Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 330 Great Sun God Venerable

Chapter 330 Great Sun God Venerable
The Great Sun God Venerable was not the first to see the thing on the jade slip, the first one to see it was actually Xingzong Taishang Wang Song.

It’s just that when faced with new things, some people reject them and choose to keep the status quo and are unwilling to change; some people are excited to accept them and choose to learn and join.

Neither is right or wrong.

After all, if a new thing has not been personally experienced, no one knows whether it is an opportunity or a danger.

It's just that they also face the powerful main world, which is also known as the upper realm in everyone's mouth.

Wang Song was afraid that the sect and even the world would be destroyed, so his first reaction was to stop Qingxiao City and protect the stargazing world.

But the reaction of the Great Sun God Venerable was yearning, wishing to open up the channel between the stargazing world and the main world immediately.

Especially seeing the boundless territory of the main world and seeing the vitality there.

That is the land of opportunity, the land of miracles.

The heart of Dainichi God, which had been dusted by time, beat for a long time.

Just like 1 years ago, when he had just completed his practice, he left the Rizong Mountain Gate for the first time and walked down the mountain.

After a while, the Great Sun God Venerable put down the jade slip in his hand and calmed down.

"The envoy was born in Qingxiao City, is Qingxiao City really like the jade slips said, has conquered several small worlds?"

He had already seen the introduction of Qingxiao City in the Jade Slips, and knew that it belonged to a top power under the command of a fairy dynasty named Datang.

The Lord Qingxiao is also the registered disciple of the Empress of the Immortal Dynasty. He married the niece of Her Majesty the Empress, and was greatly favored.

It has three major legions under it, each of which has the strength to suppress Huashen Daxiu.

There are more than a palm of Huashen Daxiu serving him, and the number of Nascent Soul Daxiu attached to him is surprisingly large, exceeding [-] people.

You must know that the Sun, Moon, and Star sects have accumulated tens of thousands of years, and there are less than a hundred Nascent Soul monks in the sect.

The head of Tian Mofang slightly reserved his head, unexpectedly, a bad thing turned into a good thing.

The information in the jade slips is naturally suspected of being exaggerated, but it is not inaccurate, because in theory, the strength of Qingxiao City can reach this upper limit.

Moreover, the deity gains strength every day, and when the stargazing world and the main world are connected, maybe the bragging will be successful.

"Of course it is true, when the stargazing world merges with the main world, you will come to my Qingxiao City and see for yourself, then you will know whether what I said is true or not.

Now that the world of the main world has been reopened, all worlds are integrated into one, and opportunities are everywhere.

Most of the subjects under my Qingxiao City are human monks from other worlds, and even ordinary people are recognized as members of my Qingxiao City.

And our Qingxiao City Lord is even more thirsty for talents, as long as he is a talent, he can get a place in Qingxiao City.

If it is someone like Grand Master, even if our city lord sees him, he will also be used as his arm, and he will not despise him in the slightest.

Moreover, Qingxiao City treats people equally, and will not treat them any differently because of their different backgrounds. As long as they can make contributions to Qingxiao City, they are all meritorious officials.

I think the master has been immersed in the realm of transforming gods for a long time. If he has made enough contributions, he wants to ask for the breakthrough method of the realm of dongxu, and our city lord will also allow it. "

"Cave Void Realm?!"

Da Ri Shenzun couldn't help feeling tears welling up in his eyes.

What he had been looking for all his life finally saw a glimmer of light.

"Can you really come up with a breakthrough method for the void realm?"

Tian Mofang looked proud and said with a smile:
"It's just the method of the hole realm, and it's the secret method of harmony above the hole. Our city lord can also come up with one or two. Don't forget his identity."

"Above the hole is the Tao."

These two realms are like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, which moved the Great Sun God to be awakened on the spot, and a light flashed in his eyes:
"The Queen of the Immortal Dynasty..."

In fact, his biggest suspicion about the information recorded in the Jade Slip is the coercive empress behind the Lord Qingxiao.

