Chapter 314 Harvest
"Blue Bull."

Fang Chang's mind entered the spiritual vein space of Qingwang Mountain, and he saw an old green bull standing tall and majestic.

Fang Chang defeated Yang Qi, and merging the two Shanhe Tokens was equivalent to obtaining all the spiritual network of the Wanshen Mansion.

As the main vein of the Qingxiao Lingmai network, the Qingniu Lingmai also benefited a lot. Fang Chang felt that the old Qingniu was only a step or two away from the sixth-order Lingmai.

Old Qingniu looked down at Fang Chang with a very cold look.

But its body shook suddenly, and a little green bull happily ran down, circling around Fang Chang's feet like a puppy.

"It's worth the preferential treatment that the city lord has given you all these years."

Fang Chang patted the little green cow on the head, smiled and said:

"You deserve credit for this battle."

He purposely chose the Daxue Mountain as the venue for the battle, just to facilitate the Qingniu Spirit Vein to borrow power, and the effect was excellent.

Without the help of Qingniu Lingmai, it is really not an easy task to destroy the blood moon space of Vigorous Demon Ape.

But after laughing, Fang Chang said kindly again:

"You should have had enough rest in the past two years, and this time you ate another big meal, so starting tomorrow, it shouldn't be difficult to supply one green tear fruit a month.

By the way, I want the fifth order. "

The green tear fruit is transformed from the essence of the spirit vein, which contains magical power.

But the level of spiritual veins is different, and the effect of this green tear fruit is naturally different.

For example, most of the green lacrimal fruits growing on the morning glory vine at this time are first- and second-order. Although the blooming flowers are beautiful, the sum is not worth the value of a fifth-order spiritual fruit.

Because the fifth-order spiritual fruit is also a great supplement to monks in the realm of transforming gods.

In particular, it is transformed from the essence of the spirit vein, which contains scattered fragments of the law of heaven and earth. Taking one is almost equivalent to refining a weakened version of the law crystal.

Even if the quality is not as good as it is, the quantity can be combined, dozens of times, it can always be worth a law crystal.

And because of the same level, it may be more suitable for a monk like Fang Chang than the law crystal.

This kind of treasure is also what the monks of the normalized god are after.

Law crystals are too high-end, and they have only been heard in legends. Normal cultivators would not think of using law crystals to practice.

But Qingniu Lingmai heard that he was about to become a big blood cow again, and he couldn't help recalling the scene when he was almost killed. It made a moo sound, and the entire space of Lingmai trembled, as if it was following the owner of the space. And angry.

Fang Chang was still smiling.

"Don't be angry, it's not that we can't discuss it, one pill a month, or two pills every three months?"


Fang Chang's figure couldn't help trembling, it seemed that Qingniu's spiritual vein was about to kick him out of the spiritual vein space.

Feeling the repulsion from the spirit vein space, Fang Chang's face couldn't help but sink.

"It seems that you have entered the rebellious period?"

I saw blue thorns emerging from the back of the green bull, covered with sharp thorns, piercing deeply into the blue bull's body, and drops of illusory blood dripped from the green bull's body, like a thorn in the spirit vein space. A rain of blood.

Old Qingniu let out a mournful cry, and fell to the ground on all fours, with his head lying in front of Fang Chang, his eyes full of sadness.

But Fang Chang was not moved at all.

It is true that everything has a spirit, but a spirit that is not used by him is useless no matter how spiritual it is, and it may become his enemy in the future.

Especially after going through Yang Qi's experience.

Since Yao Guang can easily deprive Yang Qi of his control over the Order of Mountains and Rivers and let him annex it, then one day, whether Yao Guang can also deprive him of the right to dominate the Order of Mountains and Rivers.

Although Yaoguang said that she followed the rules in everything, she occasionally broke the rules, such as secretly telling him Yang Qi's basic information.

And the most important thing is that rules are always made by people, and they are to restrain others, not to restrain the person who made the rules.

So Fang Chang never regarded the Shanhe Token as his real trump card, it was just a tool.

