Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 331 Using luck as a sacrifice, looking for traces of the boundary stone

Chapter 331 Using luck as a sacrifice, looking for traces of the boundary stone

However, it is said that in order to seek the way to the upper realm, the Great Sun God Venerable came out of the mountain to take over the power of the mountain gate, which caused the entire stargazing world to clamor.

On the other side, the head of Tianmofang gradually let himself go after gaining successful experience.

Through the matter of the Great Sun God Venerable, he finally understood.

At the beginning, his thinking was too conservative, and he classified most people as opponents at the beginning, which was just setting up difficulties for himself.

A great man once said that we should make many friends and few enemies.

In the world of stargazing, there are not many people like Xingzong Wang Songtai who miss the old land, but there are also many refined and self-interested people like Zhong Shan, like the Great Sun God.

Therefore, he can be bolder. Instead of hiding his identity as a taboo, he can actively spread his news.

Perhaps it won't be long before there will naturally be good teammates who admire the upper world and come to join them with their own food.

So from that day on.

All the sects above the Nascent Soul Realm in the stargazing world were visited by a guy who claimed to be an envoy from the upper realm.

At the beginning, some sects received the news and reprimanded and expelled them angrily. They felt that they had encountered idiots and violent people, and even chased and killed the Heavenly Demon Fang Zhang thousands of miles away.

Even though he had no opponent under the Transformation God, but for the sake of the overall situation, Fang Chang could have turned his face ruthlessly in the face of chasing and killing, but finally decided to endure it.

Because most of the people who plot wrongdoing show themselves with generosity and kindness at the beginning.

If he fights and kills people as soon as he comes up, then people who have never seen him will definitely not have a good impression.

No matter what his reasons are, it is always his fault to kill.

Things hurt its kind, since he claims to be an envoy from the upper realm, then other sects in this realm are inherently in the same camp.

The idea of ​​the sect in this world will become very simple at that time. Since the envoys from the upper realm dare to attack other sects, they naturally don't mind attacking their own sect.

Where will this kind of messenger who comes with death and fear be welcomed?

But the emissary who is easy to talk, soft, laughs when meeting, and doesn't fight back even if he can't cooperate, can meet him.

What if it's really good.

After all, if you claim to be an envoy from the upper realm, you must bring some souvenirs from the upper realm, otherwise, how can you believe that you are an envoy from the upper realm.

So although some people regarded Tianmo Fangchang as a lunatic at the beginning, not only insulted him, but also shot and killed him at will, but as Tianmo Fangchang showed his strength, there were fewer and fewer people who disrespected him later.

Even if they don't quite believe what Heavenly Demon Fang said about the coming of the upper realm, other people will pretend to be false and respectful.

Because with the passage of time, more and more interested people discovered that the three top sects of the Sun, Moon, and Stars were strangely silent about the sudden arrival of the envoy from the upper realm.

And silence is the acquiescence, and the acquiescence is the fact.

Combined with the news that the Great Sun God Venerable had suddenly left the seclusion and the three sects had frequently moved, the calm situation in the stargazing world became more and more undercurrent, and a subtle atmosphere gradually permeated.

Later, the sects that Heavenly Demon Fang Chang took the initiative to visit, all of them swept the couch to greet them with great respect, and the suzerain personally received them.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, the head of the Heavenly Demon Fang also revealed some news appropriately.

So gradually, there was such a rumor in the stargazing world that the person who got the boundary stone could be the fourth largest sect in the stargazing world, tied with the three sects of the sun, moon and stars.

As for why they are not number one, the Sun, Moon, and Star sects have been accumulating power for tens of thousands of years, and no one, no matter how arrogant, dares to say that he can surpass them.

Tied is the highest goal.

This rumor is even more convincing.

Especially after someone discovered the three exploration teams.

Many old monks who lived in seclusion came forward to accuse the three sects of their domineering behavior, not only taking away their caves, but also digging up their ancestral graves.

Then the old monks found that instead of speaking up for them, the other monks were extremely excited, and started the treasure hunt with Sanzong.

So in just half a year, there was a wave of treasure hunting in the stargazing world.

Ancient records and stories began to be excavated, and all kinds of strange treasure maps, secret books, and jade slips that were said to be handed down from ancient times appeared in the market one after another.

I don't know how many people's ancestral graves were secretly excavated, and casual cultivators who can escape from the ground were specially recruited by various sects and became guest ministers of the sect.


It has been a year since the head of Tianmofang entered the world of stargazing.

this day.

Stargazing World, Three Wonderful Peaks.

Sanqi Peak has three peaks of the Sun, Moon, and Star, and is guarded by senior monks of the Sun, Moon, and Star Schools all year round. Even most of the monks of the Sun, Moon, and Star Schools do not know that there is such a mountain.

As for why the Sanqi Summit is so secretive and so important.

Because Sanqi Peak has another name in Sanzongtai's circle - Shengxian Peak.

