Nine bells ringing
Time passed, and it was half a year in a blink of an eye.

The unnamed island sank overnight, the Zhang family disappeared overnight, and the battle scene between Zhong Shan and Fang Tiezhu was not earth-shattering, but shocking enough.

News of Zhenxing Island quickly spread across the sea.

The dense fog on the island that even Jindan cultivators could not see through, cast a layer of mystery on Zhenxing Island.

Gradually, the name of Zhenxing Island is not as popular as the nickname of Misty Island.

The Nascent Soul cultivator who came to investigate with various purposes also found the old man guarding the island.

The first expulsion, the second killing, without exception.

Since then, no one has dared to approach Zhenxing Island at will.

On the other hand, Xingzong sent elite disciples to worship on the island, which made the name of Xingzong branch more and more worthy of its name.

Knowing that Wang Song is guarding Xingdao, and has no intention of expanding the Star Sect, all the sects that were waiting for Wang Song's action were secretly relieved.

After all, the Great Sun God Venerable is nowhere to be found now, and the Rizong has only one Blue Wind Empress, maintaining the reputation of the Rizong's top sect is already reluctant.

The two empresses of the Yuezong sided with the Xingzong back then, but they didn't want the already powerful Great Sun God to get the star beads, making them even more invincible in the world.

So when Wang Song defeated the Great Rizong, they were not as happy as they imagined, and instead quietly approached Rizong afterwards.

For them, it is the most ideal state for the three forces to check and balance each other.

Not to mention other middle-level sects and small sects that are either dependent or independent, it is the best situation for them to maintain the status quo.

No matter which major sect fights, it must be their vassals who are unlucky.

When the storm is raging, the fate of the little fish and shrimp can only secretly pray that they will not be hit by the wind and waves, and they cannot help themselves.

However, the situation that was supposed to calm down not only did not calm down over time, but instead began to surge with an unusual undercurrent.

All this was because of a news that came from someone who did not know.

The reason why Xingzong Wang Songtai wanted to guard Zhenxing Island was because there was a space passage leading to the upper realm on the unnamed island discovered by the Zhang family in the sea.

In order to conceal all of this after hearing the news, Mrs. Wang Song did not hesitate to take action personally, sank the unnamed island, and completely wiped out the Zhang family.

In the end, Zhenxing Island was built with great mana.

Now Zhenxing Island has become the private property of Xingzong, and the space channel is even occupied by Xingzong.

The purpose of Wang Songtai's doing everything is to make Xingzong a sect force in contact with the upper realm, and to use this to send disciples to the upper realm to practice.

Wait until ten years, a hundred years later.

When Star Sect disciples return from the upper realm, they will completely distance themselves from the other sects in the Star Watching Realm.

At that time, even if Wang Songtai doesn't make a move, the entire stargazing world will fall under the rule of Xingzong.

There are even rumors that the Supreme Master Wang Song has reached an agreement with the upper realm forces, and the upper realm forces have begun to deploy personnel, and they will go directly to the stargazing world in the near future.

At that time, except for Xingzong, everyone will become slaves to the forces of the upper realm.

Xingzong betrayed the entire stargazing world!

All of a sudden, rumors spread everywhere, and under the ferment of time and the promotion of caring people, they rushed in all directions like a wave.

Someone began to contact the demon who previously claimed to be the messenger of the upper realm.

Most of them are naturally unable to contact.

But there are also a small number of monks because of personal friendship, such as those monks who gave gifts to the demons back then, and finally got some vague information after racking their brains.

In the explanation of the heart demon, they have already found a cooperative force. In order to avoid misunderstandings by the cooperative force, he will not appear in the name of the envoy from the upper realm.

In the end, after a certain monk took out Zhenzong's ten-thousand-year elixir and bribed him, the heart demon reluctantly revealed a piece of news-actively approaching Xingzong.

Although the words were oblique, but this vague attitude said it all.

At the same time, interested people discovered that those true disciples of the Star Sect suddenly declared retreat one by one.

Most of the elite monks of Xingzong who were walking outside suddenly disappeared.

Xingzong operated one after another, as if he didn't say anything, and seemed to say everything.

In the end, even some casual cultivators who were only at the Qi Refining Realm didn't know where they heard the news that Xingzong betrayed the Star Gazing Realm.

Although they can't do anything, it doesn't prevent them from talking badly.

Of course, there are also those who are interested in finding out that there seems to be a black hand behind the scenes to fuel the flames.

But in front of the almost confirmed passage to the upper realm, no monk can calm down.

Even the little casual cultivators who can only smell bad feel that Xingzong has robbed them of their promotion ranks and wants to trample them under their feet forever.

