Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 326 Uncompromising Zhong Shan

Chapter 326 Uncompromising Zhong Shan
The old monk and Zhai Xingzi saw Mrs. Zhong Shan's expression turn from joy to anger, and then the anger subsided, and then turned into a dead silence that frightened them.

"Too...too high?"

Zhai Xingzi, the proven Xingzong suzerain, said that he has been the suzerain for hundreds of years, and he has never experienced such a scene.

Could it be that something happened on the other side?

Otherwise, why would Tai Shang's face be so ugly.

Zhong Shan's eyes showed a bit of murderous intent unconsciously, which made Zhai Xingzi's heart skip a beat, feeling that a catastrophe was imminent.

Fortunately, this killing intent quickly faded, and Zhong Shan said with a flat face: "No one is allowed to disclose what happened today except me, and Sima Shou will continue to stay at the star observation station.

Picking up the stars, you can undo the guardian array. "

Zhai Xingzi did not immediately agree, but looked at Zhong Shan in embarrassment, and said:
"I dare not disobey the order of the Supreme Master, but today, if the Sunset Bell strikes seven times, if the Supreme Master Wang Song asks about it, I really dare not hide it."

The Xingzong currently suppresses the sect's luck. There are two Huashen Taishangs, one is Zhong Shan, and the other is Wang Song. In terms of seniority, they are higher than Zhong Shan.

Of course, the same as Xingzong Taishang, the previous generation is nothing.

It's just that Zhong Shan was able to achieve Huashen back then, and Wang Song Taishang helped a lot, using the old to help the new. This is the inheritance of the sect, and it is also the basis for passing on from generation to generation, and the endless life.

So no matter what his real thoughts are, Zhong Shan has always respected the Supreme Being on the surface, and he ranks second in Xingzong.

Even though his strength may have surpassed Wang Song.

"Sir Wang Song..."

Zhong Shan pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "If Grand Majesty Wang Song asks, you can just tell the truth."


Zhai Xingzi breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Songtai is already nine thousand years old, if there is no accident, he will live well in less than 1000 years.

So Wang Song Taishang has been keeping a low profile these years, preparing to spend his old age peacefully, and has not made an public appearance in Xingzong for nearly a hundred years.

But that doesn't mean you can ignore him.

Some words, I have to point out in advance, otherwise it will be easy to be wrong inside and outside.

Naturally, the two empresses cannot give birth to filth, so the only one who can be a villain can only be him, the suzerain.

Zhong Shan didn't stay any longer and returned to his cave.

Zhai Xingzi looked at the pale and bloodless old monk, knowing that he had hurt his own origin in order to activate the magic circle of the star measuring platform.

Originally, there were not many longevity yuan, and there was even less left, and the deadline was only a few years away.

He couldn't help sighing.

"Peak Master Sima, thank you for your hard work, but fortunately, the Xing Yimai finally managed to see the moon when the clouds opened.

Now with the attention of Taishang Zhong Shan, it is only a matter of time before you measure the star line to return to the main line of the Star Sect. "

After 3 years of persistence, there are only two or three cats and cats left in the once brilliant star measuring line.

If it wasn't for the deliberate maintenance within the sect, the descendants of Ce Xing's lineage would have already become dust of history and would have been blown away with the wind.

And Xing Yimai can't be restarted by inheriting a few exercises, what is important is the bloodline ability of Xing Xingmai.

The power of stars contained in the essence and blood in the old monk's body was the key.

This was when the Star Sect was founded. The ancestors of the Xing Xing lineage absorbed the power of the stars in the sky with great supernatural powers, forming a bloodline that is particularly friendly to the stars, and passed on from generation to generation.

Only their blood can maximize the power of the star measuring station.

Although the old monk's breath was weak, his eyes were bright. Hearing this, he smiled and said:
"Thank you suzerain for your concern. The old man is fine. If we can once again prove our ability to measure the star line, the old man will die and rest in peace."

Zhai Xingzi nodded slightly, and suddenly said:

"Peak Master Sima, I remember that your grandson has also reached the age of marriage."

