Chapter 313 Decision
Under the sky, two figures flew past, leaving only afterimages.

Suddenly, the figure in front of him stopped.


Fu Yunzi saw that the owner of his house stopped in front of him, so he stopped too.

"Zhu Zi'an dares to bully me?!"

Yang Qi gritted his teeth and spat out a mouthful of blood, not out of anger, but because of his unstoppable injury.

He failed to forcefully transform just now. Both his body and soul were backlashed by his blood. In addition to the injuries he suffered before, it is already extremely strong to be able to endure until now to vomit blood.

Of course, there was also a little bit of annoyance.

Originally, he came here to teach the juniors, but the Shanhe Order was taken away by the counter-attack.

He could lose, but it was the first time he lost so unwillingly.

Holding the law crystal to self-explode and hurting people with the essence, fortunately, he can also come up with such a method.

However, he also confirmed that Fang Chang was not the reincarnation of an old friend and acquaintance, but a complete newcomer.

Because former old acquaintances would not exchange precious opportunities such as sacrificing secret realms for a few law crystals.

You must know that every small world in the secret realm in those days almost represented a great power, and in his own small world, even Hedao Tianzun could resist a few times.

Even if there were occasional falls, with the patience of Heavenly Dao at that time, it could be swallowed slowly, and people like them would not be needed for assistance.

After all, for Tiandao, time is just a dispensable number for him.

And as long as the monks in that realm have no orthodoxy and few friends, even if they fall, they will leave countermeasures, and it is not easy to beat other people's inheritance.

What's more, the boundary stones in the small world are not so easy to find.

The most important thing is that the monks are so fleshy and small. Once it is known which monk has fallen, the secret world he left behind will become a favorite.

All kinds of people with ulterior motives poured in, and there was no one who could not compete for superiority for hundreds of years.

So even Yang Qi didn't get the chance to deal with Tiandao twice.

This time, four entrances to secret space passages appeared on his territory, but only one has been settled so far.

And that small secret world was dedicated to the Dao of Heaven by him, and he got a drop of blood that he had dreamed of, the true blood of the holy body that belonged to the Nine Phoenix Empress.

His Myriad Spirit Immortal Physique can control all spirits, and can also incarnate all spirits.

He obtained the blood of the Vigorous Demon Ape by accident before, and then gradually integrated into his body to reproduce the supernatural power of the ancient Vigorous Demon Ape's blood.

If he could devour and control the true blood of the Nine Phoenix Immortals, he did not expect to be able to incarnate the Immortal True Phoenix, nine deaths without regrets, and reach the realm where the heavens are destroyed and I am immortal.

On the contrary, as long as he gets a few points of the mystery of the indestructibility of the Nine Phoenixes, he is sure to try to join the Tao after recovering his previous cultivation.

Well, far away.

In short, for those who know the inside story, the law crystal is the least cost-effective choice, because this thing is precious, but it is a treasure that can be copied.

Not to mention Hedao Tianzun, as long as he restores the strength of the peak of Dongxu, he can condense a law crystal in about a hundred years.

So although the law crystal in Fang Chang's hand has an advantage at the moment, but the further he goes, he will find out what a precious opportunity he has wasted.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Yang Qi's mouth, and he finally found some comfort.

Although he lost now, he didn't lose completely, and he could win back in the future.

"But it's a good thing to lose this time."

Yang Qi didn't wait for Fu Yunzi to comfort him, so he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said to himself:
"Although without the help of the Shanhe Order, my recovery speed must have slowed down, but since then I have lost most of the karma with the Empress.

I owe her too much, and I must pay it back in the future.

If it continues, I'm afraid it won't be enough to throw your life into it.

That kid thought it was a good thing to get my Shanhe order, but there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. "


Fuyunzi didn't dare to say more.

No matter how he heard it, he had the feeling that he could not eat grapes and said grapes were sour.

If the order of mountains and rivers is not important, as for running so many miles, is it just to give gifts to others?

"go back!"

"Where are you going?"

If Fu Yunzi remembered correctly, the City Lord Fang had already booked their Pantheon Mansion site when he left.

And as the quasi-No. [-] figure in the Wanshen Mansion, no one knows better than him the power of the Spirit Net Formation.

If they continue to occupy the Wanshen Mansion, it won't be long before they will face Qingxiao City again, and there will be no second Shanhe Token to pay them back.

Facing the palace master who had already been defeated once, Fu Yunzi found himself inexplicably more courageous to challenge.

"Of course, the original site of the Mansion of the Gods cannot stay."

Yang Qi pondered for a moment, then said:
"Not only the Mansion of the Gods, but the entire Tang Dynasty does not have to stay. Without the Order of Mountains and Rivers, even if it occupies a place, it will be taken away sooner or later.

The master of the palace doesn't want to be a dog anymore...

Go outside Datang.

There are only a few beings who can stand up to Her Majesty the Empress, needless to say the Yaozu, this palace lord is their natural enemy.

As for the Xianmeng and the Demon Sect, as long as they have the strength, they can survive and live a good life. "

Yang Qi saw it clearly.

Before, in the world of mountains and rivers, Her Majesty the Queen divided the Great Tang Nine Realms in front of the twelve Lords of the Great Tang, which meant that sooner or later these territories would all belong to the Great Tang.

And he had already failed in the first competition, and no matter how hard he tried in the future, he would lose the opportunity. In Datang's system, he would always be overwhelmed by No. [-] in all likelihood.

It's better to find another way and lay down a large territory outside. If you have the opportunity to dedicate it to Her Majesty the Queen in the future, you may have the opportunity to pay off the cause and effect.

Having tasted the Shanhe Order and the Golden Book of the Tang Dynasty, Yang Qi understands the significance of territory and population to Her Majesty the Empress.

