Chapter 328
Throughout the past and present, no matter legal or illegal, there is always a kind of industry that grows tenaciously like weeds.

Wine, sex, wealth, and sex are the most detrimental to the body and kill the spirit.

Linlang Baiyi Pavilion is such an industry that serves people in Israel.

This is a well-known high-end leisure club in the stargazing world. There are fairies, witches, kings and grandchildren in the pavilion, and there are also many tricks.

And because the price is unobtrusive, the service is meticulous, and the reputation is very good.

Countless cultivators linger and forget to return, and the resources they have accumulated for a lifetime are consumed in Baiyi Pavilion in a short period of time, which is a real den of selling money.

But even so, many cultivators would rather not live a happy life, but indulge in a few days in Linlang Baiyi Pavilion.

Such a place of sensuality and sensuality has drained the ambitions of countless geniuses.

In each sect, there are many seeds of cultivation who came here intentionally or unintentionally after they first came out of the mountain gate to hone their state of mind.

Afterwards, she could no longer have any ambitions, and only thought about her own love love.

It stands to reason that the Linlang Baiyi Pavilion with such a reputation should have been cracked down by righteous people long ago.

But behind Baiyi Pavilion stands a powerful sect called Hehuan Bliss Sect.

The suzerain Hehuan Zhenjun Yuanying realm is extremely powerful, and he is known as one of the most powerful Yuanying monks under Huashen Venerable.

Therefore, even though Linlang Baiyi Pavilion was troubled several times, they all survived tenaciously and lived more and more nourished.

Of course, out of concessions to the sects.

Those disciples who were detained in Baiyi because they didn't give money after playing, and were going to be used to refine them as love slaves, as long as their sects were willing to come forward to redeem them, they could go back intact.

As for whether or not people are abandoned after returning home, that is not the responsibility of Baiyi Pavilion.

Those who do not redeem themselves will also be raised for ten years.

Ten years later, how to deal with it is none of other people's business.

Now all sects are strictly admonishing their disciples to resist temptation when they go out.

Especially a place like Baiyi Pavilion is comparable to a forbidden place. Anyone who enters indiscriminately will be exhausted at the slightest and die at the worst.

However, every year, there are still many disciples who cannot resist their curiosity, or are too confident in themselves. Once they enter Baiyi Pavilion, they linger and forget to return. It is a pity.

At this time, Linlang Baiyi Pavilion is divided into Sun City Pavilion.

In one of the courtyards.

The head of Tianmofang turned into a romantic boy.

The coquettish figurehead in the pavilion is nestled at the side, the nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, the pure-looking young lady is playing the pipa, and the most shy one is the one who lowers her head. The tall dancer is dancing solo in the courtyard, the veil is hazy, and the beautiful body is faintly visible.

Even the air is filled with the fragrance of desire.

"Beautiful people, beautiful dance, beautiful music, beautiful wine, should be rewarded!"

With a wave of his hand, there was a rain of spirit stones in the air, and the fair skin of the beauties turned red in patches.

But at this time, no one cried out in pain, and they all looked at Fang Chang in admiration with eyes that made the blood spurt out of a man.

That kind of look is enough to make a man's vanity extremely high.


At this moment, I saw the young man embracing left and right, unrestrained, and writing the words "Dog Dahu" on his forehead brightly.

Sun City is the largest city under Rizong's command.

Rizong Mountain Gate is just a hundred miles away, and the city lord is also a true disciple of Rizong.

Even if Baiyi Pavilion has a backer like the Bliss Hehuan Sect, it dare not use any excessive means to attract guests, so as not to provoke the Japanese Sect to be held accountable.

Therefore, the business of Baiyi Pavilion in Sun City is always not as good as other branch pavilions.

But business has to be done.

If even a big city like Sun City doesn't have a branch of Baiyi Pavilion, then the level of Baiyi Pavilion will drop suddenly, which is easy to be criticized.

Once the grade drops, the price cannot be raised.

After all, even the most ignorant people would not think that Sun City is not worthy of Baiyi Pavilion, it can only be that Sun City despises Baiyi Pavilion.

So even if it is a loss-making business, Baiyi Pavilion must continue to operate in Sun City.

But you can't use those excessive magic methods, the probability of encountering high rollers will plummet.

Most of those wealthy customers who lost their wealth in Baiyi Pavilion were fat sheep who were targeted from the beginning.

They have been used tricks since they entered the door, and gradually lost their minds in the praise and pursuit.

So this time, Baiyi Pavilion immediately provided the best service to meet a customer like Fang Chang who doesn't take money as money.

Now the charming beauty snuggling beside Fang Chang is named Piao Piao, who is born with a flattering body, especially after practicing the technique of the Bliss and Acacia Sect, she is even more charming with her every move and move.

When she first appeared in Baiyi Pavilion, the three Jindan real people almost fought because of her Yuanyin body.

