Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 318 Meeting the City Lord

Chapter 318 Meeting the City Lord
mountain top.

A stream of light fell, and Yuan Tu showed his figure with a worried expression on his face.

After the person named Fang Chang fed him a elixir, he seemed not interested in him anymore, neither threatened him to do anything, nor asked him to betray the secrets of the Hill Army.

But the more so, the more confused and fearful he felt.

This strange monk can affect his mind in an instant, and his strength cannot be underestimated. Even in his prime, he might not be an opponent.

But he didn't threaten himself to do anything.

If I report myself to the Hill Army Veteran Council now, will I look stupid, and the Veteran Council will completely distrust me, and I will be directly kicked out of the Hill Army's core circle.

Yuan Tu fell into hesitation.

Unknowingly, he walked to the entrance of the main hall of the formation of the Hill Army.

This was where his career started and it turned out to be his peak.

"General Yuan Tu, this is a heavily guarded area, you cannot enter."

The monks stationed in the main hall stopped Yuan Tu.

The main hall of the Hill Army Formation is the control center of the mountain top. There is a general on duty all the year round, responsible for the defense of the mountain top, which changes every ten years.

However, if you encounter serious mistakes occasionally, you will be laid off early.

Lian Peng, the general who was on duty in the main hall recently, defeated many competitors and took the position ahead of schedule.

Because the previous general was not effective on duty, he did not find the trace of the foreign strongman and gave a warning, so that the hill army did not respond properly, and the whole army fled.

Although it is impossible to beat whether it is discovered or not, since it is defeated, there must be a few people who are responsible for it.

Well, Yuan Tu is that unlucky general.

In fact, if he hadn't been wounded, he would have already been severely punished, and it is unknown whether he can still be free now.

Seeing that the gatekeepers dared to stop him, Yuan Tu felt an inexplicable hostility in his heart.

The demon seed in his body is like a catalyst for negative emotions, which can make him change without knowing it.

Obviously he was still hesitating before, but now it was just because of the guard's simple sentence, but he had the urge to destroy everything.

"Is the general unable to even go in now?"

Yuan Tu suppressed his anger and said.

"Even though I'm no longer a general on duty, I'm still a general of the Hill Army. I just want to go in and have a look?"

The gatekeeper monk looked at Yuan Tu in embarrassment and said:
"General Yuan Tu, this is the order of General Lian Peng, and it is difficult for us little ones to do so, please be considerate of us."

"General Lian Peng! Okay, I see."

Yuan Tu turned to leave, and the demon seed took root in his heart immediately.

Lian Peng is a person of the same generation as him. He broke through the Nascent Soul Realm 20 years later than him. Later, every step was suppressed by him, so the title of the youngest general fell on him.

Therefore, Lian Peng has been secretly unconvinced with him.

But the world always only remembers the first, and the light of the second is always dim.

But at that time, he thought highly of himself, thinking that sooner or later he would enter the Council of Elders, and humiliated this person several times in public.

So much so that now Lian Peng doesn't even let him in the gate.

Yuan Tu had no doubt that if he dared to force his way in at this moment, Lian Peng would mobilize a large formation on the mountain to suppress him under the pretext that he endangered the safety of the mountain.

Maybe he didn't dare to kill him on the spot, but being suppressed in public by a person who was inferior to him at the beginning may be more uncomfortable than killing him.

"Then destroy it!"

Yuan Tu was roaring in his heart.


That night.

In the small town under Yuanshan Mountain, that familiar house.

"I have seen Lord City Lord."

Yuan Tu lowered his head in front of Fang Chang.

Fang Chang thought he would have to wait for two days, but he didn't expect the demon seed to take root in Yuan Tu's body so quickly.

Naturally, his choice of Yuan Tu was not for nothing.

The genius who used to be high above the top, once fell down, actually hangs out with the bottom monks, indulges in wine and sex, seems to let go of everything, and carefree.

In fact, he has already broken his heart.

Such people are the best nourishment for demon seeds.

Maybe Yuan Tu will be able to wake up one day, reshape his Taoist heart, and make a further step in the cultivation of his state of mind.

But if you meet him, you will never have a chance.

"Did you feel it?"

Fang Chang had a gentle smile on his face.

As the saying goes, blackness is three times stronger, and the demon seed has the power of the eye of the demon, absorbing Yuan Tu's negative emotions and growing stronger, it will produce the power of the demon.

This kind of power comes from the same source as Yuan Tu, and it is very effective for Yuan Tu's Yuanshen injury.

Although his primordial spirit was polluted by the inner demon, it was indeed healed.

Yuan Tu nodded heavily: "Yes, my lord."

The reason why he joined Fang Chang's command so quickly was that he felt that his recovery from his injury was also an important part.

"As long as you follow your inner voice, your wounds will heal quickly."

