Chapter 340
Town Star Island.

Wang Song sat down in front of a bright door, put his hands on his lap, holding a pearl, closed his eyes and meditated.

It seemed that he hadn't moved for a long time, like a stone, he was integrated with the surrounding world, incomparably harmonious and natural.

It was as if he belonged here, was a part of this place, and he didn't look obtrusive at all.

Zhong Shan's footsteps stopped behind Wang Song, his eyes were a bit complicated.

In just half a year, Wang Lao's realm has improved again. After getting the star pearl, he seemed to have a second spring.

But Zhong Shan didn't think it was a good thing.

Because he clearly felt that Wang Lao's feelings were becoming more and more indifferent and gradually disappearing.

"Brother Zhong, why are you here?"

"Didn't the old man already say that there is no need for anyone to come to Zhenxing Island?"

Wang Song turned his back to Zhong Shan, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Even though the two were not far away, the voice seemed to come from far, far away, ethereal and mysterious.

Zhong Shan regained his composure and replied, "Old Wang, something happened to Xingzong."

As he spoke, he confided all the rumors in recent days, including the severe situation that Xingzong is facing now.

"...I received news that besides the Sun and Moon sects, there are also other great cultivators involved in this incident, including the ancestor of the Liu family who mysteriously disappeared 5000 years ago.

This time, I am afraid that the entire stargazing world's transformation gods were shocked by the news from the upper world.

If you don't come forward personally, Mr. Wang, I'm afraid you won't be able to convince them. "

Wang Song didn't agree immediately when he heard the words, but fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he said slowly: "Rumors are limited to wise men, and without sufficient evidence, they dare not take action against Xingzong at will.

And if Zhenxing Island is not guarded by the old man, the upper realm forces on the other side will appear at any time.

In the past six months, the old man has fought three waves of monks from the upper realm.

One of the strange races covered in stones was not as good as the Great Sun God.

If there is no star pearl in hand, the old man is definitely not his opponent.

If the old man leaves, he will not be able to stop them with only the large formation of Zhenxing Island. "

Although Zhong Shan is a self-sacrificing character, he is the Supreme Master of Xingzong after all. He has been in Xingzong for thousands of years, and he has been inseparable from Xingzong all his life. point.

It's just that Xingzong is important, but not as important as his long life path.

But at this moment, he heard that Wang Songtai, who valued the inheritance of the sect the most in the past and devoted himself to guarding the Star Sect, actually did not even want to show his face when facing the crisis of the Star Sect in order to guard the space passage.

He suddenly felt a trace of sadness.

"Old Wang, you have changed."

Zhong Shan's rare true feelings were revealed, and he asked a little sadly: "In your heart, is the safety of Xingzong less important than this dead thing in front of you?
Could it be that if you leave for a moment, this world will be destroyed? "

Wang Song said indifferently: "Xingzong is a small family, and the world is for everyone. Without everyone, how can there be a small family?
By guarding Xingdao Town, this old man is guarding Xingzong, there is no difference between the two. "

Even though he said so, Wang Song frowned suddenly, feeling something was wrong.

It's just that as the star pearl in his hand flickered, the doubts in his heart disappeared immediately.

Zhong Shan looked at the star beads in Wang Song's hand, and thought:
"Is this the price of using star beads? Becoming selfless, like a selfless saint.

Hehe, such a "treasure" deserves to be destroyed! "

He once coveted the Star Pearl, but after seeing Wang Song being influenced by it with his own eyes, he became a big lover of the world. For the sake of the world, he even ignored the safety of the sect, and there was nothing left.

The air suddenly became quiet.

Wang Song didn't turn around from the beginning to the end. He turned his back to Zhong Shan, as if he had betrayed everything he once loved.

Just now.

Both Wang Song's and Zhong Shan's expressions changed drastically at the same time.

"Nine rings of star fall, the sect's survival is at stake!!!"

Zhong Shan's pupils constricted suddenly, and a burst of anger burst out of his heart.

"Damn, what happened after I left? That's not what I said before!"

He knew very well that the Xingluo Bell would never strike nine at this moment until the Xingzong was alive and dead, and the most desperate moment.

"Old Wang!!!"

Zhong Shan didn't dare to delay, he was afraid that if he refused to invite Wang Song to leave, Xingzong would really become history.

He yelled violently, and he no longer had the slightest demeanor as the Xingzong Taishang.

"Could it be that at this time, you still refuse to leave here?"


Deathly silence.

Under Zhong Shan's angry and anxious eyes, Wang Song stood up with difficulty and turned around slowly.

I saw his complexion struggling, his pupils were bloodshot, and he was gritting his teeth, as if he was fighting against a certain will.

And the star bead in his hand shone with a faint light, which became brighter and brighter, and finally went out suddenly.

Wang Song's forehead was already covered with profuse sweat, and he said weakly:

"Junior Brother Zhong, you guard this island for the old man, and the old man returns to the Star Sect."

Seeing that Mr. Wang was finally shaken, Zhong Shan was overjoyed, and quickly said: "Old Wang, I will go back with you."