Because Her Lady Queen in the information is really too strong.

That is a cultivation level that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. It is a super power that can overturn a world with a single word and destroy all living beings with a single palm.

But that's right, if it weren't for such a character, how could he teach Qingxiao City Lord who can have the peak power of transforming gods before he is a hundred years old.

You must know that he is known as the number one genius in the stargazing world for ten thousand years.

At the age of 200, he only broke through the Nascent Soul Realm. After nearly [-] years of practice and various opportunities, he had the opportunity to transform into a god.

The God of Great Sun has lived for ten thousand years, and apart from immortality and immortality, his mind will not be touched in the slightest for a long time.

However, the leader of Tianmofang took out the thing that moved him the most.

Although it was just a jade slip, the things recorded in it were too beautiful, as if they were illusory.But so what.

He was like a drowning man who felt a straw in his hand and wanted to catch him desperately.

Even if it's fake, it doesn't prevent him from being crazy for the last time.

It's just that he still wants to get more chips at this moment.

From the information we met just now, we can get that no matter how powerful the Empress of Tang Dynasty is, this does not prevent Qingxiao City from being a young force.

Even if Qingxiao City absorbs human monks from all realms to serve, it still lacks the power of transforming gods.

With his strength, he has the confidence and confidence to fight for more for himself.

After all, without his cooperation, Qingxiao City would have to spend a lot of effort to take down the Star Gazing World, which is also an important reason why Wang Song asked them to join forces.

So the Great Sun God Venerable revealed a sentimental look, and said with emotion:

"It's a pity that the poor monk doesn't have much longevity. I'm afraid he won't have the chance to see the realm above the God Transformation, and he won't have the chance to see what the upper realm looks like."

The head of Tian Mofang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

Good guy, this seems to be a good thing for him, and it is also a test for him.

If even the longevity problem of the Great Sun God Venerable cannot be solved.

Even if there are thousands of spiritual techniques and all kinds of secret techniques in Qingxiao City, to him, they are like magic tricks, invisible and intangible.

Thinking of this, Tianmo Fangchang couldn't help but feel admiration for the deity's heart.

Because when he came, the deity had already started to refine the panacea that could prolong the life of the monk who transformed the god.

You must know that the cultivators who transform themselves into gods in Qingxiao City are all too young to be ridiculous.

The only ancient stone man, also because of the body of a puppet, has a lifespan comparable to a stone, and it is not a problem to live another 10,000+ years.

Qingxiao City's refining of Huashen Grade Longevity Pill has the feeling of choosing a cemetery when a child is born.

Obviously, these things are all prepared for these cultivators who are suffocating in the small world.

For a young deity like Zhong Shan, in order to avoid the possible influence of Tianmo Fangchang on him, Qian Shouyuan always said that he didn't want it.

Otherwise, if he was really acting, he wouldn't have to pay such a heavy price.

Acting is part of it. With the help of Wang Song, it is another idea of ​​Zhong Shan to completely separate his primordial spirit from Tianmo Fangchang.

In this regard, Tianmo Fangchang knew it well, but he didn't point it out.

So Longevity Pill couldn't impress him at all.

The head of Tianmo Fang laughed, and said: "It turns out that this is the problem, Master, don't be sentimental. Every year in Qingxiao City, we open a furnace to refine a furnace of Green King Changsheng Pill, which can prolong your life for a hundred years."

As for the other Qingling Changsheng Pill, it is for ordinary people, and monks can also take it naturally, but the higher the level, the worse the effect.

A look of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the Great Sun God Venerable.

"The poor monk has already taken the life-prolonging panacea, and the panacea cannot extend the life of the poor monk."

It is impossible to eat too much Yanshou Dan.

Otherwise, if you still want to practice anything, you can just open the furnace to make alchemy, and you can live forever by taking medicine.

And the God of Great Sun can live for ten thousand years. In addition to the adventures he had when he was young, he also took a lot of life-prolonging elixir, and he had already reached the full level of his drug resistance.

