Chapter 320
The sudden response of the female elder surprised the other three elders.

"Xuanjun, what are you talking about?"

Before the words were finished, the three of them had already sealed off the female veteran's escape route, forming a formation of three talents, and Lian Peng at the side moved his eyes and retreated to the corner.

Seeing that the three of them actually attacked her, the female elder was still a little puzzled: "What's wrong with you, I just..."

She recalled the scene just now, and her complexion suddenly changed.


The female elder made a seal with her hands, and a golden symbol of the word "卍" appeared on her chest, and a faint black air was forced out of her body.

"Pure Heart Glass Seal!"

After discovering that her mind might be influenced by others, the female patriarch immediately cleansed her body and mind with this pure-hearted mantra from the Buddhist sect.

Sure enough, he discovered the demon seed hidden in his body.

"Help her together!"

When the other three elders saw something strange in Xuanjun's body, they unanimously used magic power to help suppress it.

Soon, I saw a black, eyeball-like seed forced out of the female elder.

That's why Fang Chang wanted to lure out the Nascent Soul monks from the Hill Army one by one.

Without his manual catalysis, the power of the demon seed alone is not enough to completely possess a Nascent Soul cultivator in a short period of time.

However, with the current state of the demon seed, it is actively lurking, and ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators will not be able to detect it.

And as long as there is a suitable time, the magic seed will automatically take root and sprout.

But the timing is not certain.

Theoretically speaking, even if Fang Chang didn't dare to do anything, he only needed to plant the world with demons, sooner or later, all living creatures in the world would become his puppets.

It sounds powerful, but it will only bully middle and low-level monks.

If there is no accident, this demon will be driven out of the body by the female elder soon.

However, now Fang Chang is that accident.

Only Fang Chang laughed and said: "You dare to eat the San Wu Ling Pill without a qualified production certificate. The Qingling Changsheng Pill tastes good, right?"

On the premise of not revealing his strength and scaring away the senior officials of the Hill Army, Fang Chang naturally would not rashly extend his hand to the Council of Elders.

Perhaps the temptation to prolong life may be dismissive to vigorous young people, but to old people who are on the verge of the end of their lifespan, it is a life-saving straw, a treasure to be obtained no matter how much they pay.

Although the female patriarch Xuanjun has not yet reached the end of her life, she is still a thousand-year-old old man, and the end is only a few hundred years away. It is a good temptation to live another hundred years.

In fact, she has been seeking the life-prolonging panacea very early.

Because of the passage of Shouyuan, her face has also aged, and now she looks like an old woman in her 40s.

Although such an image is more suitable as a veteran.

But Xuan Jun doesn't like the feeling of getting old.

So when she heard that the fat and thin Nascent Soul got the life-prolonging elixir, she got both elixir without much effort, and couldn't wait to eat them.

When Fang Chang sensed that the location of the demon seed was in the Hall of Elders, he almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

He activated the demon seed, briefly occupied the female elder's body for a while, and immediately got the information he wanted.

What he is most afraid of is to escape one or two veterans, and if they leave any other means at that time, they will destroy the inheritance of the Hill Army.

Then his efforts of more than a month will be in vain.

"Eat it all, then don't throw up."

The shadow behind Fang Chang suddenly stretched very long, and a huge shadow instantly enveloped the entire Hall of Elders.

The demon seed that was about to be forced out of the female elder's body also received a divine light from the sky, and then the light burst out, directly breaking through the joint suppression of the four elders, and sank into the female elder's body again.


The black magic light and the golden Buddha light flashed alternately on the female elder's body, as if the primordial spirit had been sent into a millstone to be crushed and pulled, she unconsciously made a painful sound.

"This time I was greedy in my heart, and accidentally fell into his trick."

"My fault, I'll pay it back!"

"Run away, run away!"

As the host of the demon seed, at this moment, the female elder had realized the almost infinite power of Fang Chang.

She had seen such power before.

That was the powerful monk from the main world who used to command all beasts to break through the mountain with ease.

The power on them is like the sky, like the abyss, almost no limit.

The female elder endured the pain, roared, and threw herself directly at Fang Chang, all kinds of aura burst out from her body.

At this moment, she seemed to become a light that burned herself.

The other three elders were shocked by the power of the Heavenly Demon Divine Light, and they hardly hesitated. Taking advantage of someone's delay, they fled in different directions.

They had just experienced this running posture not long ago.

When the fog disaster came, they escaped into the fog, no matter how strong the opponent was, they would never be able to find them.

As long as any one of them escapes, even if the Hill Army is destroyed, it still has a chance to rebuild.

But since Fang Chang made a move, how could he make such a mistake.