Fang Chang said solemnly: "This city lord never cheats."

As for whether he is still himself at that time, then he can't guarantee it.

But Yuan Tu was polluted by the demon seed, and his xinxing was gradually going to extremes, so he didn't care about these problems at all at the moment.

He has only one idea, as long as he can recover his strength, it is worth everything.

"Willing to die for the city lord."

"Don't say that you can't die. This city lord hates fighting and killing. This city lord actually came here to make friends."

Fang Chang waved his hand and said gently:

"If you must feel sorry, bring a few more friends to see me.

By the way, there is no need for people below Nascent Soul, their cultivation base is too low, and the city lord has no common language with them. "

When Yuan Tu heard that it was so simple, he didn't have to work hard by himself, so he nodded in agreement.

"It's their blessing to be able to make friends with the city lord."

Although he, the former genius, has declined, but he just invites people to come and get together, and most of them will agree because of their past affection.

Fang Chang jawed his head: "Then I will wait."

As the number one force in the hill world, the Hill Army was beaten to death by Yang Qi last time, and now there are still more than [-] Nascent Soul monks left.

Among them, five elders have the strength of Yuanying Dzogchen, but now there are only four left.

When Yang Qi called at the door, he accidentally killed one, and that one happened to be Yuan Tu's master.

Yuan Tu's current status has plummeted, which has a lot to do with his master's absence.

I worked hard by myself, worked overtime, and got two jobs a day, which took only half a month.

Although the efficiency is a bit slow, it is safe.



Yuan Tu's cave, on top of a lonely mountain.

Cranes soared into the sky, white clouds floated by, and flowers fell from the sky.

The smell of wine was overflowing in the air, and the female nuns in cool but not gaudy clothes danced in the open space, and the colorful streamers fluttered, which also aroused the turbulent hearts of the young monks.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators who brought their apprentices to the banquet politely bowed their hands to Yuan Tu who was sitting on the throne.

"General Yuan Tu, I made you laugh."

"It's okay, young Muai, if they like it, let them choose whatever they want, and they can bring it back tonight."

At this moment, Yuan Tu is not half as decadent as before, with sword eyebrows, starry eyes, and chic blue clothes, which made the two Yuan Ying monks see the high-spirited first genius of the Hill Army and the youngest general of the Hill Army in a trance.

Not everyone in the Hill Army can be a general.

So far, there are only ten generals.

First of all, he had to cultivate the Nascent Soul Realm, and second, he had to make great contributions to the Hill Army, such as exterminating the big bandits, and he also needed the nominations of the three elders.

So although Yuan Tu was down and out, compared to the fellow generals, for these two Yuan Ying monks, they could not be offended if they could not be offended.

So even if they were invited to the banquet in a daze, they still agreed.

Three rounds of wine.

The two Nascent Soul cultivators looked at each other and felt that it was almost the same.

"General Yuan Tu, the old man has drunk the wine and watched the dance, but he is still confused. I don't know why General Yuan Tu invited us two old people over?"

One of the slightly fatter Nascent Soul cultivators said with a puzzled look on his face.

The other thin Yuanying also cupped his hands with a wry smile and said: "General Yuan Tu, we two old guys have long since lost their voices in the army, and now we just want to retire.

If General Yuan Tu wants to invite us to speak at the next meeting of elders, I'm afraid we will disappoint you. "

There have long been rumors in the army that the next elder meeting will not only elect a new elder, but also remove Yuan Tu from the position of general.

After all, one radish is one hole, and the ten generals are the core of the Hill Army.

Now that Yuan Tu is abolished, and the master is gone, how can He De occupy the position of a general again.

So the two Nascent Souls thought about it, and felt that the reason why Yuan Tu was so polite was that they hoped that they could speak for him at the Elders' Meeting.

Even the Senate could not ignore the voice of the masses.

Of course, the premise that this cannot be ignored is that the masses have the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Realm.

Yuan Tu shook his head and said with a smile:
"Cheng Daoyou, Qiu Daoyou, you have misunderstood, I invite you to come here this time, I am asking you to help me speak.

Now that my primordial spirit is damaged, I can't go any further in my cultivation, and if I occupy the position of general, even if the elders don't say anything, I feel embarrassed myself.

I am grateful for the kindness of the two of you who were able to help the evil enemy before it came. Without the cover of the two of you, I am afraid that I would have gone with the master.

So this time I was lucky enough to get a batch of life-prolonging elixir, so I thought about sharing it with the two of you to repay the kindness of the day. "

As he said that, Yuan Tu clapped his hands, and the female cultivators who were still dancing curtsied and refunded the money.

The ground cracked, and a brown three-legged round tripod pill furnace rose.

With another wave of Yuan Tu's hand, he lifted the lid of the furnace, and the rich spiritual energy gushed out, permeating the cave space in an instant.

