Chapter 341

The collision of the stars and the bright moon is the entanglement of infinite light. The white and fiery light fills the entire space, and the field of vision is full of whiteness.

The space let out an overwhelmed groan, and the violent aftermath spread in the air.

Half of the Milky Way rose in the light, but it didn't last long, like an ice cube melting under the scorching sun.

When the light gradually subsided, the entire Xingzong mountain gate was turned upside down again.

The mountains collapsed and the earth rolled, leaving only a dilapidated frame of the main hall on the main peak. The last remnants of the formation protected the Xingzong disciples inside. There were about a thousand of them. Most of them were full of fear, and some were shivering. trembling.

In the face of life and death, no one laughs at the fear of others.

Compared with the Xingzong in its heyday, these disciples are only one tenth, but they are the only remaining blood in the Xingzong Mountain Gate today.

Outside the main hall, Zhai Xingzi and many Nascent Souls who had joined forces to protect the disciples just now woke up from their trance, and couldn't help but gasped.


"Who's winning?"

Their spiritual consciousness instinctively probed out of the body, but they all let out a muffled groan at the same time.

The aftermath just now had already hurt their primordial spirits, and the air was filled with a violent and scorching energy.

After their consciousness left the body, they felt as if they were being burned.

At this time, they can only rely on the naked eye and look up.

Wang Songtai was in the absolute center, and around him were six Huashen venerables, each standing stiffly, neither speaking nor moving.

It seems that the collision just now didn't hurt anyone, but those who were affected by the aftermath were unlucky.

For a while.

A drop of blood flowed out from Wang Song's fingertip, and it dripped on the transparent and flawless star beads, smudged into a beautiful red flower.

The other six Huashen groaned, their mouths, noses, ears and eyes were all bleeding red blood, looking extremely terrifying.

It can make them unable to suppress their own injuries as Huashen, and their injuries are far more serious than they appear.

The six people's eyes were full of disbelief, and there was also a fear that even they themselves could hardly perceive.

No one thought that with six opponents one, after fighting each other with one move, they would be the ones who were injured.

Wang Song's eyes were extremely indifferent, he looked at the six people and said:
"Step aside!"

The six people looked at each other, and although they didn't communicate directly, they all had the same meaning - never let him go!
Wang Song's performance was too terrifying, even worse than that of the Great Sun God Venerable back then.

If he was allowed to leave today, based on what they did to Xingzong today, one of them would be met with an eye for an eye, and even they themselves would have to die.

"My lord, you yourself said that day that anyone who has the heart to protect the stargazing world can display the power of the star orb, which means that the star orb is shared by all the monks in our stargazing world.

Now you rely on the power of the star beads to monopolize the passage to the upper realm, which has already violated the original intention of the day. "

Yue Zong Taishang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said bravely.

"All of us came here together, what we are asking for is an explanation, a fairness, if you are not even willing to give this, we will not give up today's way."

Wang Song lowered his head and murmured:
"Why do you have to force the old man?"

He raised his head suddenly, the star beads lifted into the sky, and the light burst out again.

"If you don't let me, then go to hell!"

"Join us!"

"Do your best!"

"It's time to work hard!"

The six of them said a word, and I said a word, but they all retreated to the rear in a very tacit understanding, giving way to Wang Song.

Although they have the intention to work together to kill Wang Song, Wang Song's strength is too terrifying, even if they can take their lives, they will inevitably kill two or three people.

Everyone is not related, and they are all here for the common benefit, who is willing to work hard for whom.

Seeing the crowd step aside, Wang Song didn't even look at them, and even turned a deaf ear to the calls of the many disciples and grandchildren in the mountain gate below, and flew towards Zhenxing Island.

At this moment, a stumbling figure appeared in front of him.

"Old Wang!"

Zhong Shan clutched his chest, half of his chest had turned into stone, inexplicably sad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't guard the passage, after you left, someone came over there, I'm not the opponent.

How is Zongmen?

Elder Wang, how are the disciples? "

Wang Song could tell at a glance who caused Zhong Shan's injury—that stone man.

They fought against each other, so they naturally knew that Zhong Shan's strength was no match for the stone man, and his injuries also confirmed his deduction.

Hearing Zhong Shan's question, Wang Song said, "Junior Brother Zhong, come with me, we can't let anyone come over there."


Zhong Shan had a look of disbelief, and almost roared:
"Old Wang, now that the sect is alive and dead, and we are leaving, what will the disciples do? What about the Xingzong? Are they still left to fend for themselves?!"

He looked at the devastation below him and was heartbroken.

