Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 319 Is everyone here?

Chapter 319 Is everyone here?

"Who opened the mountain guard array?!"

General Lian Peng, who was on duty in the main hall of the formation, was the first to be alarmed by the change of the formation on the top of the mountain.

Seeing a group of Nascent Souls surrounding Yuan Tu and Fang Chang, Lian Peng looked directly at Yuan Tu with a bit of aggression.

"Yuan Tu, what do you want to bring so many people here? To force the palace?"

"The meeting of elders will be held soon, it seems that you can't wait to step down as a general."

Lian Peng sneered again and again.

Yuan Tu took a look at Fang Chang, saw his jaw lightly, took a step forward, and replied:
"Lian Peng, this general is here to hold a meeting of elders."

"As the general of the Hill Army and the successor of my master Wufang elders, I am qualified to call the elders' meeting in advance."

"What about him?"

Lian Peng looked at Fang Chang and continued to attack:
"When can an outsider come to participate in the internal affairs of our Hill Army?"

He saw Fang Chang's core position in the team, and even Yuan Tu was faintly half a step behind.

Yuan Tu waved his hand, and said in an unquestionable tone:

"When is it, do you still care about outsiders and insiders? Did everyone in the Hill Army grow up in the Hill Army?

Our hill army can have today's strength and status because of the policy and strategy of not rejecting all comers.

This lord is wise and powerful, his wisdom is extraordinary, and his cultivation is astonishing. In my opinion, he is more qualified to lead our Hill Army than the so-called Council of Elders.

In this regard, not only me, but also the twelve Yuanying elders behind me agree. "

Lian Peng's eyes swept over the Nascent Souls, many of whom were also generals.

And everyone clearly surpassed him in terms of numbers and strength, but at this moment they all bowed their heads a little guilty.

If it wasn't for a moment of obsession, they would not be in the current dilemma.

The feeling of being controlled by others and being involuntary is really uncomfortable and terrifying.

Before finding a solution, they can only go to the dark one way.

At this time, Fang Chang was also observing Lian Peng.

Compared with Yuan Tu, Lian Peng's temperament is more mature, with a standard Chinese character face, firm eyes, and a very confident look.

Such people generally have their own principles and will not be easily shaken.

In terms of appearance, Lian Peng and Yuan Tu have their own merits.

"General Lian Peng, I've heard of your name, and I personally appreciate your talent.

With a tenacious heart, he was able to move forward firmly under the reputation of being the second child of ten thousand years, and defeated his former opponent.

There is a saying that goes well, winning first is not winning, and whoever laughs last is the hero.

If Yuan Tu hadn't met me, you would have been the hero who had the last laugh. "

Fang Chang looked at Lian Peng appreciatively.

"My name is Fang Chang. To save face, you will call me Lord City Lord. Are you interested in hanging out with me?"

"Don't rush to refuse, you have time to think about it before I become the Marshal of the Hill Army."

The core of the Hill Army is the five veterans and ten generals.

Among them, there is no distinction between the five elders, but there will be an honorary marshal among the five, who is nominally the supreme leader of the Hill Army and rotates every [-] years.

Lian Peng was a little confused by what was said.

Why did he become the Marshal of the Hill Army?

But he quickly realized that when he flipped his palm, a token appeared, and a layer of khaki light mask slowly emerged from the void, covering the entire mountain top.

"Without the order of the Council of Elders, no one is allowed to act rashly!"

Lian Peng, as the general on duty in the main hall of the formation, has the authority to control the entire formation on the top of the mountain.

He had already seen that Yuan Tu and the others were not kind.

It was also due to inertial thinking that I didn't react at the beginning.

In the hill army, no matter how quarrelsome everyone is, they always make troubles secretly, but on the surface they are still peaceful and will not use force.

This is a rule that the Hill Army can continue. Whoever dares to break it will be an enemy of the entire Hill Army.

But now that even outsiders are intervening, it is doomed to be unkind.

Of course, despite this, Lian Peng still believed that this was a civil strife, not an invasion by foreign enemies.

Seeing that the formation on the top of the mountain had recovered, Fang Chang sighed slightly.

If it wasn't for Lian Peng and Yuan Tu's disagreement, Fang Chang originally wanted to regard him as the first attack target after Yuan Tu.

It's a pity that after hooking up several times, even Peng didn't take the bait. The life-prolonging elixir is not urgently needed for a young man like him who is only a few hundred years old.

"Gentlemen, it's time for you to shine."

Fang Chang retreated behind everyone.

"General Lian Peng, don't stop us."

A Nascent Soul cultivator whose coercion was not inferior to Lian Peng's, and who was faintly surpassed, stood up.

His name is Qi Dao, and he is one of the generals of the Hill Army, and unlike Yuan Tu, an idle general, he is an old man among the generals, and he also controls part of the authority of the formation on the top of the mountain.