Since it is a tool, it is natural to make the best use of it.

Regardless of whether his relationship with Lao Qingniu is good or bad, as long as the Shanhe Order is in hand, Lao Qingniu will never be able to escape the control.

In the same way, if there is no Shanhe order, he will treat Lao Qingniu as his father, and when the time comes, he should or will attack him.

From the moment it was selected and integrated by the Shanhe Order, the fate of the Qingniu Lingmai was already decided.

Little Qingniu saw that his body was subdued by one move, he was so anxious that he kowtowed to Fang Chang.

Seeing this, Fang Chang said helplessly to Xiao Qingniu:

"I don't want to either, but time waits for me.

But for your sake, give me a Tier [-] green tear fruit in half a year, but the other Tier [-] and Tier [-] fruits are also indispensable. "

Old Qingniu is the collection of the will of the entire spiritual vein, while Little Qingniu is the collection of a small number of spiritual beings close to him.

The two belong to the inclusion relationship, but they can also be regarded as one.

Fang Chang's conditions slowed down again, and the little green cow hurriedly mooed at the old green cow.

For a while.

Old Qingniu nodded slowly, the chains of thorns transformed by the petunias disappeared, and Old Qingniu resumed his indomitable posture.

And Fang Chang's mind also receded from the spirit vein space.


"My lord, you had a bad laugh just now."

Seeing the Eldest Master opened his eyes, knowing that his cultivation had come to an end, Bubble in the pool hurriedly made a small report.

Fang Chang touched the corner of his mouth, it was so obvious.

"Just now I went to bully a kid, it's a bit bad."

The Qingniu Lingmai was only born more than ten years ago, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a child.

However, with the size of the Qingniu's spiritual veins, coupled with the input of more and more spiritual veins in the future, the body will become bigger and bigger, and the will will become more and more chaotic. If you want to give birth to a complete spiritual wisdom, the time can be counted in tens of thousands of years.

When it can hold its grudge, it will either die or become a fairy.

So bullying, no psychological burden.

Bubble immediately hissed and spit out a bubble to express his dissatisfaction.

"Ha ha……"

Fang Chang laughed.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but following his laughter, the Qingxiao tree above his head suddenly trembled, and even the entire Qingwang Mountain trembled, like an earthquake.

A twisted vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, and countless auras were drawn in.

The leaves of the Qingxiao tree fell off, and some of them became withered and yellow, but the vitality of the petunias became more vigorous.

All the fruits that were hung before were sucked back at this moment, only a plain white flower bloomed on the thickest main vine.

The flowers quickly bloomed and fell, and a cyan crystal-like fruit quickly grew up, only the size of a palm, shaped like tears.

The vines fell down, and the green tear fruit fell in front of Fang Chang, within reach.

Fang Chang waved his hand, and the fruit flew up again.

He had only refined the law crystal once before fighting Yang Qi, and with the whole law crystal refined before, it took time to comprehend, and it would be a waste to eat such spiritual things again.

After thinking about it, Fang Chang got up and went out.

With the internal affairs resolved and his injuries almost recovered, it was time to accept the bet that Palace Master Yang lost.

That is a huge territory that is even larger than the entire Qingxiao Road today.

The most important thing is that the territory that has been unified by the Pantheon Mansion is far less difficult to accept than to open up.


The headquarters of the Panshen Palace is located in a huge valley, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there are thousands of ferocious beasts living in it, forming a complete food chain in groups.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, the headquarters of the Wanshen Palace is also called the Valley of the Beasts.

The reason why it is called Wanshou, not Wanyao.

Because these are a herd of ferocious beasts, they have no wisdom at all, and they just survive by upholding animal nature.

The Lord of All Souls firmly believes that only in the most primitive environment can the most powerful royal beast be born. To put it bluntly, monsters have spirits and tend to have their own ideas, which is not conducive to the imperial envoy to subdue them.

a month ago.

Yang Qi returned in a big defeat, and all the royal beasts he took away turned into his own merits, leaving only two people back.

Before the others could react, the Palace Master announced a big retreat.

