Chapter 358

Instead of being happy to see the old acquaintance, he asked if he was dead.

Shi Lei's face turned dark, although his stone face was already a bit dark.

"Lei Yu, how can you say that you are also the ancestor of the puppet clan, but now you have become a tool for the monks of the later generations who were protected by us back then, guarding the gate for them, what about your dignity?"

Jingleiyu's breathing suddenly became quickened, wisps of smoke gushed out of his mouth and nose, and electric arcs flashed on his yellow and white tiger skin, igniting wisps of flame.

"What do you know?"

"I was dug out of the ground by them, and I was beaten up without knowing what was going on.

If you don't surrender, they will use all the parts on your body to make new puppets. "

"The people of the later generations are unworthy, and let the fire be taken away by them, so that we and the puppet clan became vassals of the human race. I am also very angry, but what is the use of being angry?

They hold the tinder, and I'm always at the mercy of others. "

"I've heard the news about you, old Shitou, it was your luck that you were able to forcefully escape from the space vortex and survive, but I don't have your luck.

But it seems that you are not doing well here, and you are not working for others. "

Jinglei let out a long cry, a pair of lightning wings made of plasma appeared on his back, and the air made a sizzle.

"Everyone is their own master now, let me see how much of the old Shitou's skills you have back then?!"

Jingleiyu's body several hundred meters long was as light as the wind at the moment, and with a flash of thunder wings, a huge tiger claw descended from the sky, covering the battle armor and the space around Fang Chang.

The body of the battle armor suddenly swelled.

"It's moving like a mountain!"

The body at a height of 7000 meters is like a giant peak that stands up to the sky, pushing away the shadow brought by the thunderstorm.

Then the battle armor just raised its hand casually, and Jinglei was thrown out.

In my giant body, Jingleiji is like a big cat.

"Lei Yu, he was just like you back then, and now he is still weak, how can he fight you?"

With a stomp on the armor's feet, the small land turned into rocks, and even the space seemed to petrify itself, and the wind that had holes or holes in it could not blow back a little.

Jinglei's vision rose all over his body, and the wind, fire, thunder and lightning alternated, but they couldn't block the simple and elegant stone.

My hair is petrifying too.

With just one move, Jingleijiao is obviously an enemy armor.

Although by Fang Chang's side, the battle armor is often the same as that of the passer-by who plays soy sauce, but this is because the enemies Fang Chang faces are of the same level.

The Lord of All Souls, the Lord of the Sun, and the Taixia Wang Song holding the Star Orb, which one is the most outstanding figure among the monks who transform the gods.

Behind the sun's face, the stars also lose their color.

As for Jingleiji, it is obvious that even the stars are counted.

The battle armor embraces the sky and the earth, and its huge and tangible power suppresses everything.

Jinglei's body became lighter and lighter, and after a while, he was unable to support his body to fly in the air.

The moment I landed on the ground, it was as if roots had taken root on my feet, and they quickly petrified, as if they were integrated with the small ground.

"Old Stone, he found a substitute for Tinder?!"

Jing Leijiao never thought that the battle armor was weaker than when it was asleep.

You must know that the ancestors of our group of puppet clans have been asleep for tens of thousands of years, and their strength has been as small as time has passed.

And without the support of the human race in my previous life, my recovery speed is already considered slow.

However, he thought that the old stone who had wandered in another world had not only fully recovered his previous strength, but also improved to a higher level.

But our puppet tribes were born from the kindling, and they will always be trapped in the spiritual trap of the kindling.

Of course, I am not as miserable as I said. Even if I am a human race in the previous life, no matter how healthy I am, I am still a weak seventh-order puppet.

If you want to capture me, or even kill me, you will pay a huge price.

As long as I am willing to talk, the human race in the previous life is still very happy to accept me.

And if I want to recover, there must be a lot of light from the tinder.

But Old Shitou insisted on going his own way at the beginning and agreed to negotiate with the human race, and he played on the stage in the end, which caused a lot of trouble.

"The charm of the main world."

Jinglei remembered that before he came to the main world, besides guarding the small door of the space, he was recovering from a deep sleep, and had a good look at that world.

Just then, there was a small shout in front of me.

"Lei Zun, come and help him!"

I saw a female monk whose dress was incompatible with the human race of today's era, but very similar to the later generations in Fang Chang's memory, throwing a round magic weapon at the battle armor.

The magic weapon exploded, and Wu Wu's faint flames expanded, enveloping Chashun's entire body in an instant.