After entering the upper realm, then everyone is a minor cultivator in the lower realm, which means that they have the same starting point, and they have the opportunity to catch up from behind.


Xingzong mountain gate.

Facing the menacing situation and many fellow practitioners who came to question him, the head of Xingzong, Zhai Xingzi, looked dull, like a puppet.

Regarding the recent rumors in the realm of comprehension, he had naturally heard of them, and he was furious about them, thinking that someone was targeting their Xingzong.

However, he sent someone to investigate secretly, and he could only know that the rumor appeared half a year ago.

As for who reported it in the first place, because the rumor has already spawned too many versions, it is impossible to find out.

Even if the monks in their sect who were best at divination made a move, they couldn't find any clues.

Zhai Xingzi didn't even conceal the news that might cause a major stain on his suzerain career, and immediately reported it to Zhong Shan Taishang in the door.

In the end, Taishang Zhongshan just waved his hand and said he knew, saying that with him around, everything would not be chaotic.

Seeing that Grandmaster Zhong Shan didn't blame him, Zhai Xingzi immediately felt relieved, and arranged for people to continue the investigation. No matter what, Xingzong was targeted, and someone had to take the blame.

As for himself, he didn't pay much attention.

After all, unfounded rumors will naturally dissipate over time.

If Xingzong really betrayed the stargazing world and reached an agreement with the forces in the upper realm in private, wouldn't he, the lord of the Xingzong, the third person in the Xingzong not know about it?
But Zhai Xingzi never expected that things would intensify.

Looking at the representatives of various sects in the hall, he felt inexplicably forced into the palace.

The representatives of these sects are singled out, and they are not worthy to carry the shoes of Xingzong. Even if they join forces, they are nothing but clowns, not worth mentioning.

Whether there is a Huashen Venerable in the sect is completely two concepts.

But Zhai Xingzi knew that since these people dared to show up, they naturally had confidence.

Where did the confidence come from? Naturally, it was given by the Sun and Moon sects who were once tied with Xingzong.

Although Wang Songtai's defeat of the Sun God Venerable was inspiring, he had already faintly lifted Xingzong to the number one position in this world.

But in the face of the Sun and Moon Sect joining forces, Zhai Xingzi himself is not sure.

If you don't give a suitable explanation today, the monk army from the Sun and Moon Sects may come next time.

But how does he explain it?

It was his old man's own idea that Mrs. Wang Song was stationed at Xingdao in Haihai Town, even Mrs. Zhong Shan ordered not to ask any more questions.

Xingzong did send in some disciples, but they were all to serve Wang Songtai, why did it spread that they secretly sent disciples to the upper realm to practice.

This can be explained a little bit.

But Zhai Xingzi understood that if these representatives could not go to the island to check it out for themselves, they might not be able to dispel their doubts.

But Mrs. Wang Song has already ordered, except for the disciples who have already been sent to the island, unless the old man orders, no disciples will be allowed to go there from now on.

Even his suzerain is no exception.

In this case, what would he do to send them to the island.

As for the elite disciples who disappeared from the sect, it was because Grand Master Wang Song was approaching his lifespan, and Grand Master Zhong Shan followed the advice of Grand Master Wang Song and planned to cultivate the Divine Dao Seeds for the sect so that they could be passed on from generation to generation.

It is related to the inheritance of the sect, and the selection of the cultivating gods has always been one of the most core secrets of the sect, and even he, the suzerain, cannot intervene.

If it wasn't for him being one of the candidates for the Daoist Transformation Spirit, he wouldn't even know about these situations.

How could he explain clearly to these sect representatives.

So at this moment, he could only listen to the pressing questions of many sect representatives with a dull expression, and then shook his head and nodded.

When it came time to ask him to explain specifically, he could only talk about him from left to right.

"Pick the stars!"

Finally, someone couldn't stand Zhai Xingzi's evasive attitude, and stood up abruptly.

"Since you can't explain it clearly, let someone who can explain it clearly, otherwise, we can only think that the rumors spread outside are true!"

Seeing that someone dared to slap the table with him, Zhai Xingzi became very angry.

If it wasn't for the overall situation, he would have thrown all of these rotten fish and rotten shrimps down the mountain long ago.

"Liu Yong! Do you think this is still when your ancestor is still around?"

Zhai Xingzi recognized that the person who stood up was named Liu Yong, and he was the brother of the head of the Liu family of the big cultivation family.

The ancestor of the Liu family broke through the realm of transforming gods thousands of years ago and established the inheritance of the Liu family, making the Liu family the top family of the cultivation family in one fell swoop.

Although the Liu family has not had a second Huashen venerable since the ancestor of the Liu family, the great monks in the Nascent Soul realm are not bad, and there are three to five in each generation.

