Chapter 349 Invitation

The blazing thunder light flashed, and the thunder thundered and gathered, turning into a dazzling purple thunder sea, in which endless thunder power was brewing.

Patriarch Xuehai cursed in a low voice, but he didn't dare to face the power of thunder directly.

Because he was still injured, and he was seriously injured.

If it weren't for this, he didn't have to fight with Fang Chang, the disguised Nascent Soul Demon just now, and waited for him to get close before he could take the shot with confidence.

Patriarch Xuehai grabbed Fang Chang and blocked the thunder that fell.

Thunderbolt kills evil, with Fang Chang's devilish energy, it is enough to share part of the firepower for him.

Sure enough, the power of thunder that struck the void sensed the devilish energy on Fang Chang's body, and immediately released part of its power, hitting him hard.

Fang Chang was hit by the purple thunder like a broken sack, let out a scream, spun and rolled 720 degrees in the air, and then fell to the ground with a plop, unconscious.

With Fang Chang in the way, Patriarch Xuehai also had a bit of breathing power.

The phantom of the sea of ​​blood behind him instantly solidified and expanded, directly covering hundreds of miles in the sea of ​​blood, and the thick bloody smell permeated the void.

Blood waves surged, engulfing his body, and then a bright red sphere appeared above the sea of ​​blood, which seemed to be condensed by blood.

The sphere exploded with a bang, and countless tiny blood spots scattered all over the sky, fell into the sea of ​​blood, and fled in all directions.

This is exactly the secret method of escaping from the ancestor of the blood sea - the method of turning the blood into dust.

This secret method can distract him a lot, as long as a drop of blood survives, he can be reborn, and when he sucks enough blood energy, he can recover again.

Relying on this secret method, Patriarch Xuehai escaped the catastrophe of life and death countless times, and broke through to the realm of transforming gods all the way.

Especially after reaching the realm of transforming gods, comprehending the divine will of the blood sea and initially comprehending the law of blood, the cost of using this secret method is greatly reduced, and it is even more unparalleled to escape.

It's just that he has used the method of turning the sea of ​​blood into dust several times before, and although he escaped every time, he would be found by that bitch soon after each time.

Patriarch Xuehai felt resentful in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it, as long as he was able to beat him well, he wouldn't use the secret method of escape as soon as he was caught up.

I saw the purple god thunder strike down, covering the entire sea of ​​blood, the surrounding space exploded, and countless arcs flashed.

This is no longer an ordinary thunder, but the thunder of the evil god with a strong personal will, as if law enforcement on behalf of the heavens, and it has a taste of the law of thunder.

Fang Chang lay in the sea of ​​blood, letting the blood erode his body, looked up at the sky filled with thunder, and blinked lightly.

Although he only endured a small part of the power, and he still has a god-level domineering body, this injury healed almost instantly.

But acting in a full set, at this time he has to restrain his powerful self-healing power and let the power of thunder ravage his body.

Hmm, a little burnt.

Fang Chang smelled a smell of barbecue.

In the air, the deep and majestic female voice was a little more elated and carefree.

"Old Patriarch Blood Sea, do you think you can escape this time?"

clap clap clap! !

Just as the sound of firecrackers kept ringing in the air, a golden pagoda with a style familiar to Fang Chang suddenly appeared in the void.

The golden light directly fixed in all directions.

A giant purple-gold net completely encircled the sea of ​​blood transformed by the ancestor of the blood sea, and an electric arc flickered on it, causing the sea of ​​blood to evaporate quickly.

The blood drop hidden in the sea of ​​blood was revealed.

On every drop of blood, the face of Patriarch Bleeding Sea appeared, full of anger.

But the anger of the weak is of no avail.

The blood droplets are like small bugs, being pinched and exploded continuously, and the sound of popping is like hitting mosquitoes with electric mosquito swatters.

Finally, the remaining blood droplets gathered together, revealing the pale face of Patriarch Xuehai. His eyes were dangerous, like a lone wolf driven to the extreme.

"Mother Meishan, don't force people too much! After chasing the ancestor for tens of thousands of miles, isn't it enough?"

In the sea of ​​thunder, the light of thunder parted, and a young woman in a lavender elegant palace dress showed her true face, ordinary and ordinary.

A blooming plum blossom was embroidered on the cuff of her dress. When she looked closely, she realized that it was carved with thunder light, lifelike, and attached to the dress.

Listening to her voice just now, I thought it was a 50-[-]-year-old aunt, but I didn't expect her to be quite young.

Fang Chang's body was floating in the sea of ​​blood where the water level had dropped a lot. Looking at this woman named Mei Shan's old mother, he silently evaluated.

Meishan's old mother lived high in the sky, overlooking the bloody ancestor, and said coldly:

"Old Patriarch Blood Sea, no matter how evil you are outside, or how powerful you are in your original small world of the secret realm, I don't want to care about it.

But you should never, never should have touched this disciple of the palace.