The battle armor made a happy sound, and the space that was still stable just now was also shaken, and Jing Leijiu was about to take the opportunity to get out of trouble.

But at the last moment, the battle armor stabilized.

"That's the power of Tinder, what the hell did they do to Tinder?"

A huge shadow overlooked, and a rare rage appeared on the face of the battle armor. When I punched, the sky rained meteorites.

One after another, small or large boulders pierced the sky, with brilliant tail flames, and smashed up with a momentum that could be deducted.

"Meteor shower!"

The small land was smashed into deep pits.

A layer of electric grid emerged from Jingleiyu's body, but he was also shattered by the meteorite's offensive.

The female monk showed a look of astonishment, looking at the rapidly recovering battle armor, she seemed to think of something, her body was quickly covered with a layer of gray spirit beads, she turned around and ran to the position of the space passage, which was also Gu Jinglei's safety.

Unexpectedly, there is no puppet, and the puppet clan from Zha Shun has ignored the interference of the seventh-order ancestor devouring world.

This is the masterpiece of our chief puppet researcher who claims to be the number one researcher in 8 years.

The special Ancestral Devouring Realm is enough to devour the puppet's nascent spirituality, wipe out all its wisdom, format and restart everything.

And the seventh-order Ancestral Devouring Realm refined with the power extracted from the fire can cause reversible damage to weak puppets like Jinglei.

The most important thing for the puppet clan is their own spirituality, which is the source of all our wisdom and strength.

The Ancestral Devouring Realm was born specifically for spirituality.

Not to mention that its core strength is still extracted from the fire, and it has the same root as the puppet clan, so we should resist it at all.

That's why I didn't have the confidence to shoot just now.

As long as it is a puppet family, it has to be restrained by Che Chashun.

But just now, that characteristic was broken by the armor.

"Don't jog."

After Fang Chang appeared in front of the female monk, he looked at my outfit under me, and his face was a little dazed.

It has been many years since I was young, and I have long been used to the green shirt and long flowing hair.

Looking at the T-shirt denim now, I feel inexplicably like a world away.

It is obviously the same world, but there is no special intimacy.


The nun looked like she had seen a ghost.

I am a seventh-level puppet fighter, according to the main world's level, I am a little monk at the Nascent Soul level, and I even know that no one has touched me.

Fang Chang's eyebrows opened, and a white divine light shot out.

"It is to resist, and the big heart becomes an idiot."

Before I reminded, it was also the wish of Sister Gu, and the weak spiritual power was already tumbling in my mind.

My memory is like an old movie played super slow.

Before a cup of tea.

The female monk fell limply, with a smirk on her face, and her mouth was drooling. It was obvious that I had not disobeyed Chief Fang's advice, and I kept trying to resist.

And the gray Zhashun under me swelled out with sharp thorns, looking very angry, but in terms of tangible power constraints, he was powerless at all.

"What a boring world."

Fang Chang thought of the puppet Shi Lei in the memory of the female monks. This is a completely different world from what the armor said, more advanced and weaker.Also tastier.

As for why the seven are the same, I can blame Zha Shun for lying.

Because the battle armor had been running away and fighting before it was dug out, so there was no time to learn more about the puppet Chashun today.

The puppet Shi Lei in my mouth is my appearance after a deep sleep, and the world that I have cobbled together from the mouths of several human monks who have not caught me yet.

At this moment, Fang Chang no longer had a strong premonition in his heart.

When I get the puppet Shi Lei's savings, there is no need to sacrifice to the Heavenly Dao, and I can also break through the boundary between Huashen and Dongxu.

"Well, let's have a big snack first."

Fang Chang grasped it with his palm, and the gray spirit beads under the female monk's body suddenly fell off, turning into a big hideous monster, probably as small as a big dog, and the whole body seemed to be made of metal, full of texture.

It looked at Fang Chang, bared its teeth, and looked very kind.

The Lingzhu under the female monk was actually a puppet!
In the memory that Fang Chang got just now, the puppet Zhashun, the puppet has been integrated into everything in life.

"It's also abominable."

A ball of flames burst out from Fang Chang's hands, covering the Lingzhu puppet.

I saw traces of phantoms appearing under the spirit bead puppet, which was exactly the appearance of the female monk just now. Before being burned by the flames, the phantoms dissipated like bubbles.

And the Chashun puppet made a sad and pitiful whimper, as if nothing important had left me.

About eight breaths ago.

The Lingzhu puppet came up quietly and squatted on Fang Chang's feet, like a big harmful dog.

