lower class, and different eras have different requirements.

I can't expect a primitive person to obey the law in modern society. "

Thinking of this, Fang Chang suddenly had a bright future.

Obviously, he now possesses one of the best strengths among the twelve Lords of Mountains and Rivers, but he only ranks in the top five.

It is because he wants too much, but grabs too little.

"That's it."

Fang Chang took out his name card and wrote down his request on it.

Tsing Yiwei will soon convey his will to Qingxiao City.

From now on, everyone can use the name of Qingxiao City to expand outwards, just like enfeoffed knights.

They used their own strength to open up a territory, and it was enough to admit that their suzerain country was Qingxiao City.

They were in charge of making offerings, and Qingxiao City was in charge of providing protection.

With such a policy, presumably other forces don't mind having multiple bosses on their heads, and they may even be involved in themselves.

After all, someone else has a boss who provides the God Transformation Nuclear Attack, but he doesn't have one, so it's obvious that he can't tell others that he can't do it.

At that time, it may not be him who wants to conquer others, but someone else will take the initiative to beg him, looking forward to the arrival of the master.

As for him, he still concentrates on practicing.

"The law crystal is easy to use, but it is not durable. It would be great if I found a big secret world."


Qingxiao City, Equipment Department.

"Old Zhong, how are you doing recently?"

Fang Chang looked at an idle old man in front of him with a smile, it was Xingzong Taishang Zhongshan.

Because the golden pagoda was taken away by Li Hu, he could no longer go to jail happily, and with the task of his deity, he needed to investigate the situation of the main world, so he simply stayed in Qingxiao City and became a consultant of the Department of Artifacts.

During this year, under his guidance, the Ministry of Equipment finally successfully developed a simplified version of the Thunder Fire Orb, which is equally powerful.

Even a Qi-refining cultivator can use this magic weapon to injure a Jindan cultivator by surprise.

If the number is sufficient, even Jindan cultivators have to confer heads.

Today, the Sky Thunder Fire Orb has become the standard magic weapon of the legion, and one of the most popular magic weapons for the monks of the legion.

Zhong Shan said neither humble nor overbearing: "The City Lord Lao Fang is worried, and everything is fine, old man."

Fang Chang said with a smile: "That's good. I'm still worried that my subordinates are ignorant and treat seniors slowly. Since seniors are satisfied, then I can rest assured."

Zhong Shan frowned, and asked, "Go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, City Lord Fang, just speak up if you have anything to say, don't beat around the bush, it will weaken your identity."

Fang Chang didn't find it troublesome, but continued to laugh and said, "Mr. Zhong speak quickly, so I'll just say it straight."

"I heard that Mr. Zhong and his disciples plan to build a mountain gate recently to attract the stargazing world?"

This was originally the mission of the disciples of the Star Sect to enter the main world, but they were all taken over by Fang Chang, and now they have become the strong labor force of Qingxiao City.

However, after so many years, there is hard work without credit, and Fang Chang has long stopped restricting the freedom of Star Sect disciples.

The somewhat silly and sweet elder Lin Yuan of the Xingzong has been pursued by many male monks in recent years.

Zhong Shan said: "This old man has already reported this matter to the City Lord's Mansion, and if it is approved, the City Lord wants to go back on his word?"

Although Zhong Shan puts on the airs of an old senior, he is not without brains.

Now Fang Chang is not the Jindan junior back then, but the Huashen Daxiu who is on the same level as him, and can be called a venerable existence.

Even if his deity was Huashen Daxiu, he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Fang Chang.

Not to mention building a door-to-door project and leading a world-wide event, it would be suspicious to do it secretly.

So Zhong Shan directly reported to the City Lord's Mansion, and also got some support from the City Lord's Mansion.

After all, Qingxiao City has been offering a reward for finding the small world of the secret realm for several years.

It's a pity that no one is lucky enough to get this reward.

They have led the world to this point, and not only are there no punishments, but rewards instead.

Fang Chang smiled and waved his hands and said: "Mr. Zhong misunderstood, but I accidentally saw this matter from the news reported by the City Lord's Mansion Office, so I came here to discuss with Mr. Zhong."