After all, with such a physique, even Jindan Daoist people can benefit from their cultivation if they get their vital yin.

Later, as her reputation gradually increased, her cultivation level was not enough, and her spiritual stones were not enough, so she couldn't even see her face once.

But every man who spends his spring night with him will praise him afterwards, the trip was worthwhile and worth the money.

At this moment, Piao Piao could feel the indifference deep in the guests' eyes, as if they were no different from pigs, sheep, cows and dogs in the eyes of the guests.

In the obviously warm atmosphere, there is a trace of desire and throbbing that should be there.

Inexplicably, she felt a chill in her heart and felt a bit of fear.

Suddenly, Fang Chang lowered his head and patted Fluttering's face with a smile in his eyes, as if looking at a poor and helpless puppy.

"Don't be afraid, I won't eat you."

"Go down."

"I am very happy, this is a reward for you."

Fang Chang stuffed a high-grade spirit stone into Piao Piao's hand.

"Young master, is it because the servants are not serving you well?"

Piao Piao asked softly.

The previous guests who met her, no matter how polite they were at the beginning, always ended up naked.

But this one didn't do anything, but listened to the music, watched the dance, and drank a few glasses of wine, so he paid a price that was a hundred times more than these.

There was a smile on the corner of Fang Chang's mouth, but he didn't speak, just looked at her.

Piao Piao's eyes trembled, she hurriedly got up, bowed her knees, and took her leave gracefully.

"The slave's house will go down first. If you have something to do, you can call Chunlan outside."

The courtyard, which was still full of rouge and powder just now, was suddenly emptied, leaving only a few wisps of fragrance. Fang Chang picked up his wine glass and muttered.

"Once I was bitten by a snake, I was afraid of well ropes for ten years, and never dared to easily step into this world of worldly desires. Now I have fulfilled my dream.

If you have nothing to do, go to the bar and listen to the music.

pity! ! ! "

Tian Mo Fang gritted his teeth, and said bitterly: "I can't feel the happiness of this deity. I don't have the slightest desire for them.

Ma De, deity, how many tricks have you put on me?
As for.

You and I are one body, if I play, it means you play, and you will have a share of happiness when the time comes. "

As he said that, Fang Chang, the Heavenly Demon, was extremely aggrieved.

He originally wanted to have a good time.

Although it's only been for more than a year, but the enjoyment that should be enjoyed, the happiness that should be enjoyed, even if it is broken into pieces by the deity in the end, it is enough to make the deity envy and hate.

As a result, he found out that he couldn't be happy at all.

The deity directly sealed his inner desires, he couldn't even be hard, and made it clear that he wanted him to be a career tool.

"My lord, Nima counts you as ruthless."

Fang Chang's figure scattered and turned into a cloud of black mist. He quickly found an outer disciple of Rizong who was having fun in Baiyi Pavilion, and merged into the shadow behind him.

In the room, the disciple who was laying hands on a girl paused, and suddenly felt a bit of a loss of interest, feeling that she was nothing more than a mere woman.

He was inexplicably terrified, secretly said:

"Could it be true that the senior brother is right, if you play too much, it will be fine. But I only come here for 28 days a month."

"Young Master Gui, what's wrong with you?"

The girl was aroused with lust, and put her arms around the disciple's neck, her voice was soft and charming.

"I suddenly remembered that there is something else at home, let's talk about it next time."

The disciple hurriedly got up, put on his trousers, put down the money for whoring on the table, and ran out with a bit of panic.

"Senior Brother, save Junior Brother!"


Under the leadership of a certain disciple who thought he was going to die, Tianmo Fangchang entered the Rizong's sect in such a blatant manner.

The rest is simpler.

As long as there is desire in the heart, one cannot resist the erosion of the heavenly demon, not to mention replacing the soul, but it is still easy to lurk.

Fang Chang quickly spread his eyeliner all over the Rizong.

As one of the three super sects in the stargazing world, the Sun Sect has the No. [-] cultivator in the stargazing world, the Sun God Venerable, and is faintly known as the number one sect in this world.

In addition, the Japanese sect is the oldest and oldest sect in the stargazing world, known as the source of all sects, and the reputation of the first sect is tacitly accepted by most people.

Therefore, the classics in Rizong are also the most complete and oldest.

Just like Xingzong has Zangxing Pavilion, Rizong also has Wuya Tower.

Fang Chang followed different cultivators into the Wuya Building every day, and it took him half a month to see all the ancient books on the outer layer of the Wuya Building.

As for the precious skills and secrets of the sects, because of the formation, Fang Chang can't have the authority given by Zhong Shan like he did with Xingzong.

So he couldn't go in casually, so he had to wait for the opportunity.

And that opportunity will come soon.

Not long ago, Rizong suddenly invited the two major sects of Yuezong and Xingzong into the mountain to observe the ceremony.