Wang Song's face showed the struggle on Zhenxing Island again, but this time he was quickly suppressed.

He said expressionlessly: "With you and me here, the Star Sect will not be destroyed. Only by protecting the Star Gazing Realm, can the Star Sect have a chance to come back."

Zhong Shan was so angry that he spurted out a mouthful of blood mixed with broken stones, and fell forward.

Wang Song caught Zhong Shan and was about to take him back to Zhenxing Island.

Suddenly, his body froze.

A blue flying sword was inserted into his dantian, and the tyrannical force directly destroyed his dantian.

At the same time, an almost pure black light from Zhong Shan's eyebrows shot into his sea of ​​consciousness, and the emotion suppressed by the star beads erupted like a volcano, which made him more painful than Zhong Shan's betrayal for a while.

"Brother Zhong!!!"

Wang Song let out a loud roar, and the Star Orb seemed to have sensed the crisis, and it went directly into Wang Song's sea of ​​consciousness, and a powerful force burst out from Wang Song's body, knocking Zhong Shan out.

"What are you waiting for?!"

Zhong Shan yelled at the other Huashen who still hadn't reacted.

The others didn't have time to investigate why the two grand masters of Xingzong backstabbed on the spot. Seeing that Wang Song was injured to the vitals, they regained the confidence they lost just now.

You must know that what Zhong Shan destroyed just now was Wang Song's dantian, which is one of the core of a monk's mana.

Although the role of the lower dantian is far less important than that of the upper dantian when one reaches the realm of transforming spirits, the lower dantian is also the center for regulating mana.

Without the lower dantian, the operation of mana will inevitably be somewhat affected.

If the dantian was destroyed at ordinary times, he would activate his mana and be reborn in minutes.

But at this time, they obviously will not give this opportunity.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!
"My lord, hand over the star beads!"

Cang Feng, Rizong Taishang's complexion suddenly turned red, and mana gushed out violently from his body, obviously using some kind of secret method to increase his strength.

Others are belatedly aware.

That's right, Wang Song was originally an ordinary cultivator of transforming spirits, holding the star beads, in less than a year, he first defeated the Great Sun God Venerable, and then defeated the six of them.

What a power this is.

If he got the Star Orb and his strength increased dramatically, he would not be a weak hand even if he went to the upper realm, and he would stay in the stargazing realm foolishly like Wang Song.

"Treasures are virtuous, Wang Song, hand over the star beads!"

"The Star Pearl is mine!"

"Go away, you, a monster race, are not qualified to get involved in the star beads!"

The ancestors of the Liu family, the Sea Dragon God, and the Guisan people chased after each other, each activated their secret methods, and wanted to attack Wang Song as quickly as possible.

On the contrary, the two grand masters of Yuezong, who were still aggressive just now, were half a step behind without leaving any trace, just like Cangfeng.

"court death!"

Wang Song's eyes turned completely silvery white, as cold and heartless as ice.

With a slight flip of his palm, he saw that the sky changed suddenly, the clear sky turned into night, the earth was turned upside down, and the space was like a plaything in his hand.

The three Transformation Gods didn't have the slightest resistance. A layer of transparent material like ice wrapped them layer by layer, like mosquitoes sealed in amber.

Their expressions also changed from excitement to fear.

However, the seal trio seemed to consume Wang Song a lot, with just such a light move, his hair was as pale as snow, and he suddenly aged dozens of years.

"come out!"

Wang Song didn't care about his own consumption at all. He pointed out that the void seemed to be stagnant, and then there were waves of ripples, spitting out a demon who was watching a show proudly.


The demon's expression was dumbfounded, but he never thought that Wang Song could easily see through him who was hiding in the void.

"How did you find me?"

He is confident that with his current state and strength, as long as he wants to hide, it is almost impossible for anyone to see through his whereabouts in the transformation.

When Wang Song destroyed the nameless island before, he just watched the whole process without any flaws.

It's only been half a year, why his invisibility doesn't work anymore.

The demon expressed his sadness.

Now he doesn't even have the qualifications to be an eye-catcher, and with his deity's temper, the time he can survive in this world is shortened a lot.

Wang Song looked at the heart demon, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts, and said lightly:
"I'm not looking for you."

The demon felt that he had been insulted, and he was about to retaliate with a few words of Chinese quintessence, but his body was directly taken over by Fang Chang.

"You can't escape."

Fang Chang's real body started to move from thousands of miles away, but the voice came from the mouth of the demon.

"In your current state, you probably won't last long."

"Wang Song" or the Qi Ling of the Star Pearl looked at Fang Chang and asked:

"You should be the city lord of Qingxiao City. How did you find me? Even Wang Song didn't know my existence."

