Chapter 329
"That's right, that is the upper realm that we are pursuing with all our hearts and minds."

The Great Sun God Venerable sighed quietly, his eyes were indifferent, and the vicissitudes of life flowed in his eyes.

The Yue Zong Taishang on the side also showed yearning eyes.

These monks who have broken through to become gods and achieved the name of the Supreme, none of them are not the trendy people of the past era, with great perseverance and great opportunity.

The environment of the observable astral world restricted them.

They want to go further, even if it is only a small breakthrough, it is extremely difficult.

Therefore, the name of the upper realm has already been thoroughly researched for these old guys who are in the realm of transforming gods.

Over the years, the space vortex appeared occasionally.

Not only Zhong Shan, but other avatars also have their own means to send people in, trying to test whether the world after the vortex is the legendary upper realm.

But without exception, people who passed through the space vortex lost information, and if there were no soul lamps left behind, they would not even be able to detect life and death.

It was only one month ago that Yuezong's Empress Wang Song suddenly sent a message to them, saying that there was news of someone from beyond the sky.

And after they got the news, they did not hesitate to use the highest hidden son lurking in the Star Sect, and got the secret that the people from beyond the sky are the people from the upper realm.

So the important reason why they were able to accept Wang Songtai's invitation was to get more news about the upper realm from him.

Wang Song Taishang wanted to unite the Sun and Moon sects to jointly resist the aggression from the upper realms, but he didn't know their real intentions.

Before feeling the real pressure, the three sects were doomed to be unable to unite.

Wang Song Taishang will not fail to understand this truth.

He's just doing his best.

In fact, he has also been tempted, after all, it is the upper realm.

But he also understands that even if he can go to the upper realm, at his current age and potential, he probably cannot break through.

So instead of betraying the sect and the world, it is better to seek peace of mind.

Regardless of the future generations, at least during his lifetime, he was worthy of Xingzong and worthy of Xingzong's worship for thousands of years.

"Whether you believe it or not, the old man has no selfishness in this matter."

Wang Song paused and said:

"According to Junior Brother Zhong, the reason why the forces in the upper realm sent people to the lower realm was to find something."


Da Ri Shenzun and Yue Yan Taishang unconsciously looked at each other.

Sure enough, what this guy said was unclear, and he really had something to hide from them.

Wang Songdao: "It is a treasure called a boundary stone. It is said that the boundary stone is the cornerstone of the creation of the world, and the entire stargazing world was created on the basis of the boundary stone.

If we can find it, we can use it to exert the power beyond the realm of transforming gods.

Although this matter sounds a bit absurd, since it is what the upper realm forces want to find, if we can control it in advance, no matter whether we can exert the power above Huashen, at least we have taken the initiative. "

"Boundary stone? The theory of creation?"

God Venerable Dayi muttered something silently, his eyes suddenly lit up, but there was no movement on his surface, only his jaw was slightly lowered.

Seeing that God Venerable Da Ri and Supreme Master Yue Yan were unmoved, Wang Song couldn't help but feel a little gloomy.

"Shen Zun, Yue Taishang, the old man is a little tired, so I will take my leave first."

"It's just the wolfish ambitions of the forces in the upper realm. I'm not alarmist. You should make plans early, hey..."

Wang Song cupped his hands, and the body that remained in place had turned into an afterimage.

Seeing that Wang Song was leaving, Majesty Yue Li also said goodbye.

"God, don't bother me anymore."

Don't look at the relationship between them who seemed to be on the side just now, but in fact the competition between the Sun and Moon sects is much more than that of the Xing sects.

They joined forces for the time being, they just wanted to know more, and they couldn't let Xingzong lead them by the nose.

Da Ri Shenzun flicked the rosary in his hand, chanted the meditation mantra, and did not show any emotion to the departure of the two.

Thousands of years have passed on him, and he is the most senior and most powerful person in the stargazing world today.

It's just that when the deadline came, instead of seeing through it, he ignited the long-lost pride.

If you have a chance, how can you not go to the upper realm to take a look.

His former disciples had been buried in the long river of time one by one, but now everything about the Rizong is both strange and familiar to him.

He didn't have the kind of nostalgia for the sect and the world that Wang Songtai had in his heart.

He has been pursuing the Dao all his life.

Without this heart of Taoism, he would not be able to live until now, nor would he be able to become the number one cultivator in the stargazing world today.

Now there is an opportunity for him to go one step further. To put it bluntly, at that moment, what does the orthodoxy have to do with him, and what does the world have to do with him.

Ten thousand years of guardianship, the kindness he owed to the sect has long been repaid.

And he definitely does not want to abandon the sect, if he goes further, the Rizong will only be more brilliant because of him.

"It's a pity that I can't meet with the envoy from the upper realm in person."

If he could confirm the other party's attitude, he wouldn't have to speculate like this out of thin air.

"Conceive death."