Without waiting for the old monk to respond, Zhai Xingzi said with a final word:

"Then it's up to the suzerain to choose a few women of the right age for your grandson, and you must pass on the blood of your Sima family."

Now that the star measuring station has been reactivated, the blood of the Sima family has become particularly important.

As for whether he is willing, it is not in his suzerain's consideration.

The old monk quickly thanked: "Thank you, suzerain!"


Wanxing Peak.

This is also Zhongshan's cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, Zhong Shan drove away all his concubines, disciples, and servants.

"Without my order, trespassers will die!"

Zhong Shan was the only one left in the huge Ten Thousand Stars Peak.

He sits on the Jade Heart Cold Bed, which is known as one of the top ten wonders in the world of stargazing, ignites the ten-thousand-year soul-nourishing wood that can warm and nourish the soul, and cleanses the inner and outer mind with the Buddhist method of Tianlong Zen.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the voice echoing in the sea of ​​consciousness was not weak at all, and even a little more mocking.

"It's easy to ask God to send God away."

Tianmofang rested his head on his head, floating in the sea of ​​knowledge in Zhongshan. The bursts of Tianlong Zen sounds were like sleep aid music, which made him yawn again and again.

"Don't waste your time thinking about it."

"I hid in your distraction, and you merged into your own distraction, and now I am one with your primordial spirit.

Unless you are willing to shatter your own soul, it is basically a dream to drive me away. "

"Before I don't want to tear myself apart with you for the time being, why don't you take a look at the memory you sent back when you were distracted."

"One thing to say, you are not as cute as your distraction at all."

Zhong Shan didn't answer, he only regarded these words as interference to him.

It wasn't until three days later that the head of the Heavenly Magic Fang hidden in his sea of ​​consciousness became more and more energetic, but he himself was injured a bit because of excessive force.

Only then did Zhong Shan begin to look carefully at the memories he had distracted.

"Lord Heaven and Earth, Great Tang, Qingxiao City, Spirit Net Array, Prison-Suppressing Golden Pagoda, Qingxiao City Master, Law Crystal..."

Zhong Shan's primordial spirit manifested in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, looking at Tian Mofang, with fear in his tone.

"Are you the avatar of City Lord Qingxiao?"

Tian Mo Fang shook his head and said: "I am him, and he is me, so it's okay for you to call me Lord City Master."

"But it seems that you have received Zhong Lao's memory, so are you interested in my terms?

It doesn't matter if you don't agree, there is no benevolence and righteousness in business.

For the sake of Mr. Zhong, if I leave your sea of ​​consciousness, I will treat you as if I have never met you. "

Zhong Shan was silent for a moment, then said, "Give me some time to think about it."

"Yes, such an important matter does take a little time, so three days."

Tianmo Fangchang said with a smile:

"Three days later, you give me an accurate answer, and we will get together and break up."

"Three days is too short."

Zhong Shan frowned, and was about to buy some more time, but found that the sea of ​​consciousness was empty, as if the avatar of the Lord Qingxiao had never appeared before.

He scanned with his consciousness, inside and out, but couldn't find any traces of Tianmofang's length.

"This is the supernatural power of the upper realm, it is really powerful."

A trace of fear flashed in Zhong Shan's heart.

He knew that person must still be there, but he couldn't find it.

"Three days, I only have three days."

Zhong Shan's eyes were icy cold, like eternal ice that would never melt.

"This seat has not been threatened for a long time."

He closed his eyes again, carefully looking through the memory left by his distraction, he believed that his distraction would definitely leave him clues and suggestions.


three days later.

Zhong Shan said to the air in front of him:

"City Lord Fang, please show up and see."

The next moment, Zhong Shan felt his eyebrows move, as if he opened one eye, and a black light projected out.

Fang Chang's figure manifested.

"Mr. Zhong Shan, it seems that you have already considered it."


Zhong Shan said lightly: "I can promise you to cooperate with all your next actions, but the price you gave is not enough."

