Chapter 338 Zhenxing
a month later.

At dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles a piece of golden yellow on the sea level, as if flowing golden water.

Nameless island, space channel.

"Demon girl, this seat is here again!"

With a stern shout, Zhong Shan waved his hand, and Zhou Tianxing's cassock turned into a net and fell down.

Seeing raging sky fires rising around the island, the purple-red flames seemed to burn even the sea water.

The flame turned into a shield, blocking the sky and earth net.

A slender white-clothed female cultivator with a cold face slowly lifted into the air, looking at Zhong Shan with cold eyes.

"The defeated general dares to bark!"

Zhong Shan's face froze immediately, thinking that it was reasonable for the city lord's younger sister to be more aggressive.

He just pretended he didn't hear it, and said with a cold snort:

"I just saw you as a girl, and you made such a small move, but you were so contemptuous. Today, I will let you see my true strength."

"Thunderbolt, call!"

Immediately, purple lightning arcs flickered from the sky and earth net formed by Zhou Tianxing's vestment, spreading rapidly in the air like a spider web.

The thunderbolt smashed on the shield of the small island, and the thunder and fire intersected, just like the sky thunder hooking the fire on the ground, bursting out infinite power in an instant.

I saw whirlpools as large as Zhang Zhang lit up on the shield, as well as small mushroom clouds rising, and visions were born in hundreds of miles around.

Just a trick.

It has entered the white-hot state.

Fang Tiezhu followed his brother's instructions, don't show mercy, just take it seriously.

So at this moment, when Zhong Shan made a move, an ice-blue ball of light appeared in her palm, and when she squeezed it suddenly, countless cold lights like ice crystals burst out.

She seems to have exploded a world of ice and snow.

"Extremely cold!"

The fusion of ice and fire should have greatly reduced its power.

But Fang Tiezhu has led the Third Army for many years, and he is familiar with the Tianlu Army formation by heart, and various changes have taken place.

At this time, ice is in the fire, and fire is in the ice.

Originally, two extreme substances were inconceivably fused together.

The cold light condensed into ice crystals, and the ice crystals turned into tentacles. The outer layer of ice and the inner layer of fire blocked the entire space in an instant.

Zhou Tianxing's cassock transformed into its original form in the alternation of cold and heat, constantly expanding and shrinking against Fang Tiezhu's icy extreme environment.

Zhong Shan seemed to be in the double sky of ice and fire, the fire burned his body, and the ice pierced his bones, and even the magic power of transforming gods could not completely block the artistic conception and power of the alternation of ice and fire.

He knew the show was almost over.

If there is another unique move, whether you can win or not is another matter. Even if you win, there is no guarantee that you will not be put on by Fang Chengzhu in the future.

As we all know, City Lord Fang is not big-minded.

So Zhong Shan took a decisive step back and shouted:
"Old Wang, help me!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a bright moon rising above the golden sea level, and the cool and foggy light gently brushed across the sky, ocean, small island, and everything.

Time and space seem to stand still at this moment.

The burning flames and the shining ice crystals are all extinguished and melted under the moonlight, and the space is restored
A small figure supported the bright moon and descended in the sky, as if a god was overlooking the world.

Although Wang Song, who has fully recovered, is still old-fashioned, he has a little more domineering out of thin air, which is the confidence gained from stepping on the No. 1 Great Sun God in this world.

"Fellow Daoist, this world does not need interference from outsiders, please go back."

Wang Song stared at Fang Tiezhu, and could clearly perceive the vitality in her body that was as fresh and pure as a baby.

That is young, life, hope and future.

Inexplicably, a trace of inexplicable jealousy arose in Wang Song's heart.

No matter what he is now, he is old after all.

At this moment, the brilliance of the star pearl flashed suddenly, Wang Song's mind was cleared immediately, and he eliminated all distracting thoughts.

Fang Tiezhu didn't speak, but there was a radiance condensed on her chest, and then she pointed at Wang Song with her finger—the five-element cycle extinct divine light!
The multicolored light beams seemed to penetrate the space instantly, and arrived in front of Wang Song after a third of a thought.

Even the light of the star bead's body protection could not block the beam of light that the five elements are mutually generating and extinguishing.

But Wang Song didn't panic.

As time went by, he became more and more proficient at controlling the star beads, and it was no longer the same as when he first got the star beads, he could only passively defend and attack.

When the light beam approached, it seemed that there was an invisible force blocking it. Obviously, the distance between Wang Song and Wang Song was only a little, but this point was so close.

After the limited distance is opened, there is an infinite space.

This is the power of the law of the void!
Compared with when he was fighting with the Great Sun God Venerable, Wang Song was more able to send and receive the power of law that comes with this star pearl.

"Sure enough."

The heart demon hides in the void and turns into Fang Chang's eyes. After seeing this situation, Fang Chang reconfirmed his plan.