He just pressed forward lightly with the palm of his hand. He was still aggressive at first, as if the female veteran who was about to die was easily pressed under his palm.

Stimulated by the supernatural powers of the heart, the demon seed seemed to be injected with hormones, and it grew violently and instantly wrapped the female veteran, turning it into a black giant egg.

As for the other three elders, Fang Chang did not stop them.

But when they broke the Senate Hall, they only felt the heat wave, as if they were standing in the crater of a volcano.

It turned out that at some point, a fiery red melting pot that looked like a great sun was covering the sky and suppressing the sky.

The Heavenly Furnace Army!

Scattered in all directions, standing in mid-air, one by one expressionless puppets fight according to the mysterious position, vaguely connecting into a big seamless net.

At this time, no one can escape.

They are looking at the three elders with dim eyes at this moment.

An invisible pressure permeates the void.

In front of the Hall of Elders, there were also two groups of monks confronting each other, and the atmosphere seemed to be very tense.

But if you take a closer look, you can see that the faces of the monks on both sides are all stiff, and they are signaling with their eyes that no one should move.

Because they are also within the suppression range of the military formation.

"who are you?"

The three elders tried to break the formation of the Heavenly Furnace, but found that the power of this formation was overwhelming. They only tried a little, and there were heavy heavenly fires falling, and each heavy skyfire was almost equivalent to a blow with their full strength.

But when the triple sky fire came, they could hardly hold on.

But judging by their posture, another hundred and eighty rounds would be easy.

This is not the power of this world at all!

It is true that the power of the hill world is limited, but what is limited is the upper limit, the height, not the width.

The all-out attack they had been planning for a long time was nothing more than a random attack from others, and it took almost no effort.

The gate of the Hall of Elders.

Fang Chang walked out with two men and a woman, with one hand behind his back, with a casual posture. He was clearly standing on the ground, but he was much taller than the three elders standing in midair.

"Well, I'm just an ordinary craftsman. But everyone's kindness is hard to resist, and they like to call me Lord City Lord."

"I came here this time because I wanted to borrow something from your Hill Army, because I was afraid that you would not want it, so I took it upon myself to get it myself.

Of course, the means may be too extreme. "

"But if you don't fight, you don't know each other. We will be friends from now on. I think you will forgive me."

"As a friend, this is my gift to you all."

One after another, the demon seeds shot out from between Fang Chang's eyebrows, and landed in front of the three elders and those Nascent Soul cultivators who had not yet fused the demon seeds.

These monsters have not had time to camouflage, each of them is full of magic, like big eyeballs, it is not a good thing at first sight.

"Whatever you want, we can give you."

The three elders looked at each other, and then fell down, trying not to focus on the female elder with dull eyes and almost no self-consciousness.

If they read correctly, the thing that was forced out of the female veteran just now is exactly the same as the gift from Fang Chang.

Judging by the current appearance of the female elders, how dare they accept this gift.

Fang Chang said indifferently: "I gave you gifts, but you didn't accept them. Do you not want to be my friend? If you are not a friend, then you are an enemy.

For the enemy, the city lord has always driven to kill them all. "

"Why do you have to be aggressive?"

"Although we don't know what your Excellency wants, I think it will be very troublesome for you without us."

"Why don't we make an exchange, we will give you what you need, and you will let me go.

Whatever happened today, we act as if it never happened. "

After the initial panic and loss of strength, the three elders also reacted immediately.

Fang Chang's strength far exceeds them, and now he is willing to talk to them, so it shows that they have a bargaining chip in their hands that they don't know for the time being.

Since it can be negotiated, it is natural to strive for the best interests for yourself as much as possible.

The lessons learned by the female elders are right in front of them. If they swallow the demon seeds, they will probably become other people's puppets sooner or later.

Fang Chang laughed.

"Can I understand that you are threatening me?"

"No, we just hope that Your Excellency will let us go. If Your Excellency must refine us into puppets, we would rather die."

The three elders were more determined than ever at this time.

Fang Chang shook his head and said: "Facing an opponent who can't deal with it, bargaining is never the best choice, especially when you don't even know what the hole cards are."

"Actually, I'm just used to saving money. Seeing that you guys are talented people, I'm willing to give you a chance."

He pointed to the female elder behind him and said:

"I've gotten what I want from her just now, you three, let me down."

Even Fang Chang has to admit the excellence of the five elders, they are all the best of the world.

Don't look at how vulnerable they are in front of me now, but that is an unequal level, just like adults bullying children.

Even if he is a grown man tied up hands and feet in the hill world, his weight alone is enough to crush people to death.

As the absolute leader of the Hill Army, the five elders always rank first in strength.