It is said that the patriarch of the Japanese sect felt deeply distressed when he saw that his disciples did not want to make progress. He usually regarded himself as the number one sect in the world, but refused to strive for self-improvement. Therefore, he decided to hold a grand competition for the entire sect.

During the competition, there will be outstanding disciples of the Moon Sect and the Star Sect competing on the same stage.

There are gossip rumors that the disciples of which line win the contest with the disciples of the foreign sect, and the resources will be doubled in the future, but which disciple loses, the resources will be halved in the future.

All of a sudden, all the soldiers in the sect were nervously preparing for the grand competition of the sect, and even the peak masters who didn't see each other often went off to train their disciples.

After all, when it comes to resources, it is the masters of the peaks who really take the lead.

If their subordinates lose, they will lose the most.

Half a month later, the disciples of the two sects of the Moon Sect and the Star Sect arrived at the Sun Sect under the leadership of their respective suzerains.

Seeing the appearance of the two suzerains, other people realized that the importance of this competition was far more important than they thought.

This is not a disciple competition, it is clearly a competition of three sects.


Rizong, Great Rishen Peak.

This is the hermitage of the Great Sun God.

Compared with Xingzong King Song Taishang, Da Ri Shenzun is older, and has passed long live.

According to the normal lifespan in the realm of transforming gods, he has already passed the deadline.

However, Da Ri Shenzun had an adventure when he was young. He swallowed a 10-year-old medicine king Polygonum multiflorum. Some.

But even so, the lifespan of the Great Sun God Venerable is not much.

In a few hundred years at most, this legendary figure who made the Japanese sects coerce the three sects for 1 years will become a name in the history of the Japanese sect.

At this time, headed by Da Ri Shenzun, Wang Song, the Taishang of Xingzong, and Yue Ni, the Taishang of Yuezong, sat on both sides.

This time, the leader of Xingzong Yuezong was the suzerain on the surface, but secretly accompanied by two empresses.

"Shen Zun, Yue Taishang, the old man has already told you about the situation.

This matter was extraordinary, and Junior Brother Zhong had to sacrifice a thousand years of life for this, and his vitality was severely injured to get rid of the person outside that day.

Although the old man has already smashed his soul with the yin and yang yuan magnetic light, but the old man always feels that it is not that simple.

Perhaps, he is still alive, just hiding in a corner.

But that's not the most important thing right now.

That person came from beyond the sky. Since he was able to come here with the help of our Xingzong astronomical platform, it already shows that our stargazing world has been targeted.

He is just a pioneer. No one knows what our stargazing world will face in the future. I don't know when those people from beyond the sky will come.

So we must integrate our strength as soon as possible and face them in the best condition. "

Wang Songtai smiled gratifyingly and said:
"This time, God Venerable and Brother Yue can believe the old man's words and respond quickly. The old man is grateful."

On the surface, Da Ri Shenzun looks young, about 20 years old, wearing a moon-white monk robe, with a jade-like face, he is a handsome monk.

If you go out of the mountain gate, maybe you will meet a few big-minded big sisters hugging you in your arms, smiling coquettishly and saying that you love the little master well.

But only the old guy who has experienced the era of the Great Sun God will understand that this guy looks young, but when he is ruthless, he is first-rate and old-fashioned.

Da Ri Shenzun practiced the "Da Ri Tathagata Sutra", and one stroke of Tathagata Nirvana, I don't know how many seniors died on the spot.

Hearing Wang Song's thanks at this moment, God Venerable Da Ri said lightly:

"My lord, you don't need to hide anything at this time, the people outside that day are from the upper realm, right?"

Yue Zong Taishang Yue Yi sounds like a rude and reckless man by name, but she is a charming woman who practices "Taiyin Dafa" and Taiyin Body.

She looked cold, and said: "My lord, you have concealed such important news from us, I wonder if it is because your Xingzong offended the forces of the upper realm, that's why you want to drag our Sun and Moon sects to fight together .

I remember that Zhong Taishang sent many disciples through the space vortex over the years, right?
As for the aggression, what a blessed place the upper world is, how many people can't ask for it, so how can they value a small world like our stargazing world?

Could it be that your Star Sect is going to snatch the throne of an earthly dynasty? "

Wang Song's tone was stagnant, but he was a little bit aggrieved.

In order not to be controlled by the person from the upper realm, his junior brother Zhong didn't want to help that person betray the stargazing world, so he suffered a lot.

They didn't have the slightest selfishness, but they still received two groundless accusations.

If I had known about them, I might as well have taken refuge in the early morning.

But the thought was fleeting to him.

He explained: "I'm not sure whether they are from the upper realm, and besides, this is also my own selfishness, I don't want to speak out to affect the morale of the army.

After all, the theory of the upper realm is too much for us old guys to imagine. "

(End of this chapter)

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