Fang Chang froze for a moment, and his smile gradually faded.

"Master Zhong Shan, do you know what you are talking about?"

"Do you understand the gold content of the four words "law crystal?"

Zhong Shan said as it should: "Zhong was born in the stargazing world, according to the words of your upper realm, he is a native of the stargazing world.

Zhong loves this land deeply.

So if you want Zhong to risk being spurned by your colleagues and hated by future generations for you, you have to pay more! "

Fang Chang nodded: "It makes sense, so what else do you want, Mrs. Zhong Shan?"

Zhong Shan said very rationally: "The law crystal is too far away, and you can't give it to me now, so Zhong still needs some practical benefits.

For example, the classics of your exercises in the upper realm, and you have been living in Zhong's sea of ​​consciousness, it is really not the way to be a guest.

Only when you leave Zhong's sea of ​​consciousness can Zhong believe in your sincerity. "

Fang Chang suddenly laughed, and said with a bit of sarcasm:

"Mr. Zhong Shan, maybe my good attitude has misunderstood you, and I am deeply sorry for that.

Please remember, I am not begging you to cooperate now, but I am giving you a chance to keep the Star Sect inheritance.

What I give you is yours.

Now you have only two choices, either agree to my request and unconditionally cooperate with all my actions in the stargazing world.

Then after the stargazing world merges with the main world, I can leave a place for your Star Sect to inherit in Qingxiao Dao.

And you will also get a law crystal, and you will have the opportunity to see the realm above Huashen.

Either when my Qingxiao City army arrives, the Xingzong will bear the brunt and the Death Sect will be destroyed.

Since you got the distraction memory, you should know that I have the ability to do it.

So, do you choose to live, or die? "

"My generation of monks, walking against the sky, seeking the way of longevity, is seeking to survive from death, why should we be afraid of death?"

A clear voice came from the void behind.

It was an old Taoist with white hair and a childlike face, dressed in a pure white Taoist robe, just like the clouds in the sky, ethereal, invisible, and unpredictable.

"you are?"

Fang Chang didn't seem to be surprised by the arrival of the third person.

"Old Daoist Wang Chong is also another Supreme Master of the Star Sect, who has met the envoy from the upper realm."

The old Taoist made a slap in the face, with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

Fang Chang looked at Zhong Shan with a puzzled face and said:

"According to my contact with Mr. Zhong, you don't seem like the kind of person who regards the stargazing world as more important than your own path.

So in the past ten years, what happened to make your thinking change? "

Zhong Shan smiled and said, "How do you know that being distracted is everything to me, just as you can be sure that you are everything to your true self?
My definition of distraction is to let him try his best to survive. Only by living can he bring me back what I want.

So he represented the compromise side of me.

But he will compromise and be weak, which does not mean that I will compromise.

Qingxiao City is formidable, but my Star Sect is not bad either.

Instead of becoming a vassal of Qingxiao City, I choose to make Xingzong my master!

In the [-] years of Zhong's life, he has never kneeled down to an outsider. "

Fang Chang nodded in understanding again.

"You're right, judging by the deity's personality, he never trusts me, so my thoughts do not represent his thoughts.

Zhong Lao's thoughts naturally cannot represent your thoughts.

It's just a pity that you made a wrong choice.

Although I am very unhappy with the deity, I also have to admit that he is a hypocritical good person.He generally does not do things like crossing rivers and demolishing bridges.

But maybe this is why the deity needs me to come to this world.

After all, no matter how many bad things I have done, as long as he kills me, he can enjoy all the fruits of victory with peace of mind, so as not to worry about his conscience. "

"Mr. Zhong Shan, each according to his ability."

The long figure of Tianmofang disappeared suddenly.

Bursts of black air appeared on Zhong Shan's face, and he already felt a huge vortex appeared out of thin air in his sea of ​​consciousness, which was devouring his reason.

"Old Wang, I leave everything to you!"

Zhong Shan had a ferocious face, and a layer of silver-white feathers appeared on the surface of his body, as if woven by starlight.