According to legend, before the Heavenly Ladder was cut off, the Sun, Moon, and Star Emperors ascended to the upper realm through this peak and enjoyed the way of longevity.

It's just that since a certain day, the heavenly ladder was cut off, and Shengxian Peak no longer had the ability to ascend, but instead became the last place where the three emperors sat down.

Perhaps because of the final unwillingness, most Huashen Taishang will come to this peak at the end of their lives, trying to find the last sliver of life.

Or maybe it is possible to open a door for the younger generation with one's own life.

For more than [-] years since the Heavenly Ladder was cut off, more than two palms of Huashen Taishang and Nascent Soul Great Cultivator have been melted away on the Three Wonderful Peaks.

It has become a veritable ancestral land of the three clans.

But today, it can only be said that future generations are disrespectful.

Looking at the majestic and towering Three Wonderful Peaks, God Venerable Dayi apologized silently in his heart.

With Sanzong's ability, one year is enough to turn over the territory of the stargazing world, but he didn't even see the shadow of the boundary stone.

God Venerable Great Sun carefully studied the patriarch's handwriting, combined with the news from the envoy from the upper realm, he finally set his sights on the ancestral land of Sanqi Peak.

For the sake of future generations, as long as the ancestors are disturbed, it will be clean.

The next moment, divine power descended.

As soon as the God of Great Sun stepped out, the golden light filled the sky behind him, like a real Buddha in the world, and the monks of the three sects stationed at the Three Wonderful Peaks couldn't help but bow their heads in salute.

"I have seen the gods."

Da Ri Shen Zun nodded slightly at the crowd, without saying a word, he went straight into the Three Wonderful Peaks, without even triggering the formation.

"Has the god entered?"

The monk of Yuezong Xingzong said in a daze.

Rizong cultivator Yu Yourong said: "The three strange formations are tempered by the three lights of the sun, moon and stars every day, and they have long been integrated with the heaven and earth, and their power is infinite.

The God Venerable was able to leave no trace, and even the formation was not disturbed. He is indeed the Great Sun God Venerable of our Sun Sect, the number one monk in the stargazing world. "

"Is this what I'm talking about? Don't you know where the Three Wonderful Peaks are? Without the handwriting of the three Supreme Masters, no one can go in alone!"

Some monks from Xingzong burst out with foul language, but they didn't dare to really stop the Great Sun God.

"No, I have to notify Zongmen immediately."

They can't handle this kind of thing.

"I'm not afraid of the gods going in, but I'm afraid that the gods are also looking for some boundary stone, and disturbing the purity of the ancestors of all sects."

A monk of Yuezong said abruptly.

"We also have to notify the Zongmen. Otherwise, if something happens, whoever dares to argue with the gods will not be the ones who are responsible for us gatekeepers."

In the past year, treasure hunting has become popular in the entire stargazing world.

In order to find a boundary stone that has never been seen much, the bones of countless ancestors have been rediscovered, just to find some clues from the funeral objects.

In terms of ancient times, it can't compare to the place where all the empresses sit and melt on the Three Wonderful Peaks.

Now even Rizong monk is not calm.

In case the god really went in to dig the grave, then...

They were all excited, took out the contact token, and hurriedly sent a message to the sect.


Inside the Three Wonderful Peaks.

"You are here."

Standing in front of a huge stone tablet, Da Ri Shen Zun held his back in one hand and held a snow-white rosary in the other, fiddled with it gently, with an unhurried attitude.

Behind him are the other five elders of the three sects, two from each sect, it can be said that they are all out.

The Sun, Moon, and Star Sect maintains the number of two Huashen Venerables all year round, one old and one new, just like the Xingzong Taishang Wang Song and Zhong Shan.

One is nearly [-] years old, and the other is only over [-] years old, a difference of several thousand years.

This number did not appear randomly, but even the top-level sects of the three sects can only support two Huashen venerables.

One more will consume the potential of the disciples under the sect.

Even if there is a temporary prosperity, if the three deities cannot destroy the other two sects, then this prosperity will cost the future generations for thousands of years-it will be very difficult for future generations to have monks in the realm of deities.

"God, do you want to open the ancestral tomb?"

The one who spoke was the other Supreme Master of the Rizong, named Cang Feng, a Taoist.

Although he is also an antique, more than 6000 years old, his seniority and strength are much lower than that of the Great Sun God.

So even if he wanted to question, he asked very softly.

"My lord, don't open the tombs of our ancestors without authorization. If we open the tombs of our ancestors today, future generations will dig our tombs in the future.

Rules can't be broken. "

The Great Sun God Venerable turned around, with a compassionate smile on his face, he said:

"Although the three schools of Sun, Moon and Star are not the same patriarch, they have some origins after all. I also respect the other two schools and will not tamper with the ancestors.

I came today not to move the ancestral cave, but to the boundary stone.

When you come over, I want to ask you to help me. "

"I don't know how the god wants us to help you?"