After all, the safety of the mountain cannot be relied on by one person, and the way of checks and balances is everywhere.

Lian Peng frowned and said, "General Qi Dao, I didn't expect even you to support Yuan Tu. Could it be that a life-prolonging elixir is so important to you?"

He also heard that Yuan Tu used the life-prolonging elixir to win over Yuan Ying in the army, but he never took it to heart.

He even secretly laughed at the fact that the opponent who once made him sleepless is now using off-the-box tricks that he himself despises.

Qi Dao smiled bitterly: "You don't understand."

If it was just a life-prolonging elixir, why would he risk offending the Council of Elders?

But now a demon seed has been planted in his body, and after the manual catalysis of the city lord, the demon seed has been integrated into his soul.

Although his mind has not changed, Qi Dao has already deeply experienced the power of the inner demon, and he does not want another inner demon to come out and snatch his body that originally belonged to him.

The most important thing is that he still can't grab it!

"Get out of the way."

As Qi Dao took a step forward, a gap was suddenly opened in the formation on the top of the mountain that had put pressure on the monks, and the power of the perfect formation was greatly reduced.

"General Qi Dao, what nonsense are you talking about, let's go together! Capture Lian Peng and congratulate the city lord!"

Seeing that the power of the formation was weakened, some Nascent Soul cultivators who wanted to please Fang Chang took the lead in attacking.

In an instant, all kinds of spiritual arts erupted, and the top of the mountain was lit up with brilliant lights.

"Do you want to rebel?!"

Lian Peng didn't expect that everyone would actually dare to make a move. Even though he was on guard, he was still beaten back.

If it weren't for the large formation on the mountain top to share the pressure, the siege of more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators would have crushed his physical body in an instant.

But he was still hurt.

Qi Dao stepped forward, his figure swayed like flowing water, seemingly slow but fast, he struck the formation with his palm, and the formation shattered like a block of tofu.

Then he hit Lian Peng hard on the chest with his palm.

The huge impact made the air explode, and a body-protecting aura appeared in front of Lian Peng, which was a body-protecting spirit armor.

Lian Peng, who had already taken off, rolled over again.

The formation changed, a cloud of mist emerged, and Lian Peng's figure had disappeared into the depths of the formation.

"General Qi Dao, why did you let him go?!"

No one is a fool, Qi Dao's small actions are too obvious.

Although most of them have released water, as long as there is one person who is responsible, others will not release water.

Qi Dao said indifferently: "How powerful is the formation on the top of the mountain? Back then, the strong man ordered thousands of beasts to set off three waves of beasts to break through the formation protecting the mountain.

It is not uncommon for Lian Peng to escape with the help of a large formation.

If you don't believe me, you can ask General Yuan Tu, he was also the general on duty at the main hall of the formation, and he knows the power of the formation on the top of the mountain very well. "

Everyone looked at Yuan Tu upon hearing this.

Yuan Tu was about to speak when Fang Chang said with a smile:
"It doesn't matter, I was invited by General Yuan Tu to restore the glory of the Shanqiu Army. If you bully the few with more, it will make people feel unconvinced.

Now it's time for Lian Peng to notify the four elders, and I will solve it together.

In addition, the city lord has already seen the performance of everyone just now, um, let's not take this as an example. "

With enough strength, even if these people defected on the spot, Fang Chang would not care.

So he behaved extremely calmly and mildly.

In his eyes, he doesn't care whether the monks in the hill army are dead or alive.

What he wanted, from the beginning to the end, was only the documents and information passed down by the Hill Army for tens of thousands of years.

If Yang Qi hadn't tried and made mistakes for him, the methods he adopted would have been much more brutal.

Accustomed to using violence to solve problems simply and directly, who likes to use their brains.

"Yes, it's not an example."

Everyone echoed.

As for whether it is really reassuring, no one knows.


Soon, the group arrived at the Hall of Elders of the Hill Army.

This place would be sealed off at ordinary times, only when the elders meeting is held every time, the five elders and the top ten will decide the rotation of the hill army's rights for the next few decades.

As for the other Yuanying elders, they also have the right to participate in the meeting, but only the right to participate in the meeting.

If you want to speak in the Council of Elders, you must be at least a general.


In front of the Yuanlao Palace, the other Nascent Soul cultivators from the Hill Army who were still on the top of the mountain gathered under the alarm issued by Lian Peng.

But there are not many people, only six people.

There are 26 Nascent Soul monks in the Hill Army, and Fang Chang's side has Yuan Tu and [-] other Nascent Soul monks, not counting the two green spirit immortal pills of the fat and thin Nascent Soul.

Fang Chang has already sensed the two beating demon seeds.

That is to say, among the 26 Nascent Souls, there are only 11 who are not their own.

Of course, strength can never be calculated by simple numbers.

The reason why the five elders can control the power of the Hill Army is because the five of them together are enough to fight the entire Hill Army.