This is the highest inheritance of the Star Sect - "Zhou Tian Sensing Stars Art", which uses various acupoints in the body as stars, and every time an acupoint is lit, a new star can be sensed.

Until 360, the five acupoints contain star cores, which can be connected with the Zhoutian stars to form a first-grade Nascent Soul and comprehend the spiritual art of the Zhoutian stars vestment.

This spirit technique can be attacked or received, and it can almost grow infinitely with the monk's realm. It is also the only Tao-level spirit technique of the Star Sect.

With the manifestation of the star robes, Zhong Shan's physical body seemed to be feathered, and the soul directly detached.

With the separation of the physical body and the sublimation of the primordial spirit, Zhong Shan finally saw the hiding place of Tianmo Fangchang, which was on the left arm of his primordial spirit.

His distraction is originally a part of the primordial spirit, so he can merge the distraction without hindrance.

But Zhong Shan also kept an eye out.

It was inevitable that an accident would occur due to distraction, so he did not fully integrate into his own soul, but condensed into his own soul's left hand.

At this moment, a black shadow can be seen trying to break through the restraint of the left hand.

"Old Wang, hurry up!"

Zhong Shan roared in a low voice.

Without hesitation, Wang Song dragged a small silver knife in his hand, swung it vigorously, and said in a low voice:
"Yin Yang Yuan Magnetic Divine Light!"

Zhong Shan's left arm was cut off directly by the knife, and golden blood seeped from Zhong Shan's broken arm.

Just a drop of blood dissipated, and Zhong Shan almost convulsed to the point of fainting as if his bone marrow had been sucked out.

But the price is worth it.

Fang Chang could no longer hide his soul, and had to manifest in the air as a body.

Seeing Fang Chang appearing, Wang Song pointed his finger, and passed the silver knife that cut Zhong Shan Yuanshen directly towards Fang Chang's chest just now.

Fang Chang looked at the hollow in his chest in astonishment, his body exploded suddenly, and the black fragments dissipated into the void.

"I'll be back!"

Zhong Shan's primordial spirit returned to his physical body, his breath suddenly dropped a lot, and he hurriedly took out an elixir in the shape of a snow lotus from the storage ring.

When he rubbed his fingers, the snow lotus turned into flying ash, revealing a snow-white lotus seed inside.

He swallowed it in one gulp, and his low breath gradually stabilized.

After half an hour.

Zhong Shan opened his eyes, and with a pale face, he bowed his hands to Wang Song, who was protecting the Dharma, and said:

"Thank you, Old Protector Wang."

Wang Song caressed his long beard and sighed:
"Fortunately, you still have a ten-thousand-year snow lotus seed on your body, otherwise, the injury of your primordial spirit will not heal for a long time, and the old man may send a white-haired person to a black-haired person.

It's a pity that even if there is an elixir, you have broken your arm this time, and the source of your soul is damaged, at least you will lose a thousand years of life. "

Zhong Shan said with a smile: "It's not a loss to trade a thousand years of life for a body of freedom."

"Old Wang, is that man dead?"

His primordial spirit was cut, and the pain occupied his mind. He only saw Fang Chang being shattered by the big cutting technique, but he didn't see anything deeper.

Wang Song showed doubts and said: "Although the man's aura has dissipated, the old man's premonition tells me that it is not that simple."

"Hey, the stargazing world is connected with the upper realm again. For us, there is a way to rise, and the path is clear, but it is not a good thing for the thousands of beings in the stargazing world."

"This matter is related to the future fate of the stargazing world. The strength of our Star Sect is irresistible. We need to contact the Sun and Moon Sect as soon as possible, and gather the power of the three sects to have a chance to find a future for the stargazing world."

"Leave this matter to the old man, Xiao Zhong, and you can rest easy and recover from your injuries. This time you sacrificed your life for the stargazing world. Everyone is responsible for your injuries. Those old guys must come up with something good. "

"Yes, I'm sorry, old man."

Zhong Shan nodded silently.

(End of this chapter)

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