It was Taishang Zhongshan of Xingzong who spoke.

He was also troubled by this boundary stone.

If there is no boundary stone, what will happen to his law crystal, it is his greatest hope to be promoted to become a god.

Da Ri Shen Zun said: "I have been feeling it day and night, and finally came up with a solution that is not a solution.

The boundary stone is the cornerstone of a boundary, and it is supposed to be connected with the luck of this world. If we observe the movement of the energy in the astral world, then the boundary stone may respond.

These three strange peaks are the peaks that reach the sky, the road to ascension back then.

If I topple this peak and break the three strange formations, my three sects' aura will be turbulent, and the stargazing world's aura will be turbulent. If the boundary stone is stimulated by this, it may appear. "

This is similar to the method Fang Chang used when he threatened the Grand Palace Master in the Hundred Flowers Realm back then.

At that time, the Shennong staff refined by the boundary stone escaped from its owner.

Fang Chang once said that half the world was slaughtered, and the traces of Shennong's staff were found by blood sacrifices.

Of course, Fang Chang did not use this cruel method in the end.

Instead, he used the equal contract between the Grand Palace Master and Shennongzhang and Shennongzhang's instinct to protect the master as a magic weapon, forcing Shennongzhang to appear.

Now they don't even know what the boundary stone looks like, so if they want to find the trace of the boundary stone, they will naturally have to resort to ruthless tactics.

"What?! You want to overthrow the Three Strange Peaks?!"

The other five people, including Zhong Shan, all showed horror.

"San Qifeng has long been the ancestral land of our sect, and is connected with our three sects' luck.

If you overthrow the Three Wonderful Peaks today, our three sects will no longer have the luck to suppress a realm.

My three schools of luck have been lost, and I am in danger of becoming a god.

If it happens that the three sects are weak, perhaps ten thousand years later, there will be no inheritance left by the three sects of the sun, moon and stars.

If you do this, you are breaking the foundation of our three sects! "

The other Empress of Yuezong was full of disbelief and firmly opposed it.

"I would never agree!"

Da Ri Shenzun shook his head and said: "I didn't discuss it with you, do you think you can stop this deity?
I asked you to come here because I didn't want to hurt Sanzong's peace. After all, our patriarch also served under the same great man.

For so many years, although the three sects had conflicts, they also joined hands to help each other.

So I will give you the opportunity to accept the inheritance of your ancestors and find another acupoint for them.

Whether you agree or not, Sanqifeng will not exist today. "

At this time, the Great Sun God Venerable did not show any power, but no one dared to underestimate his words, especially the two grand masters of the Moon Sect.

Both of them are only in the early stage of god transformation, two small realms behind the late stage of god transformation by the great sun god.

In a real fight, there is a high probability that two will die and one will be injured.

At this moment, they can only look at the two grand masters of Xingzong.

As for Rizong Taishang, it would be fine if he didn't fight with Da Ri Shen Zun, and he couldn't be expected to dare to attack Da Ri Shen Zun.

Song Taishang, the king of Xingzong who should have opposed it the most, now has a look of hesitation.

"Shenzun, are you really sure to find the boundary stone through this?"

What he thought was that after the Great Sun God found the boundary stone, he could use the power of the boundary stone to resist the monks from the upper realm. After all, there was no better candidate than the Great Sun God to take charge.

But he probably didn't think that the Great Sun God Venerable had already surrendered to the enemy first.

The Great Sun God Venerable said lightly: "It's just a little trial, if even the collapse of the three strange peaks can't activate the reaction of the boundary stone, I will use the blood sacrifice method.

One Transformation God is not enough, then two, if not enough, I will wipe out all the monks in the world. As a sacrifice to the luck of cultivation in this world, I must find the boundary stone.

No one can stop me! "

It seems that in his eyes, the high-ranking cultivator of Huashen is nothing more than a pig or dog waiting to be slaughtered.

Wang Songtai seems to have seen the future blood flow into rivers from the description of the Great Sun God.

Obviously, before the monks from the upper realm arrive, the monks from this realm will suffer bad luck for no reason.

Would it really be a good thing if the Boundary Stone was really obtained by the Great Sun God Venerable?

He couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Internal unity is, after all, a beautiful imagination.

"God, since this is the case, everything is as you said.

But the form of blood sacrifice is already the way of the devil, you are the living true Buddha, the Tathagata of the Great Sun will burn away all evil, please think more about it, so that you can make a living for all the people in the world. " Wang Songtai asked.

The God of Great Sun said: "Then you should pray for the boundary stone to appear."

"When the sun rises tomorrow, I will dump this peak!"

As soon as the words fell, he was already sitting cross-legged on the stone tablet, twirling the rosary, closing his eyes and chanting the scriptures of the past life, not knowing who he was chanting for.

 It was recommended on the Internet today, and Jia is the basic respect for the recommendation. There is another chapter tonight, [-] words.


(End of this chapter)

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