Seeing Wang Song's proficient power of imperial emissary law, he knew that in a sense, Wang Song was already considered a half-capable power in the Void Cave Realm.

In the world of stargazing, in terms of strength alone, Wang Song is already well-deserved No.1.

If it was forced, Tiezhu would have to blew himself up again to activate the power of the law crystal, so as to have a chance to kill him.

But this cost is too high, and damage the relationship between siblings.

To this day, Fang Chang has long regarded Fang Tiezhu as one of his relatives, and he would use his sister's life as a weapon at every turn. Even if Tiezhu doesn't mind, even if she can be resurrected, it's a bit inappropriate.

So this is the last plan.

Of course, when that time comes, my sister will also have to work hard.

Fang Chang understood that there was no suspense in this battle, so he withdrew the mind from the demon's body without hesitation, letting the demon jump into the void and leave.

Wang Song glanced at the hiding place of the heart demon suspiciously. With the blessing of the star beads, his spiritual sense also entered a new realm.

That's why he could perceive the killing intent that was hidden in Zhong Shan's heart.

But Zhong Shan didn't want to kill him now, all he wanted was the Star Orb, so the killing intent disappeared later, making Wang Song a little unsure if he was too sensitive.

It's the same at this moment, his spiritual consciousness swept the void, but also found no trace of the inner demon, so he can only speculate that he is a hidden master in the upper realm.

"Old Wang, the demon girl wants to run away!"

Zhong Shan swung down his cassock and turned into ropes, trying to stop Fang Tiezhu.

But Fang Tiezhu didn't even look at him, a pair of light wings unfolded behind him, and countless divine lights on the light wings pierced Zhou Tianxing's vestment, cut open the space, and fell into the nameless island below.

As the space light door continued to flicker, all the monks on the small island were gone.

Wang Song watched Fang Tiezhu leave, but did not stop him.

Zhong Shan couldn't help but feel very sorry, looked at Wang Song and asked:

"Old Wang, why don't you capture this demon girl? With her as a hostage, people in the upper realm can also make people in the upper realm be wary, and then they will not dare to offend the stargazing world."

Wang Song shook his head and said: "This woman is worthy of being a cultivator from the upper realm, she is obviously not very good among cultivators who transform spirits, but just now she actually made this old man feel faintly threatened.

If the old man forced this girl to stay just now, I am afraid that it will cause her backhand. Now that the situation is changing, it is better to have less than one more thing.

Moreover, this woman is willing to retreat in the face of difficulties and return to the upper realm, so that the old man will not be offended to the end.

If this woman is really kept, or if she is killed, I am afraid that it will attract endless revenge from the forces of the upper realm, which is not good.

The upper realm is the upper realm after all, although the old man has the star beads in his hand, he cannot completely prevent the unpredictable methods of the monks in the upper realm.

Now that they have fought against the old man, they should not easily attack the stargazing world until they are not sure about dealing with the old man. "

Hearing this, Zhong Shan was silent for a moment, nodded and said:
"Elder Wang is still thoughtful."

Wang Song smiled, fell into the nameless island, looked at the light gate of space, and suddenly smashed the star bead in his hand.

"Old Wang, what are you doing?!"

Zhong Shan stretched out his hand to block it.

Reflected by the clear brilliance of the star beads, the space light gate changed for a while, but it was not broken as he expected.

On the contrary, Guangmen seemed to be enraged, and it changed in bursts, turning into a huge vortex, and the power of space tearing burst out suddenly.

"Brother Zhong, be careful!"

Wang Song pulled Zhong Shan up, and his body retreated hundreds of feet in an instant.

The huge power of space shattering made the third legion's formation on the island automatically activated, but the formation did not resist for a long time before it was smashed to pieces by the powerful power that seemed to be able to cut even space.

Even the entire unnamed island was affected.

In just a few breaths, the nameless island let out a deep mourning sound, was swallowed by the waves of the sea, and sank into the deep seabed.

Not only the nameless island, but also all kinds of creatures in the nearby ocean have not escaped at this moment.

The huge power caused their bodies to explode, and the waves rolled, mixed with blood-like colors.

The star beads outside Wang Song's body emitted bursts of brilliance, and after leaving the center of the light gate explosion, the aftermath could no longer break through the defense of the star beads.

When the storm subsides, the nameless island disappears completely, and the sea level is still dormant. If it weren't for the cracks around the Guangmen that haven't been smoothed out yet, no one would know how drastic changes just happened here.

"Old Wang!!!"

Zhong Shan's face was ashen, and he did not hide his anger.

"You want to destroy the space channel?!"

"We have agreed, only the seal is enough!"

Almost, only a little bit, if the light gate of space fails to resist Wang Lao's methods, then his hope of going to the upper realm will be ruined.

At that time, even if he has completed the deal with Qingxiao City, so what.