Because of the hasty retreat, Yang Qi didn't have time to take away all the wealth accumulated over the years, and even the only people who evacuated with him were the core elite members of the Panshen Mansion.

More people are still fighting for the Wanshen Mansion, expanding the territory for the Wanshen Mansion, but after a trip, the boss is gone.

So the remaining people fought over who should inherit the inheritance of the Pantheon Palace and become the new master of the Pantheon Palace.

Even if Yang Qi took most of the wealth away, the remaining part would be an astronomical sum that other people could not imagine.

Not to mention.

Let's just say that these fierce beasts in the Valley of Beasts, although they are all ignorant and ignorant, are the breeds carefully selected by Yang Qi, the master of the palace, and they are the breeds that have been evolved by using their own physique.

In the past, if one wanted to choose a royal beast in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, one had to make great contributions to the Ten Thousand Gods Mansion.

Now that the palace master is gone, all the herds in the Valley of Beasts have become ownerless.

As long as they have the ability, they can get the imperial beast that they once dreamed of, and they can become their right-hand man.

The top is good, the bottom is effective.

Yang Qi, the master of the palace, is a master of beasts, and every time he travels, he is followed by thousands of beasts, and the waves are surging.

Therefore, there are the most monks in the beast master profession in the Mansion of the Gods, and it is the easiest to break through and advance.

This is different from Qingxiao City, where all careers are flourishing.

It's not that they don't want to imitate the city lord, it's just that Fang Chang, the city lord, makes very few shots.

Some former old people knew that the city lord originally opened a shop in a puppet building, and he seemed to be a puppet master.

Well, it seems.

Not even the elderly are sure, let alone anyone else.

At this time, everyone in the Wanshen Mansion went through the indulgence when they first entered the valley, and there were a few new imperial beasts around each of them.

They gathered in the Pantheon Hall, which was once used by the Palace Master to discuss matters.

The palace lord's throne hangs vacantly above.

Others formed several small groups, trying to elect the leader of their own small group to inherit the position of palace master, and accept the inheritance of Panshen Palace in a legitimate way.

"Now that the Palace Master is gone, and the Deputy Palace Master is not here, it should be inherited by the major lineage masters, and the Wang Lineage Master, as one of the only remaining registered disciples of the Palace Master, is qualified and capable of inheriting the position of Palace Master.

Therefore, I propose that Master Wang Mai should inherit the position of Palace Master and lead us to restore the prestige of Pantheon Palace. "

"Couldn't Master Chen Mai be okay?

He is an old man who founded the Wanshen Mansion with the Palace Master. When Master Chen Mai was in the Wanshen Mansion, you still don't know where you are the king of the mountain.

Master Chen Mai has the oldest qualifications and the highest prestige. I think he is the new Palace Master. "

"Speaking of prestige, I think Master Zhang Vein is the most suitable. Over the years, he has refined pills and healed injuries for many brothers in the mansion.

How many brothers regard Master Zhang Mai as a benefactor.

If Master Zhang Mai can inherit the position of Palace Master, all the brothers will be convinced. "

"Is it prestige to have saved a few people? Then I choose Su Maizhu, who doesn't know that Su Maizhu is a third-rank Nascent Soul, who can fight against Nascent Soul in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Now Su Maizhu Yuanying late stage, the combat power is undoubtedly the first in the room, so there is no qualification. "

There was a lot of discussion and a war of words.

Obviously they are all old and weird, but now they are like peddlers in the market, coming and going for a few pennies, and they are blushing and ear-piercing.

Here I have to mention the organizational structure of the Panshen Palace.

In the Wanshen Mansion, the highest mansion master is the final decision-maker, and the next level is the deputy mansion master who has no specific real power, such as Fu Yunzi.

Because of the rigid standard of cultivating the gods, there is only one deputy head of the Pantheon Palace for the time being.

But the deputy palace master's spiritual cultivation is the greatest right.

If Yang Qi leaves Fu Yunzi behind, he is a well-deserved new Palace Master.

This is of course impossible.