However, after being massacred by Yang Qi, the Hill Army has now entered a period of decline.

Even the positions of the five veterans and the top ten generals are not available, otherwise there would be far more than 26 monks in the Nascent Soul Realm.

"General Yuan Tu, General Qi Dao, and General Lian Peng said that you are going to lure outsiders to the top of the mountain to fight against the elders? Is it true?"

A Nascent Soul cultivator asked.

Yuan Tu sneered: "My master's body is not yet cold, they are going to take my position as general, can't they let me resist?

Everyone has been suffering for a long time, and today I, Yuan Tu, are not only doing my own thing, but also the path of all my colleagues.

Since the birth of the Elders, how many years have we had in the Hill Army, has there ever been a new elder who is not a faction of the five elders.

It has been passed down from generation to generation that the five elders have long regarded the Hill Army as the private property of the five families, and it has become a cancer parasitic on the Hill Army.

The abolition of the five elders begins with my Yuan Tu! "


Everyone was silent.

If this is someone else's words, maybe they are still a little touched.

But Yuan Tu is a real descendant of the five elders. If his master hadn't suffered a calamity and he had hurt his foundation, he would be the one who would inherit the fifth elder in the future.

Yuan Tu also knew that this reason was a bit untenable.

But for rebellion, just find a high-sounding excuse, whoever is serious is a fool.

Not to mention that he is a backer.

"The words have come to this point, if you stop it, it will be an endless battle of Taoism. How to choose, please choose your own."

Yuan Tu's tone was firm, and there was a trace of murderous look in his eyes.

Just when everyone was in a dilemma, an indistinct voice came from the Hall of Elders.

"Yuan Tu, just because you want to challenge the system of five elders, don't say your master is dead, even if your master is still there, you are still standing in the way, and you are overconfident.

Want to challenge us, why not come over in person? "

A cloud ladder emerged from the front of the Yuan Lao Hall and spread all the way to Yuan Tu's feet.

Yuan Tu hesitated slightly, then sneered:
"Why don't you dare!"

He took a step forward and stepped on the ladder, his figure disappeared in an instant.

When Yuan Tu disappeared, all the Yuanying elders who came together just now began to sing bad words.

"General Yuan Tu is too unwise, just because he is the opponent of the fourth elder, my lord, why don't you stop him? Isn't this death for nothing?"

"Lord City Lord?"

But Fang Chang didn't speak, just stared blankly at the Yuanlao Hall, as if there was some beautiful scenery there.


In the hall of the elders.

This is a fan-shaped stepped building, from the highest position of five elders to the next level of ten generals, and the lowest level is the elders who have reached the realm of Yuanying.

At the moment the hall is empty.

Only on the highest floor, there are three men and one woman, either old or young in appearance.

Their aura was high above, pressing down on Yuan Tu like a mountain. Lian Peng's face was pale, and he stood respectfully aside, like a servant.

"Yuan Tu, you colluded with outsiders and attempted to cause civil turmoil in the Shanqiu army, even the spirit of your master in heaven, I am afraid that you would not want to see it.

But because you were injured while guarding the mountaintop, and suffered the pain of losing your teacher, you will inevitably lose your mind. For the sake of your master, we will give you one last chance.

As long as you are willing to imprison yourself for 500 years, we will forgive your disrespect and treason. "

Originally, Yuan Tu was a little hesitant about the prestige of the fifth elder for many years, but when he heard the superior tone of the fourth elder, a fire of ignorance burst into his heart.

"give me a chance?"

"When will I, Yuan Tu, need you guys to give me a chance?!"

"I, Yuan Tu, am the first genius of the Hill Army, the youngest general of the Hill Army, and I will surpass you old fellows sooner or later!

If you hadn't deliberately delayed your action that day, how could my master have died?How could I be hurt so badly?
My master is gone, and I am ruined!

Everything that once belonged to my master and me has been taken away by you!

If it wasn't for the fact that I've deliberately indulged in sex and acted decadently for more than a year, I'm afraid you would even find a chance to get rid of me, right?
But God gave me a chance, four uncles and uncles, you can go and accompany my master now! "

Yuan Tu laughed wildly, black air rose from his face, the demon seeds bloomed, and he was completely possessed by demons. The demons and him were no longer separated from each other, and the wounds of the primordial spirit he had suffered were healed.

In the shadow behind him, a black shadow separated, it was Fang Chang.

Watching Yuan Tu take the initiative to merge with the demon and become the puppet of his own demon, Fang Chang's eyes moved, and he felt that the power of the eye of the demon had increased out of thin air, and even he benefited slightly from it.

This is the first Nascent Soul cultivator he has encountered who actively merged with the heart demon.

Could it be that this is the way of cultivation of Heavenly Demon?

But now is not the time to think about this, he looked at the four veterans on the high platform, and asked lightly:

"Is everyone here?"

"It's all there."

A female elder among the four elders suddenly spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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