Gou was 100 years before the game opened

Chapter 348 Blood Sea Patriarch

Chapter 348 Blood Sea Patriarch
Qingxiao Road, the former Xiushui City.

The reason why it is said to be the former is because the aborigines in Xiushui City are gone.

Even if someone stays in Xiushui City again in the future, no one will know the allusions about Xiushui City and the little secrets that belong to the streets and alleys of this city.

They are just outsiders.

Seen from the sky, Xiushui City is small and elegant, the city is intact, and the houses are just like that, but a thin layer of dust has accumulated on the top, like an old house that no one has lived in for a while, and the silence is disturbing.

It has become a ghost city.

But in Fang Chang's eyes, he could see the remaining resentment above the city, and saw tens of thousands of innocent souls crying in pain.

These are the best materials for magic.

When he first obtained the Eye of the Demon, in order to reduce his own consumption, he activated the Eye of the Demon, and also used the demon seeds produced by the Demon Eye to passively collect the negative aura in the market.

He also passively ate human blood steamed buns when the sky changed.

For example, when people's cities are ruined and their homes are destroyed, use the eye of the demon to absorb all kinds of grievances and turn them into demon crystals.

At that time, he understood that for high-level magic monks, ordinary people and even low-level monks were their shepherds and resources.

Therefore, since he founded Qingxiao City, he has encouraged all kinds of cultivation skills to flourish, and all kinds of cultivation professions have flourished, but the magic way has been suppressed by him.

In Qingxiao Dao, there are almost no demon monks, or there are, but under the iron fist of Qingxiao City, no one dares to reveal their demonic inheritance.

"Is anyone alive?"

Fang Chang asked the Tsing Yi Wei Baihu next to him, a Jindan monk named Yan Su.

He followed the trail left by Huashen Moxiu all the way, and now he was finally about to grab his tail.

Although Yan Su didn't know why the inspector from Qingyiwei headquarters suddenly appeared here and called him a small family, but he replied seriously:

"Returning to my lord, after receiving the news, my subordinate brought people here as soon as possible, searched the whole city, and indeed found a few survivors.

It was an old Jindan monk who lived in seclusion in the local area. It was under his protection that the dozen or so neighbors living around him survived. "

"Oh, what happened that day?"

Fang Chang continued to ask.

Yan Su said: "According to what they said, about ten days ago, Xiushui City suddenly blew a demonic wind, and the demonic wind did not harm the dead, but was only interested in the living.

Once contaminated, first the flesh and blood will rot, and then in a moment, the person will turn into a puddle of pus in pain.

According to the last news from the local Tsing Yi Wei, the general situation is consistent with what they said. "

"Are there Tsing Yi Guards in Xiushui City?"

Fang Chang, the city lord, only cares about the upper-level governance, and only knows that they need more and more funds for the development of Tsing Yiwei. As for the specific development situation, he is really not clear.

"Yes, my lord, the Tsing Yi Wei Xiushui Squad in Xiushui City belongs to the subordinates, and there are five people in total.

However, their cultivation bases are not high, and the squad leader only has peak Qi refining. Originally, he would have enough merits to apply for a Foundation Establishment Pill if he was stationed for another five years.

That's a nice little guy.

Please forgive my lord. "

Seriously, he realized that he was distracted and went off topic, so he hastily confessed his crime.

"It's okay."

Fang Chang said: "There are difficulties and obstacles on the road of practice, and he should be mentally prepared for this when he steps on this road.

Even my lord has struggled on the line of life and death. "

"You don't have to be sad. If he has descendants, just take care of him in the future. You can continue talking."


Seriously continued: "Xiu Shui City is not big, and it doesn't have any important resources, so nothing major happens on weekdays.

The squad leader will pass on what happened in Xiushui City to the humble job in the form of a weekly diary through the name card.

After being organized into files by the humble staff, these files will be sent to the branch warehouse to be sealed for future reference. "

Yan Su said with a serious face:

"They never forgot their responsibilities at the moment of their death. The humble official will definitely find the murderer for them and comfort their spirits in heaven."

"This matter is beyond your ability. You will record the matter truthfully and make it into a dossier uploading branch. Someone will take over later."

This is the first time for Fang Chang to realize how fast Tsing Yi Wei's development is. This is not a series of numbers he saw on paper, but the actual details.

Originally, he was interested. A bodyguard institution imitating Jinyiwei, with the rapid expansion of Qingxiao City, has been expanding.

Almost every day, a large number of monks and mortals join Tsing Yi Wei's system. With the help of the spiritual network array, Tsing Yi Wei's intelligence network is almost pervasive.

Even an insignificant small town like Xiushui City has Tsing Yi Wei's spies.

That's why Fang Chang, the city lord, doesn't even know how many Tsing Yi Wei have now.

Anyway, he only knows that the funds allocated to Tsing Yi Wei are increasing every year, and this year it has exceeded [-] billion spirit stones.

Of course, the effect is also good.