"A seventh-order puppet, talking is better than having one."

Fang Chang felt the slight strength growing in his body, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he smiled presumptuously.

Because in this puppet Shi Lei, there are countless puppet creations.

This is the puppet's kingdom, and it will also be my kingdom.

"What did he do?"

Seeing that the seventh-order spirit bead puppet, which is almost a monk's natal magic weapon, has been reduced to a beast on Fang Chang's feet in a short period of time.

Jingleiji, who had been paying attention all the time, was really terrified at this moment.

I am a battle armor. I have lived in today's puppet Shi Lei for decades, and I understand the relationship between those puppet war beasts cultivated by arrogance and our master.

For example, the spiritual bead puppet of the female monk, at the beginning, it might have been a giant puppet with a high level of power, and the female monk was just a special Qi-refining monk.

One person and one puppet grow hand in hand, forming a deep friendship for decades or even hundreds of years.

The female monk trained the Lingzhu puppet step by step into a seventh-level puppet, and I myself became a seventh-level puppet fighter through this.

The destinies of the two have long been closely intertwined, if one dies, the other will definitely live alone.

But just now.

It only took a few breaths for this woman to change hands of a puppet who might be betrayed.

That kind of fact is too appalling.

Fang Chang smiled, looked at Jingleiyu, who was becoming more and more resistant to the suppression of the battle armor, and said, "What did you do?"

"You're saving it, did he see it?"

"The real puppet clan is definitely the kind of thing that has no spirituality but wisdom. We are supposed to be free and unrestrained."

"Come on, unlock his true wisdom!"

In the dark, Fang Chang's spiritual light shone slightly, and a little bit of his own light fell under Chashun's puppet.

The two have only had initial contact.

The Lingzhu puppet seemed to be liberated, and its body suddenly swelled, transforming from a big dog into a fierce tiger.

Mysterious runes are looming under its own metal skin, which is the restriction that imprisoned its wisdom, and the shackles it has carried since its birth.

But in Fang Chang's spiritual light, it's like a little spark thrown into the damp firewood.

It burns, and it's free!

The spirit bead puppet raised its head to the sky and roared, its body melted into a mass of gray liquid, before it was reshaped into a humanoid spirit bead.

It is more slender than before, and there is one less detachable airtight helmet, and there are two bright stars shining in the gap.

These are its eyes.

But before it stood still and moved, as if remembering something.

After a while, I looked up at the sane female monk underground, and suddenly let out a human voice, with a touch of deep sadness.

"A weak."

I recalled the time when I fought and grew up with the nun, we were fighting partners.

But now, I have only one master.

"It's possible!"

Jinglei was hit by a meteorite, and small stones piled up one after another. I was suppressed in the small underground that had turned into stone, and only one head was exposed.

Still, I yelled out the horror in my heart.

"He actually let me ignite a spiritual fire, whether I have been baptized with fire, how did he do it?"

As if I understood something, I looked at Cha Shun who had recovered his height.

"Battle Armor, he found the legendary ancestor of the puppet, right?

No wonder he can recover so slowly, and only the ancestor of the puppet in the legend can endow the puppet with spirituality and wisdom with the help of fire.

Haha, Cha Shun slowly let you go, you want to meet the ancestor of the puppet.

From today onwards, the puppet clan will once again stand among the weak clans in the world! "

Jingleiyu was overjoyed, and then smiled.

But the battle armor didn't move, and looked at Jinglei lightly.

Jingleiyu laughed louder and louder, and muttered at the front:

"Kill you. Anyway, your spiritual fire has returned to the fire, and they killed you. As long as we sacrifice enough spirituality, you can still be resurrected."

Chasun just nodded.

"It's no wonder that with his character, he would be willing to surrender to the human race in the previous life. It turns out that we gave that bargaining chip."

"How to deal with him depends on what the villain wants."

Fang Chang looked at Jing Leijiao uninterestedly, but the fire was getting more and more boring.

Being able to endow the puppet with spiritual intelligence and resurrect the puppet is exactly the same as my royal puppet spirit body.

I ended up believing in Tinder's origins.

"The ancestor of the puppet is a wrong title, it suits you very well."

"It's to resist, otherwise Tinder might have saved him."

A ball of flames rose from Fang Chang's men, and the refinement of Jinglei was over.

Jingleiji resisted instinctively, but Fang Chang's strength was like my natural enemy himself, and he collapsed almost instantly.


The flame burst out suddenly, completely enveloping Jinglei.

(End of this chapter)

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