Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 312 Nine Phoenix Indestructible True Blood

Chapter 312 Nine Phoenix Indestructible True Blood
The brilliance of light erupted to the extreme, and the power of law surged violently, disturbing the void and annihilating everything.

A law crystal can reach the merits of Dongxu's power for a hundred years, so you can imagine how huge the power of law is contained in it.

Earlier, Fang Tiezhu used the power of the law crystal to cast his five-element rotation extinction light. Although he didn't kill Yang Qi on the spot, he also forced Yang Qi to abandon a demon master-level beast.

That was the only high-level beast he had spent years cultivating, and the price was far less light than what he had shown.

While it was just borrowed before, it is destroyed now.

Seeing that he and Shi Lei couldn't drag Yang Qi to death, Fang Tiezhu took his own life as an excuse without hesitation, showing madness.

She didn't know if she would really die.

Although my brother said that she could be resurrected, she was only seriously injured and never died, but those thoughtless puppets really resurrected many times.

This time, it was the closest she was to being separated from her soul.

Maybe die, maybe never live again.

But Fang Tiezhu didn't care, since her birth contained a morbid obsession.


The cold voice carried a determined death intent.

Not only hers, but also the other party's.

Yang Qi, who originally had the bearing of a master, suddenly changed his face, and the face of the devil ape revealed a look of horror.

"You don't want to die!"

And Shi Lei had already been reminded by Fang Tiezhu that almost the moment the light came on, his huge body shrank rapidly, and then became as small as a dust, hiding under the ground.

In the underground where no one saw, hard rocks quickly covered the soil layer below, which also cut off the possibility of Yang Qi's escape.

No one answered.

Some are just silent.

This ray of light is stronger than the sun, stronger than the aurora, engulfing everything.

With the magic ape as the center, the light disrupted the power of law for dozens of miles around.

The demon ape gave a wry smile, first the hair turned into ashes, followed by his flesh, internal organs, bones...

It can be seen that his flesh and blood are constantly reborn, but the speed of rebirth is far behind the speed of destruction.

In the end, there were no bones and dregs of the demon ape left, only a drop of golden blood remained in the air.

It was obviously just a drop of blood, but it had its own majesty, forcibly restraining the chaotic power of law.

Above the void, Yao Guang, who had been neither sad nor happy, frowned suddenly, and muttered:
"Master's Nine Phoenix Indestructible True Blood, and it is also the Indestructible True Blood of the Nine Phoenix Saint Physique at the Dacheng stage, how did he get it?"

You must know that her master has not recovered to the peak state of the year at this moment, let alone the true blood of the Dacheng Holy Physique, and she can't squeeze it out even if she wants to.

And the Nine Phoenix Saint Physique is her master's self-sublimated bloodline, which is unparalleled in the world, and it is the only one in the world.

Yao Guang's eyes flashed suddenly.

"Could it be him?"

Her expression quickly returned to normal, but she secretly wrote down the matter.

Although Fang Chang didn't recognize the origin of the golden blood, he could feel the endless vitality contained in it.

"It's not dead?"

Fang Chang couldn't help but admire Yang Qi's tenacious and exuberant vitality.

This kind of intensity attack, he thinks that in the realm of transforming gods, almost no one can block it.

But Yang Qi still left a drop of blood behind.

For this kind of character, a drop of blood is enough.

Not to mention such a powerful drop of blood.

Sure enough, the next moment.

This drop of golden blood twisted and deformed, and soon turned into Yang Qi's appearance again.

Yang Qi looked at Fang Chang with lingering fear, and already regarded him as a real opponent.

"I am not as good as you to be able to make a fifth-order deity sacrifice willingly for you."

Even for a person like him who can control the blood of all spirits, in order to make Jiuying willingly become his death puppet, he spent a lot of thought to divide his spiritual intelligence into nine and reduce him to a beast-like creature.

Waking up only occasionally.

Fang Chang sneered: "How can you understand the relationship between our brother and sister?"

"And do you think she's really dead?"


Fang Chang muttered silently, and then twitched the corner of his mouth.

"You have worked hard, and I can't fall behind. The Heavenly Demon disintegrates Dafa!"

As the next-generation heir of the Demon Eye Sect and the new owner of the Eye of the Demon, it is reasonable and reasonable that he would desperately use the secret method of the Demon to disintegrate Dafa.

The hidden lifespan was deducted, and Fang Chang felt as if a piece was missing in his heart. He lost a hundred years of lifespan forever.

In exchange for the ultimate explosion.

Fang Chang only felt that a powerful force suddenly appeared in his body, which made him want to destroy it.

The body that has been dried up has also been fully replenished.

But he did not indulge himself, but injected this power into the sea of ​​consciousness.


Fang Chang saw his own spiritual light suddenly dim, and then a little spiritual light flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and a petite figure quickly condensed successfully, looking like seven or eight years old.

That was Fang Tiezhu, who had just been born with spiritual wisdom.

Well, back then, she was still called Tie Zhu.

Then in a short moment, she began to grow up, Fang Tiezhu in girl form, and Fang Tiezhu in adult form.