With the help of the Spirit Net Array and the pervasive Tsing Yi Wei, Fang Chang can easily know everything that happened in any area of ​​Qing Xiao Dao.

Just like now, wherever he goes, he can mobilize the local Tsing Yi Wei to let him know the situation as quickly as possible.

The legion expands outward, and the Tsing Yi Guard maintains stability inside. At the same time, for the sake of vitality, the two systems communicate with each other.

The centurion and thousand commanders of many legions will be transferred to Tsing Yi Wei Baihu, Qianhu.

Li Wangwang, who used to be the commander of the Tsing Yi Guards, also had to abdicate because his cultivation base was too low, and he was only a Golden Core cultivator until now.

It's a bit of a nonsense, having both the violence agency and the intelligence agency under the control of one person at the same time.

But Fang Chang is really worried about handing over his eyes and ears to other people, only his own sister can make him feel at ease.

Even if Dongdong betrayed him for various reasons, Chang Fang was sure that Fang Tiezhu would not betray him for any reason.

Of course, although Li Wangwang is no longer the commander, but in name he is Fang Tiezhu's assistant, but in fact he still does the work of the commander.

It's just that he used the name of Fang Tiezhu, otherwise he would not be able to convince the public.

After all, there are not a few Nascent Soul monks in Tsing Yi Wei Zhong, who would be convinced by a monk whose cultivation level is lower than his own, even if he is his superior in name.

"Thank you sir."

Yan Su actually didn't know how powerful Fang Chang was, but he knew that he was an inspector from the headquarters.

That is able to inspect hundreds of cities, at least a Nascent Soul-level monk, and he can even speak in front of the Commander.

Since he spoke, no matter how powerful the cultivators who caused this tragedy were, they would not be able to escape Tsing Yi Wei's pursuit.

Just like the forces on this land, no one can avoid Qingxiao City's rule.

Yan Su was born in a small world similar to the Flame Demon Realm, and entered the main world very early, relying on the environment of the main world to practice for more than ten years before he barely broke through the golden core realm.

In his heart, Qingxiao City is the sky of this land.

Fang Chang nodded slightly, but his heart was lost in thought.

"Dangtang Huashenxiu, even the low-level blood food in this small town, is it because he likes to kill, or because he is injured, so he is hungry?
And recently his actions have changed from rampant to cautious, is it because he discovered Qingxiao City's actions?

He knew that he was no match, so he acted hastily, leaving a fish that slipped through the net. "

"No, Qingxiao City is currently short of manpower, and the hunt for him has been in the intelligence gathering stage.

Just to appease and inform other affiliated forces, Qingxiao City sent several warning messages through Qingyiwei's intelligence system.

It was impossible for him to be intimidated by this alone.

I left the level suddenly again, it is impossible for him to know that I was chasing him. "

"But why does he keep running? It must be because he found something. Since it's not me, then the person who injured him?!

The person who injured him is coming after him! "

A flash of inspiration flashed in Fang Chang's mind, combined with the recent actions of that God-Huang Moxiu, it seemed that there was a thread connecting all of them.

"Since that's the case, I should find him sooner. Otherwise, if he is slaughtered by others, who will compensate for my loss?"

"What about the survivors?" Fang Chang asked again.

Yan Su said: "Many of them were injured, and the injuries were quite strange, and they had been repeated repeatedly, unable to recover.

Beizhi temporarily placed them in a farm outside the city, and originally wanted to wait for the investigation to be clear before taking them back for treatment. "

"Humble posts lead the way for adults."

"no need."

The magic eye between Fang Chang's eyebrows is opened, and the magic pupil skill belonging to the eye of the demon is fully activated.

"I've found them."

Fang Chang's spiritual sense swept across, and hundreds of miles around were clearly visible in his eyes. Naturally, he also found the monks who were placed in the farm, not far from them, about 30 miles away.

Fang Chang grabbed it from the air.

After absorbing the heart of the demon, the power of the eye of the demon has returned to its heyday, which is comparable to the power of half a hole in the void.

If it is in the hands of a suitable master, it is also possible to use the strength of the cave realm.

Otherwise, it is not worth Fang Chang to use a world to recover.

At this moment, the magic pupils opened, Fang Chang's vision immediately changed, and he saw that the surviving monks had wisps of blood-colored demonic energy remaining, exuding a fierce aura.

It was this ferocious aura that hurt them, making it impossible for them to recover from their injuries.

The gap between God Transformation Daxiu and ordinary monks is the gap between heaven and earth, a weak breath is enough to make them suffer for a lifetime.

Fang Chang caught this devilish energy, and their injuries became normal injuries, and they would recover quickly.

Although the cultivator of Huashen Moxie failed to leave any traces in the real world, the cultivator of Huashen has a preliminary insight into the power of laws, and he is always in touch with the heaven and earth, and has a unique imprint in his mana.

Therefore, in the eyes of the cultivators in the Void Realm who control the power of the law, his traces are more obvious than ordinary people.