If you touch it, you will die!
Not to mention tens of thousands of miles, even if you go up to the poor and fall to the underworld, no one can save you. "

Without Lei Hai's cover, Mei Shan's mother's voice became cold again, sounding a bit like Yu Jie.

At the moment of death, the ancestor of Xuehai, instead of begging for mercy, licked his lips and said with a joking smile:
"One thing to say, your apprentice tastes good."

"court death!"

The Meishan old mother's eyes were cold and stern, and the thunder sea boiled all over the sky, and she pressed down heavily, suppressing the blood sea of ​​the ancestor of the blood sea even more unbearably.

"Don't you want to see your apprentice again?"

The ancestor of the blood sea was still smiling. When he touched the sea of ​​blood, he saw a girl wrapped in a bloody sphere with a confused expression rising from the sea.

Seeing Meishan's old mother, the girl's eyes gradually cleared up, and then she called out "Master" aggrievedly.

"Mother Meishan, the soul of your good disciple is here. If you don't want her to be scattered, how about making a deal with the ancestor?"

Meishan's old mother paused, and then Lei Hai was furious just like its owner.

"You are worthy of threatening me?!"

The golden pagoda fell directly into the sea of ​​blood, and saw that the tumbling sea of ​​blood was directly immobilized. The ancestor of the blood sea was horrified to find that he could no longer use half of the power of the blood sea.

"Do you really have the heart to watch her disappear?"

There was a bit of fear in the tone of the blood sea patriarch.

But Meishan's mother didn't speak, only a thunder dragon protruding its claws from the sea of ​​thunder represented her answer.


The thunder dragon roared, and its tens of thousands of meters of body turned into a spear that towered above the sky, and it was directly nailed to the body of Patriarch Xuehai.

"You will regret this!"

The body of the ancestor of the blood sea exploded, leaving only a cloud of black blood.

This group was about to take the road and flee, but the golden pagoda burst into golden light, directly fixed the void, and the phantom of the ancestor of the blood sea emerged in the blood water, and melted inch by inch in the blazing light.

With the death of the blood sea ancestor, the blood sea gradually dissipated.

Mei Shan's old mother dropped her body and pulled the girl's soul out of the sea of ​​blood.

"Master, I am in pain."

The girl let out a cry of pain, and her soul suddenly became much weaker.

"what happened?"

Meishan's old mother looked carefully at the girl's soul, her expression changed.

"The ancestor of the blood sea fused your soul with his blood sea. Now that the blood sea melts, your soul will not live long."

When the girl heard the words, she burst into tears immediately.

"Master, I don't want to die."

Meishan's old mother waved her hand towards the golden pagoda, and saw the golden light fixed the sea of ​​blood, and its dissipating speed was greatly slowed down.

Then the old mother Meishan scooped it down with the palm of her hand, and saw the huge sea of ​​blood shrinking rapidly, turning into a small blood ball, and piercing into the girl's soul.

The girl's soul immediately solidified, and she who was crying just now smiled through her tears.

"Master, I knew you must have a way."

Mei Shan's old mother shook her head and said:
"Although I fixed the blood sea of ​​the ancestor of the blood sea with the golden pagoda of the land, but he is dead, and the blood sea will dissipate sooner or later.

You won't last long, if you listen to me and practice hard on the mountain, you won't encounter today's catastrophe. "

The girl was taken aback for a moment, then her eyes filled with tears, and she said pitifully:

"Sister, you promised your parents that you will take good care of me. You can't leave me behind."

The girl's master is actually the girl's older sister.

Made, another evildoer.

Fang Chang, who heard the words in secret, spit silently.

Mei Shan's old mother glanced at the girl coldly, and snorted coldly:
"If it weren't for the last words of your parents, you wouldn't be able to live today. The current plan is to let you practice the way against the heavens and practice the way of ghosts with the body of a soul.

If you can break through the Ghost King realm before the sea of ​​blood dissipates, and break the shackles on you with the help of the power of Heavenly Tribulation, you will have a chance of survival.

However, the way of ghost cultivation does not allow days to count, karma is entangled, and almost every level of cultivation will be tested by the heavenly tribulation. With your aptitude, you will not be able to survive the ghost king. "

The little hope that the girl had originally raised was quickly shattered.

"No, sister, I was wrong, I will never dare to run around again.

I must obey you obediently. If you tell me to go east, I will never go west. If you tell me to go up the mountain, I will never go to the sea.

I want to live. "

A smile appeared in Mei Shan's old mother's eyes.

She said so much just to scare the girl.

This younger sister who was born at the same time as her mother did not worry her much, although she was not strictly her elder sister.

She was just reincarnated with the help of her younger sister's body.

But it is also like this, she has inherited the karma of a young girl.

At the beginning, before the change of the sky, she went out to travel for practice, and when she came back, the family encountered disasters, leaving only her younger sister.

In order to resolve this cause and effect, she accepted the young girl as a disciple and taught her how to practice.

However, the girl has always held resentment in her heart, thinking that if she had been at home back then, the family accident would not have happened.

She would not care about these, and let the girl torment herself.

