Chapter 327 Playing
Zangxing Pavilion.

This is the most important inheritance place of the Star Sect, which contains all the inheritance of the [-] Peaks since the establishment of the Star Sect.

Among them, due to accidents, or because of poor descendants, many sub-peaks have no one to carry the tripod, and the name of sub-vein is removed from the sect, so the inheritance has been interrupted since then.

From then on, the lineage inheritance was collected in the Cangxing Pavilion, and it was shelved.

It is only waiting for the descendants of the Star Sect to regain the inheritance someday, so as to break through the Nascent Soul Realm, and then they will be able to reestablish a peak and continue the incense of their predecessors.

However, the disciples are not fools, so they naturally choose the inheritance of peaks in the peak of spring and autumn, instead of choosing a rootless inheritance that has long been buried in history and has no teacher to take care of it.

Of course, it's not without benefits.

That is, these peak divisions have no competitors except for the name and title. Once they break through the Nascent Soul realm, they will automatically become the master of the lineage, become an existence on an equal footing with the peak masters of the Star Sect, and step into the core layer of the Star Sect.

But the Xingzong has been established for more than [-] years. Although there have been many ambitious people, there are only less than double ten inheritances that have been renewed.

And most of them are reverted to the dust again because of their superficial background.

This is also the reason why Xingxing has been waiting so hard, but it is still being discussed.

There is not even a Nascent Soul Great Cultivator, but he can actually occupy a peak. Sima Shou, a Golden Core Cultivator, is also called the Peak Master, and he is nominally on an equal footing with other Nascent Soul Realm Peak Masters.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, over time, fewer and fewer disciples have the courage to choose these rootless inheritances, and the Xingzong began to be headed by the Eighteen Peaks inheritance.

However, there are surprises after all.

Inner disciple Cheng Xin is one of them.

He came from a cultivating family, and his ancestors were once inner disciples of the Star Sect, and were also high-spirited geniuses.

But because his ancestors chose to inherit without roots and had no predecessors to guide them, they took a lot of crooked paths. In addition, they were anxious to break through the Nascent Soul and failed, so they had no choice but to bid farewell to the sect and left the Cheng family line.

After a lapse of 500 years, Cheng Xin borrowed the legacy of his ancestors to join the Star Sect, passed all the way, with the same high spirits, and entered the inner sect as the number one in the outer sect competition.

However, affected by a rumor, none of the eighteen peaks in the sect were willing to admit him.

The content of the rumor is very simple, that is, his ancestor Cheng Xin offended a genius disciple of his generation when he was in Xingzong.

Now that disciple has already broken through Nascent Soul, becoming the peak master of Yunhuan Peak, with a high position and authority.

If anyone dares to accept him as a disciple, it is offending Peak Master Yunhuan.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Cheng Xin changed from being the number one in the outer sect to being ignored.

Although Cheng Xin proved in every possible way that the events of that year have long since passed away with the wind, how could the majestic master of the peak care about such a small person like him.

However, it is true that Peak Master Yun Huan once had a feud with Cheng Xin, and the Peak Master didn't come out to speak.

If you don't speak, that's not the default.

The less trouble, the better.

As for whether Cheng Xin will be delayed, who cares, the worst thing about Xingzong is genius.

Cheng Xin couldn't tell, so she had to enter Zangxing Pavilion in the end, and chose the same inheritance as her ancestors.

Although due to the oath of the family rules, the ancestors could not pass on the inheritance of the Xingzong as the Cheng family's exercises, but the Cheng's exercises still have the shadow of the Xingzong's exercises.

In particular, the Chengjia Kungfu he practiced was born out of the "Seven Turns of Qianyuan Jue" practiced by his ancestors back then.

"Junior Brother Cheng, you are here again. There are not many people who love reading like you. You know the rules, no borrowing, copying, or damage."

The administrator guarding the Zangxing Pavilion is a very bookish disciple, holding ancient paper books in his hands, shaking his head while reading, obviously enjoying it.

Seeing Cheng Xin coming, he reached out to ask for his ID token to register.

Cheng Xin showed bitterness and handed over his identity token.

"I also didn't expect that there would be so few people practicing the "Seven Turns of Qianyuan Jue" in the sect, not even a single person to ask for advice.

I can only read more books and look at the experience notes of those predecessors, hoping to understand by analogy. "

Hearing this, the administrator frowned, and said with some righteous indignation:
"I don't know who spread the rumors to Junior Brother Cheng. The Master Xu of Yunhuan Peak hasn't shown up for more than ten years, how could he care about it with you, an old friend from 500 years ago.

Those elders who are responsible for recruiting disciples are getting more courageous as they get older.

Even if Peak Master Xu really cares about it carefully, is it still bigger than the rules of the Xingzong sect? With the rules of the sect, why should we be afraid? "

The administrator's disciple had a good impression of Cheng Xin.

After all, there are fewer and fewer people who love books nowadays.

Now everyone is thinking about how to improve their cultivation quickly, even if they come to Zangxing Pavilion, they will go straight to the inheritance of skills, and they don't even look at those "miscellaneous books".