The thing that people fear the most is that the hope that is clearly within reach is instantly shattered by others.

Wang Song's face was indifferent, bearing Zhong Shan's anger.

"It's a pity that it's only a little bit close."

"If the space channel is destroyed, the crisis facing the stargazing world will be solved, and it doesn't matter whether we seal it or not."

"Junior Brother Zhong, this old man understands your feelings, even you can't help but be moved by this space channel that can lead to the upper realm.

But the old man is old, and it is impossible to stay here forever.

And the old man is also afraid, afraid that he will not be able to bear the temptation of the upper world, and will think about stepping into that door.

So the old man can only destroy it. "


Wang Song watched the cracks in the space around the Guangmen slowly disappearing, and said a pity again.

"Let's implement it according to the original plan now. The Xingzong will set up a branch here in the future, and the old man will sit in charge in person."

Zhong Shan's mood also calmed down with the recovery of Guangmen. He looked at Wang Song whose face became calmer and his temperament became more indifferent, bowed his head and apologized:

"Old Wang, I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now. I will do everything as you said."

Wang Song said with a faint smile: "Junior Brother Zhong, the old man said it, and I don't blame you."

Zhong Shan paused and said:

"Old Wang, there is a question I've been wanting to ask you for a long time, can you explain it to me?"

Wang Song nodded.

Zhong Shan raised his voice and asked, "Old Wang, why do you dislike the upper realm so much? Even if the upper realm forces want to rule us, in my opinion, this is not a bad thing.

After communicating with the upper realm, our entire cultivation potential in the stargazing world will be released, and maybe we will have the first powerful monk in the void realm appear.

At that time, the stargazing world will be protected by it, and nothing will happen.

We are merely suffering from temporary weakness. "

Wang Song pondered for a moment, then said: "In the beginning, after learning that Qingxiao City wanted to rule our stargazing world, although the old man objected, I didn't think about it like you did.

After all, it is an upper realm force with such a deep background, the stargazing world is not much stronger than a bug in front of it.

But after the old man got the star beads, this thought disappeared forever.

The reason why the stargazing world is called the stargazing world is because the great supernatural being who created the stargazing world has the ability to observe the changes of the stars and predict the future.

Therefore, the stargazing world can always get close to the power of the stars, and we monks from the stargazing world also benefit from it.

Although the star beads do not have the ability of great supernatural powers, they can still use the power of the light star world to see a glimpse of the future.

Do you know what the old man saw in the star beads? "

For the first time, Wang Song's mood fluctuated violently, his eyes were red, and he let out a low growl like accusation.

"It's destruction! It's the end! It's the collapse of the heavens and the earth, the sinking of the continents, and everything will fall into darkness forever!"

Wang Song closed his eyes and calmed down.

After a long time, he slowly said:

"The old man has lived in the stargazing world for nearly 9000 years. He has traveled all over the continent and deep into the sea. The old man is used to everything here.

The old man must keep it!

So what if we can ascend, so what if we can live forever in the future, the stargazing world is gone, our roots are gone, our home is gone.

The old man is already a dead bone in the tomb, it is an honor for the old man to be able to guard the stargazing world for a thousand years in the future. "

"Junior Brother Zhong, everything about the Star Sect will be entrusted to you."

Wang Song looked at Zhong Shan and said, "My old man knows that you still have memories of the upper realm in your heart, but you are the grand master of the Xingzong, and you have the obligation and responsibility to inherit the Xingzong.

Just like thousands of years ago, the old man chose you.

Among the nine transformation gods, you are the only one who made it to the end and stood side by side with the old man.

So when you cultivate a second cultivator for the Star Sect, the old man will personally send you into this space passage, and then you will join the Qingxiao City, and the old man will not blame you. "

Zhong Shan couldn't help being silent, he nodded and said:

"I understand, Mr. Wang."

"Let's go, let's go..."

Wang Song waved to Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan bid farewell to Wang Song.

But when he was hundreds of miles away, he felt some movement and looked back.

At this time, the sun has set, and the sea surface reflects the light and shadow of the stars in the sky. The sparkling light and the rising mist make it look like a fairyland on the sea.

Wang Song's old figure stood like a tall and straight pillar in the air, looming in the mist, inexplicably lonely and desolate.

He saw his finger suddenly pointing at the sea, and countless seabed sand, sand and rocks kept pouring up as if they were summoned.

The last island, which was bigger and smoother than the unnamed island before, appeared on the sea surface, and mysterious lines flashed in the void, and the fog gradually thickened and gathered, covering the space channel in midair.

Another voice was heard from far away, it seemed that the sound became a bit ethereal and distorted because of the thick fog and the distance.

"The name of this island is Zhenxing!"

Zhong Shan was silent, then bowed far away, and his figure quickly disappeared into the distance of the sky.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, after I die, don't care about the flood!"

(End of this chapter)

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