There are five of them, um, there are four now, all of them have the strength of Nascent Soul Dzogchen, and they are from the realm of Huashen, the difference is only the environment of heaven and earth.

As long as they are allowed to enter the main world, relying on their thousand years of knowledge and background, and giving them a little help, there is at least a [-]% chance of breaking through to the realm of transforming gods, which can effectively supplement Qingxiao City's top combat power.

For the current Fang Chang, he has long looked down on ordinary treasures.

Talent is the most precious wealth in this era.

His Qingxiao City is very short of people.

"Yuan Tu, Lian Peng, the three of them will be handed over to you, and you, since you want to be my people, then first make a nomination certificate.

By the way, if you figure it out, accept my gift, and we will still be friends by then. "

Fang Chang waved back and led the female veteran to the treasure house of the Hill Army.

Behind him, Yuan Tu showed a sinister smile at the elder Sanyuan.

"Three uncles, my master is waiting for you!"

Seeing that Fang Chang had really left, Elder Sanyuan couldn't help sneering, "It's up to you?"

"Your master is such a hero. Facing a powerful enemy, he did not hesitate to fight to the death, but also to cover me to leave. I didn't expect you to seek refuge with an outsider. Even if he dies, he will not rest in peace."

"If we really want to target you and your master, how can you survive now?
We were even discussing how to heal your injury two days ago and give you a chance to take over as the fifth elder. "

"Today we are clearing up the door for Junior Brother Wufang."

"Yuan Tu, a traitor will never end well, if you betray us today, you can betray that person tomorrow.

So you will never be trusted. "

The three of them spoke one sentence at a time, and Yuan Tu's face was flushed, and the hostility almost overflowed his eyes.

He lowered his head, his eyeballs were gradually becoming pure black.

"Lian Peng, I really didn't expect you to surrender now."

One of the elders was heartbroken.

Lian Peng said expressionlessly, "Master, I just want to live.

If I hadn't called out the city lord decisively at that time, I might have died at this moment.

Or become a puppet like Xuan Jun's veteran. "

"Master, Yuan Tu has gone mad. This is your last chance. Once he makes a move, he will never let you go."

Lian Peng was unexpectedly calm at this time.

As the saying goes, the one who knows you best is your enemy. Lian Peng has always regarded Yuan Tu as an opponent, and he has long seen that Yuan Tu's state is not right.

Elder Sanyuan smiled, and Lian Peng's master said:

"We can escape, this is the tradition of the Hill Army, because no force can be at the peak forever, but when there is no escape, not everyone will choose to live.

Lian Peng, this is the last lesson I will teach you. "

On the other side, Yuan Tu raised his head, his eyes completely turned into pure black, which was especially terrifying.

"You all have to die!"

The furnace roared, and the fire in the sky boiled.

Under the suppression of the Tianlu army, the strength of the three elders was completely suppressed.

Yuan Tu, Lian Peng, and other Nascent Soul cultivators who were parasitized by the demon seed all shot at Elder San Yuan.

The result is already predetermined.


The mountain army's treasure house is not on the top of the mountain, otherwise Yang Qi would have plundered the mountain army's treasure house when he entered the mountain gate that day.

Facts have proved that Fang Chang's caution is correct.

If he is like Yang Qi, he is doomed to return without success, at most he will defeat the Hill Army once more.

Soon, the location of the treasure house arrived, three or four hundred miles away from the top of the mountain.

Under Fang Chang's control, Xuan Jun opened the door of the treasure house.

The treasury has three floors, and the core inner treasury can only be opened by the five veterans together.

But Fang Chang had already made it clear that what he wanted was on the second floor.

Taking over the fog disaster data that the Hill Army has studied for tens of thousands of years from Xuan Jun, Fang Chang quickly browsed it.

It can be seen that the hill army's research on the fog disaster is intermittent, and it can be judged according to the strength of the hill army.

At its peak, there will be a lot more research information, and at its low point, there will be basically no research.

After all, the mist disaster is illusory, and only when you are full and have nothing to do, you will study it.

Of course, King of the Hill's treasure is part of the reason.

Fang Chang took a rough look at the data left by the Hill Army, and with a movement of his eyes, he unfolded a map, and the projection of the Hill World appeared in midair.

There are clusters of fog and swirls on it, and there is a dotted line connecting them, and there is a faint route.

This was left by a veteran of the Hill Army about 5000 years ago.

In his research, the fog disaster is not evenly distributed, it is like a wave, with ups and downs.

After hundreds of years of data collection, he found that the fog seems to have a core, and this core is moving and changing.

It's a pity that his energy was low later, and his research was stranded. This material was left in the treasure house of the Hill Army, waiting for someone who is destined to discover it, along with other materials.

"That's it."

(End of this chapter)

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