Hearing this, Fu Yunzi doesn't care.

He came from the small world of the secret realm, and with the help of Yang Qi, he realized how to transform himself into a god with a sword, and now he has nothing to worry about, no matter where he goes, his practice will not be delayed.

As soon as Yang Qi thought about it, he didn't stay any longer and flew to the base camp.

When he came out this time, he only brought some strength, and there were still people staying in the base camp.

"Huh? Mansion Master, don't you want to take those beasts back with you?"

Fu Yunzi asked.

Yang Qi shook his head and said, "No need, they can't go back."

Seeing that Yang Qi didn't intend to explain, Fu Yunzi suppressed his curiosity, but when he passed by around the meteorite field, his consciousness was released, and he had already seen hundreds of miles away.

He could only see white bones on the gray ground, and the entire Meteor Field looked like a plain of bones at this moment.

The bones of all kinds of strange animals seemed to have gone through hundreds of thousands of years, and some of them were only bone powder.

It can be vaguely seen that they hardly experienced any pain before they died, as if their vitality was taken away in an instant, so there were not many traces of struggle on the ground.

Fu Yunzi couldn't help but think of the almost endless physical strength and resilience of the Palace Master. If it wasn't for the bursting power of the law crystal, it would be impossible to hurt the Palace Master.

Before, he thought it was the ability of the palace master's blood.

Now that I think about it, apart from the blood, these thousands of beasts may have already become the wealth of the palace master. Among them, there are many beasts at the level of demon kings, but they also have no ability to resist.

This was the first time that Fu Yunzi saw the Palace Master's ability.

Looking at the figure of the Palace Master in front of him, a chill flashed in Fu Yunzi's heart, just thinking of the Palace Master's kindness in teaching the way, he threw out this thought that should not have been out of his mind.

Those are not people, but a group of animals.


A month later.

Under the Qingxiao tree, Fang Chang, who had bathed with Pao Pao for a month, suddenly opened his eyes.

Bubble, who was swimming above Fang Chang's head, trying to chase a hair in Fang Chang's water, was taken aback.

"Master, you are awake!"

Bubble popped and jumped onto Fang Chang's head, turning into a cute little girl, rubbing her face.

"Master, Bubble is worried about you."

Fang Chang stood up from the water, and there was only a shallow scar left on his chest and back wounds. It seemed that these injuries would heal in a short time.

A set of white smooth robes is naturally worn on the body.


Bubble spread her five fingers, covered her eyes, and took a peek at Fang Chang's figure openly.

"Sister Dongdong said that Pao Pao is a girl, and you can't just look at a boy's body. The elder is also a boy."

"Then can you keep your eyes open?"

Fang Chang threw Bubble into the pool water, and with a plop, Bubble turned back into a big golden carp, swimming happily in the pool water.

This pool of water was liquefied by the richest spiritual energy in the Qingxiao tree that he attracted, and the petals of the petunias fell into it every day. With the spiritual energy of Qingwang Mountain, it has already become a pool of precious liquid .

Even for his level of cultivation, there is a certain gain.

Bubbles soak in it every day, even if they only spit bubbles out of boredom, but after a long time, sooner or later, the blood will return to their ancestors and soak into the body of a demon king.

As for the higher realm, it is not a simple spiritual thing that can help.

Even being able to achieve the body of the demon king depends on Bubble's blood of the demon clan.

After all, the Yaozu's bloodline strength has accumulated enough to break through, and the requirements for qualifications are not too high.

Moreover, the body of the demon king is also of the blood of the demon clan. It is not a problem to live for thousands of years. Even if he wants to die, it will be thousands of years later.

"Where's sister Ni Tiezhu?"

Fang Chang remembered that he came back with his sister to heal his wounds, but he recovered deeply, his consciousness fell into chaos, and he didn't even notice when Tie Zhu left.

As for the stone man, half of his body was shattered by the aftermath of the law crystal explosion, and he just took advantage of the opportunity to use the law crystal he gave to restore his cultivation without breaking or standing.

Moreover, this Qingxiao tree is not big, and it cannot fit in it...

Well, it's disgusting.

Bubbles spat out Bubbles indifferently, and complained incidentally:

"Sister Tiezhu left after recovering. She seemed to be very busy, and sister Dongdong also seemed to be very busy. She hasn't visited me for several days.

Sir, why are you not busy at all? "

Fang Chang was almost overwhelmed by this ignorant fish talk, as if he was eating soft food.

The world in Qingxiao City was all brought down by his elder brother, his younger sister, his wife, and many of his subordinates.

Although he didn't participate much, he also played a key role.

"Because I'm fishing."

Bubble was taken aback: "Master, do you want to touch me? Sister Dongdong said that girls should not be touched casually by boys."

"Then what do you mean by trying to crawl on my head all day?"

Fang Chang asked back.

But Pao Pao said seriously: "Because I'm a girl, Sister Dongdong only said that boys can't touch girls, but she didn't say that girls can't touch boys.

And Bubble likes the big master, the kind he likes. "

Fang Chang found that he couldn't speak to a fish.

"Okay, you can spit bubbles obediently, if you are bored, go out to play by yourself, remember to transform into a human form.

Don't forget the last time you swaggered out with a big carp, it almost made people burnt. "

Fang Chang interrupted Bubble's rambling, and began to focus on the business.


Seeing that the old man started practicing again, Pao Pao shrank his head under the water, spitting bubbles happily, and smiling all over his eyes.

Because the elder has not spoken so much to her for a long time.

 It seems that there is a chapter of water, and it seems that there is no water. Let’s continue to add updates tomorrow. Basic respect for the recommendation. PS: Thank you for the rewards of the readers in the past two days. Although they may not have seen it here, thank you in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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