The curled up figure gradually opened up, Fang Tiezhu opened his slightly confused eyes, and his memory recovered.

"Brother, you really didn't lie to me."

"Of course I won't lie to you."

Fang Chang smiled, and didn't say anything about his hundred-year lifespan, but a faint wrinkle suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes.

He has always been handy about selling miserably.

You can't stop touching your sister just because she is already very obedient.

this is not right.

Of course, the most important point is to let my sister find out by herself, brain supplement is the most deadly.

Sure enough, Fang Tiezhu found out, and it was the first time he found out.

"Brother, the corner of your eye?"

Fang Chang touched the corners of his eyes, and the wrinkles quickly disappeared.

"It's nothing, I thought it was too simple before, the cost of resurrecting a deity is a little more than I thought.

But no problem.

The spiritual light you left in my sea of ​​consciousness is still being conceived. If you die again, I'm afraid it will take a while for me to resurrect you next time. "

Fang Tiezhu seriously shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid."

Her gaze turned to Yang Qi, who did not move for some reason, and suddenly became cold.

"You're not dead yet?!"

"Brother, give me another law crystal."

Yang Qi shuddered, and hurriedly shouted:

"Don't give it to her!"

Fang Chang paused, and then the law crystals were rearranged into Fang Tiezhu's chest and into Fang Tiezhu's body.

"Palace Master Yang, what are you kidding me about?"

The shape of the law crystal is extremely stable, and most people really can't explode it.

Only Fang Tiezhu's special physique can use external spiritual objects as her own spiritual source. Her self-destruction law crystal is the same as self-destruction of her dantian.

Although the power is [-] million points greater than the self-explosive dantian.

Seeing Fang Tiezhu rushing towards him, Yang Qi retreated repeatedly.

"City Lord Fang, although I don't know what method you used to revive Lingmei, but this method must have cost a huge price.

Moreover, a self-destruction would cost a law crystal, which is not a small price.

Why don't we take a step back and let's make peace? "

Fang Chang sneered: "You are the one who wants to hit me for no reason, and you are the one who wants to stop now, do you think I am easy to bully?

I paid such a high price, not to draw with you. "

Yang Qi's condition was obviously not good, and he was chased by Fang Tiezhu to the left and right, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Don't force me!"

"How about forcing you?"

Fang Chang has always been unforgiving when he is in power, and behaves like a villain.

Fire flashed out of Yang Qi's eyes, he heard a phoenix cry resounding through the void, and saw Yang Qi's body turned into a ball of raging fire, and a fierce creature was born from the fire.

The temperature of the air rose slowly.

Fang Tiezhu couldn't help but stop her movements. She had a hunch that even if she detonated the law crystal at this moment, she might not be able to hurt the flame.

Fang Chang was also eclipsed by the power of this ominous creature to eclipse the world before it was born.

Mad, this group of people are really monsters, they have one card after another, they can't be killed no matter what.

It's just that the murderous thing seems to be difficult to give birth.

Fang Chang waited for a long time, the flame was still a flame, and the phantom of one of the big birds couldn't help but couldn't break through the shackles of the flame.

Then the flames collapsed, Yang Qi's figure fell, and his breath became more and more depressed.

"City Lord Fang, I sacrificed the entire secret realm world for heaven and earth in exchange for this drop of Nine Phoenix Indestructible True Blood.

If you force me to activate the Nine Phoenix Inextinguishable True Fire, even though I will die, everything within a radius of a thousand miles will be turned into nothingness, and you will not be spared either.

I am willing to make war compensation, which will definitely satisfy you. "

Although Yang Qi was very arrogant when he came, he was also unambiguous when it was time to confess.

Fang Chang looked stern and seemed unmoved, but his heart was really moved.

Of course, it is possible to kill Yang Qi, but can he bear the price?

He didn't answer, but looked at Yao Guang:

"Sister Yaoguang, have I won this match?"

Yao Guang nodded and said: "As long as Yang Qi is willing to admit defeat, then you will win. The master's rules do not necessarily require the two masters to live and die separately."

Only then did Fang Chang look at Yang Qi and said: "Palace Master Yang, as long as you admit defeat and pay me ten or eight law crystals, this matter will be over.

As for the future, if there is kindness to repay kindness, if there is hatred to revenge, you and I will each rely on our own abilities. "

Yang Qi was stunned: "Ten and eight rule crystals?"

He hasn't had a chance to refine one yet.

After finally sacrificing a small world in a secret realm, what he exchanged for was also the true blood of the Nine Phoenixes that he had been thinking about.

When Fang Chang saw Yang Qi's appearance, he knew he was a poor man, and said with disgust:
"You don't even have a law crystal, how dare you come to my idea?"

Yang Qi: "..."

He is the god of all spirits, reincarnated with great power from ancient times, and his comprehension of laws has long been fully realized, so he only needs to recover his cultivation step by step.

Law crystals are never the first requirement.

After all, ordinary cultivators are like playthings in his hands.

I also encountered Fang Tiezhu's self-detonating law crystal, which happened to be resurrected and died together.

This is a new tactic that he has never encountered before.