Wang Song shook his head and said firmly:
"If you don't stay here, the old man won't leave."

Zhong Shan didn't hesitate for long, and said with his jaw:

"Old Wang, I leave everything to you."

Wang Song held the star bead in his hand, and the light on it reappeared. In the blink of an eye, his figure had disappeared.

"Old Wang, be careful!"

Zhong Shan yelled, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness roughly swept in all directions, and there was no trace of Wang Song.

Then Zhong Shan waited for a while, guessing that Wang Song had probably returned to Xingzong.

"Old Wang, I'm sorry."

He muttered silently in his heart, and then a blue flying sword flew out from his cuff, and slashed at the restriction on the entrance of the light gate sealed by Wang Song.

I saw the flying sword swallowing the sword light, and the prohibition emerged in the void. It was a bright map of the galaxy, full of thickness and ancient feeling.

Jianmang wiped out the stars, the ban was unmanaged, and it didn't last long before it was declared shattered.

Then Zhong Shan threw a piece of jade slip towards the Guangmen, while he stood in front of the Guangmen and waited, lest Wang Laohu return and he still had a chance to go to the upper realm.

But for a moment, ripples appeared at the gate of light, and then expanded rapidly, as if to include the entire sky.

A giant bird shaped like a roc slowly pushed inwards against the edge of the light gate, and faintly, a chirping sound could be heard.

Another moment.

Pengniao finally squeezed into the light gate completely.

Shi Lei and Fang Tiezhu fell from Pengniao, before they could speak, Zhong Shan said:
"The city lord's instructions are all in the jade slips, and the rest will be left to you."

Fang Tiezhu nodded.

"Well, it's up to you, hit me."

Zhong Shan sized Shi Lei up, let go of his defenses, opened his hands, and opened the middle door wide.


Shi Lei looked at Fang Tiezhu in doubt.

Zhong Shan said anxiously: "If you don't hurt me, how can I explain when I go back? By the way, remember to leave your divine will behind."

Fang Tiezhu nodded coldly: "Let's fight."

Shi Lei raised his sandbag-sized fist, and the khaki symbol on it flashed away, which was his imprint of the Law of the Mountain.

As the air trembled, a big hole pierced Zhong Shan's chest, and blood gushed all over the ground behind him.

At the same time, a khaki-yellow light circulated in his chest, and small stones continuously condensed out of the bloody edges.

It was the side effect of being rewarded by Shi Lei - petrification.

Zhong Shan's face was pale, and he said weakly: "Very well, everything is going according to plan, I will go ahead."

He clutched his chest, resisted Shi Lei's brand of law with his own spirit, staggered and flew up, heading for the distance.

Shi Lei touched his head and said in doubt:

"I didn't punch hard enough."

His body is made of stone, but his head is not made of stone, so how could he seriously injure someone.

His punch was very powerful, and the injuries left behind were obvious, but it couldn't hurt anyone, at least it couldn't hurt the monk who was also a god of transformation.

Then a little bit of residual power branded by the law can be eliminated with a few more grinds with your own divine will.

As for the remaining injuries, a few rounds of mana can heal without medicine.

Shi Lei put his hand on his chin, with a pensive expression on his face, he punched his palms suddenly, and suddenly said:

"I understand. This is the self-cultivation of an actor that the city lord often talks about. His play has already begun since he met us."

Fang Tiezhu: "..."

The Sun God Venerable who just walked out of the space light gate: "..."


Xingzong mountain gate.

At this time, it was already a mess. The once beautiful mountains and rivers were full of beacon fires, and the smoke from burning trees billowed up like a long gray and white dragon.

There was only half of Zhou Tianxing's formation left, and the bright Milky Way was cut off by someone, and the remaining power protected the core area of ​​the sect.

As for the peripheral disciples and servants, whether they can survive or not depends only on their respective luck.

There are dozens of Nascent Soul monks in Xingzong, each of whom has a great reputation in the outside world.

At this time, he could only be like an ordinary person, standing at the entrance of the main peak hall, looking up at the battle in the sky, feeling powerless all over his body.

It's just because those who are on the sky at this time are the desperate Huashen venerables.

On weekdays, any Huashen venerable can be received by top sects such as the Sun Moon Sect, even if they are not willing to offend easily.

It's not that they didn't want to escape.

But every big monk who escaped was directly blown up in front of them.

The Nascent Soul True Monarch, whom countless low-level monks look up to, is like a water sac in the mortal world at this time, just a stream of light falls, and there is a bang, flesh and blood fly, souls are all extinguished, and even the Nascent Soul cannot escape.

So they could only gather in the main peak hall, relying on the Xingzong Protector Array to resist the attacks of these Huashen venerables.

Fortunately, relying on the large array of guardians and the joint efforts of dozens of Nascent Soul monks, even the Venerable Huashen, it is impossible to break through their defenses in a short time.

But as time passed, the Xingzong formation could not protect them, and they could only pray that the returning Supreme Master Wang Song would repel the powerful enemy and protect them from rebuilding the mountain gate.