Anyway, with her name, no one in the surrounding forces for hundreds of thousands of years would offend her for a trivial matter.

As a result, the small world of the secret realm was opened two years ago. The blood sea patriarch, an old guy who is used to running amok, came out of the small world, and just happened to meet the girl of the demon king of incarnation.

The blood sea patriarch naturally wouldn't care about Meishan's mother's name, everyone is a deity, who is afraid of whom.

Naturally, the young girl cannot escape bad luck, even if she has the means of Mei Shan's old mother, she can't stop a demon who is full of tricks.

After that, Patriarch Xuehai was hunted down for more than a year.

It wasn't until she happened to meet the golden pagoda in her hand that she finally had the means to suppress and kill the ancestor of Xuehai.

"Okay, don't cry, it just so happens that I have an incomplete foundation-building secret technique of the ghost path in my hand, which can help you achieve the body of the acquired ghost king.

Once you have the body of the acquired ghost king, you will be able to practice smoothly to the ghost king realm, and with a few magic weapons for you, it will not be difficult to resist the catastrophe.

But this is your last chance. If someone commits the crime again, even if I avenge you afterwards, you will be gone. "

Meishan's old mother said lightly, but she didn't mention the karmic backlash she suffered in order to achieve the body of the acquired ghost king.

"Thank you sister."

The girl's heart is full of twists and turns, and she still looks like a demon king in the world when she was alive. She is very cute at this moment.

"Call me Master." Old Mei Shan said.

The girl said happily: "Thank you Master, I know Master treats me best."

Meishan's old mother didn't speak.

"The sea of ​​blood is immortal, the blood demon is immortal, the ancestor of the blood sea is not good in battle, but his ability to survive and escape is top-notch.

The fairy found out the way of cultivating ghosts for the apprentice, and she was afraid that she would make a wedding dress for others in the future, so that the ancestor of the blood sea would be reborn in the apprentice's body. "

A sigh came from the air.

"who is it?"

Meishan's old mother's expression changed slightly, unexpectedly she was approached by someone who was no less powerful than her.

Fang Chang got up from the ground, and patted the charred flesh on his body decently.

"It's you, little devil."

Old mother Meishan was about to raise her hand, but she saw Fang Chang's calm eyes and her heart moved.

"No, after getting hit by the Blood Sea Patriarch's Blood Sea Buddha and my Demon Extinguishing God Thunder, even the Nascent Soul cultivator would not be able to survive.

Are you the helper of Patriarch Blood Sea? "

Fang Chang shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to trouble the Patriarch Blood Sea, but I just let the fairy take the lead.

Then the debt owed by the blood sea ancestor had to be paid by the fairy. "

Meishan's old mother almost laughed out of breath.

"Because I killed Patriarch Xuehai, I will pay his debts. What kind of reasoning is this?"

Fang Chang adjusted the front of his clothes, the evil spirit dissipated from his body, and the dead skin and bad flesh fell off. He replaced the tattered coat with an exquisite white cassock, and restored the majesty of Qingxiao City Lord.

"Haha, just kidding, let me introduce myself, my name is Fang Chang, the master of Qingxiao City, the only master on Qingxiao Road.

The Patriarch Xuehai has been raging in the city lord's territory for the past six months, committing numerous bloody crimes, and being wiped out by the fairy today is what he deserved.

Fairy is so kind, this city lord has no choice but to show it.

So I want to invite the fairy into my Qingxiao City to have a look, to show the friendship of the landlord. "

Meishan's old mother shook her head lightly, she didn't put Fang Chang in her eyes, and even looked down upon him a little.

"The only master of this way? The frog at the bottom of the well, in the realm of the Tang Dynasty, has there ever been a second master?"

When Fang Chang heard the words, he immediately understood.

Sure enough, how could there be so many evildoers in this world, and what the hell is a reincarnated power from ancient times, otherwise how would I know the reputation of Her Majesty the Empress.

This is easy to do.

Fang Chang coughed twice, and said lightly:

"What the fairy is talking about is our Lady Empress of Tang Dynasty. I am the master of this city, but she is the disciple of Her Majesty the Empress. This Dao of Qingxiao was bestowed upon me by Her Lady Empress."

Sure enough, upon hearing Her Majesty's reputation, Mei Shan's old mother immediately took it seriously, and her attitude became gentle.

"There's no need for an invitation. I still want to preside over the ceremony for my apprentice, so I would like to thank the city lord for his kindness."

Fang Chang was very sure.

"Don't the fairy want to know what the city lord just said about the immortality of the sea of ​​blood and the immortality of blood demons?

The life and death of the disciples does not depend on the practice of the ghost king. "

"I would also like to ask City Lord Fang Chang to explain in detail."

Although Meishan's old mother didn't think that Fang Chang's knowledge was better than hers, but Her Majesty the Empress was a golden sign, she unconsciously believed it a little.

Fang Chang stretched out his hand to invite: "This place is simple, please let the fairy come into the city and explain it in detail."

Meishan's old mother pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine."

(End of this chapter)

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