You must know that the outermost miscellaneous notes, predecessors' handbooks, Fang Waiwen and other miscellaneous books are also first-class strange books, which contain the wisdom of countless predecessors.

But there are fewer and fewer people who can calm down and understand.

Cheng Xin opened his mouth, wanting to say that he already knew who was playing tricks.

This time, Xingjian Peak, known as the number one in Xingzong's swordsmanship, opened the mountain gate again after 20 years, but only accepted one disciple.

He was originally a popular candidate, but because of rumors, he missed Xing Jianfeng directly, and someone who was originally in second place was able to succeed.

But at this moment, Cheng Xin, faced with the indignation of the administrator brother, comforted him instead:

"Actually, it's fine as it is now. Although I don't have the opportunity to worship under the sect of the peak masters, I'm still an inner sect disciple. I don't lack various resources. I don't have a teacher and a fellow sect. My life is relatively peaceful.

Otherwise, I don't have so much time to read books. "

The administrator brother didn't know whether it was true innocence or false agreement, he thought about it seriously, and then laughed.

"Junior brother Cheng, I envy you when you say that, when I was on the mountain, what bothered me the most was the nagging of my master and sister.

Fortunately, he got the guard of Zangxing Pavilion, so he was clean, but he had to be called back by the master to teach him a lesson from time to time. "

Cheng Xin: "..."

"Brother, I went to read a book."


The brother administrator held up the book and shook his head again, very relaxed.

Cheng Xin walked into Zangxing Pavilion.

The reason why Zangxing Pavilion is called Zangxing Pavilion is that all the exercises books in the pavilion exist in the form of stars.

Being in Zangxing Pavilion is like being in a sea of ​​stars. Walking under your feet is the flowing Milky Way. Looking up, you can see stars that are big or small but equally bright.

These stars revolve around the star in the center that looks like the sun, and they are clearly divided into four layers.

The first floor is where Cheng Xin is now, and the second floor is the inheritance of each peak. The inheritance of the [-] veins is all in it, but it only reaches the Jindan realm.

The exercises above Jindan are on the third floor.

The fourth layer is the sun-like stars, which are the core inheritance of the Star Sect. It is said that only those true disciples who are recognized by the sect and are called the seeds of transforming gods have the opportunity to contact them.

With Cheng Xin's current authority, she can only wander around the first floor.

He has only entered the second floor once, and that was when he got the identity token of the inner sect disciple, and he could choose his major cultivation method once.

Cheng Xin looked longingly at the core of the sun and stars, wondering if he would have a chance to get the inheritance from it.

The next moment, he withdrew his gaze and searched for the twinkling stars in the void.

"Where is the "Small Talk on Qianyuan" that I watched last time?"

He stretched out his hand to pluck the stars in the sky, and saw a ray of spiritual light falling, which turned into an antique book in his hand.

He lowered his head to ponder carefully, closing his eyes in meditation from time to time, and the starlight projected down, outlining a lonely and firm figure.

But behind what he couldn't see, the shadow suddenly swayed like a candle in the wind.

The black shadows are like crawling black snakes, spreading throughout the Zangxing Pavilion, and the twinkling stars in the sky are covered with a faint black light at some point.

However, not only Cheng Xin did not notice this vision, but the disciples in the pavilion did not notice it, and even the elders who were secretly cultivating in the Zangxing Pavilion did not notice it.

Business as usual.

But that's the biggest anomaly.

I don't know how long it took.

Cheng Xin rubbed his tired brows, and with a flick of his hand, the Qianyuan talk that he had finished watching turned into a stream of light and returned to the stars.

He sighed and thought to himself:
"Now that I have read dozens of previous cultivation experiences, reading any further will only disturb my cultivation practice.

Let's start practicing tonight. "

When he walked out of Zangxing Pavilion, it was already dark.

He flew back to his residence alone - a small hut on a small hill where the aura was much thinner than other peaks.

In front of the thatched hut, there is still more than three acres of newly opened spiritual fields, which have already been planted with spiritual seeds, with little green tender seedlings emerging.

The Cheng family was not a proud cultivator family, and they had almost emptied their entire family in order to provide for his cultivation in the Star Sect.

If it weren't for the full support of his family, even if he has excellent aptitude, he would not be able to practice without distraction, and finally won the first place in the outer sect competition.

It's a pity that he failed to live up to the family's expectations.

These few acres of spiritual fields can be regarded as his housekeeping skills. Before he started, he was already an excellent spiritual planter.

Cheng Xin activated the Little Spiritual Rain Jue, causing the spiritual rain containing spiritual energy to fall on the fields. After several times in a row, all the spiritual fields were finally irrigated.

Then use the small sharp gold technique to kill the pests on the shoots, and finally use the small thick soil technique to attract the surrounding soil to fertilize the field.

After doing all this, it was already two hours later.

Cheng Xin looked at the sky, it had already started to turn pale, and a breeze blew in, bringing with it a unique chill in the morning.

He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Although the sect has never lacked the basic resources and benefits that belonged to inner sect disciples, but the hidden benefits that belonged to many main peaks, he could not enjoy the special products of each peak.

