Chapter 332 Star Orb

The next day, when the sun will not rise.

The Sanqi Peak, which was originally full of aura, is quite desolate at the moment, and there are many potholes on the flat mountain.

Those were the ancestors of the three sects of the past, and they were carried away together with people and pits.

"The time has come."

Da Ri Shenzun pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, and folded his hands together.

"Dari Tathagata, I am the only one!"

I saw a golden sun appearing in the sky, shining brightly in all directions, and when the sun's rays dispersed, revealing its true shape, it was actually a golden Buddha.

Sitting cross-legged on top of a golden lotus, the Buddha is still as tall as a thousand feet.

I saw Jin Jin slowly stretched out his palm towards Sanqi Peak, and gently printed his palm on Sanqi Peak.


The earth trembled, and the veins of the earth groaned.

The next moment, the Sanqi Peak suddenly lit up with a silver-white light.

The three peaks of the sun, moon, and stars surrounding the three strange peaks all lit up, and the sky suddenly darkened, and the sky was full of stars, as if it had entered the night again in an instant.

The stars cast light, and the power of the stars filled the void.

At this moment, Sanqi Peak is like a mountain made of hundreds of millions of tons of steel, indestructible and indestructible.

Da Ri Shenzun's expression remained unchanged, even though the Golden Buddha's palm was blocked by the three strange peaks, he did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation.

If this power is controlled by a monk of the same level, he may still be a little bit afraid.

However, what was in front of him was just a dead thing, a dead thing that relied on a naturally formed formation to contend with him.

He can completely attack its weak point at this time, first destroy the three peaks of the sun, moon and stars, extend its arms, and then break the main peak, so the three strange peaks will naturally collapse under the palm of his Buddha.

But the Great Sun God Venerable did not do this.

He just clasped his hands together again.

The golden Buddha's light illuminated the void, and the big Buddha in the sky was really like a big sun, with immeasurable light blooming on it, and even the night sky was torn apart by this light.

"The gods actually want to fight against the entire Sanqi formation?!"

Ri Zong Cangfeng Taishang showed horror in his eyes.

The Great Sun God has not made a move for many, many years. He once thought that he had practiced hard for many years, and perhaps the gap with the God is not as unimaginable as before.

But at this moment, he understood why the gods didn't care about their opinions.

If the ladder to the sky is still there and the road to ascension is not broken, the gods have probably already broken through to the realm above the transformation of gods.

No wonder the gods are so crazy.

The deadline is approaching, if you don't give it a go, I'm afraid you can only watch yourself die.

However, God Venerable has been in the Invincible One Realm for 1 years, how can there be such a person who is passively waiting to die.

He is bound to obtain this boundary stone.

The golden Buddha's light was really as blazing as the sun's rays at this time, as if the three strange peaks made of gold and iron gradually melted and softened under this Buddha's light, losing their invincible power.

The starlight of the three peaks of the sun, moon and stars is also suppressed by the Buddha's light, and there is even a tendency to assimilate.

The night suddenly shredded, a real big sun jumped out from the east, and the three strange formations were broken.


Da Ri Shenzun stretched out his hand and pushed, and the Sanqi Peak, which was tens of thousands of feet high, fell towards the west like a tree that had been cut down.

With an earth-shattering loud noise, an extremely huge deep pit appeared on the ground, and the golden Buddha sat cross-legged in the pit, as if rising from hell.

With the collapse of the three strange peaks, the three peaks of the sun, moon and stars also lost some kind of supporting power, and the mountain disintegrated like building blocks.

The sound of boulders rolling down one after another, like rain.

The majestic and lofty Sanfeng turned into a dwarf, without any momentum.

The six grand masters present, including the Great Sun God Venerable, all felt a sense of loss, as if they had lost something at this moment and could never find it again.


"Hey, it's really fierce."

Tianmo Fangchang looked at the landslides and landslides in front of him, and the vicissitudes of life, and he also admired the courage of the Great Sun God.

My family's ancestral business and the future of the sect can be broken without any hesitation.

"Now, unless the boundary stone is completely sealed, there should be some reaction."

Naturally, God Venerable Great Sun brought down the Three Wonderful Peaks with a little help from him.

After all, the day of ten years of longevity is getting closer and closer, and the connection between the stargazing world and the main world should not be far away if there are no accidents.

At this time, there was no news about Jieshi, so it was hard not to be beaten to death on the spot by his deity with his ability to handle affairs.

In order to allow myself to fight for a little more right to speak, for example, to restore the right to be a man when I let him out next time.

Then he has to do it beautifully.

As for the collapse of the Three Wonderful Peaks, the loss of the luck of the three sects, the dragon and the snake rise from the land, the world is in chaos, and the lives of the people are devastated.

Not to mention whether he, as a demon, has a conscience.

As long as the boundary stone is in the hands of the deity, the stargazing world will be swallowed by the main world, and there is no chance of chaos.

Just thinking about it, Tian Mofang's eyes lit up, and his face showed excitement.

"So simple?!"