Fang Chang naturally does not have the realm of the void, but it does not prevent him from having the vision of the great power of the void.

This magic energy is the best beacon, guiding Fang Chang's direction.

Finding the traces left by the demon cultivator, Fang Chang's body turned into a ray of lightning, and fled away in a flash.


three days later.

Fang Chang revealed his figure from the void with an unlucky face. Although the magic energy beacon in his hand was still there, it was already very weak, and it seemed that it would dissipate at any time.

"Made, you are a rabbit, so you can run like that? But you finally stopped."

Within three days, the position of Huashen Moxiu kept changing, and almost a quarter of an hour later, the change of the distance of thousands of miles.

Fortunately, in the light and in the dark, Fang Chang used the magic energy beacon to capture the position of Huashen Moxiu, supplemented by the void magic pupil of the eye of the demon, and kept taking shortcuts to approach.

Up to now, the position between him and Huashen Moxiu is less than ten thousand miles away.

I saw a black vertical eye between Fang Chang's eyebrows, billowing devilish energy emanating from his body, at this moment he was more like a devil than a devil,
Although in essence, he is a magic cultivator, who cultivates magic skills and uses magic treasures, who dares to say that he is not a magic cultivator.

Then he used the method of restraining his breath to hide the devilish energy in his body, and turned into a handsome young man.

"I'm on the third floor this wave."

Fang Chang fled towards the position of Huashen Moxiu.

On the journey of thousands of miles, Fang Chang flew "slowly" at the escape speed of a normal Nascent Soul cultivator, and it took less than two hours.

When approaching a valley, a faint precious light suddenly came from the valley.

Although it was faint, it happened to be seen by Fang Chang.

Fang Chang let out a sigh, stopped honestly, and then landed slowly, approaching Baoguang's position.

"This place looks like a poor place, and all the spiritual energy has been plundered by the surrounding mountains, but there are still treasures hidden?"

In front of him, there was a faint fluorescent light emitting from a big black rock, which alternated between green and red, and there was also a faint fragrance in the air.

"The treasure hidden in the stone should be mine today."

Fang Chang split the black stone with his palm, but found that there was no treasure inside, but a young man with a handsome face and a personable demeanor.

His face turned green and turned red, and his eyes were closed, as if he had been injured. The precious light emitted just now was the mana that escaped from his healing.

"Fellow Daoist, what's the matter?"

Fang Chang approached with a concerned face, but his eyes suddenly lit up fiercely, and the shadow of the flying sword in his sleeve flashed away.

The young man suddenly opened his eyes and said weakly:
"Fellow Daoist, I am Mu Chen, the young owner of Spring Breeze Villa. Unfortunately, I was injured by a demon cultivator on the way, and now I am using the evil energy of this place to suppress my injury, and I am unable to go on my way.

If fellow daoist can escort me back to Chunfeng Villa, my family ancestor Mu Chunfeng will definitely thank fellow daoist. "

Fang Chang looked enthusiastic, and gave a fake name on the spot: "I, Jiangping people call Ji Gong a good righteous little whirlwind, and I happen to know Chunfeng Villa, and it is here to go 15 li to the east.

The owner of the villa, Mu Chunfeng, is a great monk of the Nascent Soul, and he has recently joined the famous Qingxiao City. If I can make friends with the owner of the village, it will be the luck of my life.

Fellow Daoist, I have the best healing elixir, Chunfeng Yulu Wan, which happens to match Chunfeng Villa.

Come, take one. "

Fang Chang handed over the elixir, along with the flying sword flew out from his cuff, piercing the boy's eyebrows.

For high-ranking monks, the dantian heart is no longer the key point, only the injury of the consciousness sea primordial spirit is the real injury.

Fang Chang's move is a killer move.

But the boy sneered, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

There was a flash of magic in his eyes, and his momentum was like a mountain, and there was a sea of ​​blood floating up and down behind him.

Fang Chang seemed to have seen something unbelievable, threw a thunder ball in his hand, and backed away with an exclamation in his mouth:

"Senior, spare your life!"

The young man said: "It's too late, you shouldn't be so close to me, all your blood will belong to me."

Fang Chang's body was involuntarily sucked in front of him by the boy.

The young man took a deep breath and said: "You are so young, sweet flesh and blood, in the past, if you were such a talented and beautiful jade, the ancestor would definitely take him by his side as a boy and serve him all the time.

It's just that you don't have enough luck, it's time to meet your ancestor who was injured. "

With a flick of the boy's cuffs, the disguise on Fang Chang's body immediately dissipated, revealing the billowing devilish energy on his body.

"What a pure magic energy, what a pity."

Fang Chang grinned, the boy couldn't escape at such a close distance.

His demon eyes have already locked all the escape routes of the young man.

Just as he was about to make a move, he saw purple light falling from the sky, and a thunderbolt struck down with a majestic low shout.

"Old Patriarch Blood Sea, you can't escape this time!"

The boy stopped his movements and said bitterly:

"Bitch, the ghost is still there!"

(End of this chapter)

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