But Tianmo Fangchang is full of confidence:

"If it is an ordinary life-prolonging elixir, I don't need to introduce it, but this Qingwang Changsheng elixir is a spiritual thing transformed by our city lord from the essence of the fifth-order spiritual vein, and it is refined with ten thousand years of elixir. pieces.

After taking this elixir, it will directly increase the strength of the monk's primordial spirit, not only prolong life, but also increase the potential of the soul. In the future, it will increase the confidence of breaking through the realm of the void.

To let the master know that to break through the realm of the void, it takes six or nine days of calamity, and the requirements for the potential of the soul are extremely high, and it may fail if it is even a little bit short.

Therefore, not to mention a cultivator of transforming spirits, but even a powerful person in the realm of Dongxu, eating this Green King Longevity Pill can extend a lot of lifespan.

The most important thing is that this pill is aimed at the soul. In theory, as long as the potential of the master's soul has not been raised to the limit, he can take this pill all the time.

Our city lord predicts that it will not be a problem for ordinary monks to use this pill to extend their lifespan for a thousand years. "

Without waiting for the Great Sun God to speak, Tianmo Fangchang said:
"Now I have a Green King Changsheng Pill in my hand, you might as well give it a try, Master."

As he said that, Tianmo Fangchang took out his stomach and took out a jade box from it.

His body has no form or quality, so the things he carries at any time are placed in the internal space, which is a void space, probably the talent of the demon.

Fang Chang opened the jade box, which contained a green elixir. The elixir rose and transformed into a stubborn little green ox.

"Master, please use it."

As soon as Fang Chang handed it over, the jade box floated in front of the Great Sun God Venerable as if without force.

Da Ri Shenzun never thought that Fang Chang would send such a precious panacea to him so easily, and he didn't dare to take it for a while.

"The poor monk met the envoy for the first time, and he did not make any achievements. How dare he accept this great gift?"

Fang Chang said: "This is the sincerity and goodwill shown by our Qingxiao City to the master. If the master feels sorry, he can pay it back in other ways in the future."

God Venerable Da Ri pressed the jade box and asked, "The envoy is not afraid that the poor monk will turn his face and deny anyone after accepting it?"

Fang Chang smiled mysteriously: "Will the master turn his face?"

After turning his face, where did the longevity pill come from, and where to find the breakthrough method after the realm of the hole.

Da Ri Shenzun didn't answer, but pinched the panacea with his fingers, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

In his eyes, everything about the panacea is clearly visible, without any cover-up, so it's better to be cautious about what you eat.

"Master, please rest assured, since it is our sincerity, naturally we will not use some small tricks to make people laugh."

Fang Chang did not do anything.

Because today's demon species can't hide from Huashen Daxiu, unless it's a demon clone with such strength as the master of the demon party.

But there is only one head of the Heavenly Magic Cube.

Moreover, Zhong Shan has already proved that as long as he is willing to pay the price, he can still be separated from Tian Mofang.

The methods that are invincible at a low level, but at a high level, there are more and more means that can be punished.

Of course, when the Eye of Heavenly Demon returns to its full strength in the future, the demon seeds produced can be used by these cultivators who transform themselves into gods.

"It made the messenger laugh."

God Venerable Da Ri clasped his hands together and saluted, but there was no embarrassment on his face.

Although he is confident that he can burn all poisons and curses with his sun god body, but this is the panacea of ​​the upper world after all, who knows if there will be any other means.

He swallowed the Green King Longevity Pill, and a strong aura of vitality shot straight to the sky, part of it washed over his body, and part of it was poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

God Venerable Da Ri seemed to see a blue cow standing upright in the sky, with a low moo, the sky and the earth were clean, and the thousands of miles of mountains and rivers trembled slightly.

Even his primordial spirit swayed, and the rotten air was expelled from his body.


The Great Sun God Venerable closed his eyes, feeling the will of the Qingniu, the spirit vein in the Qingwang Changsheng Pill, which was a power he had never felt before.