Although he is the lord of the city, most of the affairs in the city are handled by his daughter-in-law Dongdong in the office.

He only glanced at it when he was free for some important events.

Zhong Shan didn't understand, so: "If you agree, you agree, and if you don't agree, you don't agree. What's there to discuss?"

Fang Chang said: "The discussion I said is to deepen cooperation with Mr. Zhong.
I know that Xingzong is one of the three top sects in the stargazing world, and has a profound influence on the stargazing world.

To be honest, I am very interested in the world of stargazing.

So I want to get the stargazing world, I wonder if Mr. Zhong can help me? "

Zhong Shan sneered, showing no face at all.

"City Master Fang is too wishful thinking."

The world of stargazing is the foothold of his true self, how could it be given to Fang Chang.

And it wasn't something he could give as he wanted.

Of the three top sects in the stargazing world, Zhong Shan is just one of the grand masters of Xingzong.

He can be said to be one of the pinnacle existences in the stargazing world, but he is not the only one, and he has not yet reached the level of deciding the fate of a world.

Fang Chang was not angry, but said: "Of course Mr. Zhong can't help me, but Xingzong can.

As long as the Xingzong is willing to cooperate with me, the other two major Huashenzong sects in the stargazing world are not to be feared. "

Zhong Shan said with a blank expression: "City Master Fang thinks highly of me too much, I won't affect the entire Star Sect, and my deity will not agree."


Fang Chang flipped his palm, a colorful crystal shone brightly, and the power of law pervaded it.

"What if you add this?"

Zhong Shan's eyes brightened, and he couldn't wait to get started.

"This is... the law crystal?!"

"That's right, this feeling is the legendary law crystal!"

"As expected of the vast and boundless main world, even at birth, there are such treasures!"

Zhong Shan looked a little crazy.

Fang Chang still let Zhong Shan snatch the law crystal into his hands, and talked eloquently:
"I know that there are three sects in the world of stargazing, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the star sect is one of the three. On the surface, there are two venerable gods, and the other two sects are roughly the same.

But according to the usual practice, each of your sects should hide one or two Huashen venerables, plus the out-of-home Huashen venerables, I count that there are ten Huashen sages in your stargazing world.

How many people will be willing to help me if everyone is given a law crystal? "

The matter of sacrificing the small world of the secret realm is a secret for the time being, although Fang Chang let the live broadcast twice.

But people who don't know still don't know.

Even if you know it, how to sacrifice, how to arrange the array to attract the attention of the heavens are all secrets.

After all, not everyone can hug Her Lady Queen's thigh and get such a secret easily.

When Zhong Shan heard that Fang Chang was willing to give out law crystals as a reward, he was so generous that each person had one, and he couldn't help breathing quickly.

"Are you really willing to take out the law crystal as a reward?"

Fang Changdao: "The law crystal is already in Zhong Lao's hands, can there be fake ones?"

Naturally, he wasn't so generous that everyone would be given one, but with this bargaining chip, he wouldn't be afraid that the stargazing world would not fight among themselves.

Interest is always the best means of differentiation.

When the time comes to win the Star Gazing World, if the remaining cultivators who transform the spirit are willing to cooperate with Qingxiao City, it is not impossible to use two of them for a gimmick.

Zhong Shan took a deep breath and finally calmed down his excitement.

For him who pursues longevity and higher cultivation, there is nothing more attractive than the things of enlightenment.

For one's own way, the sect and the world are nothing.

Besides, Qingxiao City is not some kind of ruthless magic way, so it might be a good way for other people to join in.

"I admit that Qingxiao City is developing rapidly, and City Lord Fang is an extraordinary talent. He was able to achieve such an achievement in a short period of time. However, with the size of Qingxiao City, it may not be easy to swallow the stargazing world.

Even if other people know that Fang Chengzhu has such a treasure in his hands, it is not impossible to counterattack. "

Zhong Shan was still relatively calm.

Fang Chang had a confident smile on his face.

"As long as Mr. Zhong is willing to cooperate, no matter whether the matter succeeds in the end, I am willing to give out a law crystal as a reward."

Zhong Shan was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement:
"it is good."

He has a guarantee, so there's no problem.

(End of this chapter)

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