Even if Yang Qi's brain was beaten into a fool, it is impossible to leave Fu Yunzi as cannon fodder.

And under the deputy palace master are the major vein masters, which is a flat management method. Each vein master is directly responsible to the palace master, and there are no other superiors.

The advantage of this is that it is convenient for Yang Qi to rule over his subordinates, so that his subordinates have no chance to collude with him.

The disadvantage is that in the absence of a backbone, their respective responsibilities are unclear, and it is easy to internal friction.

Just like now, every vein master feels that he is qualified to inherit the position of palace master.

In fact, the real Palace Master's confidants have long since followed.

The rest are cannon fodder.

However, Yang Qi's explanation was not clear, which caused others to feel lucky. In addition, the money is touching. If they get the inheritance of the Wanshen Palace, they can also fight for the realm of the gods.

For these pulse masters with Nascent Soul cultivation, resources are always the core interests.

The crowd fought over and over again, but no one was convinced.

At this time, many people lost their shame, and talked about the old rotten millet, making the atmosphere more fiery and bursting, and it looked like a fight might start at any time.

At this time, he took a step back, seemingly noble, but the benefit was actually a big loss.

Finally, I don't know who shouted.


Everyone fell silent and looked at the person who had just shouted. He was a small old man who looked to be in his 50s and was not tall.

"Golden vein master, what do you mean?"

"Some things should not be said indiscriminately. The Palace Master is not dead. If you come back one day, you will be out of luck."

"I think there is some truth in what the Lord of the Golden Veins said."

"Well, me too."

Everyone's eyes flickered and their hearts moved.

The master of Jinmai has a ruddy complexion, full of energy, and looks very healthy. His Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivation base is considered above average among all the masters of the veins.

Seeing the eyes of everyone, Jinmai Master said angrily:
"Since everyone refuses to accept anyone, it's better to separate the family. The palace master has left for no reason, and even the foundation of the Wanshen Palace is said to be rejected.

Don't lie to yourself, everyone, the palace master just gave up on us old guys.

Of those geniuses in the mansion, you may still see one now, and only us old guys who are not valued are left behind.

Anyway, no matter what you think, anyway, I, Lao Jin, will put the words here today, and I will decide on this family.

The Panshen Mansion has its current scale, and I, Lao Jin, have also contributed, and the Panshen Mansion has my share. "

The air suddenly quieted down.

Then he looked tacitly at one of the old men whose old gods were present.

"Guard Zheng, you are the most familiar with the Valley of Beasts, where is the treasure house, and how the array is arranged, you should know it too, right?"

This is a steward of the Valley of Beasts. Although he only has a golden core cultivation base, his status is not much different from the other vein masters.

He didn't know why he didn't leave with the Palace Master. At this moment, everyone wanted to get the inheritance of the Pantheon Palace. It would be much more convenient for this old man to lead the way.

Guanshi Zheng said slowly: "All the masters are the pillars of the Wanshen Mansion, and it is only natural to inherit the inheritance of the Wanshen Mansion.

If it is really decided to split the family, the old man would not dare to stop him, but he just asked the masters to make a promise to the old man. "


An impatient person asked quickly.

Zheng Guanshi said: "Please swear, after you get the inheritance, you will not hurt the old man or any of the old man's descendants.

The old man can also swear that all the locations of the treasure house that the old man knows have been told to everyone, and there is absolutely no concealment. "

He was obviously afraid that everyone would be greedy, and even if they got the treasure, they would not be satisfied, so he finally turned their ideas on him and his family.

He took root here, and he was unwilling to leave with the Palace Master for the sake of the descendants of the family.

"Well, what does it matter, I swear it is."

Someone laughed heartily.

Just as he was about to swear an oath, the mountain behind the Pantheon Hall suddenly lit up with intense light.

"what is that?"

Guanshi Zheng's heart sank, and he said: "There is the teleportation hall, with such intensity of light, it is an ultra-long-distance teleportation array, and someone is teleporting from millions of miles away.

The old man has stayed in Wanshen Mansion for so many years, and he has only seen him once.

(End of this chapter)

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