His heart moved, and he called the little novice who was waiting at the foot of the mountain.

"God Venerable."

Huai Mie is a ordained monk, cultivated as a golden core, and a true disciple of the Rizong. In order to be able to serve at the side of the Great Sun God, he defeated countless competitors of his generation.

Even in order to better serve the God of the Great Sun, he specially gave himself a gradient, and asked himself as a Buddhist disciple.

The God of Great Sun bestowed the dharma name Huaimie.

Ri Zong is not a Buddhist inheritance, but Da Ri Shenzun enlightened from Buddhism, and there is also a Dao-level inheritance of "Da Ri Tathagata Sutra", and Huai Mie who waits on him naturally has ideas.

"According to my decree, go to Wuya Building and send over all the classics written 100 years ago when Rizong was founded."

God Venerable Great Sun always felt that the theory of creation was somewhat familiar.

Previously, in order to seek a breakthrough, he had traveled all over the past and present, and he had seen in the Notes of the Patriarch of Rizong that the stargazing world exploded from a mustard seed, opening up a splendid world.

The patriarch once followed a great supernatural being with unlimited power, and even the establishment of Rizong was only to better serve that great supernatural being.

This is the dark history of Rizong, so other than the suzerain and the emperor, no one else knows about it.

How could the Japanese sect, the number one among all sects, be just a slave sect, but if that great supernatural being came from the upper realm, he was even the creator of the world.


Three hours later.

Huai Mie stood in front of the Great Sun God respectfully.

On the other hand, God Venerable Great Sun re-read the records of the patriarch, trying to find a few words of information that had been ignored before.

Suddenly, the Great Sun God Venerable felt something was wrong.

"Why did you come back so late today?"

In the eyes of the Great Sun God Venerable, there is no difference between a day and a year, it is just his time to take a nap.

So his sensitivity to time becomes dull.

It wasn't until the spiritual sense belonging to Venerable Huashen was touched that he realized something was wrong.

He looked at Huai Mie, this disciple whose eyes were full of ambition in the past is very quiet today, his eyes are clear, like a bottomless clear spring.


Before God Venerable Great Sun could finish his words, when he raised his palm, a golden giant Buddha appeared in the sky, majestic and majestic, directly suppressing the entire Great Sun God Peak.

"God, I..."

When Huaimie saw that the god had actually shot at him, he couldn't help feeling desperate, and his eyes couldn't believe it.

Where did he offend the gods?

Moreover, the god has a gentle personality, and the Rizong has served his disciples for dozens of generations, but he has never heard of a person being killed by the god.

Will he be the first?
At this moment, black air rose on Huaimie's face, showing a look of pain, and then his expression quickly calmed down, showing a bit of evil.

"It turns out that the highest-ranking and oldest Da Ri Shen Zun is such a young master."

"Huai Mie" faced the golden Buddha with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

"I think back then, my heartless deity used this thing to fuck me, and every time I was smashed to pieces, there was not even scum left.

But the me today is not the me of yesterday, and your Buddha is not as evil as my real Buddha. "

"Huai Mie" breathed out a black divine light, which shot directly at the golden Buddha.

The golden Buddha was instantly dissolved by the divine light and annihilated on the spot without a trace of fireworks.

The Great Sun God Venerable moved his eyes, and suddenly stopped his movements.

"What method is this?"

"Tianmo Shenguang, a natural ability, if you want to learn it, I can't teach you."

"Huai Mie" had a playful smile on his face.

"The first time we met, the scene was not very pleasant, let's meet again next time."

"Pretending to be a ghost, it seems that the world has forgotten the reason why I am called the Great Sun God."

Da Ri Shen Zun took a deep look at Huai Mie, and pinched the Buddha seal with his hand.

"When the world sees me, it should be like seeing a god or Buddha."

"Tathagata Nirvana!"

The Buddha's light illuminated the void, and a larger and more majestic golden Buddha suppressed the void, and the golden big handprint seemed to hold the space.

At this moment, no escape method can escape the blockade of this move.

Nirvana is for rebirth.

With this move, the opponent will never be overthrown.

Huaimie's body was fixed by the Buddha's light, the black light on his body dissipated, screams came out, his bald head was almost split open, his pores were stretched open by an invisible force, blood stained the white monk's robe.

But the inner demon hidden in his body was forcefully forced out.

The black air gathered and turned into the image of a young man, who was the head of the Heavenly Demon Fang.

"Powerful power, perfect control, worthy of No. 1 in this world."

Heavenly Demon Fang Zhang is naturally unable to fight against this move of Tathagata Nirvana, and he cannot resist it. His power can only bully monks below Huashen.

But Fang Chang dared to let Tian Mo Fang Chang come to this world, so he was sure.

I saw that Tian Mofang's figure suddenly seemed a bit unreal, and the big golden palm prints almost shattered the space, but they couldn't hurt Tian Mofang's length by half.