Fang Chang smiled faintly, his expression full of confidence.

"The secret art of the upper realm, how can you, the spirit of the lower realm, understand it?"

Nonsense, he is a man with a hook, he has entered the stargazing world in real life, and he can't use the magical skill of identification.

And in his identification technique, the result of the identification of the star beads is like this.


【Star Orb (Spiritual Treasure of the Star Gazing World)】

[Introduction: With the boundary stone as the core, the Lingbao was born adhering to the luck of a world, and its strength depends on the luck of the world. At this moment, the luck of the stargazing world is at a low ebb, and its strength cannot exceed the realm of the hole. 】

[ps: Its weapon spirit was awakened by an inexplicable force, and it is hiding in the dark to observe. This is an old ghost. 】


But Xing Chenzhu was not frightened by Fang Chang's big words, but sneered and said:

"You think I'm one of those bumpkins. Back then when my master Xing Yunzi was still around, he came and went with great powers. Even Hedao Tianzun occasionally visited my master. They didn't have such secret techniques in their hands. The current Upper Realm? Heh..."

Fang Chang: "..."

Boy, it's still an oldie.

And it's completely different from the stupid woman's magic weapon spirit in Shennongzhang, and the ignorant wisdom of the mist spirit.

But where did he lose his momentum, pretending to be disdainful:
"They don't mean I don't have it. Your master even visits Hedao Tianzun. It's really amazing, but compared to my master, Hedao Tianzun is nothing."

"Your master doesn't even look down on Hedao Tianzun, what a big tone."

Having said that, Xing Chenzhu still couldn't help but see the names of big names in his mind.

"Yes, you have heard of the title of Nine Phoenix Empress, and I am her registered disciple."

Fang Chang found out that for the existence of old antiques, not to mention the lack of some, flickering does not work, but it must be right to use the title of Queen.

Sure enough, upon hearing the name of the Nine Phoenix Empress, Wang Song, who was controlled by the Star Orb, trembled suddenly, and his voice unconsciously became sharp.

"Your master is actually Her Majesty the Empress?!"

Immediately afterwards, it showed a look of surprise.

"That's right, only people like Her Majesty the Empress can escape the apocalyptic catastrophe of the death of the heavens and the collapse of the avenue.

Her Majesty the Empress standing behind Qingxiao City turned out to be Her Majesty the Empress, that's right, only Her Majesty the Empress can respect all directions in heaven and earth and call herself the Empress.

There has always been only one Nine Phoenix Empress in this world. "

Xing Chenzhu looked at Fang Chang, shook his head and said:
"But even if you are the disciple of His Majesty the Empress, if you want to sacrifice me to the Dao of Heaven, that is impossible."

"You actually know?"

Fang Chang gave a light sigh: "By the way, Wang Song once told Zhong Shan that you have the ability to predict the future, and you have seen the future of the stargazing world.

But since you already know the future, why resist? "

Xing Chenzhu said: "My generation of monks has always gone against the sky.

So what about the future, it's just a small tributary in the long river of time, as long as you jump out, you can change your fate against the sky.

It's a pity that my master still failed in the end. "

But there is still a bit more sadness in its voice.

Not only to its former owner, Xing Yunzi, but also to itself.

If it was someone else, it could still struggle a few times, but the person in front of it was the disciple of Empress Jiuhuang.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, only those who have experienced that era can understand the power of this name.

Just so it knows.

"If you are given more time to fully recover your strength, maybe you still have a chance."

Fang Chang shook his head and said: "But now most of the Sun, Moon, and Star sects have entered my command, and the other deities have also been controlled by you. Although you don't kill them, how much luck can you provide.

There are some miscellaneous fish left, and it is not easy to maintain your current strength.

It is better to surrender to me, I will try my best to protect your spirituality, although your strength will be greatly lost from then on, but you can finally live a new life. "

Why did he design to make Wang Song conflict with other Huashen.

One is to weaken Wang Song's strength. Wang Song is really powerful when he fights with the star beads, but it's a pity that he can't beat four hands with two fists, and there are backstabs from his teammates.

If Wang Song misses, he can force the spirit of the Star Bead to appear.

The other is to make their fortunes collide, further weakening the strength of the star beads.

After all, every monk who can become a god in this world is not favored by great luck, that is, monk Gao Fuyuan.

Even if one's background is low, but one can cultivate to the realm of transforming gods, one's fortune will naturally be high.

It's like his two points of fortune in the past, and now his nine points of fortune, God's will, he has also changed from an ordinary person to a man of great luck.

(End of this chapter)

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