But in reality, everyone is seriously lacking in confidence.

Even though Wang Songtai has already entered No. 1 in this world, his opponents are a total of six Huashen venerables!
You must know that in the past thousand years, there were only eight gods in the stargazing world, two from each of the three sun, moon and star sects, and then there was Venerable Beggar who once joined the star sect to help out, and the leader of the overseas Sanxiu Islands, Sea Dragon God.

But subtracting the two Xingzongs, the Great Sun God Venerable of the Rizong is missing, and the Venerable Beggar is old with the Xingzong, so there are only four Transformation Gods left.

But there are six deity transformations overhauled here!
One Supreme Elder of the Rizong, two Supreme Elders of the Yuezong, Sea Dragon God, the leader of the Overseas Loose Cultivation Alliance, the ancestor of the Liu family who has been missing for thousands of years, a body of the Yao family who has the blood of Xuanwu, and claims to have a relationship with him ten thousand years ago. The giant tortoise of the same generation as the Great Sun God, known as Turtle Sanren.

Wang Song held the star pearl in his hand, and the clear radiance of the pearl shone in all directions, unexpectedly suppressing the joint attack of the six people inconceivably.

Of course, this also has something to do with the fact that the six people are not in harmony.

If they were willing to work hard together, even if Wang Song had the Star Orb, he would not dare to face their sharpness.

However, even if Wang Song had the upper hand, it was still impossible to suppress the six people within a short while, especially when he was distracted to protect the mountain gate.

Fortunately, only Hailongshen and Guisanren were the ones who took action against the disciples of the Star Sect. The other four Huashens all had families and families, and they couldn't do such a thing of bullying the small by the big.

Otherwise, who can guarantee whether someone will retaliate in the same way in the future.

"My Star Sect has no grievances with you, why do you want to destroy my Star Sect inheritance?"

Wang Song saw that he had nothing to do with six people, so he had to compromise first.

"Wang Taishang has not shown up for a long time, and Xingzong refused to come forward to explain the matter of the upper realm, so we have no choice but to use this method to invite Wang Taishang to show up."

Guisanren threw a magic weapon in the shape of a turtle shell to the main peak of Xingzong, and sneered.

Seeing a half-broken Milky Way appearing above the main peak, and striking the tortoise shell, all the Nascent Soul cultivators in charge of the formation in the main peak groaned.

Immediately, the next batch of monks will be replaced, and the previous monks will quickly recover.

Fortunately, there were quite a few monks gathered in the main peak, and they were able to survive the shift change.

Wang Song's gaze immediately turned cold, and a ray of light shot out from the star bead, which was looped around Guisanren's body like a rope.

Guisan's hands pinched his fingers, a huge green turtle shell appeared on the surface of his body, but he saw the rope suddenly straightened, piercing straight away like a javelin.

Ripples appeared in the space, and a small space vortex appeared in front of Guisanren. The green turtle shell blocked it, but it seemed to not exist.

The tip of the gun pierced Guisan's body.

"You guys are too domineering. You dare to go to my Star Sect to force you without any evidence, and you are looking for death!"

"My lord, it's not without evidence."

Rizong Cangfengtai stepped forward, and slapped Guisanren behind him, helping Guisanren's spirit to wear down the spearhead, and he soon recovered from his injuries.

The Guisan people looked gratefully at the Blue Wind Supreme Master, but they didn't dare to attack the Xingzong Mountain Gate at will.

"That day, Mrs. Wang contacted us personally, saying that the forces from the upper realms had descended. Now that the space channel has appeared, why did Mrs. Wang stop us?"

Cang Feng Taishang said: "As long as Wang Taishang is willing to share the space passage with us, this rumor will naturally be self-defeating.

If Wang Taishang is unwilling, then we have no choice but to believe that the rumors are true, and Xingzong betrayed all our monks in the stargazing world. "

Wang Song's eyes sank slightly, he looked at the other Huashen, and finally at the two grandmasters of Yuezong.

"That's what you mean too? Mrs. Yue? Mrs. Chen?"

At the time when the Great Sun Gods made an appointment to fight, the two grand masters of the Moon Sect were advancing and retreating with the Xing Sect.

As a result, it has only been half a year, and the attitude has changed so quickly, which is surprising.

"If His Majesty Wang really didn't do anything wrong, why not agree with His Majesty Blue Wind's words, so as to stop the monks from all over the world talking about Youyou."

The two elders of Yuezong didn't feel that they had betrayed them at all.

Wang Song smiled wryly: "You all thought it was the old man who wanted to monopolize the passage to the upper realm. Hehe, this old man is actually such a person in your hearts."

He changed his attitude and said very firmly:
"As long as I'm here, it's impossible for any of you to pass by."

Suddenly, his expression changed.

"No, the restriction is broken, someone came across the border!"

He looked in the direction of Zhenxing Island, the star beads in his hand suddenly shone brightly, his eyes became extremely indifferent, and he directly broke through the encirclement of the six people.

"Step aside!"

"Don't think about leaving!"

The six gods all shot to stop them.

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(End of this chapter)

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