It's as if the will of heaven and earth is revealed on him, and every move is full of the rhythm of heaven and earth.

The spirit of the spirit vein is a unique phenomenon in the main world. In other small worlds of secret realms, even if there is a spirit vein, it will not produce spirituality.

The spirit of the spirit vein is the spirit of heaven and earth, and it contains the power of the law of heaven and earth.

The spirits produced by the spirits of high-level spirit veins even contain fragments of laws, which are of incredible benefits to monks above the realm of transforming gods.

Before Qingxiao City was first built, the Flame Devil he met had his eye on the spirit of the spirit vein, so he confronted Fang Chang relentlessly.

Because in the inheritance of Yan Mozun he obtained, Yan Mozun obtained the power of the spiritual vein at the beginning, and only then did he use this to achieve the realm of the cave.

It's just that the Flame Demon didn't know that the Qingniu spirit vein was a low-level spirit vein at that time, and it didn't help people break through the hole.

Even the Qingwangshan spiritual vein, which is only one step away from the sixth-order spiritual vein, can be of some help in breaking through the realm of the void.

"120 five years and three months..."

God Venerable Great Sun opened his eyes, and he clearly felt that his lifespan had increased by 120 years and three months.

Originally, he only had a good life of more than 200 years, but now he still has nearly 400 years of life.

The God of Great Sun once again bowed to Fang Chang with clasped hands.

"The wonder of longevity is that poor monks are not immune to vulgarity. No matter what the envoy wants, poor monk is willing to help him with all his strength!"

Fang Chang said: "Master, you are a straightforward person, then I will just say that our city is mainly the boundary stone of the stargazing world.

If the master can deliver the boundary stone to the city lord, then there will be nine green king longevity pills left, and the method of breaking through the realm of the hole and the experience of the predecessors will be sent together. "

Hearing this, the Great Sun God Venerable couldn't help but let out a light sigh.

"What Wang Taishang said is actually true?"

Xingzong Taishang Wang Song also wanted them to find the boundary stone together.

He thought it was Wang Song looking for an upright reason to unite with the Sun and Moon sects.

After all, only Xingzong had contact with people from the upper realm, so naturally they could say whatever they wanted.

But now the envoy from the upper realm is not dead, not even injured, and Xingzong is so familiar with Qingxiao City, it is hard not to suspect that they have communicated in detail before.

But Qingxiao City's attitude is not tough, why is Wang Song so hard to accept.

Could it be that Wang Song Taishang had already cooperated with the envoys from the upper realm, but he didn't want them to know, so he deliberately pulled them into the enemy.

This is not true either, the envoy from the upper realm has not been imprisoned, this lie can be broken with a poke.

If you change your mind.

Grandmaster Wang Song really wanted to rebel against Qingxiao City, and at the same time, some people wanted to use the mouth of Grandmaster Wang Song to convey the news of the boundary stone to them.

What a deep calculation!
And this is conspiracy.

In this way, whether they are close or hostile to Qingxiao City, finding the boundary stone is their first goal.

While the Great Sun God was meditating, Fang Chang continued:
"There is only one boundary stone. Whoever finds the boundary stone, our city lord will agree to his request. Master, farewell."

After saying that, Fang Chang's figure disappeared, and he fled into the distance.

This time, God Venerable Da Ri didn't stop him any more, but held the jade slip that recorded the information of Qingxiao City in his hand, and fell into deep thought again.

Sure enough, there are competitors.

But no matter who it is, he can't stop him from climbing the avenue, whoever dares to block will die!
In the next moment, the body of the Great Sun God turned into a ball of golden light, descending on the Rizong Mountain Gate like a round of great sun, and Dabi, the disciple who appeared that day, took over the power of Rizong.

The whole family of Rizong was boiling and celebrating with each other.

The next day, the news that the Great Sun God Venerable had left the customs swept the entire stargazing world.

The surviving old guys once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the Great Sun God, and began to ask what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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