Therefore, compared with other disciples, the cultivation resources of inner disciples like him are naturally far from enough.

But earning spirit stones will take time, and the time for practice will be less, but if you don't earn spirit stones, there will be no resources, and the efficiency of cultivation will drop.

If he wanted to catch up with those disciples of the same generation on the main peak, he was doomed to put in more effort.

Cheng Xin looked at the sky and murmured:

"I will not admit defeat, I want to break through Jindan, I want to break through Nascent Soul, I want to complete the cause that my ancestors did not accomplish.

Nowadays, all kinds of things are just a little bit of wind and frost. "

He turned around and went back to his room, crossing his knees into meditation.

The operation route of the "Seven Transformations of Qianyuan Jue" started to work in his body, and the mana cultivated by the Cheng family's exercises in his body was being transformed into pure Qianyuan mana step by step.

A black figure emerged from the shadow behind Cheng Xin. He glanced at Cheng Xin and walked out of the room without a sound.

"It's a very good obsession. Such a spirit must have a special taste. It's a pity that I have an order. I can't just devour the weak. It's really disgusting hypocrisy.

As long as I can devour the soul of this world without limit, I will definitely be able to dedicate a complete world to him when the two worlds are connected. "

The black shadow revealed its true face under the moonlight, it was the Heavenly Demon Fang Zhang who was shattered by Xingzong Wang Songtai not long ago.

He stretched his stiff body a few times under the moonlight, and greeted the person who appeared behind him enthusiastically.

"I have almost read the books in Zangxing Pavilion, and I would like to thank you for the permission, otherwise I might not be able to do all this without disturbing the formation inside.

But it doesn't matter even if you find out, who would have thought that Zhong Shan Taishang, who would rather kill me than die for a thousand years, would be the person behind the scenes helping me.

When it comes to being cruel to yourself, you are the top three people I have ever met. "

That's right, the person who is collaborating with the head of Tian Mo Fang is Zhong Shan who turned his face not long ago.

The reason why the two of them want to act in such a play is naturally to win the trust of Wang Songtai, and it is also to let Zhong Shan establish himself as the No. 1 image of steadfast struggle, so that he can be a better undercover agent in the future.

When it comes to feelings for the stargazing world, who can compare to Mrs. Zhong Shan, who would rather perish together than betray the stargazing world.

If anyone dared to say no, Wang Song Taishang would be the first to strike.

And it was also with the help of such a battle that Wang Songtai had a reason to have an excuse to contact the elders of the Second Sun and Moon Sect, and use their hands to find out where the boundary stone of the stargazing world is.

This is the fastest way to integrate the forces of the stargazing world without unifying the stargazing world.

As for the reason for their cooperation, it is also very simple.

Except for Zhong Shan, no one knows the specific strength of Qingxiao City, as long as the strength of Qingxiao City is slightly higher.

No, there is no need to exaggerate, just tell the truth.

Because standing behind Qingxiao City is the Empress who is suspected to be above the Hollow Realm, and with the strength of the Star Gazing Realm, they can't beat it together.

Although Her Majesty the Queen would never make a move for Qingxiao City.

But San Zong didn't know.

So knowing that there is such a mighty one watching over him, the three sects cannot help being disunity.

In order to strengthen the strength of one's own side, it is urgent to find the boundary stone.

No matter what the boundary stone looks like now, as long as they find it and use it to arouse the power of the stargazing world, then the stargazing world will not be afraid of any invading power.

Of course, the head of Tian Mofang will not be idle.

It's just that he can't use the identification technique like the deity.

So if he wants to find the boundary stone of the stargazing world, he can only use stupid methods, search for various legends and stories, cast the net widely, and see if he can catch stupid fish.

What's more, being idle is also idle. His goal in coming to the stargazing world was never to fight for hegemony, but to investigate. He would not be needed for real fights.

Of course, his inability to beat is also an important reason.

Although the body of the heavenly demon has tenacious vitality, as long as a trace of divine thought is uninterrupted, he can escape into the void and be reborn with the help of other people's evil thoughts, but it is true that the strength of the battle is stretched.

Not everyone is foolish enough to fuse him with their soul.

Zhong Shan's complexion was still a little pale, obviously the injury of Yuanshen had not fully recovered.

He stared at Fang Chang indifferently and said, "Do your own thing."

Tianmo Fangchang quickly confessed: "It's okay, you are a ruthless person and you will listen to you, anyway, I have already got what I want in Xingzong.

I'll be walking around next and hope to hear good things from you.

You should prompt the three sects to work together as soon as possible, and after you find the boundary stone, there will be nothing less that my deity promises you. "

"Don't look at me like that. Although you are a traitor now, you will thank me when the Xingzong inheritance continues and you have the opportunity to touch the gate of the Hollow Realm."

"I'm leaving first. A poor child like me can only do hard work. Tsk tsk, I have to be killed by my deity when I go back. A slave is useless like that."

Tian Mofang's body spread out, escaped into the void, and disappeared invisible.

Zhong Shan stayed in place for a while, but disappeared.

The air was quiet, as if nothing had happened, only a few tender seedlings in the spiritual field seemed to grow a little taller.

(End of this chapter)

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