The two Nascent Souls just took a sip, and they felt refreshed, and their old bodies regained a bit of vitality.

"This is?!"

Fat and thin Nascent Souls are all naked.

Yuan Tu smiled and said: "I'm still young, this longevity pill is like a chicken rib to me, so it's better to borrow flowers to present Buddha and give it to the two of you.

I don't know if you two are satisfied with this gift from me? "

"This, what's the point of this?"

That's what they said, but the eyes of the two of them didn't leave the alchemy furnace for a moment.

"Don't be polite to me. If you two are really embarrassed, then when the elders meet, please help me talk. After resigning as a general, don't worry about the responsibility of losing that day with me." Yuan Tu said.

"This is for sure, General Yuan Tu fought to protect the mountain top that day, even though he was defeated, it was an honor.

Not to mention that the master of General Yuan Tu, the elder Wufang, lost his life.

If other people still care about General Yuan Tu, they will kill them all and avenge their personal revenge. Although we old guys are old, we can still say a few words. "

Hearing that Yuan Tu still had requests, the fat and thin Yuan Ying heaved a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"Then, please."

Yuan Tu made a move, and two pills flew out of the pill furnace, one on the left and the other on the right in front of the fat and thin Yuanying.

It's just that the fat and thin Yuanying didn't take it immediately.

Children know not to eat other people's candies casually, let alone these old guys.

Who knows what this sweet-smelling panacea will taste like, they have to test it before they can rest assured.

"This pill is called Qingling Longevity Pill, and it is made from the legendary essence of the spirit veins combined with ten-thousand-year Scrophularia ginseng. Even if it is taken by Yuanying monks, it can prolong life for a hundred years. It is extremely precious.

However, after it is released, the potency of the medicine leaks out, so it is better to take it as soon as possible. "

Yuan Tu introduced, but did not force the two to take medicine.

"General Yuan Tu laughed at me. After getting the elixir, the old man was restless and wanted to go back to take it immediately, so he left first."

Fat Nascent Soul bid farewell.

The thin Yuanying said thoughtfully: "General Yuan Tu, the old man just saw that there are still some pills in the furnace, don't you know?"

Yuan Tu said: "I got eight pills in total this time, except for the two I kept for myself, the rest are ready to be given away. After all, the time for the Elders' Meeting is not far away."


Shou Yuanying said: "When the time comes, this old man will definitely report to the Council of Elders that General Yuan Tu was brave that day, and he will definitely not let some people take the opportunity to target him."

So being polite again, the two Nascent Souls left with their disciples.

Wait until everyone leaves.

Fang Chang appeared in front of Yuan Tu.

"Lord City Lord."

Yuan Tu said with a look of pity: "It's a waste to give such a precious panacea to these old fellows at such a cheap price.

With the strength of the city lord, if you can make a move, they will also bow their heads and obey. "

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "I've said it all, this city lord is here to make friends."

Anyway, it's just a few third-grade green tear fruits and a ten-thousand-year Scrophulariaceae. This life-extending pill was originally refined by him for Li Hu's parents.

In case Li Hu comes back in the future, his parents are gone.

So he still had a few left in his hand, so he added some ingredients.

These two elixir are just bait, if you don't give them any benefits, how can you hook up those Nascent Soul cultivators from the Hill Army?

After all, Yuan Tu invited different Nascent Soul monks to banquets frequently, so he had to find a reasonable excuse.

And the fat and thin Nascent Soul is the best publicity.

It doesn't matter whether the fat or thin Nascent Soul eats the panacea in the end, it will definitely be in the hands of the top of the Hill Army.

Anyway, whoever dares to eat those two longevity pills, then congratulations to him for winning the lottery.

In the next two days, the news that General Yuan Tu had obtained the life-prolonging elixir spread like wildfire.

After all, the two Nascent Soul cultivators have many disciples, and no one knows who made an extra point, especially after it was revealed that there were only six Longevity Pills left.
The person who asked for pills immediately stepped through Yuan Tu's cave, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a busy place.

Who would dislike living a long life?

General Yuan Tu, who was once down and out, seems to be on the rise again.

And every monk who entered Yuantu Cave Mansion was very satisfied.

Finally, someone with a heart calculated it.

Among the 26 Yuanying monks in the Hill Army, apart from their standpoints, there are also those who maintain their own identities. A total of twelve visited General Yuan Tu.

And the twelve Nascent Souls expressed their satisfaction.

So here comes the question, how much longevity pill did General Yuan Tu get?


A month later.

A large formation opened on the top of the mountain, and Fang Chang, accompanied by Yuan Tu, stepped into the headquarters of the Hill Army as easily as the owner of the place.

Ahead, a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators from the Hill Army had different expressions, but when they saw Fang Chang, they all bowed and saluted.

"I have seen the Lord of the City!"

(End of this chapter)

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