With the collapse of the Three Strange Peaks, a fist-sized, round, shiny transparent crystal ball slowly rose from the dust in the sky, and its momentum became stronger and stronger.

It was as if the three strange peaks suppressed this transparent crystal ball, and once it collapsed, the crystal ball regained its freedom.

The crystal ball was fixed in midair, and it became the center of heaven and earth, and the aura around it frantically poured into the crystal ball.

Heaven and earth paled for it.

"Is this a boundary stone?"

The Great Sun God Venerable was slightly stunned, and made a decisive move.

However, he wasn't the only one who made a move, the other five grand masters also made a move.

"Bring it!"

"God, I will help you!"

In the void, the gods and gods filled the air, directly blocking the space.

At this time, the few Huashen made a move with all their strength.

Apparently other people also recognized the identity of the crystal ball, which was transformed by the boundary stone of the stargazing world.

No one would have thought that the boundary stone they had been looking for for a long time would be suppressed under the Three Wonderful Peaks all this time. If God God Da Ri hadn't pushed down the Three Wonderful Peaks today, they might never find the boundary stone.

And once they decide to make a move, even if the opponent is the Great Sun God Venerable, they will not show mercy at all.

"Blue Wind Supreme, your opponent is me!"

The Rizong Taishang Cangfeng, who wanted to help the Great Sun God, was entangled by the Yuezong Taishang Yue Ni.

"Shen Zun, the old man is willing to experience and teach your Great Sun Tathagata Sutra together with Zhong Taishang."

Another Grandmaster of the Moon Sect and Zhong Shan made a move and blocked the Great Sun God Venerable, while the Grand Priest Wang Song of the Star Sect approached the crystal ball transformed by the boundary stone.

In the blink of an eye, the Yuexing sects decided to join forces.

It is really that the Great Sun God Venerable has been too strong these days, making them a little breathless.

If the Great Sun God Venerable gets the boundary stone, it will be even more difficult to check and balance him in the future, and both the Moon and Star Sects will have to become vassals of the Sun Sect.

So at this time, the image of Wang Song Taishang who has been running for the stargazing world is very suitable.

At least after Wang Songtai got the boundary stone, what he was thinking about was how to unite his comrades and fight against the forces of the upper realm.

"You guys dare to stop me?"

The Great Sun God Zunyue's white monk's robe bulged, and he became like a diamond with angry eyes, and was angry for the first time in front of everyone.

"Dari Tathagata, Tathagata Nirvana!"

The Great Sun God himself is the best magic weapon.

So he has never bothered to use other magic weapons for help. At this moment, a pair of fleshy palms fell, the air trembled, and the golden Buddha seemed to come alive, pressing down with five fingers, with an irresistible force of suppression and annihilation.

"Moon hazy!"

Yue Zong, who had not yet been named, did not dare to resist, opened his mouth, and saw a small sword light turning and appearing, turning into a snow-white flying sword.

The arc of the sword body is slightly curved, like a crescent moon.

With the appearance of the Moon Obscure Flying Sword, a crescent moon really appeared in the air in the blue sky and white sun, and the moonlight fell, and the moonlight turned into sword light, piercing the palm of the golden Buddha.

Not to be outdone by Zhong Shan, with a thought, Zhou Tianxing's cassock came out of his body.

This star vestment, which he has practiced since he obtained the highest secret code of the Star Sect, is both a spiritual art and a magic weapon for him.

In terms of power, it is not much weaker than the real magic weapon.

The only shortcoming is that the star vestment is tempered by his mana and cannot be passed on to future generations. Once he dies, the vestment will also collapse if his mana is not enough.

At this time, the robe of stars is like a big net covering the sky and the earth, trapping the Great Sun God Venerable in it.

The cassock can not only protect the body, but also trap people.

All this is very long to say, but since the world stone was born, all the actions happened almost at the same time.

Although Yue Zong Taishang and Zhong Shan were far less powerful than the Great Sun God Venerable, it was really not difficult to entangle him for a few breaths of time.

Such a short time is enough for Wang Song to get close to the boundary stone.

Wang Song just stretched out his hand, and the crystal ball transformed by the boundary stone easily entered his hand, giving him the feeling of punching the air.

How can it be so simple?
It was as if the boundary stone was sent to him on his own initiative.


Wang Song didn't have time to think about it. Following the boundary stone, information flowed in his mind. It was the method of controlling the crystal ball.

No, this is no longer called a crystal ball, it is called a star bead.

Holding the star beads in his hand, Wang Song said to the crowd who were fighting together:
"My lords, the Star Pearl has already entered the hands of the old man, please don't argue."

Seeing that Da Ri Shenzun was being eaten by tigers, he was even more furious.

He smashed Feiyue Zongtai's flying sword with one fist, and tore Zhong Shan's Zhou Tian Xing Chen dharma robe with another palm. Behind him, the golden Buddha folded his palms together, like two mountain peaks pressing down on Wang Song.

"You deserve it?!"

 Hmm...less than [-] words, ahem, let's count it as an addition, let's continue tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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