Even in the flourishing age of self-cultivation back then, cultivators who transformed themselves into gods had to be honored as revered ones. In the Nine Phoenix Emperor Dynasty, the Immortal League and Demon Sect were also the backbone of superpowers, and they would explode themselves at every turn.

It would take a year or two for an ordinary cultivator to refine a law crystal, let alone detonate all the power in it in an instant.

Besides, they can't bear it!
All in all, if he has prepared in advance, he can rely on his rich experience to deal with it a few times. At this time, there are many battles, and he has no way to deal with this kind of reckless style of play.

Fang Chang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I'm a kind person, since you can't get such a treasure as the law crystal, then change the conditions that you can do.

If you pay me a million and 80 top-quality spirit stones, a few top-quality magic weapons, and a few top-quality imperial beasts, I will bear it. "

Yang Qi was about to speak when Fang Chang said with a surprised face:

"No, no, Palace Master Yang, as the master of the Wanshen Palace, you don't even have such a few things.

That's fine, then you tell me that you lost, and then I'm sorry, you stay away from wherever I appear in the future, and I don't want those compensations. "

Fang Chang thought that Yang Qi must not be able to bear the excitement.

How can this kind of boss have such a shameless spirit like him, everyone is very reserved.

As a result, Yang Qi was taken aback for a moment, then cupped his hands towards Fang Chang, and said sincerely:

"City Lord Fang, I lost, I'm sorry, wherever you appear in the future, Yang will definitely stay away."

Fang Chang: "..."

The script is wrong.

Yang Qi smiled coldly.

Boy, you didn't know where I was when I was a grandson.

He turned around in a chic way, and was about to take over his order to leave, but he heard Fang Chang's faint voice:
"Palace Master Yang, you won't forget, right? The winner of the Mountain and River Order gets everything from the loser. Now everything you have belongs to me, including your Pantheon Palace."

The mountain and river order emits a hazy white light, and the mountain and river order symbolizing the square length swallows Yang Qi's mountain and river order.

The whole territory of Qingxiao Road, the whole territory of Wanshen Mansion.

The completed spiritual net array lit up beams of light, connecting the sky and the earth, converging together and turning into a large net covering the world.

At this moment, the spiritual network formations that originally came from the same source are even more indistinguishable from each other.

"Yaoguang, you!"

Yang Qi's face was ugly.

"I just play by the rules."

Yao Guang stretched out his hand, and the imprint of Yang Qi's fusion with the Shanhe Order was erased. At some point in the future, a new Shanhe Order will be born in the Shanhe Realm.

"it is good!"

Yang Qi turned around angrily: "Yang's strength is not good enough, so he has no chance to serve Her Majesty the Empress again, but Yang will never forget the grace of His Majesty's resurrection, and will repay her in the future."

"Brother Yang, go all the way. That Daoist Brother Fuyunzi, a good bird chooses a tree to live in. Are you interested in coming to my Qingxiao City? There is a law crystal."

Fang Chang showed a bright smile towards Fu Yunzi who followed Yang Qi away, and the law crystal in his hand was shining brightly.

Fuyunzi didn't even look back.

But Fang Chang knew he must have seen it.

Yao Guang couldn't help shaking his head and said:

"Today you beat Yang Qi by a trick. It was your ability, so why bother to provoke him? Although he is not the Lord of the Mountains and Rivers now, the strength of his subordinates should not be underestimated.

The less trouble, the better. "

Fang Chang looked at Yang Qi's back and said with a smile:

"Good sister, my little brother hasn't had the good character of not holding grudges after being beaten.

Brother Yang treats me like this, if he can't take his life, how can he be worthy of the hundred years of life I gave today.

I let him go today, but I am not sure yet. "

Yao Guang laughed dumbly: "You are narrow-minded, don't worry that Yang Qi will come to trouble you in the future, and even want to take his life.

Back then, he was the god of all spirits who challenged Hedao Tianzun and survived, and now he has the blood of the Dacheng Holy Body left by his master back then.

If one day, he can truly merge with this drop of blood, not to mention joining the Tao with one step, but Tianzun can't run away with half a step, so you should be careful yourself. "

At this moment, Fang Chang was more interested in another matter.

From Yao Guang's mouth, what he had been guessing was finally confirmed.

Her Ladyship is really a reincarnation, and this Yang Qi is also a reincarnation.

"Sister Yaoguang, you are finally willing to tell me what happened back then.

What exactly happened back then, how could it cause a big world to collapse, and let such a big figure like Her Majesty be reincarnated? "

Yao Guang shook his head and said: "I'm just a remnant spirit, also half-knowledgeable, but misleading you by telling me.

If you really want to know, when you are stronger, you can ask the master yourself. "

Fang Chang sneered: "Actually, I think it's good to keep a little bit of mystery, and don't have to go too deep into everything.

Well, I'm seriously injured, so I'm going to heal first.

Sister Yaoguang, see you next time, oh yes, this is a gift specially prepared for you by my younger brother. "

Fang Chang took out the picture crystal of the twelve blockbuster movies and gave it to Yao Guang. It's not surprising that there are many gifts.

 Add more at night.

(End of this chapter)

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