Escape into the void!

The void is everywhere, and any tangible matter cannot exist independently of the void.

The nature of the demon determines that he can enter the void realm at any time, which is equivalent to jumping out of the three realms, not in the five elements, and cannot be hurt by any tangible force.

Although the Great Sun God Venerable is strong, his power only exists in the real space, and it has not yet reached the point where it can penetrate a realm.

If you want to deal with this kind of demon method, you can only do it with the same power of law, or you can comprehend the spirit of transformation to a very high level, which is close to the power of law.

Otherwise, Heavenly Demon's method is playing a rogue.

Da Ri Shen Zun stopped his movements, and his eyes changed from calm as usual to a little excited.

"The incarnation of the demon, you are a visitor from the upper world!"

He heard Wang Song introduce visitors from the upper realm, so he naturally knew the characteristics of Tianmo Fangchang, and he even saw Fangchang's portrait.

The head of Tianmofang immediately denied it three times.

I'm not, don't talk nonsense, you've got the wrong person! "

The figure blurred, and escaped into the void again.

He had just faked his death, and he hadn't started to stir up chaos in the world, but he didn't expect to be exposed so easily.

In fact, you can't blame him.

Originally, he was honestly fishing in Wuyalou, waiting for an opportunity.

Suddenly, I saw Huai Mie walking in swaggeringly. Judging from his appearance and the attitudes of the people around him, his status was not low.

But this guy's cultivation is actually only Jindan.

Isn't this a naked temptation?

If he doesn't seize this kind of good opportunity, he will be sorry for the earnest teaching of the deity.

So he directly possessed Huai Mie, especially after learning that Huai Mie still had the decree of the Great Sun God, so that he could move freely in the Wuya Building.

So everything developed in a logical way.

He first secretly influenced Huai Mie's mind, and then used the decree of the Great Sun God to wipe out all the classics of the Japanese sect.

At the end, he became curious about the Great Sun God again.

This so-called Ten Thousand Years No. 1, the Great Sun God Venerable who is the number one cultivator in the stargazing world, the Heavenly Demon Fang Chief naturally wants to see it.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win every battle.

This great sun deity may be the biggest opponent of this deity entering the stargazing world.

I need to understand it myself first, and then return to the deity, this information is the continuation fee of his little life.

For the sake of his willingness to work so hard, I have to let him out for a few days no matter what.

Of course, the deity must be killed in the end.

Because the deity will not keep a guy who knows all his dark history hanging around outside, nor will he give him a chance to accumulate strength to resist.

But at least he had a good time.


Da Ri Shenzun is worthy of being the No.1 in this world, and it didn't take long to find him, but unfortunately, he can't fight, but he can't run away, but he learned from his master.

Tianmo Fang always acted proudly.

"Wait a minute, we can talk!"

The God of Great Sun spoke out to persuade him to stay.

It's just that the head of Tianmofang didn't give him a chance, he turned around and jumped, his figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already thousands of miles away.

Walk in the void!

Tian Mofang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with lingering fear:
"No one told me that walking in the void would encounter a space vortex, so I almost didn't know where I was sent.

It seems that this ability cannot be used frequently, but if there is the eye of the demon, and I can see through the void with its magic pupil, I don't have to worry about it.

This is the real walking in the void, my deity is too stingy. "

The head of Tian Mofang picked a direction and was about to leave.

A ray of light fell down, and the Great Sun God appeared in front of him politely.

"The envoy from the upper realm, the poor monk came with sincerity."

Head Tian Mo Fang's heart skipped a beat, and he no longer looked at Da Ri Shenzun with cynical eyes, but became a little more guarded.

This old guy is a bit strong.

Walking in the void leaves no traces, and the speed is almost comparable to teleportation, but the Great Sun God Venerable found him so quickly.

"What do you want to talk about?"

The head of Tianmofang secretly regained his strength and delayed the time.

The Great Sun God Venerable said with a smile: "The poor monk has always yearned for the upper realm, but only hates that the ladder to the sky is cut off, and he has no chance to enter the upper realm to practice.

Now that I can meet the envoy from the upper realm, the poor monk is really overjoyed and excited for a while.

I offended before, but I still hope the messenger will see me. "

As he spoke, he clasped his hands together and performed a Buddha ceremony.

Tianmo Fangchang's eyes suddenly lit up, and it seemed that he really had something to talk about.

"Master, you're welcome. Don't look at me as a devil, but I often communicate with the Buddha. He even gave me my favorite big slap."

"Seeing that you are also a seeker who longs for the upper realm, come here, this is an introduction to the customs and customs of the upper realm, and I will give you a copy."

The head of Tianmofang took out a special jade slip, which described in detail the power of the main world, including images and words.

Especially a certain Qingxiao City Lord who is about to enter the stargazing world, and the empress standing behind Qingxiao City Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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