It is probably equivalent to a slightly weaker peak among the eighteen peaks of Xingzong, but because it has been the ancestor of Huashen, it has always been very arrogant.

Zhai Xingzi snorted coldly: "If you also think the rumors outside are true, then show evidence, and dare to slander our Xingzong without evidence!
The suzerain sees that you are impatient, do you really think that the Xingyun Peak of my Star Sect is a vegetarian? "

Xingyun Peak is equivalent to the Star Sect's external law enforcement team. Any forces that disobey the Star Sect will be punished by the Xingyun Peak monks, and they have always been notorious outside.

As soon as they heard that Zhai Xingzi had even moved out of Xingyun Peak, several sect representatives who wanted to stand up with Liu Yong froze immediately.

Liu Yong also frowned, but with the glory of the Liu family and his new hole card, he didn't want to weaken his momentum at the moment, but his attitude softened unconsciously.

"Sovereign Zhaixingzi, this is the end of the story, no matter whether there are rumors or not, you should be clear, whether it is us or the people behind us, we must find out the truth of these things."

Zhai Xingzi doesn't know this truth, but can the truth be given?
What the hell!
Yes, he, the suzerain, can seal himself into the sinful abyss of the Star Sect, and become a disgrace among the suzerains of the Star Sect.

If he doesn't give it, his suzerain may lead a war that the suzerains of all dynasties have never experienced.

This is almost equivalent to a dead knot.

"If you want the truth, then let the people behind you come and talk to this forum in person!"

Zhong Shan walked into the main peak hall domineeringly. It was obvious that everyone was standing at the same height, but when his eyes fell, the others unconsciously became shorter, and even their breathing slowed down, not daring to make too much noise.

"Zhong... Zhong Shan is too high."

Someone stammered and saluted Zhong Shan.

Zhong Shan walked to the place where Zhai Xingzi sat down, and the others all stood up and stood upright, like juniors listening to the elders.

In terms of age, Zhong Shan was right when he said that he was the ancestor of everyone present.

Zhong Shan cut the mess with a sharp knife and said:

"Rumors spread by the outside world will definitely find out who is behind the scenes.

However, I guarantee with my honor that these rumors are fueled by people with ulterior motives. Do you really want to be the accomplices of the people behind the scenes and become enemies of my Xingzong?
Go back and make it clear to the people behind you that if you have anything to do, you can just come to me directly, without such trouble.

Now, go! "

With a wave of Zhong Shan's sleeve, the others were blown out by a sudden gust of wind in the hall before they had time to salute.

Seeing Mrs. Zhong Shan present, Zhai Xingzi immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said:
"Mr. Zhong Shan, is this treatment a little rough? Those people will definitely add fuel to the story and report to the people behind them when they go back."

Zhong Shan sneered, "If they really dared, they wouldn't have sent these people over.

My Xingzong now has Elder Wang here, even if the former Da Ri Shenzun personally attended the scene, he is not afraid at all.

The person who planned this behind the scenes was ambitious, and I will tell Mr. Wang personally about it later.

You guard the mountain gate with peace of mind, if something goes wrong, you must not let anyone enter the mountain gate without seeing me and the old man.

Violators, I will never forgive you lightly! "

Zhai Xingzi nodded immediately.

Zhong Shan sent away a group of representatives of the sect, and immediately flew to Zhenxing Island.

And after he left, outside the Xingzong mountain gate, terrifying aura rose up one after another, covering the entire Xingzong in an instant.

Zhai Xingzi watched the protective formation automatically rise up, and the familiar and terrifying figures outside the formation, his eyes could not help but tear up.

"Master Zhong Shan! Come back quickly, it's a trap!"

Zhai Xingzi took out the Jade Talisman of Wanli Sound Transmission with Taishang Zhongshan, and screamed.

But there was no response from that end.

"They actually blocked the space and cut off all our connections with the outside world."

Zhai Xingzi gritted his teeth and made a quick decision.

"Then let me be the Star Ancestor sinner."

He walked towards the Starfall Clock, one of the symbols of the Star Sect, and rang it suddenly.

Boom boom boom! ! !
A clear and powerful voice sounded hastily.

One ring, two rings, three rings...

The Seven-Hang Sovereign ascended the throne, the Eight-Hang Supreme was born and died, and the Nine-Hang Sect survived.

But since the founding of Xingzong, the Xingluo Bell has never rang nine times.

Because after nine tones, the Xingluo Bell will self-destruct, and at that time, all those who practice the Xingzong Kung Fu will sense it no matter where they are.

Then they drop everything and come back.

This is the fastest way Zhai Xingzi can think of to notify the two empresses.

(End of this chapter)

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